I'm a very sexual girl but I am virgin ..yes it's possible so stfu

avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
future POTUS and Senator in training
I like dirty talk and handsome boys <3 k bye


last comment
avatar for MackTruck
6 years ago
you wish
avatar for bruno0639
6 years ago
what about talking dirty to average older guys?
avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
Yes I like that too
avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
I am not shy about it at all..I am just not lustful .why would I wanna have sex with someone I dont equally enjoy hanging out with and respect . while I have found cute men who enjoy talking to me and are respectful , I don't give a fuck about that .so far I havent found someoje who is both cute and enjoys being around me TO THE SAME EXTENT as he wants to fuck me.

I have declined even kisisng very handsome guys for this very reason and have not kissed anyone in 4 yrs for this reason or ever seen a dick
avatar for blahblahblah23
6 years ago
Lol you got the right idea, but why do you share that on here of all places?
avatar for blahblahblah23
6 years ago
You need to find some other outlet to talk about these things not a strip club review site full of customers
avatar for rockstar666
6 years ago
Nicole is my ex wife.
avatar for blahblahblah23
6 years ago
Nicole, if u wanna become asexual real quick start stripping. LOL
avatar for blahblahblah23
6 years ago
To be fair I was always a misanthrope. But I lean more towards misandry now :)
avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
Dc that is not being shy..in am telling u what I prefer and I simply haven't found that preference ..like if u havent met a hot girl in college it isnt bc yiure shy but bc you dont fond any one attractive..similarly, I guess I habent fully found a guy I find attractive, as they need specific personality for me to b turned on . blah do u see what I am saying ..if u do , feel free to elaborate the difference between what I am saying vs being shy
avatar for blahblahblah23
6 years ago
Nicole, when did I ever call you shy? I don't think you are at all.
avatar for Uprightcitizen
6 years ago
This account makes no sense on soo many levels. I get more entertainment on reading the lol worthy responses taking anything seriously. Virgin non-kissing, self proclaimed great lawyer to-be and debater with terrible grammar and lame arguments posting on a strip club forum. It's getting boring...

Whoever is writing this make up a story on why this person wastes their time posting here and not some board like reddit in some thread like virgin princesses or something.

avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
Um I never said I was a great lawyer ..

..I said I want to be and all ive done was talk about my 100's on my exams that will peepare me to be a lawyer not bc I think that is relevant , but in response to ppl who think my grades are relevant and who initiate discussing them..gtfo with your dumbass conflating "I want to kill it in the US Senate" with "I am. Killing it in the U.S Senate "

Once u understand what ppl are saying, then u can begin to pick on them.

#2 @ DC. U said "Sometimes shyness is expressed through creating extremely high standards for people so that you have a good excuse to not go through with something."

...exactly .but I am not making excuses for not wanting to go thru with something ...which is not ALWAYS the same as saying someone lacks something that MAKES U NOT want to do anything with them ok

avatar for Uprightcitizen
6 years ago
This link summarizes it for OP (not for blahblahblah23, just an interesting coincidence)

avatar for Musterd21
6 years ago
I understand someway. My first marriage was to the perfect woman. She turned out to be someone else. lol
avatar for Mnaz
6 years ago
Nicole what you’re looking for doesn’t exist. No guy is going to enjoy just being around you to the same extent as he would enjoy fucking you. Only way that happens is if the guy is gay.
avatar for twentyfive
6 years ago
I’ve noticed Nicole likes to tell everyone to STFU, so Nicole here’s a suggestion for you
avatar for bruno0639
6 years ago
anytime you want to talk dirty to each other message me. ;)
avatar for jvTroop
6 years ago
I will break you in for sure in the back seat of the squad car Nicole. Call me My number is 911
avatar for Mnaz
6 years ago
Honestly, just trying to help. Ive had long stretches where I thought no one around was good enough for me to date and thinking back on it i feel like I missed out on some interesting opportunities. I think in the long run you’d be happier going out making out and checking out cocks instead of posting on strip club website.
avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
Mnaz no it's ok This is fun trust me..I don't like any of the other guys I meet and the ones I have liked are taken so it's ok
avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
Also I don ? Know any men who are trying to date lmao
avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
And I'm not complaining abt that lol
avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
Cuz there's a reason why I said I need to really like them ..its bc I'm not worried about being single or finding anyone.

