Yeah, I see nothing wrong with telling strippers you go to other clubs. A lot of times the girls are not happy with the management at their own club (for whatever reason) so they might be thinking about moving on. It's also not uncommon for girls to work at several clubs at once. I talk about other clubs all the time.
Yes, and I agree with Harris. I travel so I will often have girls ask me about clubs in different cities. Many of these girls are nomads themselves and are always looking for the next good landing point.
"Do dancers ever ask if you go to other clubs? Do you tell them?"
Rarely do they ask, but I don't lie when they do ask.
"Do you think it makes any difference to them?"
Not really, sometimes I think they'd just like to gauge how fluent you are at strip clubbing, or they might be wondering what it would be like to work at another club that you've been to.
I was chatting with a club mgmt and mentioned I was glad to be here because I was just at another club and it sucked...and he gave me some free admission passes telling me to come straight there from now on.
As for strippers, Vanity is a popular club in town because I heard females get free cover. Also Club X gives out a lot of free admission passes so strippers come check it out. Strippers don't like going out to strip clubs because most of the columbus strip clubs charge female cover.
There have been a few times when a dancer has asked me why I haven't been to her club lately. I will usually tell them the truth - that I'm at another club. When pressed as to why I prefer another club, I'm also truthful - either the other club is offering "better" dances, cheaper dance prices, etc. Usually this just winds up upsetting the dancer asking, since her club often can't compete with these things. That's when I tell her she ought to consider working at that other club. Sometimes they actually do.
Although once in Trixie's, a hopelessly low mileage club, but with good eye candy, a dancer asked me this question and when I told her where, she questioned my choice. I told her it was because they let me get away with a *lot* even for the cheap dances.
Two weeks later I saw her at the higher mileage club. When I asked her about it, she said she tried it after I mentioned it and made made better tips, so she switched. Naturally, I bought a dance or two, and it was worth it.
Dancers ask me what seems to be all the time. I think they suspect I'm somewhere else instead of home if I'm not at their club. What is a twist is a waitress at one club asking if I recognize her. She told me she was a dancer at another club. I did not ask why she quit. It wasn't obvious. Sometimes it means a dancer is pregnant or some other reason I don't want to really know about so I did not want to ask.
I find if I am up front about going to other clubs it seems to work out. Especially if I am fishing for the one who will potentially give higher mileage. Once I ran into a dancer who used to work at a club I'd been to where the mileage was much better. She ended up giving me the dance from the better club. Another time the dancer told me that only whores worked at a specific place..... saved me some fishing $
I only tell them need to know stuff. I think its uncool to talk about other girls with them. As far as mentioning other clubs, I would be careful. These girls have no qualm about calling that club and talking with the girls there. The point of their question about this is they are looking for someone who will be a regular there with them. They want to drain your money. Your goal is mileage - are they going to give lots of mileage to a guy with little chance of being a reg there? I don't think so. I might answer as follows: "I was VIP at Ricks South but since it closed I have been traveling a lot for business. Now that a lot of that is past, I am looking for a club to settle in close to my office with a gal I really like." The last one I told this to gave me some very high mileage dances and asked "what kind of sexy outfit do you like for a gal to wear for you? I will be here tomorrow so if you call your coming I will wait for you and model it for you and we can enjoy some really hot dances after you have a chance to have your buffet." With an invitation like that its difficult to resist so I have made a habit of going there for lunch at least once a week.
"Do dancers ever ask if you go to other clubs?" I wouldn't say often, but it does happen. Usually, they are girls who are new to me.
"Do you tell them?" I generally do, especially if I have made some out of town trip. If I am out of town, I tell them about the mostly lame clubs back home.
"Do you think it makes any difference to them?" It probably depends on the dancer. One of my old faves always found my stories of other clubs interesting, but I don't think she ever used that info while searching for her next job. On the other hand, if I told a certain dancer at my favorite club about going to specific clubs which are viewed as rival clubs, she'd tell me I should never go back and that the rival club is horrible to the girls, which probably speaks more to her desire to be the big fish in the small pond than as to whether they are really horrible to the girls.
