
Comments by gk (page 12)

  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
    Takes one to not know one?
    It's a threshold thing. Their reach is only as high as the environhment they come from sometimes.
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    14 years ago
    Themed Strip Club
    Agree, the shithole/dive theme is getting a little worn. But I've always been intrigued by the theme concept. Whether a themed VIP room or even a themed club. A few club themes: 1) coed gym, 2) sorority party, 3) every dancer is a nurse, but with different rank, e.g. candystriper, LPN, RN, director of nursing, rank would be earned somehow or related to longevity of service. Some VIP room themes: 1) massage room (so obvious), 2) doctor's office, 3) dungeon (nah, never mind), 4) voyeur room (needs 2 dancers) 5) the office (and you get the secretary). I've thought of more over the years, but these come to mind right now.
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    14 years ago
    Two ATFS at the same club...what would you do?
    Player11: "The curse is the obligation..." Damm straight.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Two ATFS at the same club...what would you do?
    Seems you were spending a lot of time with a fav and not an ATF like Wallanon said. Did she take advantage of you...well, that's her job and we should understand that in the right context. But she also took you for granted and didn't confide in you after you made her so exclusive, which is not the characteristic of an ATF. Here's my advice: Be very careful about thinking you have an ATF because odds are, you don't unless you're doing something extra a lot or have a relationship OTC (social, sex, whatever) OTC. Focus on one: be sure she deserves it and that there is a mutual feeling of respect and reward. In other words, it better be worth it. Focus on two: I prefer this, you need a depth chart, like football team. It keeps everybody on their toes, makes them work harder for your attention. Easy to manage, just show you're in control. Buy drinks for both, sit with both at the same time or do it separately--just be obvious about it. Buy dances from both and let hem try to outdo each other, or, tell them today is for X and tommorow is for Y, "but we can still talk and party together." If one works harder, reward her more. This works in some clubs, but not in others. Have fun, but don't get taken.
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    14 years ago
    Pastie clubs
    No, if everything else works out OK.
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    14 years ago
    Best club and extras,
    Seems funny to me too. All one has to do is read back a few posts or simply look at reviews and find the answers. If it smells like fish...
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    14 years ago
    investment update..
    She's probably out of town for a guest appearance on Mad Money. Give her a few days.
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    14 years ago
    Recent Reviews
    In this order--- a) Local stuff always jumps out, and hybrid) scan for interesting activity at clubs I recognize or cities I know have clubs with liberal rules about contact etc. Don't invest the time to read all new reviews. b) I'll selectively read reviews by poster names I'm familiar with and whose insights I appreciate, based on this Discussion board.
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    14 years ago
    Bathroom Troll Nuptials
    Female trolls? I'd give them a big tip if you know what I mean, assuming they deserve it. My theory on male BR trolls: it's extra work for drug money. Who would marry one? A girl who needs extra money for drugs.
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    14 years ago
    DFK ???
    That's very personal for me. It's happened on a few occassions. If I know and like the dancer and we're really heating things up, it's OK. But it's a little over the top if she just does it as part of her dance, especially if I don't know her that well. Agree, it's something to avoid for many different reasons.
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    14 years ago
    how do you tip a girl on stage?
    I don't spend a lot of time at the stage. I usually tip my favs when we're having a good time or someone whose attention I want to get or may be a newbie once in a while to introduce my self. My typical favorite way at most clubs: 1. Fold the bill face up (we need to keep those dead presidents happy). 2. Slip it in with an upward sliding motion using my fingertips. 3. Then grabbing the bill at the top and bottom, move it to her inner thigh (to keep me and the presidents happy). Of course, my general rule is never to tip a dancer who wears her garter lower than the midpoint between her knee and her ass. That's disrespecting the customer! And I give preference to dancers who wear their garters at the top of the thigh snuggled up against the ass cheek. Of course there's this other club where I just stick the bill in any old way while I nibble at the Y through her G-string.
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    14 years ago
    stripper gonna make me rich....
    Great topic. I met a financial advisor at my favorite SC just last week. We talked markets, up swings, down swings, getting out before the fall or staying in for the long grind, even reinserting yourself if you've pulled out early. But most importantly, we talked about ROI---rip off included. Lol DJ.
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    14 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    It's like perfume. Who wants to walk away with some of it on you? As for the aesthetics, I think thngs can stand on their own.