As long as I kill my exams that's literally the only thing that matters me.I even went home for thanksgiving break and told me mom nkt to talk to me all break so I could study .she listened .we will talk on winter break once hopefully I kill it.

I literally dont need anyone nor am I looking lololol

This site is just fun
avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
I'm sorry that sounded rude and immature..yes I need ppl in my life but nth only my mom and a few best friends .

Like I don't need a dude..and when I fantasize about dating them which I guess I. More than usual now...like I'm not gonna not date them bc I think they aren't good enough, but I refuse to date a cute guy whose personality turns me off..which so far has been all of them in my limited experience so ya

When the time is right he will roll through..I'm ok.with being a virgin for life bc I didn't find someone I like lmao values are very impt to me like in terms of what a person stands 4.

Its ok thanks
avatar for Mate27
6 years ago
Nicole sounds frigid. Maybe she’s a prude?
avatar for Dblednmike
6 years ago
Hi Honey!!!

Sexuality and sexual activity are not dependent on each other. It’s a good match when they are, but they don’t have to be.

BTW - Do you like sensual dirty talk or crude dirty talk?
avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
@ Mike they have matched but only when I found a guy I liked..I can like both tho, it depends on connection with guy

@DC I know ..but I haven't met any potential guy friends and I'm content with that ..I'm content with being single af I guess lol
avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
Also just to clarify ..its not that I want to like me as much as I like them ..its more that that must be the case or they I must just really like their.personalities. since it is rare for me to have liked a guys personality to the extent that I want, that is why I said I want the former.

And that app sounds cute.
avatar for blahblahblah23
6 years ago
I think making guy friends isn't that bad. Just gotta be able to get them though and make sure they are harmless.

Lol a cuddle app?

Isn't there something else where girls get paid to cuddle?

I just wonder how they aren't getting raped cuddling complete randoms off the internet. Like seriously. There's some real fucked up people on the net just look at craigslist!
avatar for blahblahblah23
6 years ago
Gotta be able to vet them though*
avatar for wallanon
6 years ago
"There's some real fucked up people on the net just look at craigslist!"

blahblah for Congress 2020! Truth to power!
avatar for skibum609
6 years ago
She could technically be a virgin and blow 800 guys, swallowing them all and taking it anally. just my two cents, which is what this thread is worth.
avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
Ski bum youre really dumb ..ive said many times on here I haven't seen a cock . k cool
avatar for woodstock
6 years ago
So, Nicole, when you're feeling especially sexy, do you ever masturbate? Do you own any sex toys?
avatar for jvTroop
6 years ago
Cum give me a kiss nicole
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
Dickless Cunt doesn't approach girls coz he knows they will reject him.

I don't get why anyone is arguing with Nicole. You can be a highly sexual person without actually having sex.
avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
I masturbate a lot @ Woodstock bc some porn is hot ..I don't have toys
avatar for strippercutie404
6 years ago
Have you ever tried experimenting with another girl? That's how I had my first time.
avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
Ya I did bby
avatar for strippercutie404
6 years ago
I guess you're not exactly a virgin then are you :)
avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
Lol u said experimenting how was I supposed to know u meant actually fucking by that lol
avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
No..bc she was vague in her description .
avatar for strippercutie404
6 years ago
I wasn't trying to "burn" or insult. I was just playfully teasing a little bit.
avatar for rickthelion
6 years ago
I’d ask this Nicole idiot if she’d like a BSLC up her anus while the smartest hairless ape on the planet (rickdugan) pounds her pussy and our vulture bud rubs his cloaca in her face if I wasn’t certain that she was either ugly or a sad male troll. A sad and ugly male troll.

Since she is sad and ugly I’ll just offer to make it quick when I go all wildebeest on her. ROAR!!!
avatar for orionsmith
6 years ago
I'm surprised Nicole never saw a single dick pic nor cock.
Here is a link to see a cock. https://mexiconewsdaily.com/ne…
These things in guys pants like to fight. I'm surprised Nicole has never seen one. That's incredible.
avatar for LizzyStrippr
6 years ago
Have you ever tried experimenting with another girl? That's how I had my first time.
Nicole1994TUSCL's youngest troll bitch
4 Hours Ago
Ya I did bby
4 Hours Ago
I guess you're not exactly a virgin then are you :)
avatar for LizzyStrippr
6 years ago
I wasn't trying to "burn" or insult. I was just playfully teasing a little bit.
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