
Comments by orionsmith (page 12)

  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    future POTUS and Senator in training
    Retired Queen Troll of TUSCL...who will succeed my reign?
    Back when the men on tuscl were in preschool, Donald trump wad their best friend
    Trump himself wasn't that stupid, he beat the left and Hillary. Losers been sore losers ever since. complaining, whining, calling names of anyone who voted for the winner ever since. I personally thinkTrump acts like an a..hole a lot but thought he was better than Hillary.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    I swear, it's just shrinkage due the cold
    AOC issue?
    Amazon may create a lot of revenue for a city but except for adding taxes to the city which could reduce the overall tax bill that all residents pay, Amazon likely hurts the average guy who has worse commutes, higher rents, and more competition for space everywhere. I guess that's city life and progress though. Cities get bigger and more expensive for the average guy. It is good for owners of businesses and owners of real estate etc that benefit from the rise in property values and the increase in business. The added tax revenue all those businesses pay help the little guy by the little guy not having to pay as much in city taxes hopefully. Amazon is so big, they could buy a lot of land in the woods on the outskirt of a city and build a city with services, roads, stores , etc if they wanted to really help average workers and allow most of their workers have easy commutes and low rent since an Amazon built city would have little space and rent competition. The new city would then only add to a states revenue. Of course Amazon isn't into city building and planning or caring about the average lifestyle of their employees in my opinion or they wouldn't pick places where workers have big city commutes and high prices for rent and homes. If Amazon wanted to build a new city, they could skip farmland turned city and just buy hundreds of acres in western South Carolina full of woods and almost no farm land , cheap land compared to New York and build new large divided highways, new subdivisions with easy commutes and or community townhouses or condos with shared spaces for employees to have it easy with no yard maintenance and parking for when they want to go on trips. The richest man in the world might not think about quality of life of his employees and everyone with daily commutes. My two cents. If Anazon did create a new city, they could call it Amazon but they would need city councils etc because the city might grow and attract other new businesses and industries if it was a good location.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OT: I had read a while back that this could potentially cause a recession at som
    I'm hoping my current car which is 17 years old keeps running good and that no one hits me because the insurance company will likely say it's totaled now with minor damage. Someone ran into the car a few years ago while it was parked legally in front of a house. I had it fixed then but insurance was close to saying totaled if damage had been slight,y worse. I want to keep driving it. Newer cars cost too much. They are depreciating assets where you lose money every year. I thought I read the younger generation preferred uber or lyft rather than owning a car. Of course I was one of only about 8 people in a class of over 200 in an economics course that aced a test and one question involved when do you replace a car. When maintenance costs exceed the cost of a newer car was the correct answer. Most of the public would probably say when you get tired of it.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OT: I had read a while back that this could potentially cause a recession at som
    I'm hoping my current car which is 17 years old keeps running good and that no one hits me because the insurance company will likely say it's totaled now with minor damage. Someone ran into the car a few years ago while it was parked legally in front of a house. I had it fixed then but insurance was close to saying totaled if damage had been slight,y worse. I want to keep driving it. Newer cars cost too much. They are depreciating assets where you lose money every year. I thought I read the younger generation preferred uber or lyft rather than owning a car. Of course I was one of only about 8 people in a class of over 200 in an economics course that aced a test and one question involved when do you replace a car. When maintenance costs exceed the cost of a newer car was the correct answer. Most of the public would probably say when you get tired of it.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Anyone know how to make the nearby club search more accurate?
    Never mind, the site asked to allow location data and it's working right again. I don't remember ever saying no though.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Fat bastard that can afford to fuck hot strippers
    Man freaked out over cost of sex
    Here's a link to her pics. http://gunmemorial.org/2019/02/01/stormie-devon-callison Sad she died that way. It will cost him a lot more than 1000 now. Stupid idiot he is. She was a pretty girl too. If she had called the police, they might have arrested both. I think that was a bluff.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Fat bastard that can afford to fuck hot strippers
    Man freaked out over cost of sex
    He must freak out pretty easy. Now he can freak out in prison. Maybe she threatened him after he shot her in the leg. That would make sense. Girl got pissed off after getting shot and said something like she would take him for all the money he had so he decided she would not. Lesson. Don't hook up with crazy armed people who freak out easy. I'm interested in the infrared drone too. Seems like a detective could have caught the guy more easily unless he was hiding in the woods.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Does checking 2 boards suck?
    I like the VIP in front of VIP discussions and regular with none all on one board.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Everything written by this member is a fact.
    Ralph Wortham
    So I'm wondering, Are politicians ever forgiven for being a racist in the past or are they deemed, once a racist, always a racist? I never wore a KKK outfit and don't think that's funny. I consider it a hate group and over 30 years ago, thought the same way. I don't live near Virginia so haven't followed the news too much.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    TUSCL’s #1 Soothsayer!
    SJG logic....
