Describe Nicole in a few words

future POTUS and Senator in trainingRetired Queen Troll of TUSCL...who will succeed my reign?
For example, I will say that Nicole is sweet, nice, funny, and cool!
For example, I will say that Nicole is sweet, nice, funny, and cool!
last commentDelusional, flirtatious, annoying
Nicole is a judgemental, assuming, insecure, and narcissistic attention whore. She also can't type and cannot formulate a consistent logical thought. Her skills at debate are pathetic. She only knows how to use strawman arguments. As a 26+ yr old sophomore she's mentally and socially backwards for her age. She uses TUSCL to self-aggrandize and boost her fragile ego. She thinks she's better than most people. She's also a "6" with flattish tits and really buggy eyes.
Annoying, probably has an IQ of around 80.
Whenever she aggrandizes, she's trying to put credence, ironically, to things she is really deficient at. For example she says she's "sweet" but LMAO she's a pure bitch. Also she says she's intelligent but she's a college dropout and can't graduate.
LMAO she has over 350+ TUSCL threads in less than 7 months as a member. In all of them she finds a way to self-aggrandize and demonstrate everything I just said about her. It's proof!
I can graduate but I'm choosing not to for smartet career goals which I'm not gonna explain cuz youre gonna interpret that inaccurately like how you inaccurately claimed I'm not graduating due to lack of intelligence ..dumbasses.
LOL the self-aggrandizing Nicokeyes makes excuses for not progressing in her education AND career. In the end she proves she's still a dumbass dropout.
She doesn't need to explain anything. Her reality is she's going to a lesser school than her first one and she has no job or career to speak of.
She again proves my point with every one of her posts. This last one she again makes a point to aggrandize and insult others and again cannot see beyond her own "logic". LOL the irony is that she's the dumbass.
Wow . I didnt know someone could still be a dropout while still being in school.
Wow. I didnt know that transferring to a different school is the equivalent of dropping out. Some ppl enroll in a semstwr and dont finish those courses .that's dropping out. But completing courses u already signed up for and choosing to attend a different school is apparently dropping out to some (dumb) ppl.
Clearly someone who used the term dropping out doesn't even know the definition of it.
I wonder who's the real dumbass.
Lmao.much guys remember those kids who use big words without knowing what they actually mean.
Thats sir dance.using big boy vocab like drop out without knowing the definition.maybe he should go somewhere else to make himself sound smart.
Wow I didn't realize someone could defend being a jobless dropout so much.
Nicokeyes, you dropped out of your first school, making you a dropout. Simple as that, dumbass. It has nothing to do with that you are still in a different school. Fact: you dropped out of a school, making you a bonafide dropout.
See how you used separate logic other than this simple fact to aggrandize and justify yourself? LMAO an example of how you are aggrandizing and using piss poor debate skills. But LMAO like a dumbass you fail to comprehend this. But it does reinforce my point!
Per Wikipedia...
"Dropping out means leaving high school, college, university or another group for practical reasons, necessities, or disillusionment with the system from which the individual in question leaves."
Dumbass Nicokeyes meets this definition but her narcissism and pathetic logic and debate skills prevent her from comprehending this.
LMAO if it makes your fragile ego feel better I'll call you a former dropout.
But that still doesn't take away from the fact that you were one.
LOL maybe you shouldn't create dumbass threads if you don't want to be made to look like the dumbass you are.
This is why the VIP is so much better lol
Guys title of this thread still remains.please describe Nicole according to ur definition of her
Ok thx
This is Nicole 1994 thread not sir dance thread
Lmao I just saif that to be funny
@ sir dance yeah that must the definition lf drop out bc its from wikipedia..
Kind of why professors dont accept shit from wikipedia..even for dictionary definitions lmao lolololol
Nicokeyes the definition is the same whether it was from Wikipedia or not. Use any source you choose.
Because you are a dumbass and cannot expand your logic beyond your myopic brain capacity, let me explain: you met the definition of dropping out regardless of the source of definition. Feel free to find a different definition and post it if you are so smart that you have better sources. LMAO they will all be the same as Wikipedia.
Again you demonstrate my point of having pathetic debate and logic skills. You attacked my use of Wikipedia to defend your position and justify your "logic" when in the end the definition of dropping out is the same no matter what source you use.
Kind of why you are a bonafide dumbass LOL.
Ignorant narcissistic unwelcome troll.
This was designed to be a epic failure.
Caveat: I don't know Nicole's academic history because I had her on ignore for a while and even now don't read most of her posts.
