Listed below is what the VIP room front page threads looked like within the last hour. Each line includes the thread title, how long ago the thread was posted, number of replies and last reply time. For the curious, it also includes the handle of the TUSCLer who posted the last comment:
Should gay strip clubs be added to TUSCL? 9 Hours Ago, 20 replies, last was 2 Minutes Ago by trickystick
The /fit/ scale for rating girls v2.0 53 Minutes Ago, 1 reply, last was 39 Minutes Ago by JeffTUSCL
Playoffs start today Yesterday, 64 replies, last was 1 Hour Ago by crazyjoe
Describe your Perfect 10 Dancer December 30, 2018, 32 replies, last was 1 Hour Ago by TheeOSU
Dallas 3 Hours Ago, 8 replies, last was 1 Hour Ago by rickdugan
Looks like Sjg and the trolls have taken over the front room. January 3, 2019, 19 replies, last was 1 Hour Ago by Ime
Decode SS Yesterday, 29 replies, last was 1 Hour Ago by rl27
Vegas Hotel Strippers 4 Hours Ago, 8 replies, last was 1 Hour Ago by IceyLoco
use of ^ January 4, 2019, 15 replies, last was 1 Hour Ago by Call.Me.Ishmael
Car Show Models .... 8 Hours Ago, 19 replies, last was 1 Hour Ago by IceyLoco
The Anti ICeyLoco Campaign in the VIP Room 7 Hours Ago, 19 replies, last was 1 Hour Ago by IceyLoco
What's the best time go clubing out of time, day, week, month or year? January 3, 2019, 25 replies, last was 2 Hours Ago by rl27
A dancer told me she was a "sub." How should I treat her in a VIP dance? December 23, 2018, 12 replies, last was 3 Hours Ago by JamesSD
What's your favorite strain? 8 Hours Ago, 3 replies, 4 Hours Ago by IceyLoco
VIP LOCKER ROOM MALE BONDING THREAD NO HOMO 4 Hours Ago, 0 replies, original post was 4 Hours Ago by IceyLoco
Is the club poor or is it terrible? 6 Hours Ago, 19 replies, last was 4 Hours Ago by Doctorevil
Happy New Years everyone! December 31, 2018, 5 replies, last was 5 Hours Ago by IceyLoco
Is the front room on this site worthless Yesterday, 61 replies, last was 5 Hours Ago by IceyLoco
GreaT Job Founder! December 23, 2018, 12 replies, last was 5 Hours Ago by IceyLoco
PLs don't know how to finger January 3, 2019, 22 replies, last was 5 Hours Ago by IceyLoco
Making the effort to rate clubs fairly January 4, 2019, 57 replies, last was 5 Hours Ago by Twentyfive
Your Favorite Video Games??? 6 Hours Ago, 2 replies, last was 6 Hours Ago by IceyLoco
I am getting too spoiled January 3, 2019, 20 replies, last was 8 Hours Ago by IceyLoco
Peace Love & Titties in your face! Favorite way to.... December 30, 2018, 29 replies, last was 8 Hours Ago by IceyLoco
Looking for Voyeurs to Form 'Club' - DC-Baltimore Area Yesterday, 12 replies, last was 8 Hours Ago by IceyLoco
The interesting TV hing about wallanon post was that 12 of those threads the last comment was iceyloco..... iceyloco shut the fuck up, nobody cares what you say
"not privileged or special enough to partake in in VIP chats " You buy a membership or you spend 10 minutes writing a legitimate review, what's the big deal?
No, the VIP threads aren't any more profound than the Front Room, but why would they be.
The two advantages to VIP are: 1. It can't be searched through Google and 2. It makes the Ignore feature actually work. You can't just not log-in and then read the posts of people on ignore. Both of these seem like improvements to me. So why the resentment?
I thought ignore had been changed so now people you have on ignore can’t read your posts. If so, how can IceyLoco hijack a thread? All the OP has to do is ignore him! (Correct me if I’m wrong about ignore)
Also, why isn’t there a separate rick discussion room? I think it would be brilliant if there was a publicly readable discussion room called ‘The Rick Room” where only the Ricks can post. Sort of like a press conference for the Council! How many people would like that one?
