Not letting the same person bump a thread to the top multiple times in a row.
Make people who have a high enough ignore count get auto ignored by new members. This could be based on percentage of ignore versus time on the forum, or against trusts.
This forum has worked because it is open and accepts people's privacy of f2f life. So I don't think going to "verified members" is a good idea.
Some men on this board just want to drive off the female members, mostly misogyny. It is also jealousy over the power women can have over men, and over they ways they can get money.
They don't understand the ways in which all of these things are circumstantial and are facets of our larger society and our economic system.
I think just talking openly about mellowing out towards the women will help. In my time here I have seen extreme pile ons. First they will start saying she is a sock puppet of one of the men. They never really know this, it is just a kind of bullying.
Just talking about mellowing out towards them, instead of going on the offensive will help.
On Xoticspot I think the women mostly posted dancer schdules and a few words on their profiles. I don't think they usually participated in any open forums. No reason to.
No reason for a stripper to talk for free to a bunch of male PL's.
So if they can put what they want on their profiles, then they only need respond to PM's they accept. Other people they can put on ignore.
I don't mind strippers here but the ones with an entitled attitude who can't post without condescending to someone when all that person is doing is sharing experiences, have got to go.
Either you want people to share interesting experiences and thoughts and opinions or you want people who just wag their false moral fingers at those contributors.
The trolls are another issue. Part of the issue is that this discussion forum is too basic and not anything like any other forum. You may not like other forums but when you run a web site you want a lot of traffic on you either cater to yourself or your audience. You can't do both. Regular forums have topic areas and one of those is "off topic" and anyone who posts stuff to the wrong place can have their account suspended. Which means moderation. Which means once you moderate on a forum like this, you become responsible, but since FOSTA-whatever showed up it doesn't matter anyway. You're responsible. And if you're responsible then there's no reason to not moderate and kill trolls.
Stop sjg from bumping his own threads(that noone else participates in). I could put him on ignore but still he is stopping legit threads from being more relevant, because most of the first page is his stupid topics nobody cares about.
I like the auto ignore if you get ignored by enough members. But you should allow only 1 account per ip address. This way the trolls cant create a bunch of accounts to "ignore" their targets and it wont be abused.
Make new posters use the search function. I propose a certain number of comments or reviews before youre allowed to start a discussion. Other forums do this.
Limit the number of comments you can make in a row until someone else comments. This would cut down on the spamming that kills some threads. Like 3 comments in a row. No more spammed messages taking up the the entire page.
i think there should be rooms for different subjects and you should only get to continue to participate in the room if you post comments that other members like. similar to the vip review system. something like: 1) strategy 2) sex stories 3) lonely guts 4) married guys 5) other (chaos room)
I wouldnt suggest banning users and IPs however I would advise 1 month silent periods and the ability to flag users who are hellbent on trolling. Also you could trick the trolll accounts by letting them post comments/topics, but not allow anyone to read those comments. I gurantee the trolling will stop as thier main goal is attention/disruption.
I'm not sure how many takers you'll get for a "verified member" board. A lot of hard core club hounds are very protective of their privacy, with good reason given some of the activities they are posting about in reviews and in discussions.
Seems to be that the simpler answer would be a more proactive approach to deleting troll posts and accounts. The problem of course is that this would require some basic level of moderator activities. Unlike some here, I think that basic moderation would be fine so long as it is light and limited to cleaning up the worst of the troll offenders. And for those who say it doesn't work, clicking a button to "disable user" takes much less time than setting up a new fake troll account. Sure it won't eliminate the more subtle type of trolling that you see over at SW with the fake dancer accounts, but it would eliminate the worst of the abuses.
usasexguide and SW both use moderation fairly effectively, though it got way too heavy handed for a time on SW. Honestly, I don't see any other way to make this place appealing for dancers as the goofy troll on troll on troll posts are going to be too much for most of them.
I think some form of moderation is the only way to keep dancers from leaving. A lot of trolls harass "dancers" specifically because they view them as competition for attention imo. Also i think a lot of trolls impersonate "dancers" for more attention. That is what its all about.
Just because someone chooses to be a verified member doesn't mean their views are any more legitimate.
I think an easy approach would be one account per ip allowed. Something like that. If someone joins with a phone have them get a verification text.
A flagging option wouldn't work. It would definitely get abused on here.
I think the problem with trolls is that a vocal minority of long time users enables and eggs them on.
As for more strippers being active. I don't think they have any kind of vested interest in posting here. They put up with the antisocial awkwardness enough at work. Why follow it online. I also think it would just lead to advertising for hookers as some have already done.
DC, I'm not sure I agree. A lot of that crap seems to be coming from the troll accounts. Also, any attempt to self police is doomed to failure if disruption by dancer attack becomes an entertaining sport for trolls.
But with all that said, I also believe that this place will never feel all that warm and fuzzy for the thinnest skinned dancers. Some regular club hounds are simply going to have opinions that some dancers find less than flattering. I don't see that changing. But at least we can make this place usable for those with a thicker skin and the willingness to mix it up a bit.
Is this thread around because psd left? If I recall someone mentioned it was more than trolling that made her leave..? But idk for sure. Anyway I liked having her around
To expound on the anti-thread bumping method: Any user can post on any old thread and bump it to the top regardless of who started the thread. The exception would be if the same user (or IP) posts twice in a row, the second post in that series would not bump the thread to the top. This strategy allows SJG to bump his own threads to the top but if people aren't engaging with him he can't keep doing it over and over. This also prevents people (like me) from "text dumping" on his threads.
Blahblah, we probably wont know what really made her leave but she claimed to be getting "gross" pm's from some members. I guess that creeped her out. I do agree with others though. She came across as conceited.
Verified member board? You must be joking. How elitist. Bet those threads are boring AF. Who gets to be in, the strippers who don’t contribute a single damn review? Or the gals only shilling for custies?
Drama is what drives good talk boards, always has been. Don’t censor it, encourage it.
oh that one she was a drama queen who got upset and left when she wasnt getting the attention she wanted. and i bet she got gross pms.... look at the site
Yeah who knows what kind of disgusting messages the "dancers" get on a daily basis. Maybe make it so you cant pm the dancers unless they "trust" you or something.
@founder this has been going on for a while, I know you prefer a hands off approach, like you said to me last week when I voiced some concerns about uploading photos, live your own life, but if you want more strippers to participate, some entity has to be available to prevent gratitutios attacks, most people do not like being pushed around, generally men push back, women tend to be more passive, most will just disappear, some will fight back, but the vast majority of women just say fuck it and leave. I too like the perspective that the females bring to the site, but the nature of the beast will not change unless you actively create an incentive that will welcome, rather tolerate the bad behavior, I've said this many times, these idiots think they can say anything as long as they are just being politically incorrect, that is unadulterated bullshit, all it is just a way of being a rude jackass.
I think if you want to recruit more dancers, now is actually a pretty good time.
Both tumblr and Facebook have updated their terms of service. Private stripper groups on Facebook now have the axe over its heads and could possibly get deleted. Individual Tumblr blogs ditto.
There are the outright assholes on here flaming dancers. And then there are also others who are not malicious, but would rather keep it a boys locker room. And that would be the challenge of taking advantage of big tech’s pushing out sex workers.
One idea may possibly be to allow individual users to create their own “mini discussion groups”—and whoever creates one has the option of making them either visible or invisible to outsiders.
But participation in those groups are by invitation only. Newbies would have to post quality responses in threads and catch the attention of others to get invited on the other boards. Or they create their own miniboard, whichever.
That way, it encourages dancers and PLs alike to be civil on the main board. But also they can vent however they wish in respective private areas.
Just a thought tho. It may be a lot of work to implement.
You could blow out 99% of the trolls on here by simply requiring a bona fide review of a strip club be written and approved/posted before access is given to the discussion board, as well as the ability to comment on articles and other reviews. Very simple solution!
The review system now is better than before with just a character limit. But still too easy for trolls to get a review published. That just isnt a priority for most trolls as their main objective is attention.
^Truth is also that most of the trolls have never published a real review, that might be a requirement, but it would backfire on the dancers, most of the girls, have not, and would rather not post a review.
What about some kind of tipping system for dancers on here. Like when they nake discussions or comments that you like, you can tip them somehow. This could be done with some cash apps. Or could be done with a qr code for some type of cryptocurrency with som
First things first, unless the site changes radically I don't think you'll ever keep a lot of strippers on here and posting. It's simply not geared towards them. Even the ones that might think it's a potential business boon aren't likely to be actively posting on the discussion board.
My only issue with a separate board is that it would just pull all the decent conversation over there and leave the main board a cesspool. How are you going to add solid members if they have to wade through the cesspool to get to the "quality" board?
I do think limitations should be placed on starting topics, unlimited posting and sending PM's. Perhaps these should be things that are unlocked after time, number of posts, reviews or some combination there in.
Lastly the most egregious troll accounts need to go. You finally got rid of one after a decade and it vastly improved the board. I get you don't want to spend the time/effort deleting them all, but the serious problem accounts DELETE.
I would also like to keep strippers around. If the Ignore function isn't enough to keep the trolls at bay, maybe dancers could report vile PMs or comments to Founder, who would then suspend their accounts. But I don't know that Founder wants to be a moderator.
What about some kind of rewards system for refering dancers to the board for dancers and non dancers? In other words, reward behaviors that make this place better.
Rewards don't need to be monitory. They could be you get a month premium membership for refuring a dancer. Or you get some kind of badge of honor like how many dancers you recruited posted on your profile.
What about asking dancers specifically what they want, like, dislike here. They may not post on the board their answers, but what about Founder reaching out to them on a pm and ask them..
Given that this site is exactly what you intended it be by not only doing next to nothing vis-a-vis the troll issues, butin fact you've actively encouraged this behavior by celebrating the more prolific trolls in the random site tag lines ("We have San Jose Guy", "Juice Crew Approved", etc.). This entire conversation is moot because it's clear you're not actually serious about doing anything. That's fine; I've consigned myself to knowing that we cannot actually have legit strip club discussions on this site and now simply keep active via PMs and reading and commenting on the reviews.
It's your site. You have neither sought nor cared about our opinions about its operations up until now. Don't pretend one dancer getting her panties in a twist and leaving (maybe) will actually change anything.
Is there a way to do a like/dislike for posts/discussions and if a poster gets a X number of dislikes more than likes on a single post/discussion then their account and/or ISP are locked for some period of time (day/week/month/forever). Likewise, put a waiting period on new accounts, allowing them to read posts, but not make them. I also agree about the repeat posters bumping their posts just so they make themselves feel important needs to be prevented.
As a counter to people slamming people they do not like, I would also put a quota of likes/dislikes a person can mark per day, so they have to be a little selective in determining what they mark and can't target a person and get them barred.
Finally, is there a way to reflect all accounts tied to a specific ISP, so we can see any alternate accounts a person has along with their "primary non-troll" account. Something like listing all accounts on the account page, so if you click on the account name of an account in a post, you are taken to the original account tied to the ISP and all associated accounts are list on the same page. This might encourage people to limit their trolling because of peer pressure and not wanting to tarnish their good standing with other account(s) they currently have. Would probably end the "you are just a Dougster alternate account" posts because we would actually know.
I agree that the review idea would be great, but like 25 said, dancers are probably not going to post reviews. To that extent, neither Nice or BBS have posted reviews and we want to keep them to beauties around. ; )
DC9428, you've been here a little more than a year and the vast majority of your (ridiculous amount) of posts have been in the last 6 months. You don't know what the fuck you're talking about.
I'm gonna be honest. There are about 2 strippers here who post with any regularity that I believe are actually women who have stripped for a living at some point in their life.
The rest, like 75 percent of the board, are dougster alts.
Having reviews doesn't mean a thing. There are troll accounts and people who offer nothing of substance who have plenty of reviews. Dissecting the forums into private self policed groups is lame. People can use pms to chat.
I really don't think strippers have any incentives to post. I think they have a lot of incentives to lurk and read what's said so they can understand the guys at clubs better maybe. But why would they give advice or help guys get the best bang for their buck or anything. That's not in their favor.
I've wondered if there might be some benefit or possible for each user to have two or three friends groups. They would only see posts from their groups. Maybe with other groups like dancers only but allow regular members to be invited to join. People could set up a friends group and invite people to join. New users unless female limited to two join requests per week or only allowed to ask if not on ignore. Trolls could have their own group, dancers could have their own group, old timers here could have their own group. Of course if the originator of the group kicked someone out by ignoring them, could be more drama. Could make discussions read only groups for non group members but that might take away from the ability of new users to post freely.
If you want more dances posting you will need to set up a dancer section where regular users who aren't can be kicked out or restricted from posting in my opinion. Sort of like a mini stripper web so they can feel at home with their own place. Being able to post or keep certain threads posted like newbie tips etc, or whatever that old dancers or old members can refer new people too might help. Just throwing ideas out there. I have no idea how easy any of this might be to set up or pitfalls. I don't even post much here anymore. For me it's not the trolls, just lack of time. I personally find some of the fake troll accounts amusing if I'm in on the joke.
Another idea to reduce accounts is to let people delete accounts but transfer any credits to a new user name. Not sure what kind of mess that would cause if a frequent past poster deleted all posts and threads. I like the idea of being able to delete every thread I started and every post.
New users could have limits on their posts. VIP would reduce the limits a little each time your VIP gets extended.
The autoignore idea is good. If trusts and ignores were weighted based on how long you’ve had vip that might make it more difficult for trolls to manipulate it.
“Tipping” dancer accounts sounds good. Maybe PLs could earn “bills” by making good posts or comments with some sort of like/upvote system. Dancer accounts would show how many bills they’ve been given over time. Maybe PLs could even save up to give them gifts (jewelry, lingerie, car payment, etc).
The trolls are annoying, so I use the IGNORE feature on them. A few trolls are actually funny. Maybe advertise the IGNORE feature more for new users so they are aware of it.
I don’t consider pranksters to be trolls, I reserve the word troll for those idiots that are so ignorant that all they do here is attack anyone they disagree with, or tell people they are having fun wrong. The vast majority of what y’all are calling trolls are just pranksters.
BTW I have always characterized TUSCL as the men’s locker room, my version of being a man does not ever include attacking woman, most of the “MEN” I know treasure and protect women, that includes many of us here.
Founder I know before I say this people aren't going to like it but I've seen this before if you want to attract more dancers/strippers provide them their own private board. ( yes I know it seems to defeat the purpose but it also provides a place for ladies to talk and not be trolled) Also it is on them not to give out whatever privacy security to allow anyone on there aka males that shouldn't be. It will bring more participation on to this board as well. I've seen this happen with multiple sites in the past.
Secondly and only you can answer this because only you know what the board software capabilities. Do you see when someone makes a second or third account? If so how? Does it capture the IP address or the actual computer chip ID? ( each computer when it hits the board leaves a number behind it's a matter of the software if the info is captured.)
One of the boards I moderated years ago would show to everyone the minute someone opened a second account ( the names would show up right behind their main name........and it made people look like idiots and stopped a large percentage of the trolling. )
DC I'll point out to you that one persons joke is typically at the expense of someone else and when sometimes the intent to be funny doesn't feel so funny to the is especially bad when the same person has three of four accounts and comes in with each one to give the appearance that multiple people feel the same way when in fact it's one troll with a insecurity complex the size of a whale.
Anyway I'll shut up now before I give away too much info but if you are asking for advice ....something to think about.
If you're posting from your phone, doesn't the IP address change with every reset? The IP address is different again when using the WiFi at Starbucks. Of different again if using a VPN? IP tracking seems hopeless.
Cookies to track browser ID? All the user has to do is clear browser cookies.
I like the unmoderated format. I think it's TUSCL's greatest strength. Just use ignore if something bothers you.
DC, you can keep saying that it's regular members and not the incessant troll posts as many times as you want, but that doesn't make you right, just repetitive. I disagree. The endless troll nonsense contributes to a negative environment in two ways, first by filling the board with pointless crap that makes the place look like a Romper Room joke and, second, by creating an atmosphere that condones nasty comments.
Drastically reduce the troll posts and leave "real" members on an island when they post an opinion and I think you'll quickly find things becoming more civilized. That's not to say that some male members will not have opinions that discomfort dancers, but at least a lot of the noise and nastier stuff will ratchet down.
Oh, and I don't believe that a light level of moderation would remotely "ruin" this site. If anything, the trolls have already accomplished that, at least for anyone who posts here primarily to discuss dancer and club topics (like me). I used to post more here, but some days it's just too painful to wade through the sewage.
If you are wanting to attract more females to the site, then I would probably want those to be "verified". We don't want to have an Ashley Madison act going on here where the female profiles are really guys behind the keyboard.
Any filtering system based on IP address can be thwarted by using TOR or any number of free and paid apps.
An system that relies on input from users to control trolling will be abused by the trolls themselves to provide disruption.
USASG, while somewhat heavy handed at times, relying as it does on humans, uses a combination of delayed posting, moderator review, total number of posts, and age of the account to “vet” new users. In addition, any post can be reported for moderator review, and if found to be offending, the poster is often put back in a moderated user status until they’re deemed “rehabilitated.” They also arbitrarily censor some words, but that’s easy to get around if you’re familiar with the board software. Might get you moderated though.
