
Recent Reviews

Sunday, May 16, 2010 11:43 PM
Just wondering how you approach the “Recent Reviews” section. Do you: a)Read reviews for local clubs / clubs you plan to visit b)Read reviews by reviewers you know (such as posters on this board) c)Skim all reviews and read the ones that look interesting and/or have juicy details d)Read each review in detail on your iPhone during boring meetings at work


  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    usually just open up the recent review page and hit keyboard keys "ctrl" + "f" and type in "ohio" to help navigate through them. It would be cool if tuscl made it so it could show the recent reviews for clubs just on your hotlist.
  • georgmicrodong
    14 years ago
    c & d at the same time. :)
    14 years ago
    I've always had an interest in reading about places I've been and what others think of them. One of the biggest oddities has been my experience at Cheetah's in San Diego versus most other folks. I guess I have just been lucky in getting offered lap dance discounts there. Then again my first visit I spent a bunch in the "Jungle Room", so maybe it all evens out in the end...
  • EDOG65
    14 years ago
    I tend to only look at the clubs that I plan to visit in the near future. I use it for research to make sure I get the most bang for my buck when I head out to a club.
  • steve229
    14 years ago
    a - for research like EDOG65 says; b, c & d more for entertainment purposes. BTW, when I read the Club X Show Bar review by samsung1, saw that recent club reviews included updates on the bathroom troll. Is that now expected? If so, a disturbing trend.
  • Dougster
    14 years ago
    One thing I don't read is MisterGay's review since they are all phony.
  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    I only included the update on the bathroom troll because a previous review (the one right before me) asked about him.
  • wallanon
    14 years ago
    I don't check the Recent Reviews section. Occasionally I will click on one of the newest reviews on the home page if the first line or two catches my attention. If I want to do any reading for a trip, I just search for the town and drill down from there. When the top reviewer lists were still around I would scan their write ups just to see what was on their mind, but that feature's been gone a while.
  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    I also sometimes find the reviews for clubs in the top 10 to be interesting to read.
  • steve229
    14 years ago
    Sam - I was just funning you. Speaking of bathroom trolls, see my latest post.
  • potheadpl
    14 years ago
    There are two clubs between which I alternate, and they fluctuate in talent level. I use the reviews to see if the one I found lacking has improved. Sure, I could just drive there, but I hate to drive the 5 add'l miles to find it sucks. LOL
  • shadowcat
    14 years ago
    a) I like to read what others are saying about clubs that I have been to or may go to. b) I like to hear what the posters on here have to say about the clubs. I consider them to be focused on the hobby and have PRO status. I also like to read the international reviews (ex TJ). I like to compare them with US clubs. Surprisingly, I have found that most are just expensive places to go for eye candy or tourist traps.
  • Clubber
    14 years ago
    A, but I also read reviews of many clubs I visited in the past.
  • DandyDan
    14 years ago
    Generally clubs that are within specific geographical areas, or places I've been to, which may amount to the same thing, except I've been to Brad's in Indy, but I don't look at every Indy review, for example.
  • how
    14 years ago
    I use the "find" feature in my browser to search for key terms: locations of interest, and words like "extras."
  • vincemichaels
    14 years ago
    Mostly a and b. As shadowcat notes, I tend to pay attention to fellow TUSCLer"s observation, a lot more so than some anonymous poster.
  • gk
    14 years ago
    In this order--- a) Local stuff always jumps out, and hybrid) scan for interesting activity at clubs I recognize or cities I know have clubs with liberal rules about contact etc. Don't invest the time to read all new reviews. b) I'll selectively read reviews by poster names I'm familiar with and whose insights I appreciate, based on this Discussion board.
  • clubscanner
    14 years ago
    I look at it for local clubs or clubs I may be in the same area as. Sometimes clubs I have been to in the past catch my attention.
  • JerseyJack
    14 years ago
    For me, it's mostly option (a). I almost always go to the abbreviated Recent Reviews page ([view link]) instead of the full RRs and do a quick scan of the location column for "New Jersey." Then, I'll do a quick scan for clubs in which I may soon travel for business or have recently traveled. Beyond that, I don't pay much attention to the recent reviews.
  • dudeanonymous
    14 years ago
    I almost exclusively go to SCs when I travel, so it's option (a) and TUSCL is an invaluable resource. I do occasionally scan other reviews to get an idea of where I might like to visit in the future. Someday I need to hit Cheeks in Dayton on the way to Brad's in Indy and end up in Detroit....
  • Clubber
    14 years ago
    JJ, I always use the abbreviated Recent Reviews way.
  • MisterGuy
    14 years ago
    I personally never use the "Recent Reviews" section of this site.
  • 59
    14 years ago
    I scan the recent reviews every day or so. I look at clubs I've been to or might be going to in the future. Generally PA, NJ, and NV. I also scan my hotlist once in awhile for the most recent reviews as I sometimes find I missed a recent review.
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