Some guy called CaptainFun or something like that wants to have a race/ethnicity search option for clubs. Coz he doesn't want to accidentally be stuck at the "wrong" club....
They don't want to ignore me, they want to troll me...
But if you're a VIP member and ignored, you can see the posts like the old ignore used to the VIP room.
The VIP Room is ridiculous, the few assholes incessantly trolling the front room think its their private little exclusive club. Then when someone they dislike gets in, like anyone can get in, they go ballistic....
The one little difference is that since it has an illusion of privacy, they'll post some creepier shit like talking about secretly filming strippers and hookers.... or sharing very detailed strategies on how to better cum in your pants.....they'll be more graphic there...
So apparently it's not enough for the circle jerk squad to have their own little room, now they want to take the front room away.
The post that got my VIP status taken away!
"With all due respect. Being on the site a long time or participating a lot doesn't make someone a model TUSCL member.
These lists are more like a popularity contest. Some of the people listed can be argued to contribute negatively.
On the other hand we have individuals like SJG who contribute a lot to the site but are not as popular because certain cliques may not like them.
If these lists have to go with potential "moderation" then get ready for the site to turn into an echo chamber. Many of those listed need moderation rather than be relied on to enforce it."
Lol, no. Most are in favor of keeping the front room. It’s founder considering it because the discussions are “2% of traffic, and 98% of headaches”
2. Founder WARNED us that those who blatantly didn’t follow instructions and went off-topic to the relevant discussion would get kicked out of VIP. Given your love of creating spamming topic title threads, you could have easily put something there instead.
3. You have already been spamming that the site is already an echo chamber for a long while. What’s your point?
Nicespice, you and Juice's and others' trolling is the reason for any headaches on here.
Founder, we can have our own opinions on what the motivating undercurrents for many of the changes in the discussion areas are. But ultimately it is your site and you can do as you please.
Juicebox posted something other than a list as well
juicebox69 If she cums hard and vibrates that shit best be free That would be the greatest complaint for a PL to achieve 13 HOURS AGO Shadowcat and papi chulo is the 2 most respected members that would serve this site well
Can't think of anyothers that fit that Bill
Thats my votes
juicebox69 If she cums hard and vibrates that shit best be free That would be the greatest complaint for a PL to achieve 13 HOURS AGO John Smith would make that list.. He just needs to be more active but besides that he is well loved and respected as well
juicebox69 If she cums hard and vibrates that shit best be free That would be the greatest complaint for a PL to achieve 13 HOURS AGO Jacklash would make that list assm well as he 2 seems loved and respected.
Wallen dosent post much but has served the site well with a crazy amount of reviews. He also seems respect and loved by the majority.
I think any of those men have and will continue to do this site well.
Thinking about it a bit more I need to add Nice Spice Warrenboy Even though he’s no longer with us I have very fond memories of Farmer Art I aspire to behave like him I always thought he was a classy guy
They did the same thing Iceyloco did, they posted names but not a list. They posted comments that derail from the list theme if we wanna get technical.
So if Iceyloco lost his VIP, and Meat72 supposedly lost it and got it back. Juice and 25 should receive the same treatment.
No, Nicespice, that refers to the bitching and whining about it not being an echo chamber, coming from people like the ones who egg you on when you troll.
IceyLoco, remember the big split is between those who see strip clubs as a source of vending machine women, versus those of use who are intrigued by bohemian girls who are pretty far out there, and would like to know them.
I raised the stakes when I joined by talking about DFKing girls, and generally getting them off of their service delivery script, and treating them like you would any other woman, and with the general idea that you can find one you like and be waking up in the mornings with her.
See, I've been down that road of using strip clubs for sexual gratification, the words Trick, Chump, Mark, Sucker, and Loser are not enough to describe it.
I have thought it through. It is something one only does when they have no other choice.
You seem to understand this innately.
I have never been to TJ, and when I joined I knew very little about it. But as more and more people have gone and as videos and detailed accounts have come back, more and more guys have had to accept the idea that it is possible to have much more civilian like interactions, and starting with that front room makeout session.