I know the local admin is pretty draconian in what he moderates. If it’s an attack, or “pointless, unproductive drama,” it gets deleted, with a note that shows everyone else who the offender was and why. I suspect that it’s labor intensive, enough so that the mods are paid.
There are likely some things that can be done without human intervention.
As has been posted before, limiting discussion posts per day to some number based on reviews, maybe something like 1 + review count, might help. Maybe have new users’ reviews require more approvals, or a greater ratio of approval to rejection, before they’re actually posted. Blocking multiple, sequential posts to a thread by the same account would help a little, but it’s easily defeated by a determined troll.
I think you’re going to either have to rely on humans, or accept that automated solutions will eventually fail and be an ever escalating arms race.
I think the only things that are truly effective are consistent moderation and the ignore feature. Anything else would be a band aid at best and probably not very effective. I look at other SC sites like BonedIn that thrive with heavy dancer interaction due to strict and real time moderation. Plenty of people bitch about it but it works. I use the ignore feature way too much here and the need to constantly have to add to that list (almost daily at times) has me visiting here way less than I used to. It's a tough battle for you founder but I'm sure you'll do what's right for the site.
Ignore is a fine feature for people who've already been here a while and have a somewhat strong desire to participate. It does nothing for new people who stop by initially and see a significant number of nonsense threads. For example I can log in and ignore does a decent job of cleaning up the crap, aside from a few new accounts created in the last week or so. If I were new, I'd take one look at the front page and conclude this site was a waste of time.
I'm not sure what the answer is to making the board better. I wouldn't object to moderation. I wouldn't object to a post limit.
I keep coming back to the idea of some kind of points system. Maybe you get a point or two when you open an account, and a couple of points a week for keeping an account open. You can get extra points via a thumbs up kinda thing, or lose points via a thumbs down kinda thing, on discussions/reviews/comments. It would cost points to thumbs up/down something.
To post something besides a review, you need points. Or maybe you don't need the points to post, but there's a default filter that only shows posts by members with positive points or shows points posted using points. Meaning, if I had no points I could post something but only people who had turned on the option to show 0 point posts would see it. Registered members could change that value, but there'd be a default for anyone not logged in.
Im not sure why the trolls are even being taken seriously in this thread. There is nothing funny about trolls made by 25 Meat72 NiceSpice and DC posting inane drivel in every thread because what some members say makes them butt hurt. If these members weren't enabled then there wouldn't be trolling on this site. Its clear and simple. Everyone sees it.
^ my bet is many more people have you on ignore that any of the names you mentioned, BTW Johnny Come Lately your derision towards reviews, prove that you don’t belong here, as the fundamental premise of this website, is come for the reviews stay for the conversation, but according to you the reviews have no value, so I say you don’t belong as you have nothing of value to contribute If you reply watch your tone and keep it civil
You keep your tone civil . I won't write reviews because club management and the cops read them. The reason most don't put any real info in them as to what really goes on. Ie no one will talk about cokehead managers and how wifeys scam or where pimps hang out or tourist trap scams etc.
You're one of the main troll enablers and have a troll profile yourself. So you shouldn't be talking. Your vitriol is directed towards me coz you're butt hurt
You are a liar, you couldn’t write a review because you’ve never been inside of a strip club, AFAIC you are just a dumbass knucklehead, who talks a lot of shit but when called out on your bonafides you resort to pure unadulterated bullshit Write a fucking review you loser.
25 you show your true colors. You're too much of a dullard to comprehend that people have experiences different from yours so you resort to whining and malicious trolling.
After we put in controls on the forum so no one is offended, let’s put the same controls on life. No one should be allowed near me if I disagree with them. Or, don’t like their look. After all, that’s only fair. And, it should be easy to implement. And, everyone will certainly let me be the judge of who is offensive.
DC, stop trying to create a false consensus. You're whining crying and trolling simply because I among almost everyone else here called you out on the fact that its not normal for a guy your age to be this socially retarded and resorting to hookers.You said yourself you're obsessive compulsive. I guess that's why you keep trolling and won't drop it.
Most "men" on here confuse strippers and hookers. They don't know the difference apparently. These "men" can't stand hearing that the women they pay for sex don't enjoy having sex with them and don't like them. Basically, anyone who doesn't stroke a trick's ego is considered bad.
Then you have people like Nicespice who is just a bored bitter bitch who likes to troll, and takes advantage of these idiots so they help her troll.
I think men who pay so much for a fantasy have a problem coping with reality coz unlike P4P or OTC they can't control people or have everyone fake liking them. The trolling is just a symptom of very poor coping skills.
Rick, I don't see how it would discourage new content. Having a small fee per handle and/or a subscription might stop all the trolls with multiple accounts. Those that are serious about contributing would not baulk at a fee if they knew the board was more coherent. Also by having a subscribed account Founder could monitor ISP addresses, the only reason people change ISP numbers is they don't want to be tracked, having a max of three should be sufficient for home/work and one other.
london posted: "Rick, I don't see how it would discourage new content. "
Apparently you are not a student of human nature. Comped VIP access is the primary driver of review intel. Take that incentive away and the site will be full of consumers rather than contributors.
I agree with Rick. A lot of this is about privacy for people. Plus all of the suggestions are basically about making it more like other sites. If thats the case what would make TUSCL stand out?
I think the ladies that post here are awesome... unless they create multiple troll accounts and try to manipulate users as accomplices or unless they are really posting with the main purpose of drumming up their incall/outcall business. Haven't had any issues with dancers that dont do these two things. Nicole is an anomaly because she just posts the same stupid shit everyday.
So, real dancers post away. Just remember you're in a male locker room so if you see some swingin dicks and feel the testosterone from time to time, that's what it is.
I don't get why anyone would be offended by a girls advertisement on here. As long as its meaningful contribution and not just the TUSCL version of "wanna dance?"
"Tuscl discussion board should be the front room. (SJG feel free to make out with all the avatars you want)"
Sounds like a plan. Thank you Founder! Sounds like TUSCL is going to turn into the front room of the TJ HK bar.
The trolling situation on TUSCL, as I see it, is much less serious than it was a year ago. For one thing, Dougster was doing his own brand of trolling, extremely mean, and targetted at people he had nothing but conempt for. That was providing cover for all manner of other trolling. If he has mended his ways, I would hope that he can come back. But in the mean time, having he and his trolling gone has made a big difference.
Also, we do have some regular stripper posters now. They have their own idosyncracies, but having them does mitigate much of the trolling.
There are some new people who seem not to get along, but I don't see this as serious. I suspect that most of them do not have much online experience, and so they don't understand an important factor in online. In f2f, people are careful and reserved about who they talk to, and about what. Body language, manner of dress, tone of voice, all tell people if this is someone they should talk to, and about how far it is safe to go.
Online is not like that. Your posts will be read by people you would be smart never to talk to f2f.
When a forum has moderation or is made invitation only, that kills it. So like we know about TJA. It has just as many trolls as we do. Its just that there, the trolls are the ones who have to ability to enforce. They are the ones with moderator powers.
And here, those calling the loudest for moderation, screening, and invitation only are some of the worst trolls. I'm talking about JohnSmith69, chessmaster, and PaulDrake. They are the ones who post in order to try and drive other people off. Rather than talk about the things they find interesting, they use words to try and drive others off. They want to control the forum and its contents.
And then reviews, that does not prove anything. Some of the worst trolls have lots and lots of reviews.
The issue really is just mellowing out and keeping it civil.
Now, the trolling of women was far far worse. Zillions of seemingly legit women have been driven off of here for no reason. Guys say things to them they would never dream of saying to a woman f2f.
But as I see it, it is far better now.
What I do not see is what is happening in PM's. But, PM's are where IGNORE is 100% effective.
About PSD, I am not legitimating the way she was treated. But I remember a few times when she was on here a while back. She also lamented how bad it was. Online tends to be like that. Just use IGNORE for the PM's. Then if it continues on the board, and it is really sexist or mysogniystic, then I feel it would be fair to ask that the party receive a suspension, maybe 1 week the first time. That way their threads would not close, but they will know that they have been reprimanded.
Women coming on this forum has been like them going into the men's locker room. And some guys feel that that is how it should be.
But no, they are entitled to their views just as much as anyone else is. And you know that women are likely going to see many of these issues differently.
Guy I know who repairs Porsche's, he knows how to do it. When you find a woman who has bought herself a Porsche, she is justifiably proud. He wants these customers to know that they can not only trust his work, they can trust his advice.
So does he discuss the car with them inside the shop, bunch of guys working on the cars and likely looking down on the woman?
No, he gets the woman to sit in her car, her own portable throne, and roll down the window. Then no matter the car is low and has low seats, he still squats down outside so that his head is a bit lower than hers. Just like it goes with dentists, he wants her to accept his program of preventative maintenance, rather then operating on Run-Break-Fix. He runs a much respected shop.
When a woman comes here she should be given an extra margin of courtesy and respect.
******************************************* As posted by founder: "Just an FYI, I have nothing against dancers trying to drum up some business" "Stripperweb is the dressing room at a strip club...Tuscl discussion board should be the front room. "
+1,000. I see endless possibilities with this if you could ever actually pull it off. I might have to modify my stated positions just a touch, but I've been honing those skills elsewhere for years now. ;)
Seriously though, this site could become very interesting. Members might even become motivated to encourage their favorite dancers to participate. But I still contend that this will be unlikely to succeed without some minimum level of moderation.
"And here, those calling the loudest for moderation, screening, and invitation only are some of the worst trolls. I'm talking about JohnSmith69, chessmaster, and PaulDrake. "
BULLSHIT! You and nicespice are the biggest trolls on here. You probably ran more dancers off here than anybody. Bitches come on the site and see sjg and run the opposite direction.
RickDugan, yes indeed, this perhaps could turn into the next Xoticspot. Once you can contact dancers outside the club, and once you can go to a club web site and scope out its dancers, that changes everything. I believe that it made a huge difference in the Portland Clubs.
But, one must be sure of where the legal trip wires are.
Well yeah, everyone is entitled to their views without being incessantly trolled/cyber bullied for them. Hence the real problem are the few members who openly admit to being trolls/cyber bullies.
I don't see how js69/chess/Paul are big time trolls or running anyone off the board. There are some really odd fucks running around here but that's just men in general everywhere you go.
I think the main reason a lot of strippers will never post on here is because many guys on here have a value mindset of "what do I get for my money?" Quite frankly I like to avoid this type of customer as there are usually easier targets or bigger fish to fry. Even so I get a lot out of this website either from reviews or discussions (though the discussions I only find valuable stuff here and there... but i wouldn't have found it if I didnt read some of this shit). Anyway I gain nothing by posting here and I am fine with that. I'm not on a time is money mindset when I'm on internet forums. The time is money kicks in at the club. For me anyway...
“But I still contend that this will be unlikely to succeed without some minimum level of moderation.”
What type of moderation?
Assuming the goal is to bring in dancers, misogyny would have to get targeted.
I also suspect (something which not many complain about right now) that not only naming dancers doing extras has to go, but physically describing them as well.
I would guess that the prank silly trolls like DennisHof would be naturally lessened without help from a moderator, but I’m not sure.
Despite what Chessmaster claims, I haven’t noticed any dancer getting very angry about SJG. I doubt SJG has driven off any dancer.
I notice they tend to get angry at stuff like a jackslash domestic violence joke. Or as a reply to board members who like to comment on something something a dancer says as either delusional or entitled (or both).
But on the other hand, as pistola/txtittyfag demonstrated on blondbombshell’s thread the other day, some of these misogynists are creating aliases to pretend there are greater numbers of men backing them up than there really is.
The vast majority of the board members are perfectly nice individuals who like dancers well enough.
So back to would we moderate? I don’t think, for example, jackslash should be censored. As obnoxious as some other members are too, I wouldn’t necessarily want them silenced either.
(And like they have been pointing out, I’ve been enjoying taking their attacks and trolling them for my amusement) ——— I personally back what a couple others said with a private area for dancers, and another for PL for fairness.
But also I’m a weirdo and other dancers may have other opinions. MackTruck’s suggestion to PM dancers is a good one.
Blahblah makes a valid point too about the type of customer mindset on this board.
I do want to point out that for me, personally, nobody has been a baller, but nobody has been a time waster either. I’d consider the interaction I’ve had with others here “fair” and “respectful” those I’ve met with personally so far.
But before meeting up with board members, I admit I had a certain bias too. And that’s a valid perception thing that might have to be worked on.
@blah: “I don't see how js69/chess/Paul are big time trolls or running anyone off the board.”
There’s a tactic used by many trolls and propagandists. They accuse their targets of doing the very thing the troll is doing. Dougster, and his numerous aliases employed, and still employ, this tactic all the time.
^^^^ The problem is that it is very hard for moderators to make sense of what is going on in a thread. So in the vast majority of places which have active moderation, it amounts to just more trolling, and with moderator powers.
I agree with you that the misogyny has got to go. People should not be saying things to the women, or about women, which would not appropriate in a public place.
Private areas would amount to cannibalizing this forum, destroying all which has made it good.
IGNORE instantly stops PM harassment.
We have some people who think that this forum should be restricted to people who think just like they do. Again, chessmaster, JohnSmith69, and PaulDrake are some of the worst. Just ignore such people.
The treatment of women here has been horrid, but today it is far less severe than it had been. If the women use IGNORE, then that would force it to open posts. At that point maybe some sort of reprimand could be looked at.
Perhaps there is no problem here? If some women feel offended when they read some things, that's okay. Watch some Jordan Peterson, freedom is about risking being offensive/offended. I think the troll accounts and troll comments is just a manifestation of the 21st century American male psyche; sometimes we have fucked up thoughts, and do fucked up things. Nobody said all guys are angels, or that we should be angels! In fact, they say the opposite!
@nice I didnt mean anything personal when I said what I did. It's just business.
Anyways hardly anything here gets to me enough i feel offended. If i do i just call someone a retarded dick sucking faggot of a man and maybe block them and go on about my day. I feel people here are more civil than the shit I would deal with at the club or especially webcam. Most of the offenders being the younger demographic which quite frankly a lot of them wont be missed if something happened to them. Imo!!! There aren't too many younger posters on here and the few that are here... for the most part come across as conscientious human beings.
I’ll just say that I really like the way that founder has described his vision for what he would like tuscl to become. And I’ve always wished that we could have more genuine stripper participation. Best of luck founder in making that happen.
The board is better when the strippers feel welcomed. Despite the different motivations of custies vs dancers, I enjoy their perspectives, from nina, blahblah, april, amelia, bj etc. And the board is a better place when they're here.
The question becomes what do we moderate. The spamming trolls are obvious. How much misogyny is tolerated, whether joke or not and who determines when one is what vs the other?? Or contributing members who for w/e reason spend 90% of their time trolling, but otherwise 10% is insightful?? What's the metric if founder decides on moderators??
@slantyspice, I'm hardly a misogynist, I just dont care for you or your antics. The only thing impressive about you is how you manage to remember so many passwords to your troll accounts.
“@nice I didnt mean anything personal when I said what I did. It's just business.”
I meant it as business too. So far, I met 8 men from this site. I really wish I had kept track of numbers, but the average from each meetup has been ~$160. With some spead around that average of course.
Is it amazing money? No. But everyone I have met in person has been fun to talk with, respectful of time, and boundaries.
I’d describe it as “easy” money, and it’s worth scheduling somebody from here during a slow period when working.
FTS, "21st century American male psyche" is not an excuse. Rather that is just a manifestation of the Men's Rights Movement - Pick Up Artist Movement, a reactionary movement based entirely on misogyny.
Not totally sure what Founder has in mind, but I know what worked was Xoticspot. And I am sure it had to have been a huge factor in improving OR clubs.
But even on Xoticspot, the women tended not to talk much. Mostly they just had profiles and schedules, and photo sets. And a huge matter was that any club could have an Xoticspot built site. So besides the usual info, you could click on pictures of the dancers and get to their profiles. And you could PM them, but they probably did not usually reply to people they had not met f2f.
And then for the dives of dives, most of the women would not have such profiles, so they just have generic cartoon picture. Tells you a lot about the clubs.
But legal caution has to be employed in going this direction. At a minimum an expert specialist attorney.
If TUSCL is to be the front room of a strip club, then deference and respect must be shown to all women. And it must be the women themselves who are able to define the limits. This would mean applying ignore. And again, most of them would probably not be too interested in discussions.
Well if it makes founder feel better I almost always get mostly female input on Facebook but rarely post there. I'm much more active here. You can go from one extreme to the other. Maybe it's because I already have a lot of female relatives, in laws, nieces, cousins, etc already on Facebook but my brothers and guys I know stay quiet on there.
