Takes one to not know one?
Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
Why is it that so many dancers, who are generally players to one degree or another, are so easily played by their player boyfriends? I'd guesstimate it's only maybe a quarter of dancers like this (getting played by boyfriends) but it still seems like a lot.
Dancers can't relate well to people who are stiff and too corporate. They live in a primal world of primal needs. This is what they understand. They like guys who are on this level and who aren't too stuffy. The average joe boyfriends they usually have are just the right type of guy for them.
So the dancers aren't being played by their boyfriends. They're actually in love. They just don't want to come home to some rich, controlling patron like they deal with all day at work.
That's the real deal.
It's just a dumb stereotype that all dancers don't understand anything beyond a world of "primal needs". Just because somebody has a drinking or drugs problem, that doesn't mean they're on the same level as an animal, although they may act that way when they're in withdrawl.
@sharkhunter -- They come back again later because they hope you may have given up on the girl you're waiting for. I know what you mean about it being annoying. But most dancer's don't seem to know how to manage their money, get themselves into a lot of debt, and they get desperate. I know it's their own fault but I feel sorry for them.
That's not what I meant to say. What I mean is they live in a primal world that is separate from the corporate, office type world. They go to work and do physical stuff to get money. They have to judge someone's character and size them up instantly. This is true of all dancers, it's what they do for a living. Because they go to work and do primal stuff all day, they are attuned to that type of thinking and often have a boyfriend that is also on a more primal level, as opposed to a stuffy office type because they can relate to each other better.
For instance, their boyfriends are quite often in construction or work in some other job that doesn't require a lot of stuffy office mumbo jumbo. They are electricians, welders, laborers, simple guys with simple jobs that are less cerebral and more primal. Here, I don't mean primal as any type of insult. I mean it's a different way of living. I actually prefer living this way myself.
Sometimes the couple is on drugs. I meant to address that type of stripper/boyfriend couple as a whole different, desperate and bad type, not to say being on drugs is what makes them primal. However, I will say being strung out on drugs does indeed make someone a bad person. I've seen it way too many times.