But still here on this forum we have guys like JohnSmith69, for whom harsh idiotic attitudes are a matter of White identity.
Here, he has a front room makeout session and what does he talk about, he talks about me. He describes the whole thing in negative terms and then blames it on the girl.
AC/DC - Girls Got Rhythm ( and with the original lead singer, which I have always found to be one of the group's best features. Clever song, and in my opinion underplayed.…
Well, a message board attracts all types, and some are outright SPAMers. Others are just idiots. But moderation makes it all even more complex.
XoticSpot got lots of traffic, but not because beautiful young women who earn a living as strippers actually want to talk to aging male PL's for free. No, they got that traffic because guys could click on a girl's picture on a club web site, and get to her profile and her other pictures, and then to the pictures of her friends, and to the other clubs' web sites and to the girls' schedules. They could contact girls. Though I for one would not do that unless I had met the girl at the club and asked.
Founder, this is your site. So you can do with it what you want. You built it and you have maintained it. I know that is a great deal of work. And I also know that as it operates around the clock, problems can break out at any time.
But I would like to just say that there are others of us here who have put a great deal of time into this, and who do genuinely enjoy it and look forward to being more involved, like with Reviews, Articles, and VIP Status. Some of us are concerned about the changes being made, and specifically about what contingent is driving this, like people who openly refuse to post unless the people they dislike are driven off, and people who consider anyone who sees things differently than they do as a 'troll'.
These guys seem to have what they want, their own echo chamber, so they can do whatever they want. But now they post threads attacking us in the front room?
So some of us are concerned. This forum has done real well with only the lightest and usually invisible forms of moderation. When moderation goes beyond that, people get even more defensive, trying to prove that they are right. In my observation it makes things even more contentious.
AC/DC - Girls Got Rhythm ( and with the original lead singer, which I have always found to be one of the group's best features. Clever song, and in my opinion underplayed.…
DC, I like the way you are explaining your relations with the girls. Obviously you are not some frustrated married man, taking it out on the strip club dancers, while in public trying to present yourself as happily married.
As I see it, the money is what allows the girls to be there. Going along with it is just a show of respect, and also of care and concern. It does not otherwise motivate them to do anything. Rather it just allows them to relax and be themselves with you. And nothing would ever be better than that.
Its more of a healthy way to view it, but I agree that the split seems to be along the lines of men who view strippers and prostitutes as human beings vs those who view them as live sex toys and lesser individuals than them...
Truth is, what these girls do has an impact on them....not often a positive one, but its not something to demean or shame them for. It doesn't define them as individuals or make them less worthy. I don't know....its like it comes down to this whole slut shaming have no problem sleeping with them or using them for their sexual gratification yet malign them for it.
The woman you sleep with is a direct reflection of you as a man...
"those who view them as live sex toys and lesser individuals than them..." What you are describing to a tee is the Republican (and Libertarian) World View!
"Truth is, what these girls do has an impact on them....not often a positive one, but its not something to demean or shame them for. " In my opinion feeling this is why they often seem to focus on the money and exaggerate and brag about it. They face emotional attacks continually. But knowing them is a treasure beyond any price.
You won't find this quality of posting in the Circle Jerk VIP Room, only out here in the Parking Lot.
AC/DC - Girls Got Rhythm ( and with the original lead singer, which I have always found to be one of the group's best features. Clever song, and in my opinion underplayed.…
No, in the VIP cirlce jerk room you'll be called a loser for not treating dancers like potential rentable human masturbation sleeves.... and yeah they exaggerate the money aspect because in the end thats all they realize that they have to offer to these girls. that realization also fuels a lot of anger at the women and those who actually can date them.
And this is why we have a contingent that pressed so hard for this VIP Room, and this is also why some of them want to even now attack the Front Room. Anyone who does not think like them they call a 'troll'
AC/DC - Girls Got Rhythm ( and with the original lead singer, which I have always found to be one of the group's best features. Clever song, and in my opinion underplayed.…
I feel that these concerns about trolling and this press to have a VIP Room is really just coming from guys who believe that anyone who does not think they ways that they do is a 'troll'. They want an Echo Chamber, a Circle Jerk Room.
