
Stripper: "I haven't had sex in 6 months"

I find this one of the more ludicrous bits of stripper shit. The dancer has supposedly sworn off sex for some personal reason, hence is super horny. The sales pitch implies that if you would just spring for a VIP, she would be willing to break her self-imposed vow of celibacy.

Do you ever get this?


  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    That is an interesting SS story.

    No matter what a stripper tells you there is no sex in the champagne room. none.. if she is not willing to put out in the regular lap dance then don't expect any thing extra in the VIP.

    I like to just do the regular lap dances and offer tips and incentives for them to do extras. The whole VIP/champagne room is set up in their favor and makes it very easy to screw over customers. I had one dancer recently promised me a happy ending and it was just grinding...she was like "did you cum yet" and i'm like "yeah.." even though I didn't. I just wanted to move on to the next one...
  • Dudester
    14 years ago
    Froam a Richard Jeni performance-"Let me get this straight. You're a beautiful blonde who gets hit on every day, but you haven't had sex in three years, then I come along-a vertically impaired, balding, leaping gnome with three bad jokes and a six pack, and I'M GOING TO DISNEYLAND."
  • steve229
    14 years ago
    "your [sic] both pathetic."

    Oh, hey, Dottie. Welcome to the board. I assume you're a dancer? So how long has it been since you had sex?

    BTW, have you met my friend Player11 yet? I'm sure you'll find his posts fascinating.
  • how
    14 years ago
    Steve, I'd tell her I'd take care of her for free. That'd put an end to that particular line of BS.
    14 years ago
    I'm thinking about making my first "ignore list" ad in awhile. "Dottie" creates an account just to chime in with an insult??? I think I'll add her to "Green Vegas, et al."
  • vincemichaels
    14 years ago
    I've heard that piece of SS several times, like how says, I tell them the same thing, they shut their trap real quick.
  • LeeH
    14 years ago
    Well, it's not *always* SS -- if it's not part of an upsell, it may be real. One fave who works in a club where extras are impossible is afraid of OTC, even with an established regular. She's in her 30's (so she usually thinks before she acts) and has kids. So if she's not getting it ITC or OTC, that leaves the non-customers in her life. Now, they're obviously all dumbasses, but I believed her when she said she hadn't had sex in 'x' months. She was kinda having a "woe is me" moment in the midst of a shitty week (personally), and probably got more specific than she intended.
  • rickdugan
    14 years ago
    Lee, you have a generous soul. That post ranks right up there with your article, "let her run the show" ;)

    You might find some interesting reading on stripperweb.com One of the most fascinating places to visit is the "Hustle Hut", where girls exchange tips with each other on how to extract maximum $$ from regulars and other "patrons" or "custies."
  • how
    14 years ago
    I don't actually begrudge strippers their hustle plays, in general, but some take it insultingly far. Regardless, they are not getting my money unless for merely teasing me.
  • steve229
    14 years ago
    Ahh, "Hustle Hut." I like to skim thru the posts and make mental notes of the various scams...and somehow still end up falling for them at the club, lol.
  • rickdugan
    14 years ago
    I live by the mantra: "NEVER GO TO A BACK ROOM"

    This is a Code that serves me well. Lap dances are almost never a springboard to later success (read endless examples here). I try to pick the right club and work my other angles, with recent success rates at about 50%, but either way I am better off than if I get dragged back into one of these dancer/club controlled money pits.

    I break this rule in a couple of clubs, but for very good reasons, like a combination of great returns and relatively low room prices.

    IMO, if you have a good lead then it is better to tip her a bit for her time at the bar and try to lock things up rather than handing over the reins to her ITC.
  • sharkhunter
    14 years ago
    No, I haven't had a sales pitch like that. In fact I don't recall any dancer ever telling me she hasn't had sex in months. Now I'm wondering what I'm missing out on.
  • Player11
    14 years ago
    If there was ever a text book for SS this would be one of the chapters. I last got this line from a dancer at Penthouse Club a couple of weeks ago. While it is meant to manipulate the customer to spending a lot it is also a sign she does not fuck. She was trying to push the $125 CR - I told her "Honey I get pussy all the time for that and less. What can you do me for?" She replied she would have to get to know me first. The standard line she doesn't fuck. She called me later in the week and asked if I would be coming to club for lunch and I asked her if she works outside the club. She said no and haven't heard from her since (a coupla weeks ago). This week I did my reg stripper GF just back from her honeymoon for $100 on Tuesday. I also will be having her on Friday at same price.

    One of the biggest ROB's I have ever met in a SC, Stevie, would use the lack of sex line on newbies. She loved to get them to buy her a $75 outfit or $100 pair of shoes after getting him to spend say $200 on dances. She would enlist a coctail waitress to give the guy a sad story about his GF really needed some new shoes. She was 42, looked like a skinny druggie dried old flat prune. When those bitches try to rip you like that just walk away or make an excuse then go to the mens room. You don't owe them a damn thing for services not performed.
  • LeeH
    14 years ago
    Well, yeah, rickdugan -- I probably am too much of a nice guy, but I enjoy myself at SC's, so what the hell? Besides, like I said, it wasn't part of an upsell or hustle -- she was just venting. And she had given me enough enjoyment in the past to where I could put up with it.