We've always had issues w/ trolls - only way to somewhat control them is via more-active moderation - even if they can use TOR to get around the IP-address issue, at least one is making it harder for them - I used TOR once and I found it kinda a PITA to use - seemed like it had a lot of overhead/delay that made it slow and loading a pic or video seemed very tedious - i.e. many trolls may not want to jump thru all those hoops - but the nature of TUSCL is that there is no moderation and I'm fine w/ that - the Ignore Function or just scrolling past the nonsense should be enough.
w.r.t. attracting dancers - as others mentioned, there would have to be moderation in order to make it acceptable/palatable for many a dancer - to begin with, obviously many of the SC vets on here are not gonna see things the way dancers see them or wanna see them; dancers and PLs often have very-different reasons and agendas for being in the club - i.e. dancers and PLs are not gonna see eye-to-eye on a lot of things - so why be on here if you are constantly gonna be reading things you don't agree w/ or care for - so besides being mismatched in agendas, many a dancer will get offended when the inevitable disagreements surface and some of the PLs become offensive - solution is to have moderation so as to the language/posts not becoming abusive while still being able to disagree - but since moderation does not seem like it will be implemented (which is fine w/ me), perhaps the suggestion of a dancer-only section may be a way "to attract more dancers to the site" - would not do much for us PLs but would be beneficial to Founder by attracting the added traffic which I think is good for TUSCL - and I guess as a small side-benefit, having a bigger dancer presence via a dancer-only section may help us PLs to maybe hook up ITC w/ a particular TUSCL dancer we find interesting.
So to the initial topic of making TUSCL more dancer-friendly, in-lieu of moderation, perhaps a dancer-only section may be the feasible thing - although it would kinda negate the benefit for dancers of being on a custy site; and I can see us PLs reading a thread on the dancer-section and then flaming it on our section, LOL (unless us PLs are not allowed to even view/read the dancer-section).
I do not think we need moderation or restricted sections. TUSCL has worked so well because we do not have this.
Remember, IGNORE completely ends any PM harassment. And most of all, it is the offended member decides when to use it.
Most of the trolls and this board are chicken shits. They troll because other people give them cover.
Most of the time young women are not going to be interested in talking to Male PL's.
They can have their place for their profiles, the Dancer Directory. But most of them won't be interested much in discussions.
If someone is really bothering them and they have already applied IGNORE, then maybe Founder could make a short suspension. But I don't think that would even need to happen very often. Most of the forum harassment is coming from a certain mind set, and it is the same type that is screaming the loudest for moderation and for invitation only sections. We do not need this.
Just because moderation or stripper only sections are offered doesn't mean strippers will be active. I think the calls for separate sections and moderation are just calls for censorship by certain people who want to silence anyone not pandering to tricks and their interests.
Nicespice said... "I also suspect (something which not many complain about right now) that not only naming dancers doing extras has to go, but physically describing them as well."
I totally agree with this statement. Not naming dancers has been discussed on here before. Dancers I have named in reviews have known about it first and I had their permission. Describing dancers physically has not talked about though. This is a great point. Some dancers love dancing and have nothing they are planning on exiting into later in life and have no other goals. Some of these type dancers have no problem showing their face on here or other body parts. These types may care less about being mentioned or described as extras girls. Seems like the majority of the dancers I have come across and been friends with are in a phase or chapter in life and dancing is a stepping stone to something else and have goals beyond dancing, like getting an education to go into some sort of career or modeling/ acting, etc.
If I were a dancer I would not want my name out there just like most of us posters do not want our name out there without your permission. Dancers are people and just want to be treated like humans.
I would not expect a dancer to show their face on the public board. These can be reserved for pm if you want to show yourself to certain members. However we do love pics of boobs or what ever else you want to show.
This thread has become a giant echo chamber, for the three retarded trolls that are determined to ruin this site for the rest of us, I sat fat boy, Sjg, trap skeet, go find your own website to troll on and leave the rest of us alone, three shitheads, thinking they are capable of running the world, none of them is even capable of running their own life. You three idiots, who claim to be open minded, aren't interested in engaging in conversation, you just are enamored with the sound of your own voice.
By legit I mean real strippers who are not retired and have insigntful info, experiences or opinions to add to the board. Or are advertising to meet in person. Or both. Even when it comes to drumming up business like founder said I haven’t seen much of that lately cuz this forum is so annoying and dumb.
Condescending tones are naturally going to come from both sides. In a perfect Internet world we’d all understand that coming here as a dancer means dealing with misogyny, and coming to the other site as a customer means dealing with entitlement. But that’s not gonna happen :D
25, you Nicespice and DC are the ones posting in here with your troll profiles and egging each other on. You want the freedom to troll as well as censoring opposing views. You are the problem.
Wasn’t this thread supposed to be about how to attract dancers to the site?
Maybe the club pages could have a spot where PLs and dancers can check in to say when they’ll be there. There could be an interface for dancers to schedule ITC or OTC meetups. If the dancers want to register their phone number with TUSCL they allow a PL to send her texts through TUSCL without him having her number. If things go sour she can revoke that permission so he has to go back to using PM. She could also get text reminders when she has an appointment coming up.
Yeah and the truth is dancers won't post if they have no real incentive to. If they want to, they will, if they don't they won't. If they don't think they have anything to gain from it most won't. Nicespice posts as a troll, not a dancer, a few others are just old hookers and the few real dancers get attacked coz they don't represent tricks' interests.
Could a mix be set up, almost like a strip club. Founder stated that stripperweb was the dressing room and tuscl was the club floor. Why couldn't tuscl be set up as both. Give the dancers their own area where they can discuss whatever they want and then the regular tuscl for everyone. Just like in a SC, I doubt too many guys have been invited into the dressing room (some how I would think management would object), so why not give them an area of their own. Then they can come out into the "club" and join the general population in all the fun and excitement we have on this board, trolls and all.
I would suggest some kind of moderation on the dancer side to reduce (you will never prevent) trolls from making dancer accounts to get access. It could also be somehow set up that if dancers wanted to grant access to customers, they have some systems to do that, but still have the ability to revoke the privilege if they set out of line.
Since most of this discussion was around Tolls more so than dancers, here's my thoughts for what worth.
What if you tried exposing the trolls. Have a “Troll Trace” tab. Under it you have 3 listings. Possible Trolls, Likely Trolls, and Verified Trolls.
If 2 accounts use the same IP address in a single day or week or something, group those accounts together as a Possible Troll. It’s possible that 2 people work at the same company or stay at the same hotel, or some other reason that they would share an IP, so they are only a possible troll. If after 30 days there are no overlapping accounts, then the accounts would be automatically removed. With enough data, you might actually be able to determine common hotels or hot spots where members overlap, and that might even be useful info for PL’s that want to meet up, but that’s another topic.
If any of the accounts that share an IP have a certain ignore to post radio, then they are in the Likely Trolls area. This could still be 2 people that stay at the same hotel, one is an asshole and one is a nice person. But they’d be flagged as a likely Troll. I think this list should be harder to get off of, maybe 60 days without overlapping IP’s, but also have a dispute button if someone completely gets butthurt they are on the list. If you’re not posting dumb stuff, probably most tuslers would know that person’s not a troll anyway.
3rd Group is Verified Trolls. This is for guys who 100% you know are trolls. Like SmallTown whatever his name was that posted under the wrong account and outted himself, board spammers, and probably some other criteria. Group them together so you know that these 7 troll accounts were all the same person. Flag the IP’s used by those accounts, and automatically add any new accounts to the Verified Trolls area. Yes they can still get around this with VPN’s and whatnot, and it’s not perfect, but it gets blacklists some of them. Disable the ability to send messages on verified trolls, or let them think they sent it, but it never is delivered, maybe even delete their reviews, or flag them with a Verified Troll Stamp so people know it was probably just a canned review to get review numbers up and try to seem more legit. And maybe as an act of shaming, display the City the IP address is registered too. If you can make a Verified troll profile not know they are a verified troll that would be awesome. Make them still see all their posts but others stop seeing it, so they still think they are causing a stink when in reality they are hidden from 95% of the users.
In our profiles let us pick if we want to ignore Possible Trolls, Likely Trolls, and Verified Trolls. New accounts by default, have Likely and Verified Trolls ignored by default. A block private messages from Possible, Likely and Verified Trolls button too.
Maybe add a harassment button in the messages area. Where they flag a message they received from someone else. Too many harassment messages earns you a seat on the Verified Troll board. If you can only tag a message you received as harassment, it wouldn’t allow a troll to start flagging a bunch of other accounts.
Oh, and don’t have the Ignore trolls button change people true ignore count, that way if it was a hotel wifi shared IP coincidence you don’t get mass ignored numbers and you can still eventually fall off that list.
A trust still shows posts and allows private messages even if someone is on a troll list that you are ignoring. So for those that still think BrotherFoghorn is funny but hate all the other trolls, they can still see those posts.
@Ian4 Simple solution for me, I respect male mongers that participate in trout community, any monger that claims membership needs to contribute, by contribute I mean write a legitimate revue, the gals I take on a case by case basis, but any male claiming to know anything at all about strip clubs, that can’t be bothered to write a review, is just a leech, and a panhandler, those idiots should be kicked out.
25 so you basically want what you've been accused of and deny. you want it to be a forum where tricks pat each other on the back for being tricks. that has nothing to do with strip clubs tbh
The forum is open to strippers, if they want to participate they will. If they don't they won't. I don't believe in giving them special privileges. As I see it, the problem is the majority of men on here have the same relations with women online as they do irl
As one of those that have been hear the longest and have seen TUSCL grow, I tend to trust your judgement and see no reason to say anything and just let you do what you do!
@Fat Twat you can post all you like I just don’t have any respect for anything you have to say. A quick heads up I don’t post under any other handle, you’re just paranoid.
the phatboyhell profile mentions you a lot and posts whenever you're on. you don't have to respect anything i say, just like i don't have to respect what you say. you can however act like an adult and disagree or stfu without resorting to childish name calling or trolling.
"and stop using your phatboyhell profile to harass me"
The forum is open to all poters, if they want to participate they will. If they don't they won't. I don't believe in giving them special privileges or telling them to stfu. As I see it, the problem is the majority of men onbher have the same relationships with other men
Phatboy(icyloco) is becoming more and more like sjg every day, spewing the same nonsense. That we're all tricks amd thats it. Less of a troll than sjg because he doesnt spam the board but still contributes nothing.
No, PhatBoyHell is 25s troll account that he uses to harass me.
Chessmaster, I contribute a lot. Unfortunately you just want to hear about how great paying to fuck is and about trolling strip clubs for hookers. Not everyone does that and frankly it has little to do with strippers and clubs for the vast majority of men. Do you want an apology for looking at strippers like human beings rather than P4P fuck toys?
This thread seems to have (d)evolved into a graphic illustration of why light moderation might not be a horrible idea, irrespective of any intent to keep strippers around.
Moderation isn't needed. People like 25, DC and Nicespice will troll regardless. Look at it this way, SCs attract socially awkward types a lot and that's what you get here.
One suggestion that would work best is if when you ignore someone, they couldn't respond on your threads and couldn't see your posts. As is, you only can't see there's but they can still reply. A normal blocking feature would make it a lot easier to stop the resident trolls.
^^^^^^^^ We don't want to go that far, giving people the ability to control what someone else posts.
Ignore stops PM's, but it does not prevent anyone else from posting.
And TUSCL already suffers from people starting too many threads, rather than just continuing old ones. If you block someone off of a thread, they will just start a new one to troll you.
The real trolls are the people who are trying to drive others off the board, making this board into their turf.
Used to be lots of vicious trolling against women. Now that seems to be gone. So it must be via PM's.
For any women who feel they have been trolled, was it via PM's, and wouldn't ignore being enough to stop it?
The main mode of trolling is the negative meta-narrative. That is, they are not speaking about the topic, they are initiating a conversation about the conversation, with the intent of trashing the poster.
So say @A posts "It was great at my strip club, until it was found that some strippers were using drugs."
So then @TrollX posts, "You are a stupid idiot A, your brain is full of shit, and you are always fucking hamsters."
While there are grey areas, it is still best if people post to further the conversation and refrain from making personal attacks, and try to keep it civil. People are allowed to disagree, but they should not be trying to drive others off of this board.
Some of our worst trolls are people who insist that this board should be only for them and for people who think like them. They call anyone else, a "troll".
They think this should be the Evangelical Like Mindedness Church of Pathetic Loserdom.
What’s more negative that two knuckleheads telling a group that was formed without them that they’re having fun wrong, form your own group leave us alone
Ok I'm off topic but hell, this train ran off the tracks a long fucking time ago.
Iceyloco, what's your deal? You call pretty much every male on this site you talk to a trick or other derogatory name like faggot white boy. Then in your above conversation with twentyfive you say this "you don't have to respect anything i say, just like i don't have to respect what you say. you can however act like an adult and disagree or stfu without resorting to childish name calling or trolling.". Which sounds reasonable... except this is your entire MO! Well, at least the childish name calling part. When someone disagrees with you, you call them a trick, faggot, etc. If you took your own advice I bet a lot of your interactions on this board would be more civil.
There's a difference between enjoying strip clubs and using them to find hookers. I think a small group of tricks has the two confused and think they can take over the forum and dictate what strip clubbing is and isn't. Basically a group of dumbasses who troll clubs for hookers patting each other on the back and throwing fits when anyone says it like it is.
@TFP he’s just a punk he’s afraid to write a review because he’s just like SJG never interacted with a woman in his life. He also knows he can’t behave like this IRL for sure he’d get his ass kicked if he ever did.
TFP, a man paying a hoe for sex is a trick. I treat them like they treat me. You're exactly like them so I won't expect to hear anything fair on the matter from you.
25, you mean never had to pay a hoe. and no, I choose not to provide info on what really goes on in clubs when I know LE is watching.
^Never had to pay a hoe dumbass, I use hoes in my garden, and for the record you illiterate POS trick is the act, the customer is usually a John or a Jill, go back and read your textbook again, you are stupid
"I treat them like they treat me". I never had any problems with you despite disagreeing with most stuff you posted. Yet it was you who broke down and resorted to calling me names after a disagreement we had. That's why I thought it was interesting for you to make the statement I quoted in my last post.
Don't be passive aggressive with me. You come on here with them and do the same as DC et al. So don't play victim, don't be passive aggressive. You're one of them.
Lol I'm one of them? What, a trick? Sure, I've been to Hong Kong TJ and enjoyed some paid sex. What does that have to do with you not being able to have a civil conversation on here without name calling? You were the one who suggested it. I think it's a great idea. Yet you don't follow your own suggestion. That's all I'm talking about right now.
A guy can have sex with a woman who is offering P4P, and he can pay her. For some guys, that is all they want, and so they are a Trick. They want to pay the woman to make her go away and keep quiet.
But for another guy, he does not need to pay the woman to go away, or to keep silent. He actually wants to know her openly. So in being her trick he is not really a trick. He is just playing along with her, giving her what she wants as a way of getting to know her.
Often to get to know people you do have to play along with them, to an extent. So guys play along with women offering P4P, knowing that they want more. And women offering P4P, often they are just offering it that way because it is safer and they get more takers. A woman who does not want to be paid, she will scare Tricks away. They can't understand her and she terrifies them.
Most of the guys on this forum who are posting about their dealings with women involving money, they are Tricks.
This woman escaped from a forced child marriage. Clearly this is outside of anything in my own experience. But she also talks about how in not backing her up, her parents betrayed her. I feel that she has found something which is universal. She has found the betrayal, exploitation, and abuse which is at the core of the middle-class family.…
I feel that this woman also has found that betrayal which is at the core of the middle-class and reactionary family:…
@Icey see now you're assuming. I couldn't care less about what DC or anyone else feels about this conversation between you and me. I'm simply trying to see why you suggest being civil, yet act anything but when disagreeing with people.
It is what it is though. Sounds like you're not interested in answering so it's cool.
Civilizing hoes, strip club or street, can be lots of fun. But the point is not to decline them money, its more to make them feel happy and cared for, and to get personal and enjoy.
This is a laundry list of ideas. Some better than others. None are fully formed, obviously. Just ideas.
-- Allow dancers to link their profiles to the club pages where they work. That way, when customers visit the club page, they can see dancers that work there. Networking between customers and dancers is a benefit that TUSCL can provide.
-- Dancers should have to jump through some sort of verification/payment hoop in order to be designated as a dancer and link to a club page (and get any other dancer benefits). This should help prevent / cut back "dancer" trolls.
-- Dancers should be able to flag for review PMs that they feel are threatening or abusive. If a customer steps over the line, then they get their profile deactivated for X amount of time. Yes, I know that this can be abused (intentionally or not), and the determination for "abusive" can be highly subjective. The reality is that there are a subset of creepy and toxic guys here. That's not going to go away. If there's a real desire to have dancers here, then they need to feel like TUSCL has their back if they're being harassed or threatened.
-- Part of the reason why it's so easy to troll here is that it's also so easy to create multiple profiles. There should be more hurdles to creating new profiles. While it's not great to make the process overly burdensome, it should also be hard to create an army of sock puppets.
-- All discussion topics should be locked with no new comments after X amount of time. I'd suggest 30 days, but that's debatable. Those discussions can still be linked, but bumping ancient threads is a form of trolling here.
-- Flooding controls. Any profile that creates more than X number of posts in X amount of time gets automatically locked down until the activity is reviewed. Also, any discussion topic that gets more than X number of posts (from any number of users) in X amount of time would also get locked down until the activity is reviewed (this specifically addresses trolls who might create multiple profiles to circumvent anti-flooding measures).