If they keep pressing and getting what they want, it will destroy this forum.
^Idk what the big deal is, it’s not like it’s that special. Most of us there are PLs who paid a fee. Betcha there are far more people who can use it and don’t than there are active posters.
Not sure how the split is going to be long term, may be a lot of headache for someone or maybe the superiority complex will wear off... We shall see.
Its a HUGE deal when your PAID VIP status can be taken away cos the old trick trolls bitch whine and complain to the administrator of the site. That clearly shows what the site is really like
last commentShould gay strip clubs be added to TUSCL?
9 Hours Ago, 20 replies, last was 2 Minutes Ago by trickystick
The /fit/ scale for rating girls v2.0
53 Minutes Ago, 1 reply, last was 39 Minutes Ago by JeffTUSCL
Playoffs start today
Yesterday, 64 replies, last was 1 Hour Ago by crazyjoe
Describe your Perfect 10 Dancer
December 30, 2018, 32 replies, last was 1 Hour Ago by TheeOSU
3 Hours Ago, 8 replies, last was 1 Hour Ago by rickdugan
Looks like Sjg and the trolls have taken over the front room.
January 3, 2019, 19 replies, last was 1 Hour Ago by Ime
Decode SS
Yesterday, 29 replies, last was 1 Hour Ago by rl27
Vegas Hotel Strippers
4 Hours Ago, 8 replies, last was 1 Hour Ago by IceyLoco
use of ^
January 4, 2019, 15 replies, last was 1 Hour Ago by Call.Me.Ishmael
Car Show Models ....
8 Hours Ago, 19 replies, last was 1 Hour Ago by IceyLoco
The Anti ICeyLoco Campaign in the VIP Room
7 Hours Ago, 19 replies, last was 1 Hour Ago by IceyLoco
What's the best time go clubing out of time, day, week, month or year?
January 3, 2019, 25 replies, last was 2 Hours Ago by rl27
A dancer told me she was a "sub." How should I treat her in a VIP dance?
December 23, 2018, 12 replies, last was 3 Hours Ago by JamesSD
What's your favorite strain?
8 Hours Ago, 3 replies, 4 Hours Ago by IceyLoco
4 Hours Ago, 0 replies, original post was 4 Hours Ago by IceyLoco
Is the club poor or is it terrible?
6 Hours Ago, 19 replies, last was 4 Hours Ago by Doctorevil
Happy New Years everyone!
December 31, 2018, 5 replies, last was 5 Hours Ago by IceyLoco
Is the front room on this site worthless
Yesterday, 61 replies, last was 5 Hours Ago by IceyLoco
GreaT Job Founder!
December 23, 2018, 12 replies, last was 5 Hours Ago by IceyLoco
PLs don't know how to finger
January 3, 2019, 22 replies, last was 5 Hours Ago by IceyLoco
Making the effort to rate clubs fairly
January 4, 2019, 57 replies, last was 5 Hours Ago by Twentyfive
Your Favorite Video Games???
6 Hours Ago, 2 replies, last was 6 Hours Ago by IceyLoco
I am getting too spoiled
January 3, 2019, 20 replies, last was 8 Hours Ago by IceyLoco
Peace Love & Titties in your face! Favorite way to....
December 30, 2018, 29 replies, last was 8 Hours Ago by IceyLoco
Looking for Voyeurs to Form 'Club' - DC-Baltimore Area
Yesterday, 12 replies, last was 8 Hours Ago by IceyLoco
But what racist cocksucker really suggested race/ethnicity function.
No, the VIP threads aren't any more profound than the Front Room, but why would they be.
The two advantages to VIP are: 1. It can't be searched through Google and 2. It makes the Ignore feature actually work. You can't just not log-in and then read the posts of people on ignore. Both of these seem like improvements to me. So why the resentment?
Also, why isn’t there a separate rick discussion room? I think it would be brilliant if there was a publicly readable discussion room called ‘The Rick Room” where only the Ricks can post. Sort of like a press conference for the Council! How many people would like that one?
They don't want to ignore me, they want to troll me...
But if you're a VIP member and ignored, you can see the posts like the old ignore used to the VIP room.