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    14 years ago
    (Off Topic) Need Advice-How to Deal
    Wrong question. The better question is--'hat's the politics of this situation?' Figure that out and you'll find all the clues you need to make better decisions. You and your supervisor need to find out which of these applies to your manager: --playing CYA because she needs help? --looking for a scapegoat? --can harm you or threaten your job? --what's her "win" and can you deliver it to her and benefit yourself? If you fix something and make her look good, she will recognize you as a problem solver and you add that feather to ;your reputation. Plus she is now indebted to you.
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    14 years ago
    Anyone ever considered inviting a dancer over to your house?
    My two buddies and I had two dancers over to one of our houses for a party. We knew them well enough to take the chance. As long as it's not a free for all, this can be managed safely. We had no problems and are doing it again. But you might want to do some vetting first. For example, if this is for partying with sex, you might want to set up something first at another venue to see if she/they deliver and how she/they act. Another thing, you can devise waysa to manage and regulate things. For example, your location and how to get to your house--you meet her somewhere and then take her there rather than give her directions, perhaps by a circuitous route if you're cautious (we didn't do that). And unless you'rer making arrangements for a sleepover, have timelimits so things will come to a close at a given hour.
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    14 years ago
    An easy argument for prostitution
    "Pussy is like music. Seems like we're all conceret-goers, some get in for free, some pay, and when we pay, we get to choose our "section." Hmmm. Those lower boxes look awfully good.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    JJ, sure, this can happen, especially with regulars who are habitual. Sometimes the club visit is, literally, out of habit. You go in for a drink and sightseeing because you want to relax and be among friends (dancers), just like any other happy hour experience except for the environment. Even if he was not a regular, it's a mood thing sometimes. But most times are devoted to purpose, to play--ranging from lapdances to extras.
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    14 years ago
    Hedge Funds Donate Big to Democrats; Get Exemption from Bank Bill
    I just hear that BP donated to Obama and the administration rewarded them by canceling the inspection of the drilling platform in the Gulf of Mexico that is now leaking. For future reference BP--we at TUSCL can help you avoid leakers and gushers by sharing our lists of dancers who don't deliver.
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    14 years ago
    Mini Vacation
    Hop down to Mexico for a three-day beach resort vacation. Check out the TUSCL. ratings and pick you destination based on that or, whatever.
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    14 years ago
    honesty (is such a lonely word)
    It's like running the stud finder along dry wall joints. You can then rip out the nails, aka ROBs. (This analogy is for the DIY types.) (And GF, I'm also hoping to avoid masturbation.) For me, more good than bad on this theme, fortunately.
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    14 years ago
    The real reason liberals accuse Tea Partiers of racism
    Some will disagree, but that's OK---but I tend to agree with a some of what was said, not always everything, but some. Having said that, let me repeat that we can agree or disagree; that's fine. BUT WHAT WE HAVE IN COMMON IS SOMETHING ELSE. So isn't it better to disagree or agree on these things someplace else, perhaps another forum? Instead, let's focus on what we have in common. This hobby let's us get away from the flame and intensity of life. Why tinker that that successful formula? It's fun to talk about what we have in common. No offense to anybody, but let's try to have more fun here.
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    14 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    The dark lives of strippers
    A common theme in the "dark side" stories is that most all of them have been with the wrong type of man at some time in their livces. Change that part of the equation and it's a whole new world. Variation on the dark side: no matter how dark it is for some of them, most work very hard to bring some degree of mormality into their lives. I know dancers who are successfully rasing children with the proper outlook on living and the future. I know dancers who seem young yet are grandmothers with all the doting concerns that go with that territory. And I know many dancer who aren't necessarily going to school full time, but who are taking one class at a time to try to change their lives.. On the real dark side, I've seen some literally consumed by drugs, get caught up in a partners drug business, die from asphixiation after falling asleep smoking in bed; one recently committed suicide, and two others met unfortunate deaths after some strange circumstancess. In other words, dark can get really dark.
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    14 years ago
    Do you tell strippers you go to other clubs?
    This happens when dancers get to know me and understand that I'm a customer at lots of clubs. Do they bring it up a lot or press for information? No. It mostly comes up when we talk about other dancers we know, common acquaintances i.e. customers or staff) and the interesting "small world" acquaintances that sometimes come up in conversations.
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    14 years ago
    The Massage Guy
    I'll give dancers massages if I know them, but I also spend money on them. But I prefer not to do it because the danceers tend to get so relaxed they get sleepy. They I just have to change my massage zone.