    And as I said in the article (thanks for reading it, btw), sometimes the nice guy thing really pays off. ;-)

    I have to agree with how, too: "I don't actually begrudge strippers their hustle plays, in general..." If a dancer is skilled at the SS (i.e. NOT "oh your dick is so big"), it can make me feel good. I know it's just a fantasy, but if she's a damn good actress, give her an Oscar.
  • gk
    14 years ago
    About a dancer not having sex in siz months.

    The dancer who says she isn't married, doesn't have a live-in, doesn't have a boyfriend, doesn't have a fuck buddy, hasn't had sex in whatever, is probably ...lying.

    Let'e try this one: we go into a club and tell our dancer that we have an incurable disease and will be dead by the end of the week, so if she would only consent to have sex it will be the last time before we die. It's only for the memory. That should work, right?
  • Player11
    14 years ago
    Hustle Hut was one of my fav places to scope out Dancers tactics. It can give insights into how they think and view customers. They all want to work on their hustle, like hunters sharpening their spears. Watch those poison darts of drama, they will drain your bank account.
  • DandyDan
    14 years ago
    My goodness, I've heard this one from dancers who I know do OTC. I've also heard one say she hasn't had sex with a man in several weeks, which makes me wonder if this is supposed to lead to some private lezzie show.
  • rickdugan
    14 years ago
    @player: Exactly on point.

    If it was a college course it would be SS Intermediate Level: Letting slip a few "personal" facts to the regular to make him believe that he's different from the other "custys." In the course, you will also learn how to casually bring up sex related topics to get the custy thinking in the right direction (mainly lap dance area).

    This particular comment is an elegant two-fer :)

    @Lee: You and I obviously look for different things, but if you like what you are getting then all power to you. Whether she deserves a nomination by the Academy or not, the important thing is that the return on your investment is worth it to you.
  • Dougster
    14 years ago
    Strippers lie about everything and they are very dumb.
  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    I remember reading a story on stripperweb about a stripper talking about a customer who claimed to not got his dick sucked in over 20 years. Was that customer shit or the truth? Anyways, she kept milking him for $1k plus each time he came in on dances...she did not think it was economically beneficial for her to give head for $1k when she could keep leading him on and make even more.

    Finally he accepted that he was never going to get his dick sucked but still came in and kept spending $1k on her because he just "really enjoyed being around her".
  • rickdugan
    14 years ago
    @dougster: All strippers do lie, but not all are dumb.

    I have met true masters at work in my travels, who make consistently heavy money running both the short and long cons. God bless Capitalism and gullible patrons. Hell, some of these girls are so subtle in weaving the tapestry over time that the regs fall in love and never realize that all of these "personal" facts and intimate moments that were shared over time are part of a completely fake second persona.

    I met one girl who was so good that a guy, after months of chasing her in the club and buying her things outside of the club, eventually bought her an expensive car. As a side note, he is the only patron I know who got into her pants (and many were trying), but it cost him over $80k in total outlay to do so and lots of chase time. She had a devoted following of guys who routinely fed her cash, so even on horrible nights for the other girls she was flush and that was all without giving up, or making any promises about, the goods!

    @samsung: There are plenty of places where good ITC options exist, but usually not in the higher-end joints. However, I agree that the rule of thumb is that nothing great is on the menu when a girl is upselling from your lap.
  • how
    14 years ago
    samsung, that is a sad story.
  • steve229
    14 years ago
    " cost him over $80k"

    That's a lot of 2-4-1's
  • londonguy
    14 years ago
    I got this SS from a dancer in London two weeks ago, seems to be a worldwide piece of shit.
  • chi_sam
    14 years ago
    It could just be another way of saying, 'Nobody wants to fuck me now that I have genital warts'.
  • Player11
    14 years ago
    It makes me sick to hear that guy spent $80K like that. I realize its only a hobby and its only money buy my gosh thats expensive POP.

    I had it Tue from Stripper x-Ritz I have been reg with for $100. I will have again tomorrow for $100. Yesterday I had x-stripper now backpage.com whore call me also offering sex at $100 (Jessica in my photos - just got some charges dismissed). While I have done her around a 2 dozen times over the last 2 years, I have a couple of probs with her - drama, no car, her drug habit, BoysnHood friends she does for free, etc. Another one, Amy also ph me yesterday but she is lower on depth chart than Jessica.
  • lopaw
    14 years ago
    I guess I'm just jaded now after years of clubbing, but I don't feel one bit sorry for anybody stupid enough to chase a stripper around for months and dump serious cash while doing so, in a vain attempt to score some dancer pussy. Were these dimwits born yesterday? How can anyone spend any amount of time in a SC and not realize what really goes on there? How gullible & naive are these customers? I think it took me all of two visits to look around me and start realizing how the "game" was played.