The VIP Room is ridiculous, the few assholes incessantly trolling the front room think its their private little exclusive club. Then when someone they dislike gets in, like anyone can get in, they go ballistic....
The Parking Lot is where it is at.
SJG's New Headquarters, coming soon to a strip club parking lot near you.
12' x 20' with over 9' of center stand up height.…
The post that got my VIP status taken away!
"With all due respect. Being on the site a long time or participating a lot doesn't make someone a model TUSCL member.
These lists are more like a popularity contest. Some of the people listed can be argued to contribute negatively.
On the other hand we have individuals like SJG who contribute a lot to the site but are not as popular because certain cliques may not like them.
If these lists have to go with potential "moderation" then get ready for the site to turn into an echo chamber. Many of those listed need moderation rather than be relied on to enforce it."
Lol, no. Most are in favor of keeping the front room. It’s founder considering it because the discussions are “2% of traffic, and 98% of headaches”
2. Founder WARNED us that those who blatantly didn’t follow instructions and went off-topic to the relevant discussion would get kicked out of VIP. Given your love of creating spamming topic title threads, you could have easily put something there instead.
3. You have already been spamming that the site is already an echo chamber for a long while. What’s your point?
Stop acting like you're entitled to something.
Founder, we can have our own opinions on what the motivating undercurrents for many of the changes in the discussion areas are. But ultimately it is your site and you can do as you please.
Stopped thinking you're entitled to something, lceyTrapLocoBaby
If she cums hard and vibrates that shit best be free That would be the greatest complaint for a PL to achieve
Shadowcat and papi chulo is the 2 most respected members that would serve this site well
Can't think of anyothers that fit that Bill
Thats my votes
If she cums hard and vibrates that shit best be free That would be the greatest complaint for a PL to achieve
John Smith would make that list.. He just needs to be more active but besides that he is well loved and respected as well
If she cums hard and vibrates that shit best be free That would be the greatest complaint for a PL to achieve
Jacklash would make that list assm well as he 2 seems loved and respected.
Wallen dosent post much but has served the site well with a crazy amount of reviews. He also seems respect and loved by the majority.
I think any of those men have and will continue to do this site well.
Hope that helps founder
Thinking about it a bit more I need to add
Nice Spice
Even though he’s no longer with us I have very fond memories of Farmer Art I aspire to behave like him I always thought he was a classy guy
Just stop. You're looking pathetic.
So if Iceyloco lost his VIP, and Meat72 supposedly lost it and got it back. Juice and 25 should receive the same treatment.
I raised the stakes when I joined by talking about DFKing girls, and generally getting them off of their service delivery script, and treating them like you would any other woman, and with the general idea that you can find one you like and be waking up in the mornings with her.
See, I've been down that road of using strip clubs for sexual gratification, the words Trick, Chump, Mark, Sucker, and Loser are not enough to describe it.
I have thought it through. It is something one only does when they have no other choice.
You seem to understand this innately.
I have never been to TJ, and when I joined I knew very little about it. But as more and more people have gone and as videos and detailed accounts have come back, more and more guys have had to accept the idea that it is possible to have much more civilian like interactions, and starting with that front room makeout session.
But still here on this forum we have guys like JohnSmith69, for whom harsh idiotic attitudes are a matter of White identity.
Here, he has a front room makeout session and what does he talk about, he talks about me. He describes the whole thing in negative terms and then blames it on the girl.…
It's Smith and guys like him who have been screaming the loudest for moderation, and targeting some of us that they don't like.
So any VIP Room with guys like that, it is going to be an echo chamber, a Circle Jerk Room.
New Field Headquarters, In The Parking Lot…
jeff healey live at nottoden 2006…
AC/DC - Girls Got Rhythm ( and with the original lead singer, which I have always found to be one of the group's best features. Clever song, and in my opinion underplayed.…
Female Tribute Band…
Well, a message board attracts all types, and some are outright SPAMers. Others are just idiots. But moderation makes it all even more complex.