-- Allow users to upvote or downvote discussion topics (and perhaps even comments). Potentially, this could affect the visibility or ranking of individual topics or comments. But, if nothing else it shows users scrolling through the thread which topics or comments are worth reading. Sure, this also has potential for abuse. Still, it's worth exploring.
-- Users who are not VIP members only get to post X number of comments per day and X number of discussion topics per week.
As I said at the top, I don't think that all of these ideas should be implemented. But, they can be individually tinkered with and tested (or not...). Also, there's the factor of how much programming and extra monitoring founder wants to take on.
-Most of the people who are trolls have few or no reviews. Make it so that you can only post as many discussion topics as reviews. So if you have only written 10 quality reviews, you can only post 10 discussion topics. You can only post shit as much as you give back to the site. It is annoying how some people post hundreds or thousands of stupid discussion topics and alot of them are dumb off-topic shit. Only post when you have a good question or story, otherwise keep your bullshit to yourself.
-One account per ip address if that is possible.
-As far as scaring dancers away, I have no clue. Alot of guys that frequent strip clubs and spend several hours everyday on this site are beyond pathetic. They are your main traffic source and ad revenue. I personally don't care for getting more dancers on the site. It just brings out too much white knight behavior and stalker type stuff. You also have a woman user on here openly advertising prostitution the past few months. That type of thing could lead to a FOSTA takedown if it becomes too common.
Sinclair, most of the worst of the trolls are also those with lots of reviews. They want to bring the forum down to their level.
Restricting multiple handles seems to be a technical impossibility. Remember, TUSCL works because it does not trample on the privacy of people's face to face lives.
The trolling is far less today. But if bad stuff is being said to dancers, I assume that it is in PM's. Can Founder confirm this?
IGNORE would solve it.
On Xoticspot I am sure the same things were going on with PM's to dancers. I believe that the would just not respond, or also go to ignore.
And yes, "Those that would sacrifice liberty for safety and order deserve neither one."
"Those that would sacrifice liberty for safety and order deserve neither one."
The man who provides this free forum has said he thinks of this place like the front room of a SC. When you’re at a club you give up some liberty for some level of safety and order, don’t you?
Founder, have you thought this through? Strippers are the biggest flakes known to human kind. They never stick around for anything unless it’s your wallet! Once they have it they’ll leave you, so what makes you think they’ll be consistent in contributing to this forum?
Meat72, what's your problem? Anyone who posts can choose to post when they like. You're acting like you want strippers to be some sort of captive audience to entertain you and if they don't you accuse them of flakiness. I don't think strippers are the problem, I think its your attitude.
With some users I’m not sure if I want to ignore them or not. If I could mark comments as trust or troll and look back to see what I had marked it would help me sort out who is at least sometimes funny and who is a complete waste of time.
Somewhere up near the top, Founder posted this: "I have always wanted tuscl to be a sort of a place where strippers can hang out and not be judged. Because who are we to judge?"
TL;DR - It is too easy to have unlimited posting privileges. Too much off topic stuff, even from legit TUSCLers. Forums should be split into lightly moderated "on topic" discussions with a second forum for everything else. Suspend and ban accounts consistently.
Agree with the last part about the judging, but hadn't really contemplated whether TUSCL was meant to be a safe haven for strippers to hang out and not be judged. To me that's Stripperweb, and those boards have obvious issues with the mods being too quick to ban when a topic strays too far from the heavily curated "consensus". But, when you read those boards there is no confusion over what those forums are there for. And honestly as a customer it's easier just to go talk with strippers in a club (or wherever) than having to "type on eggshells" over on SW. The discussion threads here at TUSCL were something to look over when I wanted to turn the brain off for a few minutes and didn't have the time or energy to write a review. That's still how I view them now.
As one user of many (and I have exactly one TUSCL account), there are two or three factors that are hampering the usefulness of the forums. One is the barrier to entry and unlimited posting privileges is too low. We all know who the accounts are for TUSCLers who have few to zero reviews but gum up the forum with their bullshit. Two is not being able to give other posters the benefit of the doubt. The Internet forums have always been a place where people could try on different personas, but by and large people were genuine in their interactions. This board in particular is out of control with people doing role playing, and "turning my brain off" and having to figure out what the deal is with every single thread I read (i.e. legit, troll, cosplay, etc) are not compatible. Three is the board and its longtime contributors not setting the tone and being consistent in their behavior. And by that I mean individually and collectively. That speaks to the motivations of what brings people here regularly. To me, even in better days on the forum there was too much discussion that started off with an "OT". That's not what I'm here for, but I'd still respond to a thread here or there that was off topic because it was there. Now I don't really post to anything that is off topic because so much of this board is consumed by the headspam of a relative few low value contributors.
I have one suggestion that could help with "keeping strippers around" and encourage legit contributions - split the board. Nothing too complicated. Have one board that is "on topic": strip clubs, clubbing, strippers, experiences with strip clubs/strippers, how to go about the hobby, laws/regs, other stuff that is actually relevant to a place called The Ultimate Strip Club List. That board should be lightly moderated with the ability to do suspend/block access to that forum granted to a handful of members that have shown they can be "grownups" in the forums. Not concerned about whether a person has one or ten accounts so long as they are posting stuff that is on topic and not being stupid about it. The second board is everything else. You want to talk about stocks? Fine. You want to marvel at stupid human tricks and crazy things in Florida? Fine (and often hilarious). You want to talk about some make believe cult and think people might care? Fine. You want to pretend to be a pimp or dress up like a ho? Fine. You name it, you call it. But keep that stuff away from the reason most people who don't camp out here on the boards for hours a day might click on a search result out of curiosity. That board anything goes unless it hits on stuff that could get the site shuttered, and that's for the people that run the site (Founder and his IRL team) to make the call on.
If you get kicked out of the big people forum, you can still hang out in the other forum or (shudder to think) write reviews. You post spam as a review or put the site a risk, that account gets banned and account name gets retired. Period. Since people love their trolls, maybe there can be a wall of shame for banned accounts and there can be a contest for most appearances. So that's it. Other than time, I have spent $0 to participate here on TUSCL. But I've spent way more time in clubs and in the company of real life strippers. Plus a few hundred reviews should count for something, so I wrote a few paragraphs.
I disagree. Rules should be the same for everyone and should be very general. It's very entitled and elitist to think one is owed privileges just coz they participate more. That participation is a choice and should not count any more than anyone else's.
TBH the freedom on this forum is refreshing and is what makes it stand out. Anything to favor a certain clique or grouping would ruin it as much as the trolls and their enablers.....who by the way are the ones calling for such actions.
Everything that wallanon just posted. It's similar to what I suggested for the same reasons, except that I hadn't thought about splitting the board between lightly moderated topical posts and unmoderated crap topics. IMHO it's a great suggestion as it provides a way to keep topical discussions intact while still providing an outlet for trolls who have nothing else to do.
The suggestion to have the board moderated sounds just like a democrat promising to give everything to everyone obligating someone else to make the sacrifice.
IMO the natural place to start would probably be with those who are currently very active both on the review side and on the discussion board. These are the users who are also most likely to be motivated to clean up the topical discussions (to a degree anyway). Founder could start near the top of the list and work his way down, skipping of course those who might be problematic for one reason or another. Guys like shadow and wallanon would be near the top of my list. Two to three mods to start would probably be sufficient, especially as the topical areas will likely slow down a lot in the early stages once the trolls are kicked out.
Flag, I'm not a huge fan of the theory of moderation either. But this site has been a real object lesson for me as to what can happen when there are no controls at all. You can have a discussion board full of unique users or troll posts, but not both because the troll posts eventually drive off interested users and prevent new ones from engaging. It may hurt click traffic for a while to tamp down on the trolls, but IMHO it's the only way to create the opportunity for organic growth.
Twosheds is down, Stripperweb is a ghost town with more fake dancers than real ones and a number of hobbyist forums have shut down. IMHO the time is ripe to try to gain additional organic traffic, both customer and dancer.
We've had the ignore function for years and clearly it's not working. if it was, the trolls wouldn't still be clogging up the site. Also, ignore doesn't help when you are trying to entice prospective users to register and participate.
Also, I don't recall anyone advocating censorship of opinions, at least as I understand the common definition.
Flagooner said "that sounds a lot like 'I want a moderator but not me, I want someone else to do it for me.'"
If Dugan volunteered himself to be moderator, many users here would land on him like a pile of rocks. So, it's a no-win situation, isn't it?
"Censorship sucks."
True, but having standards of conduct is not censorship. And, having controls on disruptive or damaging behavior is also not censorship.
"If it bothers you that much use ignore for the aliases that bother you most."
The ignore feature does nothing for new and potentially good contributors (both dancers and customers) who come here and see a hot mess of trolling and juvenile drama. Also, it makes some threads indecipherable when unblocked users are interacting with blocked users.
"If you are still annoyed, go to another site."
Founder asked for feedback on this site, presumably because he is also not satisfied with the forum dynamics. And he's getting feedback. That you don't like some of the feedback is your problem.
And rather than have the free expression of opinions, you seem to be lobbying that people with different opinions just leave. That could be classified as censorship via exclusion, which is both ironic and a bit hypocritical.
Also, are you suggesting that founder also go to another site because he is also "annoyed"? Because that would be awkward...
"Fucking crybabies wanting someone else to take care of everything exactly the way they want it."
Or, founder posted a discussion topic asking for feedback and he's getting exactly that. On the other hand, you seem to be pitching a tantrum over opinions you don't like.
But back to the original premise how do we keep ladies on this site when they do show up, I was against a moderator because as flagooner asked who could do it effectively, Rick Dugan made a few good points I am evolving on this, a few days ago I was absolutely no moderator, but I had an epiphany, realizing the those few that are dead set against, behave so poorly that they obviously know that their behavior will get them sanctioned, so I’m on the fence at this point. Next who would it be and what type of guidelines would be necessary, that for me would be the topic to be discussed. Any reasonable thoughts in this direction ?
I always find it a little disturbing when I agree with rickdugan on anything and I’ve agreed with him on a few threads. So it is good that this thread gives me a reason to disagree. So here goes:
Sorry to yell, but I can’t stress this enough. People are constantly complaining about trolling, talking about people they ignore, and even posting their ignore list. That isn’t ignoring people. If somebody is trolling — i.e., trying to elicit a strong negative response — posting that you are ignoring them indicates to the troll that the troll is living rent free in the head of the trollee! That is what trolls want!
I’m going to address this part to rickdugan directly, although I don’t know if he’s reading my posts. When I first started posting you accused me of trolling you and then stated you were putting me on ignore. Fair enough, I did call you a d-bag and you were being relentlessly trolled by Dougster. Maybe you even thought I was a Dougster alias. The truth is that you seem to be less of a d-bag than I initially thought and I’ll give you this: you tell entertaining stories. You’re stories sometimes warrant siting there with a bag of popcorn to take them in. BRAVO!!!
But here is the thing: you’ve responded directly to me after saying I was on ignore. If the issue is that you’ve decided I’m not trolling you then brilliant! But if you still think I’m trolling you but respond occasionally you’re being part of the problem. If I was really trying to get your goat then a response - any response! - would just encourage me.
But I’m not trying to get your goat. I read your entertaining stories because they’re entertaining. You should post more of them. But that’s besides the point. The point is that responding to people who only want to get somebody’s goat — i.e., genuine trolls — only encourages more trolling.
I will give you this: you respond to trolls way less than some other people. To those folks: why are you responding to people who you believe to be posting shit with the express purpose of irritating you? Maybe they are trying to irritate you, maybe they aren’t. But if you think they are trying to irritate you just back off so you don’t encourage them to be more irritating. When I read TUSCL I want to be entertained, not irritated! ;)
@4got the ignore button worked better a few months back, when those you had on ignore did not show up as last poster, unless @founder goes back to that it isn’t going to work, normal people are curious when an ignored poster responds on a thread they posted or right after they’ve posted on a thread, so you’re rong, ignore is not functioning the way it should.
gmd-->"This thread seems to have (d)evolved into a graphic illustration of why light moderation might not be a horrible idea, irrespective of any intent to keep strippers around."
I just peeked in this thread for the first time; mostly keeping away because I feel like as long as founder steadfastly refuses to implement the one tool that actually works on forums and even reddit subs (which is absolutely his right), this is all navel contemplating. Guys are doing backflips coming up with a zillion methods, many of which trolls can work around, all to get around the fact that the one thing that could actually work is already ruled out.
Ish-->""If it bothers you that much use ignore for the aliases that bother you most."
The ignore feature does nothing for new and potentially good contributors (both dancers and customers) who come here and see a hot mess of trolling and juvenile drama. Also, it makes some threads indecipherable when unblocked users are interacting with blocked users. "
Exactly all of this. I can't imagine how many potentially interesting contributors have been scared away by the forum as it is. "Just use ignore" has, in my experience, never worked on any internet forum, ever -- but the folks who are enjoying trolling love to say it.
Or, those of you calling for censorship and wanting to be mods can stop trolling in the hopes of censoring people and can stop begging founder to let you censor the site to your liking.
As for keeping strippers around. If they want to post they will, if they don't they won't. But look at it this way, if guys on here are running them off, and they're such strip club enthusiasts, at least it shows what strippers really think about them.
Also, nothing wrong with strippers saying where they work or trying to get guys to come in and see them. But allowing someone to openly solicit prostitution, as in the case of Blondebombshell, well.... that can get the site shut down, so yeah it matters.
A strip Club without strippers is usually empty, betcha they’d get tossed if they acted like this in a strip club. Women bring a new perspective to the board, bad behavior chases the new posters and potentially good people with interesting things to say. The more I see of the negativity, the more convinced I become that this type of behavior is intentional. Moderator with clear guidelines is fine, that’s not censorship, those morons are free to start their own community, this ones been here for longer than you’ve been alive, they aren’t contributors, they’re leeches and beggars.
I think iceyloco and trapbaby definitely contribute to the forum lol. I just dont like the picking on people they disagree with or targeting. But they make a lot of good points. I lump them into one because they are pretty damn similar if not the same person lord knows. Not like I care tbh. I think those 2 contribute a lot more insight than most on here. Their point of view is just very alternative to the popular view(s) on here.
Anyway I liked wallanon's idea... it would make the discussions a lot easier to filter through for those that strictly wanna stay on topic. But a lot of people have interesting, possibly good ideas on this thread.
25 you are one of the most negative people on here, making troll profiles and attacking people you disagree with in every thread, making disparaging comments.
blabla all i do is defend myself. if they give it they should be able to take it
Twentyfive, I'm not trying to argue. All I'm saying is I agree with some of what iceyloco/trapbaby say. Not every damn thing mind you. I also agree with many of the things you say as well, twentyfive. I do think we should all learn how to play nice. But I don't think it is fair to kick someone like iceyloco off the board because their pov is very different from the average pov on here.
^I don’t care about his pov, he started out by attacking now that he’s reaping what he’s down he want to play the victim card. Tell me blah blah, do you really believe he’s an innocent victim ?
Exactly. The whole purpose of an open forum is to have differing povs shared. No one has to agree, but trolling and censorship are definitely not merited. We don't need that kind of negativity.
This is a forum for strip clubs and whatever goes with them. Its not just for old conservative men who pay hookers and troll strip clubs looking for hookers. I've worked with and dated strippers since I was in my teens, of course my pov will be very different
25 your incessant trolling, cyberbullying, whining and derailing of threads and egging troll profiles on is more negative than anything I've ever said.
I dont know honestly. It does seem he is in a lot of arguments and I'm too lazy to see who started it tbh. I like what he says sometimes especially when there is no argument coming from him is what I meant. It does seem like he wants to stir the pot sometimes calling people out. But I hate to say I sometimes agree with his views, I just keep my mouth shut lol. I do think he is more negative than necessary though.
I dont really have a problem with either of you twentyfive or iceyloco. I'd rather stay out of it tbh. I would like there to be less arguing on the boards. So maybe some light moderation could be nice for that honestly..
There are no arguments coming from me. Defending myself from their trolling and arguments isn't me arguing. And I'm not negative, I'm realistic. Negative is trolling and harassing people for not being a trick.
@founder - light moderation would be a welcome thing to achieve your stated goals to "increase the stripper participation and quiet the trolls." That'd be preference as alternative to your idea of creating a ""verified member" discussion board" and at same time keep board open to all who don't merit the light moderation.
So the fact that strippers don't want to interact with these guys online, shows what they really think of them I guess. I don't see anyone's ATF or CF clamoring to come on board and praise tricks and custies.
The only regularly active stripper on here is Nicespice, and all she does is troll....and tolerates the guys who egg her on.
^ Wow you are a whiny little crybaby aren’t you, want to play with the big boys strap on a set of pads no refs here, I ran right over you just pick yourself of the floor and be ready for the next play, talk is cheap write a review. Of course you won’t, you’re just a little coward you’re the real trick.
@dickhead Much of what you wrote is just based on personal opinion, but the one comment that I have to disagree with is:
"That could be classified as censorship via exclusion, which is both ironic and a bit hypocritical. "
No. If they were kicked out it would be censorship. Me suggesting that they leave on their own because they are annoyed... I don't see how that is considered censorship.