I can't believe I'm doing this, but I'm siding with Nicole on this one.
Anyone who relies on Wikipedia as their resource to win an argument is handicapping themselves. Only a complete moron would do that.
Webster's dictionary definition of dropout is "1 : a person who stops going to a school, college, etc., before finishing : a person who drops out of school"
As I understand it, she didn't stop going. She is currently going to shool. She merely transferred to a different school. People do that all the time for a variety of reasons. If an athlete transfers, that's not considered dropping out. But according to SLD it is. I disagree.
LMAO Nicokeyes is designed to be an epic failure.
@flagooner I was talking about her dropping out of her first school which she did in fact.
I understand your point too. It would have been better if I called her a former dropout. My bad but I'm still making the same point regardless.
FYI the Wikipedia definition is the same as Webster's.
Well a non-moron would have cited it as Webster's definition and not Wikipedia.
And what you quoted was different than what I did. I used the first definition provided which means it's the most commonly accepted.
BTW, I don't consider taking a sabbatical as dropping out if the intention is to return and it is done in a reasonablne amount of time.
Please @flagooner you are arguing in the minutia. In simple terms an per both definitions, Nicokeyes dropped out of her first school. Per your own definition she did not finish that school.
Funny, Tells it like it is, Posts sexy pic's
LOL. I didn't read the Merriam-Webster definition well. I thought it said stops going to school before finishing. It says a school.
Hey, I'm a high school dropout. Twice.
We moved from Maryland to California between my Freshman and Sophomore years and then from California back to the east coast before my Senior year.
I've always thought of dropout as if it was like Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg who quit school altogether to pursue other goals.
^learned something new today, on here of all places, thank you.
Teets on a bull, too stupid to know he’s boorish, delusional logic
Aww bang u think I'm funny? How sweet thank u !!
Nicole1994 posted one too many threads on TUSCL, and then this happened...
It's great you are furthering your education. It's too bad you couldn't get into a decent school.
LOL Nicokeyes can't see her own delusions because she's deluded by them. And because she's simply a dumbass that can't see beyond her own myopic views and substandard "logic".
Ironically her posts are exactly what support it all, too. You can point out exactly where she's being a dumbass and contradictory, even quote it directly, and at best she'll ignore it, but at worst she'll continue to try and argue and justify it using her own version of "logic".
Nicokeyes, there is no thinking that you are delusional. There is proof of it in your own words and posts. Unfortunately you need more intelligence and reading comprehension skills than what you have so it's pointless to continue to give you examples.
But just as one example (because I am thrilled to highlight exactly how and why you are a delusional dumbass, you once exchanged numerous posts with me to argue that you didn't have flat tits when in the end you finally realized that I never stated that. And ultimately we mutually agreed that you do, in fact, have flatTISH tits. The exchange was a clear example of your delusion. But still, you'll fail to truly comprehend this even though I spelled it out and dumbed it down as simply as possible for your sake!
I have a beautiful face it's ok
I have a beautiful face it's ok
intelligent, sweet, potentially someone's AFT
Bye @sirdance
Bye @sirdance
@icey u think I'm sweet????
Aww :)))))
Icey I feel like while I haven't been rude to u, I also haven't been sweet to u lolol
LOL @Nicokeyes. I'll leave now. Bye.
Ok JK, I'm back now.
^I can graduate but I'm choosing not to for smartet career goals which I'm not gonna explain cuz youre gonna interpret that
Please define smartet, gonna & cuz. I can’t find these words in the dictionary. I would expect someone who was accepted to an Ivy League school to be able to speak and spell the English language
smashing that dyke button
LOL ok bye for now.
Lol @Sir dance
Ok hi
childish is what comes to mind
@25 how rude
@jsully I also got into USC which is ranked #23 as well as UT which is top research uni and ranked top 50 in the world
Also got into Berkeley
U know..below decent schools^
LMAO @Nicokeyes that's great you got into some good colleges but honestly most folks don't keep bragging about that stuff once they are in school. FYI the actual graduation part is really the accomplishment and what you should be proud of. But since you are trending to be a repeat dropout and you are narcissistic I guess bragging about schools you don't have a degree from is your high point in life.
It's like you're still 17 still applying for college and are really proud of it. At that time it's all great but honestly the real accomplishment is actually graduating.
But if that's all you got, brag on, braggart!
Tell me Nicole how is that rude, that's what you asked for, and that is how I see you, I don't dislike you, but to me you seem very childish.