I tell them. Right now I am hitting every club around me for 50 miles. I tell the girls at my favorite club, it seems to make them want to do more for me while I am there. They always ask me why would I want to spend money elsewhere when we take great care of you here? My response? Well I am looking for someone do this...will you? Afterwards they seem to be more hands on.
This happens when dancers get to know me and understand that I'm a customer at lots of clubs. Do they bring it up a lot or press for information? No. It mostly comes up when we talk about other dancers we know, common acquaintances i.e. customers or staff) and the interesting "small world" acquaintances that sometimes come up in conversations.
I would tell my fav and her general response.."did you have a good time?" Lately at clubs I don't visit as often, I'll tell a dancer I went to Club A, but nothing was going on. I don't think it's a big deal either way. I did meet a dancer once and we got to talking about other clubs where she had worked. We discovered we knew some of the same dancers and she did know what kind of dancer/dances I was used to and liked..and she gave me one of those dances on the first visit!
Actually, now that I think about it one of the funniest rants I've seen in stripperdom was when I mentioned to a dancer at 2001 Odyssey in Tampa that I had just driven over from the Mons. That was one time where the mention of another club had more than a passing effect on the flow of conversation.
It's like the Hatfields and the McCoys between those two clubs.
I let my regular girls know that I go to other places and occasionally imply that things are "different" without going into details. I don't think it works against me other than to identify me as a frequent SC patron and, I suppose to some people, a potential PL.
Hell yes, why not? I find that the more she knows that my money has legs the better my service options become ;) This is particularly true in these tough times.
They do ask but I'm not sure why. Maybe they're trying to figure out if I'm a SC regular and potentially good customer, or what kind of clubs I go to so what kind of customer I am. (Clubs around here vary from chaste to defacto brothel.) Maybe they're just making conversation. Anyway I don't let on much and there's not much to tell anyway. Sometimes they'll say where else they work and to come see them there too, in another city or a different club in the same city.
This happened for the first time for me this past weekend. Before that I was only asked if I had been to that particular club before. This past weekend every girl that sat and spoke to me asked what other clubs I had been to. I told them in general but downplayed the amount. Don't know why. I think they used this to brake the ice and maybe to gauge how much experience you have dealing with strippers. I wanted them to feel I was not a rookie but did not go so much that I was jaded.
last commentRarely do they ask, but I don't lie when they do ask.
"Do you think it makes any difference to them?"
Not really, sometimes I think they'd just like to gauge how fluent you are at strip clubbing, or they might be wondering what it would be like to work at another club that you've been to.
As for strippers, Vanity is a popular club in town because I heard females get free cover. Also Club X gives out a lot of free admission passes so strippers come check it out. Strippers don't like going out to strip clubs because most of the columbus strip clubs charge female cover.
Although once in Trixie's, a hopelessly low mileage club, but with good eye candy, a dancer asked me this question and when I told her where, she questioned my choice. I told her it was because they let me get away with a *lot* even for the cheap dances.
Two weeks later I saw her at the higher mileage club. When I asked her about it, she said she tried it after I mentioned it and made made better tips, so she switched. Naturally, I bought a dance or two, and it was worth it.
I wouldn't say often, but it does happen. Usually, they are girls who are new to me.
"Do you tell them?"
I generally do, especially if I have made some out of town trip. If I am out of town, I tell them about the mostly lame clubs back home.
"Do you think it makes any difference to them?"
It probably depends on the dancer. One of my old faves always found my stories of other clubs interesting, but I don't think she ever used that info while searching for her next job. On the other hand, if I told a certain dancer at my favorite club about going to specific clubs which are viewed as rival clubs, she'd tell me I should never go back and that the rival club is horrible to the girls, which probably speaks more to her desire to be the big fish in the small pond than as to whether they are really horrible to the girls.
It's like the Hatfields and the McCoys between those two clubs.