XoticSpot got lots of traffic, but not because beautiful young women who earn a living as strippers actually want to talk to aging male PL's for free. No, they got that traffic because guys could click on a girl's picture on a club web site, and get to her profile and her other pictures, and then to the pictures of her friends, and to the other clubs' web sites and to the girls' schedules. They could contact girls. Though I for one would not do that unless I had met the girl at the club and asked.
Founder, this is your site. So you can do with it what you want. You built it and you have maintained it. I know that is a great deal of work. And I also know that as it operates around the clock, problems can break out at any time.
But I would like to just say that there are others of us here who have put a great deal of time into this, and who do genuinely enjoy it and look forward to being more involved, like with Reviews, Articles, and VIP Status. Some of us are concerned about the changes being made, and specifically about what contingent is driving this, like people who openly refuse to post unless the people they dislike are driven off, and people who consider anyone who sees things differently than they do as a 'troll'.
These guys seem to have what they want, their own echo chamber, so they can do whatever they want. But now they post threads attacking us in the front room?
So some of us are concerned. This forum has done real well with only the lightest and usually invisible forms of moderation. When moderation goes beyond that, people get even more defensive, trying to prove that they are right. In my observation it makes things even more contentious.
New Field Headquarters, In The Parking Lot…
jeff healey live at nottoden 2006…
AC/DC - Girls Got Rhythm ( and with the original lead singer, which I have always found to be one of the group's best features. Clever song, and in my opinion underplayed.…
Female Tribute Band…
Amy Winehouse/Paul Weller - I heard it through the grapevine.Hootynanny 2006.…
Amy Winehouse I love you more than you'll ever know LIVE…
As I see it, the money is what allows the girls to be there. Going along with it is just a show of respect, and also of care and concern. It does not otherwise motivate them to do anything. Rather it just allows them to relax and be themselves with you. And nothing would ever be better than that.
Truth is, what these girls do has an impact on them....not often a positive one, but its not something to demean or shame them for. It doesn't define them as individuals or make them less worthy. I don't know....its like it comes down to this whole slut shaming have no problem sleeping with them or using them for their sexual gratification yet malign them for it.
The woman you sleep with is a direct reflection of you as a man...
What you are describing to a tee is the Republican (and Libertarian) World View!
"Truth is, what these girls do has an impact on them....not often a positive one, but its not something to demean or shame them for. "
In my opinion feeling this is why they often seem to focus on the money and exaggerate and brag about it. They face emotional attacks continually. But knowing them is a treasure beyond any price.
You won't find this quality of posting in the Circle Jerk VIP Room, only out here in the Parking Lot.
New Field Headquarters, In The Parking Lot…
Donald Trump…
jeff healey live at nottoden 2006……
Running a Food Truck for dummies…
AC/DC - Girls Got Rhythm ( and with the original lead singer, which I have always found to be one of the group's best features. Clever song, and in my opinion underplayed.…
Female Tribute Band…
Amy Winehouse/Paul Weller - I heard it through the grapevine.Hootynanny 2006.…
Amy Winehouse I love you more than you'll ever know LIVE…
Gary Clark Jr. - Bright Lights…
And this is why we have a contingent that pressed so hard for this VIP Room, and this is also why some of them want to even now attack the Front Room. Anyone who does not think like them they call a 'troll'
Joe Tex - I Gotcha - 1972 ( long ago favorite of mine and some male classmates )…
New Field Headquarters, In The Parking Lot…
Donald Trump…
jeff healey live at nottoden 2006……
Running a Food Truck for dummies…
AC/DC - Girls Got Rhythm ( and with the original lead singer, which I have always found to be one of the group's best features. Clever song, and in my opinion underplayed.…
Female Tribute Band…
Amy Winehouse/Paul Weller - I heard it through the grapevine.Hootynanny 2006.…
Amy Winehouse I love you more than you'll ever know LIVE…
Gary Clark Jr. - Bright Lights…
If they keep pressing and getting what they want, it will destroy this forum.
Not sure how the split is going to be long term, may be a lot of headache for someone or maybe the superiority complex will wear off... We shall see.
Steve Blank, Lean Startup Model…
Baker Gurvitz Army - Love Is / Memory Lane / Drum Solo / People - Live 1975 (Remastered) HD…
Deep Purple - Lazy…