  • Dougster
    14 years ago
    $80k for one fuck? Jesus H. Christ. If that guy had even the slightest bit of sense he could have fucked 400 awesome looking whores for that price. And I don't care how great this chick was either. Can't imagine ANY pussy in the world (i.e. best looking girl who was also the best fuck) could be worth more than $500.
  • Dougster
    14 years ago
    rickdugan: I don't think your story proves that some strippers are smart. Just that some customers are even dumber than strippers. But, then again, I guess from examples like txtittyfan, and MisterGay everyone already knew that.
  • sharkhunter
    14 years ago
    20 years without getting his dick sucked? Incredible if true. This guy wasn't a priest was he?
  • rickdugan
    14 years ago
    The guy who spent 80k wasn't chasing just the pussy - he was chasing the fantasy. She had a special gift reading the guy she was with and very subtly drawing him in. Not in a bubbly or aggressive, but in a seemingly casual no-nonsense, down-to-earth way. She was pretty, tough yet classy, and very smart (in a life sense), though not classicly "hot." Her gift was that she projected as a real and special woman in a club full of strippers. Like I said, she was a master.

    I am as hard-edged as they come (anyone who reads my posts knows my gig) and even I felt a bit drawn to her. I never spent any serious $$$ on her but can understand how it happened. I had never met a girl with her talent for this game and probably never will again. The girls that post in places like the hustle hut are babies compared to this girl, who was a master at her craft and went back to Greece with a lot of money in the bank - and some very nice jewelry and a new car, lol
  • rickdugan
    14 years ago
    To follow up to my last post, she had a way of making you want to know more about her and want to spend time with her. She never pressed, but rather you felt drawn into pressing simply by the natural way about her. It was a very subtle old school, old world art of seduction.

    Comparing her to the average stripper is like comparing the Waldorf Astoria Hotel to a Motel 6 - they may be in the same general industry but they are in two different stratospheres.

    It should come as no surprise that the guys who chased after her were very successful business men (many business owners). She never asked (or dropped any hints) for anything, she didn't have to.

    As is obvious from my posts, you can count me as one of those who became a bit seduced by her. I always kept my wits about me and never reached too deep into my wallet, but she is the closest to any girl I met in any club around the country that has made me want to get very stupid.

    I would not be surprised if she is now married to someone very rich - lol.
  • gk
    14 years ago
    Re the "Hustle Hut." How many warmed over stripper shit complements do we have to put up with?

    Dancer: "Hey, you have nice eyes." Me: OK so now you can grind me, suck me, pop me, f**k me." Saves wear and tear on the hip boots.
  • lopaw
    14 years ago
    Yeah - I have been caught up in that fantasy many times myself as well, but I never let it get out of hand. I can't afford a SO and an expensive girlfriend!

    I just saw a couple of your posts over on SW. Those ladies will chew you a new asshole if you post things that they disagree with. You're a brave man!
  • Dougster
    14 years ago
    rickdugan: I don't know man. The girl has decided she likes you or not, and or fuck you or not in the first three times, max, of meeting you (more likely she knows this is the first three minutes).

    If she really, really likes you and wants to prove she is not a slut she will wait max three weeks before she fucks you.

    There is no long term winning them over and $80k involved. Not quite sure exactly where this myth comes from, but it certainly seems to play to certain women's advantage and is unfortunate that some guys believe it.
  • rickdugan
    14 years ago
    @lopaw: Yeah, I admit that I have been having a little fun over there. I give it about another 2-3 posts before I get kicked off the thing. A few of them are in a real frenzy right now over what I had to say, and my responses are only pissing them off more ;)

    @Dougster: I agree with you on all fronts, but this girl truly had a gift. Hardened Wall Street types used to chase after her, despite the fact that she was not close to the hottest girl in the club nor was she giving out the goods. She was as good as any that I have ever seen at this game.
  • vincemichaels
    14 years ago
    lol, rickdugan at your posts on SW, I'll have to go check out the frenzy you created.
  • inno123
    14 years ago
    Sure Dancers are also acting, but when you cross over into something that unbelievable then you either are thinking the customer is an idiot or you are presuming that he realizes that this all just a game.

    If a stripper has gone six months without then it means tht either she or the club gives no extras whatsoever and she is extremely picky about meeting anybody OTC. Now suddenly for you she's going to for you dump all of her standards and rules. Yah right.
  • Dougster
    14 years ago
    MisterGay often has to admitted to strippers that he has had no sex IN HIS LIFE. Well that is if you don't count his relatives, txtittyfan, and vincemichaels.
  • rickdugan
    14 years ago
    Doug, I have noticed in different posts that you are pretty tough on MisterGuy. This guy piss you off some how?
  • Dougster
    14 years ago
    Actually I hate him "just because" he is gay.
  • lopaw
    14 years ago
    LOL rick - I just saw your Maximizing OTC post on SW blue. The dancers that actually read blue are gonna have no mercy on you! Dang, it's gonna be entertaining before they ban you!
  • rickdugan
    14 years ago
    LOL lopaw, I admit I am having some light fun working up the headcases that post on that thing.

    I even did a little penitent "I should never have posted this on here, but no excuses" on the pink side, while simultaneously posting the Maximzing OTC Options article on the blue side, just to get a little more runway before I get banned :)
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