No sir dance I am not bragging.I. am just addressing jsullys response bc ivy achools were not the only decent schools I got into..his response only mentions ivy
I would not talk about my acceptances foe any other reasons besides that ..I am not the onw who talks about my academics..that is y'all.who the fuck talks about that shit on this website.
Its just funny bc u guys keep talking about me talking about school but fail to realize that I only do that in response to what is said about me.hence, you arw delusional according to ur own logic
If I'm dumb youre ten times dumber for spending more time on me than I do on you.
Forgot to mention she's a wannabe...
wannabe lawyer
wannabe graduate
wannabe hot girl
wannabe adored
wannabe troll
...just a few examples but the underlying theme is the wannabe part. In all examples she's mediocre at best, failure at worst.
Your friends are the first to bring up academic performance .I just respond lmao.
If youre gonna criticize anyone then do it to the ppl.who acrually deserve it..not those who merely respond to what comes at them
Change ur name from.Sir dance to idiotic idiot.thx
@25 you actually think my troll persona reflects my actual personality ...its obvious that I am not serious about half the things I say on here ..including in this post lol.
I hope that's true but you don't show me anything here, so what else do I have to go by ?
No @Nicokeyes you just highlighted your delusion about yourself. You didn't actually address what jsully was asking. And instead you used it as yet another opportunity to aggrandize about yourself. It's pretty clear if you read specifically what he was asking. His point was never about your school acceptances beyond Ivy league, dumbass. It was about how you spell like shit which doesn't match being accepted to Ivy league.
But you were too delusional about bragging to comprehend this.
LOL you spend so much time (366 threads created in 7 months) on TUSCL, a forum for talking about strip clubs, to brag and make your dumbass "6" self feel better about yourself, and don't think that's a 10x dumbass move?
Sure, I'm a dumbass for even replying to you but it's fun. You have so many logic flaws it's fun to keep setting you up to create more. Well worth my efforts. Thx for replying, dumbass!
Nicokeyes posted -> If youre gonna criticize anyone then do it to the ppl.who acrually deserve it..not those who merely respond to what comes at them
Hey, dumbass, you created a thread for others to describe you and that's all I'm doing. You deserve everything anyone posts about you if that's their description of you, as per the thread subject, dumbass.
Mischievous feminist easily bored.
jsully posted -> "Please define smartet, gonna & cuz. I can’t find these words in the dictionary. I would expect someone who was accepted to an Ivy League school to be able to speak and spell the English language"
Nicokeyes response -> "@jsully I also got into USC which is ranked #23 as well as UT which is top research uni and ranked top 50 in the world
Also got into Berkeley
U know..below decent schools^"
^ A clear example of ignoring the point of jsully and making a separate point as an opportunity to aggrandize instead. And a clear example that Nicokeyes has piss poor debate skills. LMAO just as I mentioned earlier...
@Nicole. I would hope that the persona you portray here is not the real you.
When giving words to describe you, we are all providing words that describe the persona. That's all we know, and it's what I assumed you were asking for.
Also forgot to mention she's highly passive-aggressive.
I don't think those words accurately fit my personality either flag lol.
@25 I'm sorry for calling u rude ...again that was me joking and being a troll..I'm.not offended lol its ok
Sorry ppl
ROFLMFAO Nicokeyes follows my post with a passive-aggressive one. So predictable.
How sweet. Judging by Nicole’s posts, she has really missed Sirlap a lot. She ignores when I reply to her stuff lol
Hopefully Nina will come back soon. I’m sure Nicole misses her as well.
@nicespice LMAO. She's gonna start ignoring me again soon but it takes a while because she's stubborn like that. I think she truly believes that one day she'll have a valid argument to what I've posted and keeps trying. But eventually she stops because she ends up demonstrating and proving exactly what I'm saying just by posting.
LOL all that and absence makes the heart grow fonder.
LMAO and you're just jelly. ;p
FWIW I've missed you (NinaBambina too). Awesome new photos in your profile. Nice tiddies! (Unlike some people.)
Nicole, yeah, I think you come across as really sweet. And I can tell you're a caring person
@Nicole1994 in all seriousness you should seek professional help for your inner demons and not rely so much on TUSCL as your outlet and therapy.
Try to understand exactly why you want to be an attention whore on here and why you detest men so much.
If you don't, you'll get more lonely and depressed than you already are and it will get worse for yourself.
I doubt you will take this to heart but seriously you need some help and TUSCL is not the solution.
Nicole, someone who might be a female but I dont really know since I don't trust most of what is posted on this site.