I know you just wanted to find fault, but that was quite a stretch.
Maybe if we had fewer people referencing dancers as hookers and whores we might get more to visit and participate in the discussions here. Likewise, if we stopped referencing to guys are tricks, we might get more customers to visit and participate.
Regardless of what they do, they deserve respect and our wanna-be thugs/pimps that feel it necessary to insult people's choice in occupation definitely have an impact on whether new people join the community or choose to stay once here. This board is a community focused on the strip club scene, which should be a fun, exciting atmosphere where customers visit dancers. Just like in a strip club, dancers should be able to come here and converse with customers and other dancers without the expectation of insult or harassment. Calling a dancer a hooker or whore in most clubs would probably get you at least ignored, if not your face slapped or the management/bouncer encouraging you to leave and not come back. Additionally, referencing all dancers as hookers or whores assumes that ALL dancers are extras girls and calling all customers tricks assumes that ALL customers are into extras. This is a gross misconception on your part if you do because in both instances we have people that do not participate in extras and have stated that.
I am sure there are boards out there for the pimp/thug lifestyle where every woman is a hooker/whore, but that is not what this board should be about. It should be about telling stores of customer or dancer exploits or current events regarding the strip club scene or just general topics you would expect to discuss in a strip club with dancers and even other patrons. It should not be a bunch of name calling, bitching, harassing, and general bullshit just to see how many posts you can make/bump to make yourself feel good because the purpose of this board is entertainment and when that ceases to be the case, this board will fade away like so many others have in the past.
Is that what you want? If so, please leave now so that the rest of us can work to make this place what is was meant to be.
Idk a lot of dancers are terrible people though. But I dont appreciate the abuse jokes. But then i joke about murdering men... tbh I do that more in real life but still. -shrug- it is a 2 way street
Iamscrewyou - But most guys on here are into hookers working the clubs, not strippers.
DC, debate and disagreement are fine. Creating troll profiles and egging troll profiles on. Or doing what 25 does and resort to ad hominem bitching in every thread, or what Nicespice does with her trolling, is whats disrupting and lessens the quality of the forum.
Blahblah, those aren't jokes. Its misogyny thinly veiled as humor to make it appear acceptable. The misogyny on here, the equating strippers with hookers and the general negativity towards anyone not being an elderly conservative trick, is what puts people off. I'm sure it puts women off more than men.
Guess what Icey, regardless of what she does, I have the respect to reference a stripper by either the title stripper or dancer. I see no reason to assume she does anything else, thus no reason to call her by anything else. If she wants to reference herself with any other title, that is her call, but not mine. You or anyone else who references dancers/strippers as hooker/whore are simply being a bully and going for the WOW factor of the insult. It does not matter what she does, you do not have the right to make assumptions of her and lay titles on her that may or may mat apply.
My question for you is, why can't you references them as dancer/stripper instead of hooker/whore? Is it because that goes against your pimp/thug persona? If you want to be respected, you have to show respect first and your actions do not show it.
Finally, what do you defining requirement to be a hooker/whore in your book?
DC, that is not what I am saying. My point is, she can do whatever the hell she wants and reference to herself however she wants, it is just not my or anyone else's place to judge and label her. If she chooses to do that then more power to her, but that is her choice, that she has to live with, and that she doesn't need advertised by every swinging dick walking in and calling her a hooker/whore.
I gotta say that it is amazing that founder can start a thread that basically says that he likes strippers and wishes that they wouldn't be driven away from the site and then gets about 300 comments on it.
DC, being a hooker isn't fun and the club isn't necessarily a fun place where its easy to screen tricks.
Iam4u2screw, she can't do what she wants online. Solicitation will get the site shut down. Its bad enough that club management and LE are already all over the reviews.
DC, it sounds like you do have a lot of very nice girls working where you are and that's awesome. I've occasionally worked at places that are like that but it was on the road so it wasnt a long term thing. Like a club here club there etc. The only clubs I've participated in a LOT were drama infested so I can understand my pov might be biased and somewhat off.
There is definitely misogyny on here, but if I really wanted it gone I guess I'd have to pretend to not be a misandrist. I'm actually a lot more civil and nicer on the internet. I can be extremely cruel to men in real life and I enjoy it a lot.
^ still doesn't mean you have to call/reference her as a hooker/whore. You can ask her not to advertise without insulting/denigrating her. In my experience, being asked not to do something respectfully will net better results than doing it with insult. Grow up and be respectful, don't act like a kid trying to show off on the playground with your "badass" behavior to all the other kids.
Iam4u2screw, hooker isn't an insult when thats what she is.
Blahblah, I think every club is drama infested. The ones you liked were probably good coz it wasn't long term. Surviving a strip club is like a game of chess.
So going through this thread from the top, it is not clear that Founder is primarily talking about containing trolling. He said that this thread was not prompted by PSD. We all have ignore available to us. So we should not need to be trying to restrict what other people post.
I think what Founder wants is just to get more women involved, and to give them something which will make them stay.
From my own experience, most young nice looking women have little interest in message boards. No reason to spend their time talking to male PL's, not when better off guys are chasing after them f2f.
I have tried inviting women to online stuff f2f, and it rarely works. They want to buffer who can communicate with them, limit the access.
So what does work?
What I know did work was Xoticspot. It was intended to be for the whole country. But mostly it got used in Portland. It drew dancers, not with a discussion forum, but because it helped them augment their careers, and both ITC and OTC. I am convinced that it was a big factor in upping the Portland ITC mileage, and in supporting a cadre of retired strippers.
1. Dancers could post huge numbers of pictures. No real limits, lots on nudity. One girl featured a double vibrator picture.
2. Dancers could offer whole photo albums for sale.
3. Showed a dancer's selected friends. So you saw the lead pictures for other dancers, and could click on them to see their profiles.
4. Let you find out about the clubs, as most of the time the friends were dancers who worked at similar mileage and dive level of clubs.
5. Dancers could post their schedules and other little come on messages. Guys could PM dancers. Guys could also register and become members.
6. Most important in my view, any club could set up an Xoticspot based web site. So besides all the standard info, there was a place for the full roster, and for the current day's first shift and second shift. Full roster was usually about 10 per page, so it would take a few pages. So you could click on any girl's picture and go right to her profile. I believe that this career enhancement is what kept the dancers using the site. Some used it who I know had only a very limited interest in anything like a message board. They kept their schedule and club location current, and they kept posting little come on messages.
If Founder could do this, I think it would be awesome.
Only problem is, the owners of Xoticspot pulled out, claiming Fosta was the reason.
So I say doing something like that requires an expert lawyer, one who knows not just what the laws say on paper, but what is actually being enforced.
I think most of the dancers would just give out their cell phone number to anyone they wanted to communicate with. I am sure that they did not respond to any PM's they found to be out of line. They might not have responded to any from people they had not met f2f at the club.
As I more or less stated b/f, dancers and PLs are often not gonna see eye-to-eye b/c they have different agendas; many dancers think TUSCLers are misogynists; and many TUSCLers feel many dancers are entitled - TUSCL is/has-always-been a customer-centric/male-centric website - making the discussion-board "dancer friendly" would make it less TUSCL and more TUML (The Ultimate Mangina List) - TUSCL would have to be less TUSCL and more StripperWeb (w/o necessarily going to that extreme but in that direction).
i.e. - I can see with moderation dancers complaining that a male TUSCLer said something "mean" or that she didn't like and thus the moderator getting messages on a fairly consistent basis, either from dancers or manginas, that so-and-so should not be saying/posting 'X' and that he's a misogynist or rude or w/e - I don't think dancers and PLs can coexist productively w/o changing the nature of the TUSCL and why I think a dancer-only section may be the best way for dancers "to do their thing on TUSCL".
Moderation would be used to censor views. Not necessarily by dancers. It would simply take a small clique to target a member whose views they disagrees with.
Such censorship wouldn't attract strippers. Attracting members has to be an organic process. They have to WANT to post for whatever reason. Pandering to a perceived sense of entitlement won't result in that.
Frankly, the strippers I know who use the internet a lot, do so looking at shit on pinterest, IG, SnapChat and Amazon. Censoring men on here won't attract women.
I think its best to leave it as is, but to keep in mind that not wanting to deal with these men shows what strippers really think of tricks.
It’s telling that a request of how to better keep strippers around turned into a 300 post thread (and counting) about the trolls. Conclusion: most see the trolls as the biggest problem on the site, whether you’re a stripper or a PL.
I agree with Wall and Dugan. A bit more organization of the board will help a lot. Just an on topic and off topic section. Don’t need to moderate much but Founder and a couple mods to be able to move threads from on topic to off topic when appropriate. That way if you’re not interested in the trolling you can avoid it.
If members are sending harassing or threatening pms to dancers they should be banned. Do not pass go. Do not collect $200. First time offense and they are banned. You may not like Nina’s or others’ opinions but if someone is willing to share their location and other identifying characteristics they should not be threatened.
Lots of good ideas and breaking tuscl up into two boards make sense. Two things about founder, 1) he's not into mods and censorship and 2) mentions he wants tuscl to be the front room.
You can have two boards, one the way it is. This would be the lobby/entrance before you come in, a place where anyone can post, tuscl in its current form. And then you have the front room where people hang out after paying their cover, in this case active VIPs either thru reviews or membership.
As far as strippers, could be tricky as far as verification, but they'd be allowed access to both w/o house fee (membership/reviews etc)
Oh good lord.......293 comments on this thing and two thirds of them since I first read it a few days ago.
A good moderator is one that no one knows he is there except they guy/girl/troll he just shut down. But again I'll say what I did somewhere 275 post north of this one on the conversation the board software itself can probably take care of some of the issues and deep down I'm guessing there are not as many trolls as some of you think.....just a few with multiple personalities.
Trolls aren't the issue. Feeding the trolls is. Most people can't help themselves to reply to trolls, who can only survive if they get reactions. The format of this forum is not adequate, it's like a glorified blog comments setup. A better forum can be build up in a week.
Moderators usually make things worse. They become Little Tin Gods, and all the do is censer POV's. This is what has ruined TJA, and lots of other sites. Far too difficult to really understand what is going on between the peoples in the threads.
Seems to me a little moderation isn't such a bad thing, sorry but there are rules even in the most free places, the way I see it the people who are most against moderation, are those folks that behave the worst, that is evidence to me that they don't believe what they are saying, and acting out in a manner that is intended to irritate others.
I read some of this thread, couldn't possibly read all of it. Here's what I think.
The bad things are mostly happening in weird PMs that are being sent. The weird PMs I get don't come from people who post here regularly, or from the troll accounts y'all see they come from people who never post on the board. I mentioned to Founder in a PM that the ignore function doesn't actually stop you from seeing what people said in PMs but he has since fixed that.
There is misogyny here, some of the stuff here does make me a little uncomfortable. I feel that the same could be said for any internet site though. I get more creepy messages from guys on my Instagram account than I get here. One thing is that people were very rude to me when I first started posting and I almost left because people were accusing me of being a troll and making fun of me and I felt unwelcome but some users really went out of their way to welcome me onto the forum and I appreciated that. It seems things have gotten better and I don't get those rude comments anymore. It is frustrating when people make rude comments towards you when you haven't done anything to provoke anyone.
I don't think moderation is gonna work bc it can be too-subjective - IMO if the tone of the board is too off-putting for most dancers then it's best they have their own section that's more to their liking
w.r.t. dancer PMs, I can see that being a problem - seems most PLs on the board are harmless but you never know who's who - and no one knows what kinda characters may lurk on here.
Dancers should def not let their guard-down completely - AFAIK some dancers that posted pics with their face showing have had some issues with some jerks - so not showing your face so you won't be recognizable IMO seems prudent (unless it's done 1-on-1 with a PL they may feel somewhat comfortable with)
I have thought about it. Just like twentyfive, my opinion has shifted.
I too enjoy this place as a silly fuckboard. However, it’s clear that founder has a new vision about the site as a social network.
He doesn’t just want this place to be a place for reviews, with a discussion board attached as an afterthought anymore.
He has already made a dancer directory, and improved its features. He also is making club pages more interactive with photos.
It’s understandable. More personal connections made means more incentives for members to stick around. Which will result in either more reviews or memberships purchased.
Before, an objection I made was “by what standards would a moderator operate on”—but now it seems like the standards are self-evident. It’s to reduce hostility from either dancers or PLs to make face to face meetups more encouraging.
There are bigger challenges than just adding in a mod in the discussion board to achieve that. But I believe that it’s a goal that is realistic and worthwhile.
I have also been guilty of shenanigans, but I wouldn’t mind altering my posting style for the “evolution” of TUSCL, which has a lot of exciting possibilities.
Boobies are pretty wonderful haha, some of the guys here have actually been very sweet and welcoming and that really did help when others were being rude. I think fixing the ignore was important. I don't know how long it had been broken.
Generally on Xoticspot and other boards, dancers are not really interested in discussions. They just maintain their profiles, and I presume people do contact them. But most of us never see that.
Moderators destroy forums, as they have TJA, and most of the internet. Invariably they end up enforcing Like Mindedness, not different from Evangelical Christian Churches and National Public Radio.
The main thing about Xoticspot was that most of the clubs went with an Xoticspot hosted web page. The club paid for a domain name, but Xoticspot hosted it and provided a standard format, so you could get to their girls' profiles. And then you could see her friends and what clubs they danced at and learn a great deal about the people and the local scene.
last commentNot letting the same person bump a thread to the top multiple times in a row.
Make people who have a high enough ignore count get auto ignored by new members. This could be based on percentage of ignore versus time on the forum, or against trusts.
Some men on this board just want to drive off the female members, mostly misogyny. It is also jealousy over the power women can have over men, and over they ways they can get money.
They don't understand the ways in which all of these things are circumstantial and are facets of our larger society and our economic system.
I think just talking openly about mellowing out towards the women will help. In my time here I have seen extreme pile ons. First they will start saying she is a sock puppet of one of the men. They never really know this, it is just a kind of bullying.
Just talking about mellowing out towards them, instead of going on the offensive will help.
No reason for a stripper to talk for free to a bunch of male PL's.
So if they can put what they want on their profiles, then they only need respond to PM's they accept. Other people they can put on ignore.
Either you want people to share interesting experiences and thoughts and opinions or you want people who just wag their false moral fingers at those contributors.
The trolls are another issue. Part of the issue is that this discussion forum is too basic and not anything like any other forum. You may not like other forums but when you run a web site you want a lot of traffic on you either cater to yourself or your audience. You can't do both. Regular forums have topic areas and one of those is "off topic" and anyone who posts stuff to the wrong place can have their account suspended. Which means moderation. Which means once you moderate on a forum like this, you become responsible, but since FOSTA-whatever showed up it doesn't matter anyway. You're responsible. And if you're responsible then there's no reason to not moderate and kill trolls.
We need a different way
Serious suggestions:
Stop sjg from bumping his own threads(that noone else participates in). I could put him on ignore but still he is stopping legit threads from being more relevant, because most of the first page is his stupid topics nobody cares about.
I like the auto ignore if you get ignored by enough members. But you should allow only 1 account per ip address. This way the trolls cant create a bunch of accounts to "ignore" their targets and it wont be abused.
Make new posters use the search function. I propose a certain number of comments or reviews before youre allowed to start a discussion. Other forums do this.
Limit the number of comments you can make in a row until someone else comments. This would cut down on the spamming that kills some threads. Like 3 comments in a row. No more spammed messages taking up the the entire page.
Seems to be that the simpler answer would be a more proactive approach to deleting troll posts and accounts. The problem of course is that this would require some basic level of moderator activities. Unlike some here, I think that basic moderation would be fine so long as it is light and limited to cleaning up the worst of the troll offenders. And for those who say it doesn't work, clicking a button to "disable user" takes much less time than setting up a new fake troll account. Sure it won't eliminate the more subtle type of trolling that you see over at SW with the fake dancer accounts, but it would eliminate the worst of the abuses.
I think an easy approach would be one account per ip allowed. Something like that. If someone joins with a phone have them get a verification text.
A flagging option wouldn't work. It would definitely get abused on here.
I think the problem with trolls is that a vocal minority of long time users enables and eggs them on.
As for more strippers being active. I don't think they have any kind of vested interest in posting here. They put up with the antisocial awkwardness enough at work. Why follow it online. I also think it would just lead to advertising for hookers as some have already done.
But with all that said, I also believe that this place will never feel all that warm and fuzzy for the thinnest skinned dancers. Some regular club hounds are simply going to have opinions that some dancers find less than flattering. I don't see that changing. But at least we can make this place usable for those with a thicker skin and the willingness to mix it up a bit.
These gals are for the most part making a living making us happy. That in itself shows thier love to please men and we should respect that.
Any user can post on any old thread and bump it to the top regardless of who started the thread. The exception would be if the same user (or IP) posts twice in a row, the second post in that series would not bump the thread to the top. This strategy allows SJG to bump his own threads to the top but if people aren't engaging with him he can't keep doing it over and over. This also prevents people (like me) from "text dumping" on his threads.
Rick, you're right but the same can be said for thin skinned tricks who can't hanlde the reality of what strippers or their bfs think of them
Drama is what drives good talk boards, always has been. Don’t censor it, encourage it.
