Two ATFS at the same club...what would you do?
Had this girl I got to know very well at a club over several months and she became the only one I would see when I went there. Went in recently looking for her and was told she hadn't been around for a weeks...almost like she disappeared. Ended up with another dancer who was even better than the other one, but now the old one has returned and they work the same shifts at the same club. It does make for an uncomfortable situation on my part to say the least...should I focus on one or split time between the two? What's a confused patron to do?
1. Preferred one, one with special favor
Notice the "one"?
You have to decide which is your ATF.
Here's my advice:
Be very careful about thinking you have an ATF because odds are, you don't unless you're doing something extra a lot or have a relationship OTC (social, sex, whatever) OTC.
Focus on one: be sure she deserves it and that there is a mutual feeling of respect and reward. In other words, it better be worth it.
Focus on two: I prefer this, you need a depth chart, like football team. It keeps everybody on their toes, makes them work harder for your attention. Easy to manage, just show you're in control. Buy drinks for both, sit with both at the same time or do it separately--just be obvious about it. Buy dances from both and let hem try to outdo each other, or, tell them today is for X and tommorow is for Y, "but we can still talk and party together." If one works harder, reward her more.
This works in some clubs, but not in others. Have fun, but don't get taken.