Someone who wants attention from other posters on here. I had her or him on ignore for a while. Some others claim she is female but I never met these other people either.
She's the female version of san_jose_guy. Uses TUSCL for mental therapy in lieu of getting professional help.
Wonderful !
and you pay women to make you cum in your pants in lieu of marriage counseling
@Icey if you meant that at me, FYI I am working on my own marriage directly. I don't go to strip clubs anymore as part of my own internal counseling directly with my wife. For sure it's not healthy behavior for a good marriage and guess what? I'm openly admitting it and working on it rather than exacerbating the issue.
@Sirlap, since you have been gone for a while, I’ll fill you in on some stuff. Basically, nothing wrong with engaging Icy, but I’d advise to do it for fun.
IceyLoco was previously called Phatboy but changed his name.
Anyways, Icey has been here and engaging into flame wars with several members. I’d only bother if you want in on the drama too. (Otherwise ignore it)
Here are some threads you may have missed:
*He’s been going around harassing DC (until recently when they came to a truce...?)
*He has been repeatedly calling me a meth head. And that I needed to go sleep with men to give my boyfriend income?
*Calling 25 a zionasi.
*And going after Darkblue a few idea what that guy did since he rarely ever participated. Maybe I’ll look at darkblue’s posting history one day to see if he stepped on anybody’s toes.
*And Nicole is the only female here on this board who says intelligent things. The rest of us are lying hoes.
It was a general comment. but its ironic you admit to your inner demons while trolling Nicole
"Last week on TUSCL..."
@Icey it's ironic that you take a high moral ground on a strip club website. And that you defend someone that detests men (deep down).
And I admitted my inner demons as an explanation to you. Nothing to do with my trolling of Nicokeyes.
@nicespice thx for all the information and on Icey. I thought I saw he was Phatboy. His background is why I LOLed when he took a high ground and defended Nicokeyes.
And I never take the TUSCL drama seriously. Drama and trolling is a way of life here so I just roll with it when it's fun to me.
Nicespice, you mean I defended myself from you and other trolls.
Sirlapdancealot, you seem interested enough in drama to stir it all day so far.
@Icey as stated to nicespice I stir up the drama whenever it's good times and I get to LOL at all the reads. Plus please note there's plenty of other dramatic threads to post in that I'm not.
FYI also I only troll trolls that have trolled me specifically. If you read my posts you'll see the only two trolls that I relentlessly do it to are san_jose_guy and Nicokeyes. I stopped with san_jose_guy because I got bored and felt sorry for him and with Nicokeyes I'll be the same way. I just haven't reached that point yet. And until then, sure I'll keep trolling her whenever and for how long I enjoy it. It's no different than you posting, all day if you want to, assuming it's something you do for fun.
Disagreeing with people doesn't justify trolling and them having different views doesn't make them trolls.
SJG makes a lot of sense on this site.
@Icey I assume you missed the part where I said,
"FYI also I only troll trolls that have trolled me specifically"
Me trolling them has nothing to do with me disagreeing with them. I disagree with plenty of other members I'll never troll. And also I don't define them as trolls because they disagreed with me.
To me san_jose_guy makes more nonsense than sense. (And see how we can disagree about this and not troll each other? I'm not going to troll you just because I disagree with how you see san_jose_guy.)
"SJG makes a lot of sense on this site."
SJG makes a lot of good points. I like his theorizing on his organization.... I don't agree with him on voluntary celibates, but he brings up a lot of good points in that thread. His front room make out sessions are interesting too.
san_jose_guy lost me for good when I read about how he likes to wake up a woman by fucking her. Or maybe it was when he described his organization for pumping loads into women toda la noche. I forget.
Cunt with an inflated view of her own worth.
@GMD The only real cunt here with an inflated sense of her own worth is fat boy, Nicole is somewhat childish but I don’t se anything malicious or malevolent from her over abundance of verbiage, she doesn’t really have a mean streak, she just comes across young and naive.
That jerk on the other hand calls everyone, a trick,a bitch, or a ho, and his very first post on this forum picked a fight with me and several others. As far as I’m concerned he can go fuck his no reviews opinated self, he has worn out any welcome he might have received.
#1 Law Student
Future senate murder
A woman should always know her worth and always get something for it...
Future senate murder. LOL
I’ll let fat bois home page speak for itself
And I'm a verified member, unlike you
^I’m not that’s news to me lol
"And I'm a verified member, unlike you"
OOOoooOOOooohhh... better go update your LinkedIn.
@C.M.I, literally laughing out loud. :D