I too like the perspective that the females bring to the site, but the nature of the beast will not change unless you actively create an incentive that will welcome, rather tolerate the bad behavior, I've said this many times, these idiots think they can say anything as long as they are just being politically incorrect, that is unadulterated bullshit, all it is just a way of being a rude jackass.
Both tumblr and Facebook have updated their terms of service. Private stripper groups on Facebook now have the axe over its heads and could possibly get deleted. Individual Tumblr blogs ditto.
There are the outright assholes on here flaming dancers. And then there are also others who are not malicious, but would rather keep it a boys locker room. And that would be the challenge of taking advantage of big tech’s pushing out sex workers.
One idea may possibly be to allow individual users to create their own “mini discussion groups”—and whoever creates one has the option of making them either visible or invisible to outsiders.
But participation in those groups are by invitation only. Newbies would have to post quality responses in threads and catch the attention of others to get invited on the other boards. Or they create their own miniboard, whichever.
That way, it encourages dancers and PLs alike to be civil on the main board. But also they can vent however they wish in respective private areas.
Just a thought tho. It may be a lot of work to implement.
All depends on what defines "verified".
Am I willing to share specific personal identifiable information? NO - I would move on.
Great board - love the dialog. I almost never post on the discussions - but felt this warranted a post.
Thanks Founder for a great venue
My point exactly. You have more reviews under youre troll accounts than the nicespice persona.
First things first, unless the site changes radically I don't think you'll ever keep a lot of strippers on here and posting. It's simply not geared towards them. Even the ones that might think it's a potential business boon aren't likely to be actively posting on the discussion board.
My only issue with a separate board is that it would just pull all the decent conversation over there and leave the main board a cesspool. How are you going to add solid members if they have to wade through the cesspool to get to the "quality" board?
I do think limitations should be placed on starting topics, unlimited posting and sending PM's. Perhaps these should be things that are unlocked after time, number of posts, reviews or some combination there in.
Lastly the most egregious troll accounts need to go. You finally got rid of one after a decade and it vastly improved the board. I get you don't want to spend the time/effort deleting them all, but the serious problem accounts DELETE.
I think it would be cool to be able to tip some dancers that have sexy pics posted...
What about some kind of rewards system for refering dancers to the board for dancers and non dancers? In other words, reward behaviors that make this place better.
Rewards don't need to be monitory. They could be you get a month premium membership for refuring a dancer. Or you get some kind of badge of honor like how many dancers you recruited posted on your profile.
And *highfives Chessmaster, glad I’m not the only one who sees thru her bs
It's your site. You have neither sought nor cared about our opinions about its operations up until now. Don't pretend one dancer getting her panties in a twist and leaving (maybe) will actually change anything.
"Wow founder u want me to be quiet"
Are you a dancer? If so this thread is about you
As a counter to people slamming people they do not like, I would also put a quota of likes/dislikes a person can mark per day, so they have to be a little selective in determining what they mark and can't target a person and get them barred.
Finally, is there a way to reflect all accounts tied to a specific ISP, so we can see any alternate accounts a person has along with their "primary non-troll" account. Something like listing all accounts on the account page, so if you click on the account name of an account in a post, you are taken to the original account tied to the ISP and all associated accounts are list on the same page. This might encourage people to limit their trolling because of peer pressure and not wanting to tarnish their good standing with other account(s) they currently have. Would probably end the "you are just a Dougster alternate account" posts because we would actually know.
I agree that the review idea would be great, but like 25 said, dancers are probably not going to post reviews. To that extent, neither Nice or BBS have posted reviews and we want to keep them to beauties around. ; )
The rest, like 75 percent of the board, are dougster alts.
Sure, as long as you give us all 20 thousand blow jobs! ;-)
I really don't think strippers have any incentives to post. I think they have a lot of incentives to lurk and read what's said so they can understand the guys at clubs better maybe. But why would they give advice or help guys get the best bang for their buck or anything. That's not in their favor.
If you want more dances posting you will need to set up a dancer section where regular users who aren't can be kicked out or restricted from posting in my opinion. Sort of like a mini stripper web so they can feel at home with their own place. Being able to post or keep certain threads posted like newbie tips etc, or whatever that old dancers or old members can refer new people too might help. Just throwing ideas out there. I have no idea how easy any of this might be to set up or pitfalls. I don't even post much here anymore. For me it's not the trolls, just lack of time. I personally find some of the fake troll accounts amusing if I'm in on the joke.
Another idea to reduce accounts is to let people delete accounts but transfer any credits to a new user name. Not sure what kind of mess that would cause if a frequent past poster deleted all posts and threads. I like the idea of being able to delete every thread I started and every post.
The autoignore idea is good. If trusts and ignores were weighted based on how long you’ve had vip that might make it more difficult for trolls to manipulate it.
“Tipping” dancer accounts sounds good. Maybe PLs could earn “bills” by making good posts or comments with some sort of like/upvote system. Dancer accounts would show how many bills they’ve been given over time. Maybe PLs could even save up to give them gifts (jewelry, lingerie, car payment, etc).
A few trolls are actually funny.
Maybe advertise the IGNORE feature more for new users so they are aware of it.
Secondly and only you can answer this because only you know what the board software capabilities. Do you see when someone makes a second or third account? If so how? Does it capture the IP address or the actual computer chip ID? ( each computer when it hits the board leaves a number behind it's a matter of the software if the info is captured.)
One of the boards I moderated years ago would show to everyone the minute someone opened a second account ( the names would show up right behind their main name........and it made people look like idiots and stopped a large percentage of the trolling. )
DC I'll point out to you that one persons joke is typically at the expense of someone else and when sometimes the intent to be funny doesn't feel so funny to the is especially bad when the same person has three of four accounts and comes in with each one to give the appearance that multiple people feel the same way when in fact it's one troll with a insecurity complex the size of a whale.
Anyway I'll shut up now before I give away too much info but if you are asking for advice ....something to think about.
Cookies to track browser ID? All the user has to do is clear browser cookies.
I like the unmoderated format. I think it's TUSCL's greatest strength. Just use ignore if something bothers you.
Drastically reduce the troll posts and leave "real" members on an island when they post an opinion and I think you'll quickly find things becoming more civilized. That's not to say that some male members will not have opinions that discomfort dancers, but at least a lot of the noise and nastier stuff will ratchet down.
Oh, and I don't believe that a light level of moderation would remotely "ruin" this site. If anything, the trolls have already accomplished that, at least for anyone who posts here primarily to discuss dancer and club topics (like me). I used to post more here, but some days it's just too painful to wade through the sewage.
An system that relies on input from users to control trolling will be abused by the trolls themselves to provide disruption.
USASG, while somewhat heavy handed at times, relying as it does on humans, uses a combination of delayed posting, moderator review, total number of posts, and age of the account to “vet” new users. In addition, any post can be reported for moderator review, and if found to be offending, the poster is often put back in a moderated user status until they’re deemed “rehabilitated.” They also arbitrarily censor some words, but that’s easy to get around if you’re familiar with the board software. Might get you moderated though.
I know the local admin is pretty draconian in what he moderates. If it’s an attack, or “pointless, unproductive drama,” it gets deleted, with a note that shows everyone else who the offender was and why. I suspect that it’s labor intensive, enough so that the mods are paid.
There are likely some things that can be done without human intervention.
As has been posted before, limiting discussion posts per day to some number based on reviews, maybe something like 1 + review count, might help. Maybe have new users’ reviews require more approvals, or a greater ratio of approval to rejection, before they’re actually posted. Blocking multiple, sequential posts to a thread by the same account would help a little, but it’s easily defeated by a determined troll.
I think you’re going to either have to rely on humans, or accept that automated solutions will eventually fail and be an ever escalating arms race.
I have always wanted tuscl to be a sort of a place where strippers can hang out and not be judged. Because who are we to judge?
Tuscl discussion board should be the front room. (SJG feel free to make out with all the avatars you want)
LOL founder, I wish I could be at Vegas right now.
I'm not sure what the answer is to making the board better. I wouldn't object to moderation. I wouldn't object to a post limit.
I keep coming back to the idea of some kind of points system. Maybe you get a point or two when you open an account, and a couple of points a week for keeping an account open. You can get extra points via a thumbs up kinda thing, or lose points via a thumbs down kinda thing, on discussions/reviews/comments. It would cost points to thumbs up/down something.
To post something besides a review, you need points. Or maybe you don't need the points to post, but there's a default filter that only shows posts by members with positive points or shows points posted using points. Meaning, if I had no points I could post something but only people who had turned on the option to show 0 point posts would see it. Registered members could change that value, but there'd be a default for anyone not logged in.
If you reply watch your tone and keep it civil
You're one of the main troll enablers and have a troll profile yourself. So you shouldn't be talking. Your vitriol is directed towards me coz you're butt hurt
Write a fucking review you loser.
What a knucklehead
Good idea - if your goal is to kill the site by discouraging the addition of new review content. ;)
Then you have people like Nicespice who is just a bored bitter bitch who likes to troll, and takes advantage of these idiots so they help her troll.
Apparently you are not a student of human nature. Comped VIP access is the primary driver of review intel. Take that incentive away and the site will be full of consumers rather than contributors.
So, real dancers post away. Just remember you're in a male locker room so if you see some swingin dicks and feel the testosterone from time to time, that's what it is.
Sounds like a plan. Thank you Founder! Sounds like TUSCL is going to turn into the front room of the TJ HK bar.
The trolling situation on TUSCL, as I see it, is much less serious than it was a year ago. For one thing, Dougster was doing his own brand of trolling, extremely mean, and targetted at people he had nothing but conempt for. That was providing cover for all manner of other trolling. If he has mended his ways, I would hope that he can come back. But in the mean time, having he and his trolling gone has made a big difference.
Also, we do have some regular stripper posters now. They have their own idosyncracies, but having them does mitigate much of the trolling.
There are some new people who seem not to get along, but I don't see this as serious. I suspect that most of them do not have much online experience, and so they don't understand an important factor in online. In f2f, people are careful and reserved about who they talk to, and about what. Body language, manner of dress, tone of voice, all tell people if this is someone they should talk to, and about how far it is safe to go.
Online is not like that. Your posts will be read by people you would be smart never to talk to f2f.
When a forum has moderation or is made invitation only, that kills it. So like we know about TJA. It has just as many trolls as we do. Its just that there, the trolls are the ones who have to ability to enforce. They are the ones with moderator powers.
And here, those calling the loudest for moderation, screening, and invitation only are some of the worst trolls. I'm talking about JohnSmith69, chessmaster, and PaulDrake. They are the ones who post in order to try and drive other people off. Rather than talk about the things they find interesting, they use words to try and drive others off. They want to control the forum and its contents.
And then reviews, that does not prove anything. Some of the worst trolls have lots and lots of reviews.
The issue really is just mellowing out and keeping it civil.
Now, the trolling of women was far far worse. Zillions of seemingly legit women have been driven off of here for no reason. Guys say things to them they would never dream of saying to a woman f2f.
But as I see it, it is far better now.
What I do not see is what is happening in PM's. But, PM's are where IGNORE is 100% effective.
About PSD, I am not legitimating the way she was treated. But I remember a few times when she was on here a while back. She also lamented how bad it was. Online tends to be like that. Just use IGNORE for the PM's. Then if it continues on the board, and it is really sexist or mysogniystic, then I feel it would be fair to ask that the party receive a suspension, maybe 1 week the first time. That way their threads would not close, but they will know that they have been reprimanded.
Graham Bond - Love Is The Law…
But no, they are entitled to their views just as much as anyone else is. And you know that women are likely going to see many of these issues differently.
Guy I know who repairs Porsche's, he knows how to do it. When you find a woman who has bought herself a Porsche, she is justifiably proud. He wants these customers to know that they can not only trust his work, they can trust his advice.
So does he discuss the car with them inside the shop, bunch of guys working on the cars and likely looking down on the woman?
No, he gets the woman to sit in her car, her own portable throne, and roll down the window. Then no matter the car is low and has low seats, he still squats down outside so that his head is a bit lower than hers. Just like it goes with dentists, he wants her to accept his program of preventative maintenance, rather then operating on Run-Break-Fix. He runs a much respected shop.
When a woman comes here she should be given an extra margin of courtesy and respect.
As posted by founder:
"Just an FYI, I have nothing against dancers trying to drum up some business"
"Stripperweb is the dressing room at a strip club...Tuscl discussion board should be the front room. "
+1,000. I see endless possibilities with this if you could ever actually pull it off. I might have to modify my stated positions just a touch, but I've been honing those skills elsewhere for years now. ;)
Seriously though, this site could become very interesting. Members might even become motivated to encourage their favorite dancers to participate. But I still contend that this will be unlikely to succeed without some minimum level of moderation.
BULLSHIT! You and nicespice are the biggest trolls on here. You probably ran more dancers off here than anybody. Bitches come on the site and see sjg and run the opposite direction.
RickDugan, yes indeed, this perhaps could turn into the next Xoticspot. Once you can contact dancers outside the club, and once you can go to a club web site and scope out its dancers, that changes everything. I believe that it made a huge difference in the Portland Clubs.
But, one must be sure of where the legal trip wires are.
But we have already lost a bunch of these, so today it is 1/10th as bad as it had been. Our newer people tend to be better.
I think the main reason a lot of strippers will never post on here is because many guys on here have a value mindset of "what do I get for my money?" Quite frankly I like to avoid this type of customer as there are usually easier targets or bigger fish to fry. Even so I get a lot out of this website either from reviews or discussions (though the discussions I only find valuable stuff here and there... but i wouldn't have found it if I didnt read some of this shit). Anyway I gain nothing by posting here and I am fine with that. I'm not on a time is money mindset when I'm on internet forums. The time is money kicks in at the club. For me anyway...
What type of moderation?
Assuming the goal is to bring in dancers, misogyny would have to get targeted.
I also suspect (something which not many complain about right now) that not only naming dancers doing extras has to go, but physically describing them as well.
I would guess that the prank silly trolls like DennisHof would be naturally lessened without help from a moderator, but I’m not sure.
Despite what Chessmaster claims, I haven’t noticed any dancer getting very angry about SJG. I doubt SJG has driven off any dancer.
I notice they tend to get angry at stuff like a jackslash domestic violence joke. Or as a reply to board members who like to comment on something something a dancer says as either delusional or entitled (or both).
But on the other hand, as pistola/txtittyfag demonstrated on blondbombshell’s thread the other day, some of these misogynists are creating aliases to pretend there are greater numbers of men backing them up than there really is.
The vast majority of the board members are perfectly nice individuals who like dancers well enough.
So back to would we moderate? I don’t think, for example, jackslash should be censored. As obnoxious as some other members are too, I wouldn’t necessarily want them silenced either.
(And like they have been pointing out, I’ve been enjoying taking their attacks and trolling them for my amusement)
I personally back what a couple others said with a private area for dancers, and another for PL for fairness.
But also I’m a weirdo and other dancers may have other opinions. MackTruck’s suggestion to PM dancers is a good one.
I do want to point out that for me, personally, nobody has been a baller, but nobody has been a time waster either. I’d consider the interaction I’ve had with others here “fair” and “respectful” those I’ve met with personally so far.
But before meeting up with board members, I admit I had a certain bias too. And that’s a valid perception thing that might have to be worked on.
There’s a tactic used by many trolls and propagandists. They accuse their targets of doing the very thing the troll is doing. Dougster, and his numerous aliases employed, and still employ, this tactic all the time.
I agree with you that the misogyny has got to go. People should not be saying things to the women, or about women, which would not appropriate in a public place.
Private areas would amount to cannibalizing this forum, destroying all which has made it good.
IGNORE instantly stops PM harassment.
We have some people who think that this forum should be restricted to people who think just like they do. Again, chessmaster, JohnSmith69, and PaulDrake are some of the worst. Just ignore such people.
The treatment of women here has been horrid, but today it is far less severe than it had been. If the women use IGNORE, then that would force it to open posts. At that point maybe some sort of reprimand could be looked at.
Anyways hardly anything here gets to me enough i feel offended. If i do i just call someone a retarded dick sucking faggot of a man and maybe block them and go on about my day. I feel people here are more civil than the shit I would deal with at the club or especially webcam. Most of the offenders being the younger demographic which quite frankly a lot of them wont be missed if something happened to them. Imo!!! There aren't too many younger posters on here and the few that are here... for the most part come across as conscientious human beings.
Tuscl discussion board should be the front room." --founder
If that's what you want for TUSCL, you'll need bouncers and managers aka moderators.
The question becomes what do we moderate. The spamming trolls are obvious. How much misogyny is tolerated, whether joke or not and who determines when one is what vs the other?? Or contributing members who for w/e reason spend 90% of their time trolling, but otherwise 10% is insightful?? What's the metric if founder decides on moderators??
I meant it as business too. So far, I met 8 men from this site. I really wish I had kept track of numbers, but the average from each meetup has been ~$160. With some spead around that average of course.
Is it amazing money? No. But everyone I have met in person has been fun to talk with, respectful of time, and boundaries.
I’d describe it as “easy” money, and it’s worth scheduling somebody from here during a slow period when working.