    What's next? SGJ saying it should be legal to do abortions if it's only an hour after birth if the procedural process started before the birth? If it's ok to kill babies in New York per new laws issued by democrats, then I'm wondering what will be legal next. Doesn't make it moral, ethical or right in my book.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    I'm.a female not male ^
    What u guys think of my winter wardrobe ..look at my pic
    What I really don't like about jeans other than looks is that the back pocket where I put my wallet doesn't allow me to shift the wallet to the side when I sit down like a pair of Dockers or business or dress pants allows. Plus they just look lower class or working manually imo. I hadn't worn them since working manually in a factory until recently. Might be old opinion. I'm over 40. Not a fan of their looks. However I'm cheap and they are more durable than other pants and I don't mind bums and others not bothering me. I wear something better to strip clubs.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    I'm.a female not male ^
    What u guys think of my winter wardrobe ..look at my pic
    I think people look better in something other than jeans. Jeans give the look of working on a farm or elsewhere imo. On the bright side since I started wearing them again, no one has asked for donations at Walmart. Must make me look poorer like a manual laborer. I haven't been approached by any buns or panhandlers in the Walmart parking lot since wearing jeans as well but maybe Walmart tightened security or they got jobs.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    I'm.a female not male ^
    Sex is not part of a healthy relationship, but rather a result of it. Sex is the
    Sex is a physical act like walking on a tread mill. A lot of people overhype it. Governments make too many laws restricting it. It would be healthier for everyone if it wasn't considered so special. There aren't that many laws about where and with whom you can exercise with. Pay someone to exercise with you, no problem. Might even seem weird. Pay someone to have sex, you broke the law.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Somewhere in the club
    Rate this girl
    She looks pretty good to me but I just woke up due to the stupid hotel calling me telling me the power will be off for an hour after midnight. Glad I have no plans to stay here again. Between 8 to 9 ish but I would need to see more pics.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Everything written by this member is a fact.
    Why So Much Hate at Rick?
    I see nothing wrong with Rick. Then again maybe I forgot. Did Rick invent the system with the white suit? Just an upgraded version of leisure suit Larry computer game wasn't it? Does Rick have a lion alias on here? Maybe that's why there is some negativity. Cats are crazy.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    To Verify or Not to Verify
    I'm considering disappearing from this site or only reading reviews. I don't see any benefit for verification. I guess if I can't use this site, could always support a different site. It's not like I'm popular or interacting barely with anyone here anymore.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    The view from the other side of the room
    God I love this
    I love looking at titties of various sizes especially if they look good. Lots of dancers have nice titties. Nice bodies too. It's what draws me to the strip clubs. Then hot girls get all over you and sometimes suggest doing a lot more. The bummer is the let down when a very hot dancer isn't there the next time you visit. A thrill when you become a regular is when a very hot dancer chooses to become one of your favorites who always dances for you. Even better is when she and her hot friends choose to hang out with you or sit and drink with you when not dancing. If you enjoy multiple hot girls at your table. The down side is that costs go up when dancers are drinking with you and even more so if dancers want to do a double dance or triple dance. I've never agreed to get a triple dance or dances from 3 dancers at the same time. I don't remember if offered that before. Some double dances were fun.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    How can I expand all reviews for a given club without clicking on each one?
    Can you show a screenshot? :)
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    new club list format
    I can't even get local clubs. I searched and got Raleigh clubs. That's only 5 hours away from my current location. Need city search back.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    New Jersey
    belly button fucking
    I have trouble imagining a belly button that big. It's easier to imagine titty fucking.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    TJ Lee
    The ultimate strip clubs goer.
    27-year-old virgin guy threatening to kill all
    The guy is crazy. Now he will get all the sex he wants with bubba in jail block 7. He could have just arranged some sex with a little bit of money. Maybe a lot if he had other serious issues. All he had to do was call the cable guy or talk to the old Circuit City repairman. They were connected.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    So has the split discussion sections worked out? Just curious.
    Thanks for the responses. I was just curious. I dont check this site every day but have been here a long time under different names. I'm just interested in strip clubs and find this site useful and entertaining. I'm glad Founder has been doing updates to the site while still keeping it free for those who like to post in discussions or occasional reviews. The regular discussion board was almost dead at times after Founder required logins to end constant flaming. Shadowcat probably remembers that. I imagine the dancer discussion board might be slow for a while. I haven't noticed dancer discussions spilling over into the VIP room so I was curious.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    ^ You are an ass hole
    Do I even like strip clubs?
    Gawker has the best stories. Above post was directed towards the op or for anyone who needs a long break. Things change. We can all hope things get better. On the bright side, you probably had a hotter meal than the NCAA Football champions eating mcdonalds at the White House. Those hamburgers and fries don't stay hot through a gazillion checkpoints. Trump went all out on his budget. Here's my presidential tip. Next time have a volunteer heat up the burgers and fries in a microwave about 17 seconds right before they are to be eaten.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    ^ You are an ass hole
    Do I even like strip clubs?
    If you don't enjoy strip clubs, I'd find something else more fun if you can. I enjoy strip clubs but I've gotten used to falling asleep much earlier which screws with trying to visit clubs like I once did. I suspect that whenever I get more free time, my visits will likely increase if I enjoy whatever local clubs are in the area. Might try just dating regular girls again for a while. Hooking up with strippers is an adventure by itself. I'm probably through with hooking up with strippers, unless she's hot and wants to. :)
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Closing the front room?
    I like being able to post on the site when I am taking an extra long break from strip clubs. I favor keeping the front room open. You could implement a 5 day ban if somone posts the exact same lines several times eating up posting space and annoying everyone. If that is possible or easy to do automatically. I'm not sure how easy anything is with computer codes.