Not totally sure what Founder has in mind, but I know what worked was Xoticspot. And I am sure it had to have been a huge factor in improving OR clubs.
But even on Xoticspot, the women tended not to talk much. Mostly they just had profiles and schedules, and photo sets. And a huge matter was that any club could have an Xoticspot built site. So besides the usual info, you could click on pictures of the dancers and get to their profiles. And you could PM them, but they probably did not usually reply to people they had not met f2f.
And then for the dives of dives, most of the women would not have such profiles, so they just have generic cartoon picture. Tells you a lot about the clubs.
But legal caution has to be employed in going this direction. At a minimum an expert specialist attorney.
If TUSCL is to be the front room of a strip club, then deference and respect must be shown to all women. And it must be the women themselves who are able to define the limits. This would mean applying ignore. And again, most of them would probably not be too interested in discussions.
w.r.t. attracting dancers - as others mentioned, there would have to be moderation in order to make it acceptable/palatable for many a dancer - to begin with, obviously many of the SC vets on here are not gonna see things the way dancers see them or wanna see them; dancers and PLs often have very-different reasons and agendas for being in the club - i.e. dancers and PLs are not gonna see eye-to-eye on a lot of things - so why be on here if you are constantly gonna be reading things you don't agree w/ or care for - so besides being mismatched in agendas, many a dancer will get offended when the inevitable disagreements surface and some of the PLs become offensive - solution is to have moderation so as to the language/posts not becoming abusive while still being able to disagree - but since moderation does not seem like it will be implemented (which is fine w/ me), perhaps the suggestion of a dancer-only section may be a way "to attract more dancers to the site" - would not do much for us PLs but would be beneficial to Founder by attracting the added traffic which I think is good for TUSCL - and I guess as a small side-benefit, having a bigger dancer presence via a dancer-only section may help us PLs to maybe hook up ITC w/ a particular TUSCL dancer we find interesting.
So to the initial topic of making TUSCL more dancer-friendly, in-lieu of moderation, perhaps a dancer-only section may be the feasible thing - although it would kinda negate the benefit for dancers of being on a custy site; and I can see us PLs reading a thread on the dancer-section and then flaming it on our section, LOL (unless us PLs are not allowed to even view/read the dancer-section).
Remember, IGNORE completely ends any PM harassment. And most of all, it is the offended member decides when to use it.
Most of the trolls and this board are chicken shits. They troll because other people give them cover.
Most of the time young women are not going to be interested in talking to Male PL's.
They can have their place for their profiles, the Dancer Directory. But most of them won't be interested much in discussions.
If someone is really bothering them and they have already applied IGNORE, then maybe Founder could make a short suspension. But I don't think that would even need to happen very often. Most of the forum harassment is coming from a certain mind set, and it is the same type that is screaming the loudest for moderation and for invitation only sections. We do not need this.
I totally agree with this statement. Not naming dancers has been discussed on here before. Dancers I have named in reviews have known about it first and I had their permission. Describing dancers physically has not talked about though. This is a great point. Some dancers love dancing and have nothing they are planning on exiting into later in life and have no other goals. Some of these type dancers have no problem showing their face on here or other body parts. These types may care less about being mentioned or described as extras girls. Seems like the majority of the dancers I have come across and been friends with are in a phase or chapter in life and dancing is a stepping stone to something else and have goals beyond dancing, like getting an education to go into some sort of career or modeling/ acting, etc.
If I were a dancer I would not want my name out there just like most of us posters do not want our name out there without your permission. Dancers are people and just want to be treated like humans.
You three idiots, who claim to be open minded, aren't interested in engaging in conversation, you just are enamored with the sound of your own voice.
Condescending tones are naturally going to come from both sides. In a perfect Internet world we’d all understand that coming here as a dancer means dealing with misogyny, and coming to the other site as a customer means dealing with entitlement. But that’s not gonna happen :D
Maybe the club pages could have a spot where PLs and dancers can check in to say when they’ll be there.
There could be an interface for dancers to schedule ITC or OTC meetups.
If the dancers want to register their phone number with TUSCL they allow a PL to send her texts through TUSCL without him having her number. If things go sour she can revoke that permission so he has to go back to using PM.
She could also get text reminders when she has an appointment coming up.
Troll making fake appointments would ruin it
I would suggest some kind of moderation on the dancer side to reduce (you will never prevent) trolls from making dancer accounts to get access. It could also be somehow set up that if dancers wanted to grant access to customers, they have some systems to do that, but still have the ability to revoke the privilege if they set out of line.
What if you tried exposing the trolls. Have a “Troll Trace” tab. Under it you have 3 listings. Possible Trolls, Likely Trolls, and Verified Trolls.
If 2 accounts use the same IP address in a single day or week or something, group those accounts together as a Possible Troll. It’s possible that 2 people work at the same company or stay at the same hotel, or some other reason that they would share an IP, so they are only a possible troll. If after 30 days there are no overlapping accounts, then the accounts would be automatically removed. With enough data, you might actually be able to determine common hotels or hot spots where members overlap, and that might even be useful info for PL’s that want to meet up, but that’s another topic.
If any of the accounts that share an IP have a certain ignore to post radio, then they are in the Likely Trolls area. This could still be 2 people that stay at the same hotel, one is an asshole and one is a nice person. But they’d be flagged as a likely Troll. I think this list should be harder to get off of, maybe 60 days without overlapping IP’s, but also have a dispute button if someone completely gets butthurt they are on the list. If you’re not posting dumb stuff, probably most tuslers would know that person’s not a troll anyway.
3rd Group is Verified Trolls. This is for guys who 100% you know are trolls. Like SmallTown whatever his name was that posted under the wrong account and outted himself, board spammers, and probably some other criteria. Group them together so you know that these 7 troll accounts were all the same person. Flag the IP’s used by those accounts, and automatically add any new accounts to the Verified Trolls area. Yes they can still get around this with VPN’s and whatnot, and it’s not perfect, but it gets blacklists some of them. Disable the ability to send messages on verified trolls, or let them think they sent it, but it never is delivered, maybe even delete their reviews, or flag them with a Verified Troll Stamp so people know it was probably just a canned review to get review numbers up and try to seem more legit. And maybe as an act of shaming, display the City the IP address is registered too. If you can make a Verified troll profile not know they are a verified troll that would be awesome. Make them still see all their posts but others stop seeing it, so they still think they are causing a stink when in reality they are hidden from 95% of the users.
In our profiles let us pick if we want to ignore Possible Trolls, Likely Trolls, and Verified Trolls. New accounts by default, have Likely and Verified Trolls ignored by default. A block private messages from Possible, Likely and Verified Trolls button too.
Maybe add a harassment button in the messages area. Where they flag a message they received from someone else. Too many harassment messages earns you a seat on the Verified Troll board. If you can only tag a message you received as harassment, it wouldn’t allow a troll to start flagging a bunch of other accounts.
Oh, and don’t have the Ignore trolls button change people true ignore count, that way if it was a hotel wifi shared IP coincidence you don’t get mass ignored numbers and you can still eventually fall off that list.
A trust still shows posts and allows private messages even if someone is on a troll list that you are ignoring. So for those that still think BrotherFoghorn is funny but hate all the other trolls, they can still see those posts.
Simple solution for me, I respect male mongers that participate in trout community, any monger that claims membership needs to contribute, by contribute I mean write a legitimate revue, the gals I take on a case by case basis, but any male claiming to know anything at all about strip clubs, that can’t be bothered to write a review, is just a leech, and a panhandler, those idiots should be kicked out.
As one of those that have been hear the longest and have seen TUSCL grow, I tend to trust your judgement and see no reason to say anything and just let you do what you do!
The forum is open to all poters, if they want to participate they will. If they don't they won't. I don't believe in giving them special privileges or telling them to stfu. As I see it, the problem is the majority of men onbher have the same relationships with other men
Chessmaster, I contribute a lot. Unfortunately you just want to hear about how great paying to fuck is and about trolling strip clubs for hookers. Not everyone does that and frankly it has little to do with strippers and clubs for the vast majority of men. Do you want an apology for looking at strippers like human beings rather than P4P fuck toys?
Ignore stops PM's, but it does not prevent anyone else from posting.
And TUSCL already suffers from people starting too many threads, rather than just continuing old ones. If you block someone off of a thread, they will just start a new one to troll you.
The real trolls are the people who are trying to drive others off the board, making this board into their turf.
Used to be lots of vicious trolling against women. Now that seems to be gone. So it must be via PM's.
For any women who feel they have been trolled, was it via PM's, and wouldn't ignore being enough to stop it?
So say @A posts "It was great at my strip club, until it was found that some strippers were using drugs."
So then @TrollX posts, "You are a stupid idiot A, your brain is full of shit, and you are always fucking hamsters."
While there are grey areas, it is still best if people post to further the conversation and refrain from making personal attacks, and try to keep it civil. People are allowed to disagree, but they should not be trying to drive others off of this board.
Some of our worst trolls are people who insist that this board should be only for them and for people who think like them. They call anyone else, a "troll".
They think this should be the Evangelical Like Mindedness Church of Pathetic Loserdom.
Iceyloco, what's your deal? You call pretty much every male on this site you talk to a trick or other derogatory name like faggot white boy. Then in your above conversation with twentyfive you say this "you don't have to respect anything i say, just like i don't have to respect what you say. you can however act like an adult and disagree or stfu without resorting to childish name calling or trolling.". Which sounds reasonable... except this is your entire MO! Well, at least the childish name calling part. When someone disagrees with you, you call them a trick, faggot, etc. If you took your own advice I bet a lot of your interactions on this board would be more civil.
25, you mean never had to pay a hoe. and no, I choose not to provide info on what really goes on in clubs when I know LE is watching.
But for another guy, he does not need to pay the woman to go away, or to keep silent. He actually wants to know her openly. So in being her trick he is not really a trick. He is just playing along with her, giving her what she wants as a way of getting to know her.
Often to get to know people you do have to play along with them, to an extent. So guys play along with women offering P4P, knowing that they want more. And women offering P4P, often they are just offering it that way because it is safer and they get more takers. A woman who does not want to be paid, she will scare Tricks away. They can't understand her and she terrifies them.
Most of the guys on this forum who are posting about their dealings with women involving money, they are Tricks.
This woman escaped from a forced child marriage. Clearly this is outside of anything in my own experience. But she also talks about how in not backing her up, her parents betrayed her. I feel that she has found something which is universal. She has found the betrayal, exploitation, and abuse which is at the core of the middle-class family.…
I feel that this woman also has found that betrayal which is at the core of the middle-class and reactionary family:…
It is what it is though. Sounds like you're not interested in answering so it's cool.
SJG, exactly....
-- Allow dancers to link their profiles to the club pages where they work. That way, when customers visit the club page, they can see dancers that work there. Networking between customers and dancers is a benefit that TUSCL can provide.
-- Dancers should have to jump through some sort of verification/payment hoop in order to be designated as a dancer and link to a club page (and get any other dancer benefits). This should help prevent / cut back "dancer" trolls.
-- Dancers should be able to flag for review PMs that they feel are threatening or abusive. If a customer steps over the line, then they get their profile deactivated for X amount of time. Yes, I know that this can be abused (intentionally or not), and the determination for "abusive" can be highly subjective. The reality is that there are a subset of creepy and toxic guys here. That's not going to go away. If there's a real desire to have dancers here, then they need to feel like TUSCL has their back if they're being harassed or threatened.
-- Part of the reason why it's so easy to troll here is that it's also so easy to create multiple profiles. There should be more hurdles to creating new profiles. While it's not great to make the process overly burdensome, it should also be hard to create an army of sock puppets.
-- All discussion topics should be locked with no new comments after X amount of time. I'd suggest 30 days, but that's debatable. Those discussions can still be linked, but bumping ancient threads is a form of trolling here.
-- Flooding controls. Any profile that creates more than X number of posts in X amount of time gets automatically locked down until the activity is reviewed. Also, any discussion topic that gets more than X number of posts (from any number of users) in X amount of time would also get locked down until the activity is reviewed (this specifically addresses trolls who might create multiple profiles to circumvent anti-flooding measures).
-- Allow users to upvote or downvote discussion topics (and perhaps even comments). Potentially, this could affect the visibility or ranking of individual topics or comments. But, if nothing else it shows users scrolling through the thread which topics or comments are worth reading. Sure, this also has potential for abuse. Still, it's worth exploring.
-- Users who are not VIP members only get to post X number of comments per day and X number of discussion topics per week.
As I said at the top, I don't think that all of these ideas should be implemented. But, they can be individually tinkered with and tested (or not...). Also, there's the factor of how much programming and extra monitoring founder wants to take on.
That's all I've got for now.
-One account per ip address if that is possible.
-As far as scaring dancers away, I have no clue. Alot of guys that frequent strip clubs and spend several hours everyday on this site are beyond pathetic. They are your main traffic source and ad revenue. I personally don't care for getting more dancers on the site. It just brings out too much white knight behavior and stalker type stuff. You also have a woman user on here openly advertising prostitution the past few months. That type of thing could lead to a FOSTA takedown if it becomes too common.
Restricting multiple handles seems to be a technical impossibility. Remember, TUSCL works because it does not trample on the privacy of people's face to face lives.
The trolling is far less today. But if bad stuff is being said to dancers, I assume that it is in PM's. Can Founder confirm this?
IGNORE would solve it.
On Xoticspot I am sure the same things were going on with PM's to dancers. I believe that the would just not respond, or also go to ignore.
And yes, "Those that would sacrifice liberty for safety and order deserve neither one."
The man who provides this free forum has said he thinks of this place like the front room of a SC.
When you’re at a club you give up some liberty for some level of safety and order, don’t you?
Wishful thinking....
TL;DR - It is too easy to have unlimited posting privileges. Too much off topic stuff, even from legit TUSCLers. Forums should be split into lightly moderated "on topic" discussions with a second forum for everything else. Suspend and ban accounts consistently.
Agree with the last part about the judging, but hadn't really contemplated whether TUSCL was meant to be a safe haven for strippers to hang out and not be judged. To me that's Stripperweb, and those boards have obvious issues with the mods being too quick to ban when a topic strays too far from the heavily curated "consensus". But, when you read those boards there is no confusion over what those forums are there for. And honestly as a customer it's easier just to go talk with strippers in a club (or wherever) than having to "type on eggshells" over on SW. The discussion threads here at TUSCL were something to look over when I wanted to turn the brain off for a few minutes and didn't have the time or energy to write a review. That's still how I view them now.
As one user of many (and I have exactly one TUSCL account), there are two or three factors that are hampering the usefulness of the forums. One is the barrier to entry and unlimited posting privileges is too low. We all know who the accounts are for TUSCLers who have few to zero reviews but gum up the forum with their bullshit. Two is not being able to give other posters the benefit of the doubt. The Internet forums have always been a place where people could try on different personas, but by and large people were genuine in their interactions. This board in particular is out of control with people doing role playing, and "turning my brain off" and having to figure out what the deal is with every single thread I read (i.e. legit, troll, cosplay, etc) are not compatible. Three is the board and its longtime contributors not setting the tone and being consistent in their behavior. And by that I mean individually and collectively. That speaks to the motivations of what brings people here regularly. To me, even in better days on the forum there was too much discussion that started off with an "OT". That's not what I'm here for, but I'd still respond to a thread here or there that was off topic because it was there. Now I don't really post to anything that is off topic because so much of this board is consumed by the headspam of a relative few low value contributors.
I have one suggestion that could help with "keeping strippers around" and encourage legit contributions - split the board. Nothing too complicated. Have one board that is "on topic": strip clubs, clubbing, strippers, experiences with strip clubs/strippers, how to go about the hobby, laws/regs, other stuff that is actually relevant to a place called The Ultimate Strip Club List. That board should be lightly moderated with the ability to do suspend/block access to that forum granted to a handful of members that have shown they can be "grownups" in the forums. Not concerned about whether a person has one or ten accounts so long as they are posting stuff that is on topic and not being stupid about it. The second board is everything else. You want to talk about stocks? Fine. You want to marvel at stupid human tricks and crazy things in Florida? Fine (and often hilarious). You want to talk about some make believe cult and think people might care? Fine. You want to pretend to be a pimp or dress up like a ho? Fine. You name it, you call it. But keep that stuff away from the reason most people who don't camp out here on the boards for hours a day might click on a search result out of curiosity. That board anything goes unless it hits on stuff that could get the site shuttered, and that's for the people that run the site (Founder and his IRL team) to make the call on.
If you get kicked out of the big people forum, you can still hang out in the other forum or (shudder to think) write reviews. You post spam as a review or put the site a risk, that account gets banned and account name gets retired. Period. Since people love their trolls, maybe there can be a wall of shame for banned accounts and there can be a contest for most appearances. So that's it. Other than time, I have spent $0 to participate here on TUSCL. But I've spent way more time in clubs and in the company of real life strippers. Plus a few hundred reviews should count for something, so I wrote a few paragraphs.
TBH the freedom on this forum is refreshing and is what makes it stand out. Anything to favor a certain clique or grouping would ruin it as much as the trolls and their enablers.....who by the way are the ones calling for such actions.
The suggestion to have the board moderated sounds just like a democrat promising to give everything to everyone obligating someone else to make the sacrifice.
IMO the natural place to start would probably be with those who are currently very active both on the review side and on the discussion board. These are the users who are also most likely to be motivated to clean up the topical discussions (to a degree anyway). Founder could start near the top of the list and work his way down, skipping of course those who might be problematic for one reason or another. Guys like shadow and wallanon would be near the top of my list. Two to three mods to start would probably be sufficient, especially as the topical areas will likely slow down a lot in the early stages once the trolls are kicked out.
Flag, I'm not a huge fan of the theory of moderation either. But this site has been a real object lesson for me as to what can happen when there are no controls at all. You can have a discussion board full of unique users or troll posts, but not both because the troll posts eventually drive off interested users and prevent new ones from engaging. It may hurt click traffic for a while to tamp down on the trolls, but IMHO it's the only way to create the opportunity for organic growth.
Twosheds is down, Stripperweb is a ghost town with more fake dancers than real ones and a number of hobbyist forums have shut down. IMHO the time is ripe to try to gain additional organic traffic, both customer and dancer.
Censorship sucks.
If it bothers you that much use ignore for the aliases that bother you most. If you are still annoyed, go to another site.
Fucking crybabies wanting someone else to take care of everything exactly the way they want it.
We've had the ignore function for years and clearly it's not working. if it was, the trolls wouldn't still be clogging up the site. Also, ignore doesn't help when you are trying to entice prospective users to register and participate.
Also, I don't recall anyone advocating censorship of opinions, at least as I understand the common definition.
If Dugan volunteered himself to be moderator, many users here would land on him like a pile of rocks. So, it's a no-win situation, isn't it?
"Censorship sucks."
True, but having standards of conduct is not censorship. And, having controls on disruptive or damaging behavior is also not censorship.
"If it bothers you that much use ignore for the aliases that bother you most."
The ignore feature does nothing for new and potentially good contributors (both dancers and customers) who come here and see a hot mess of trolling and juvenile drama. Also, it makes some threads indecipherable when unblocked users are interacting with blocked users.
"If you are still annoyed, go to another site."
Founder asked for feedback on this site, presumably because he is also not satisfied with the forum dynamics. And he's getting feedback. That you don't like some of the feedback is your problem.
And rather than have the free expression of opinions, you seem to be lobbying that people with different opinions just leave. That could be classified as censorship via exclusion, which is both ironic and a bit hypocritical.
Also, are you suggesting that founder also go to another site because he is also "annoyed"? Because that would be awkward...
"Fucking crybabies wanting someone else to take care of everything exactly the way they want it."
Or, founder posted a discussion topic asking for feedback and he's getting exactly that. On the other hand, you seem to be pitching a tantrum over opinions you don't like.
Have a day.
I was against a moderator because as flagooner asked who could do it effectively, Rick Dugan made a few good points
I am evolving on this, a few days ago I was absolutely no moderator, but I had an epiphany, realizing the those few that are dead set against, behave so poorly that they obviously know that their behavior will get them sanctioned, so I’m on the fence at this point.
Next who would it be and what type of guidelines would be necessary, that for me would be the topic to be discussed.
Any reasonable thoughts in this direction ?
I always find it a little disturbing when I agree with rickdugan on anything and I’ve agreed with him on a few threads. So it is good that this thread gives me a reason to disagree. So here goes:
Sorry to yell, but I can’t stress this enough. People are constantly complaining about trolling, talking about people they ignore, and even posting their ignore list. That isn’t ignoring people. If somebody is trolling — i.e., trying to elicit a strong negative response — posting that you are ignoring them indicates to the troll that the troll is living rent free in the head of the trollee! That is what trolls want!
I’m going to address this part to rickdugan directly, although I don’t know if he’s reading my posts. When I first started posting you accused me of trolling you and then stated you were putting me on ignore. Fair enough, I did call you a d-bag and you were being relentlessly trolled by Dougster. Maybe you even thought I was a Dougster alias. The truth is that you seem to be less of a d-bag than I initially thought and I’ll give you this: you tell entertaining stories. You’re stories sometimes warrant siting there with a bag of popcorn to take them in. BRAVO!!!
But here is the thing: you’ve responded directly to me after saying I was on ignore. If the issue is that you’ve decided I’m not trolling you then brilliant! But if you still think I’m trolling you but respond occasionally you’re being part of the problem. If I was really trying to get your goat then a response - any response! - would just encourage me.
But I’m not trying to get your goat. I read your entertaining stories because they’re entertaining. You should post more of them. But that’s besides the point. The point is that responding to people who only want to get somebody’s goat — i.e., genuine trolls — only encourages more trolling.
I will give you this: you respond to trolls way less than some other people. To those folks: why are you responding to people who you believe to be posting shit with the express purpose of irritating you? Maybe they are trying to irritate you, maybe they aren’t. But if you think they are trying to irritate you just back off so you don’t encourage them to be more irritating. When I read TUSCL I want to be entertained, not irritated! ;)
I just peeked in this thread for the first time; mostly keeping away because I feel like as long as founder steadfastly refuses to implement the one tool that actually works on forums and even reddit subs (which is absolutely his right), this is all navel contemplating. Guys are doing backflips coming up with a zillion methods, many of which trolls can work around, all to get around the fact that the one thing that could actually work is already ruled out.
Ish-->""If it bothers you that much use ignore for the aliases that bother you most."
The ignore feature does nothing for new and potentially good contributors (both dancers and customers) who come here and see a hot mess of trolling and juvenile drama. Also, it makes some threads indecipherable when unblocked users are interacting with blocked users. "
Exactly all of this. I can't imagine how many potentially interesting contributors have been scared away by the forum as it is. "Just use ignore" has, in my experience, never worked on any internet forum, ever -- but the folks who are enjoying trolling love to say it.
First and foremost, Fuck You and get the fuck off my lawn.
Actually, that covers it.
You're a guy on the internet that I don't know. So, the name calling is meaningless.
As for keeping strippers around. If they want to post they will, if they don't they won't. But look at it this way, if guys on here are running them off, and they're such strip club enthusiasts, at least it shows what strippers really think about them.
Also, nothing wrong with strippers saying where they work or trying to get guys to come in and see them. But allowing someone to openly solicit prostitution, as in the case of Blondebombshell, well.... that can get the site shut down, so yeah it matters.
Women bring a new perspective to the board,
bad behavior chases the new posters and potentially good people with interesting things to say. The more I see of the negativity, the more convinced I become that this type of behavior is intentional.
Moderator with clear guidelines is fine, that’s not censorship, those morons are free to start their own community, this ones been here for longer than you’ve been alive, they aren’t contributors, they’re leeches and beggars.
Anyway I liked wallanon's idea... it would make the discussions a lot easier to filter through for those that strictly wanna stay on topic. But a lot of people have interesting, possibly good ideas on this thread.
blabla all i do is defend myself. if they give it they should be able to take it
Tell me blah blah, do you really believe he’s an innocent victim ?
This is a forum for strip clubs and whatever goes with them. Its not just for old conservative men who pay hookers and troll strip clubs looking for hookers. I've worked with and dated strippers since I was in my teens, of course my pov will be very different
So the fact that strippers don't want to interact with these guys online, shows what they really think of them I guess. I don't see anyone's ATF or CF clamoring to come on board and praise tricks and custies.
The only regularly active stripper on here is Nicespice, and all she does is troll....and tolerates the guys who egg her on.
Much of what you wrote is just based on personal opinion, but the one comment that I have to disagree with is:
"That could be classified as censorship via exclusion, which is both ironic and a bit hypocritical. "
No. If they were kicked out it would be censorship. Me suggesting that they leave on their own because they are annoyed... I don't see how that is considered censorship.
I know you just wanted to find fault, but that was quite a stretch.
Regardless of what they do, they deserve respect and our wanna-be thugs/pimps that feel it necessary to insult people's choice in occupation definitely have an impact on whether new people join the community or choose to stay once here. This board is a community focused on the strip club scene, which should be a fun, exciting atmosphere where customers visit dancers. Just like in a strip club, dancers should be able to come here and converse with customers and other dancers without the expectation of insult or harassment. Calling a dancer a hooker or whore in most clubs would probably get you at least ignored, if not your face slapped or the management/bouncer encouraging you to leave and not come back. Additionally, referencing all dancers as hookers or whores assumes that ALL dancers are extras girls and calling all customers tricks assumes that ALL customers are into extras. This is a gross misconception on your part if you do because in both instances we have people that do not participate in extras and have stated that.
I am sure there are boards out there for the pimp/thug lifestyle where every woman is a hooker/whore, but that is not what this board should be about. It should be about telling stores of customer or dancer exploits or current events regarding the strip club scene or just general topics you would expect to discuss in a strip club with dancers and even other patrons. It should not be a bunch of name calling, bitching, harassing, and general bullshit just to see how many posts you can make/bump to make yourself feel good because the purpose of this board is entertainment and when that ceases to be the case, this board will fade away like so many others have in the past.
Is that what you want? If so, please leave now so that the rest of us can work to make this place what is was meant to be.
DC, debate and disagreement are fine. Creating troll profiles and egging troll profiles on. Or doing what 25 does and resort to ad hominem bitching in every thread, or what Nicespice does with her trolling, is whats disrupting and lessens the quality of the forum.
Blahblah, those aren't jokes. Its misogyny thinly veiled as humor to make it appear acceptable. The misogyny on here, the equating strippers with hookers and the general negativity towards anyone not being an elderly conservative trick, is what puts people off. I'm sure it puts women off more than men.
My question for you is, why can't you references them as dancer/stripper instead of hooker/whore? Is it because that goes against your pimp/thug persona? If you want to be respected, you have to show respect first and your actions do not show it.
Finally, what do you defining requirement to be a hooker/whore in your book?
Iam4u2screw, she can't do what she wants online. Solicitation will get the site shut down. Its bad enough that club management and LE are already all over the reviews.
There is definitely misogyny on here, but if I really wanted it gone I guess I'd have to pretend to not be a misandrist. I'm actually a lot more civil and nicer on the internet. I can be extremely cruel to men in real life and I enjoy it a lot.
Blahblah, I think every club is drama infested. The ones you liked were probably good coz it wasn't long term. Surviving a strip club is like a game of chess.
I think what Founder wants is just to get more women involved, and to give them something which will make them stay.
From my own experience, most young nice looking women have little interest in message boards. No reason to spend their time talking to male PL's, not when better off guys are chasing after them f2f.
I have tried inviting women to online stuff f2f, and it rarely works. They want to buffer who can communicate with them, limit the access.
So what does work?
What I know did work was Xoticspot. It was intended to be for the whole country. But mostly it got used in Portland. It drew dancers, not with a discussion forum, but because it helped them augment their careers, and both ITC and OTC. I am convinced that it was a big factor in upping the Portland ITC mileage, and in supporting a cadre of retired strippers.
1. Dancers could post huge numbers of pictures. No real limits, lots on nudity. One girl featured a double vibrator picture.
2. Dancers could offer whole photo albums for sale.
3. Showed a dancer's selected friends. So you saw the lead pictures for other dancers, and could click on them to see their profiles.
4. Let you find out about the clubs, as most of the time the friends were dancers who worked at similar mileage and dive level of clubs.
5. Dancers could post their schedules and other little come on messages. Guys could PM dancers. Guys could also register and become members.
6. Most important in my view, any club could set up an Xoticspot based web site. So besides all the standard info, there was a place for the full roster, and for the current day's first shift and second shift. Full roster was usually about 10 per page, so it would take a few pages. So you could click on any girl's picture and go right to her profile. I believe that this career enhancement is what kept the dancers using the site. Some used it who I know had only a very limited interest in anything like a message board. They kept their schedule and club location current, and they kept posting little come on messages.
If Founder could do this, I think it would be awesome.
Only problem is, the owners of Xoticspot pulled out, claiming Fosta was the reason.
So I say doing something like that requires an expert lawyer, one who knows not just what the laws say on paper, but what is actually being enforced.
I think most of the dancers would just give out their cell phone number to anyone they wanted to communicate with. I am sure that they did not respond to any PM's they found to be out of line. They might not have responded to any from people they had not met f2f at the club.
Stage Side Makeout Session, lots more going on in the shadows too.…
Lap sitting, prelude to a real nice DFK + FIV makeout session, if the guy wants to come on to her some and go for it.…
Stage side DATY discernable ( abajo )…
Heavy thighs and tush, in white. Such girls are best for TLN, and she looks very ready for that.…
Led Zeppelin: Live on TV BYEN/Danmarks Radio [Full Performance] 1969…
i.e. - I can see with moderation dancers complaining that a male TUSCLer said something "mean" or that she didn't like and thus the moderator getting messages on a fairly consistent basis, either from dancers or manginas, that so-and-so should not be saying/posting 'X' and that he's a misogynist or rude or w/e - I don't think dancers and PLs can coexist productively w/o changing the nature of the TUSCL and why I think a dancer-only section may be the best way for dancers "to do their thing on TUSCL".
Such censorship wouldn't attract strippers. Attracting members has to be an organic process. They have to WANT to post for whatever reason. Pandering to a perceived sense of entitlement won't result in that.
Frankly, the strippers I know who use the internet a lot, do so looking at shit on pinterest, IG, SnapChat and Amazon. Censoring men on here won't attract women.
I think its best to leave it as is, but to keep in mind that not wanting to deal with these men shows what strippers really think of tricks.
Sorta speaks for itself.
I agree with Wall and Dugan. A bit more organization of the board will help a lot. Just an on topic and off topic section. Don’t need to moderate much but Founder and a couple mods to be able to move threads from on topic to off topic when appropriate. That way if you’re not interested in the trolling you can avoid it.
If members are sending harassing or threatening pms to dancers they should be banned. Do not pass go. Do not collect $200. First time offense and they are banned. You may not like Nina’s or others’ opinions but if someone is willing to share their location and other identifying characteristics they should not be threatened.
And use the ignore button more.
You can have two boards, one the way it is. This would be the lobby/entrance before you come in, a place where anyone can post, tuscl in its current form. And then you have the front room where people hang out after paying their cover, in this case active VIPs either thru reviews or membership.
As far as strippers, could be tricky as far as verification, but they'd be allowed access to both w/o house fee (membership/reviews etc)
A good moderator is one that no one knows he is there except they guy/girl/troll he just shut down. But again I'll say what I did somewhere 275 post north of this one on the conversation the board software itself can probably take care of some of the issues and deep down I'm guessing there are not as many trolls as some of you think.....just a few with multiple personalities.
1. That takes a real commitment to moderate this forum. It was a pain for founder just to vet the reviews. Who is going to volunteer to do it?
2. It would kill this board if differing opinions aren't all posted.
3. USASG is moderated and it takes a long time for comments to get posted. That would kill the dynamic here.
The bad things are mostly happening in weird PMs that are being sent. The weird PMs I get don't come from people who post here regularly, or from the troll accounts y'all see they come from people who never post on the board. I mentioned to Founder in a PM that the ignore function doesn't actually stop you from seeing what people said in PMs but he has since fixed that.
There is misogyny here, some of the stuff here does make me a little uncomfortable. I feel that the same could be said for any internet site though. I get more creepy messages from guys on my Instagram account than I get here. One thing is that people were very rude to me when I first started posting and I almost left because people were accusing me of being a troll and making fun of me and I felt unwelcome but some users really went out of their way to welcome me onto the forum and I appreciated that. It seems things have gotten better and I don't get those rude comments anymore. It is frustrating when people make rude comments towards you when you haven't done anything to provoke anyone.
Dancers should def not let their guard-down completely - AFAIK some dancers that posted pics with their face showing have had some issues with some jerks - so not showing your face so you won't be recognizable IMO seems prudent (unless it's done 1-on-1 with a PL they may feel somewhat comfortable with)
I too enjoy this place as a silly fuckboard. However, it’s clear that founder has a new vision about the site as a social network.
He doesn’t just want this place to be a place for reviews, with a discussion board attached as an afterthought anymore.
He has already made a dancer directory, and improved its features. He also is making club pages more interactive with photos.
It’s understandable. More personal connections made means more incentives for members to stick around. Which will result in either more reviews or memberships purchased.
Before, an objection I made was “by what standards would a moderator operate on”—but now it seems like the standards are self-evident. It’s to reduce hostility from either dancers or PLs to make face to face meetups more encouraging.
There are bigger challenges than just adding in a mod in the discussion board to achieve that. But I believe that it’s a goal that is realistic and worthwhile.
I have also been guilty of shenanigans, but I wouldn’t mind altering my posting style for the “evolution” of TUSCL, which has a lot of exciting possibilities.
Moderators destroy forums, as they have TJA, and most of the internet. Invariably they end up enforcing Like Mindedness, not different from Evangelical Christian Churches and National Public Radio.
The main thing about Xoticspot was that most of the clubs went with an Xoticspot hosted web page. The club paid for a domain name, but Xoticspot hosted it and provided a standard format, so you could get to their girls' profiles. And then you could see her friends and what clubs they danced at and learn a great deal about the people and the local scene.
Joe Jackson Night and Day…
TJ Street…
Baker Gurvitz Army - Vinyl Album High Quality…