Last week one of my favorites I haven't seen in several years showed up at one of the clubs I normally don't visit. We got to reminiscing on stuff we had seen over the years, and I thought of a few things I have seen.
The first occurred with the dancer I happened to be reminiscing with. She happened to be on stage during one of the many stupid bachelor parties, and as the useless "entertainment," was winding down, the DJ did the typical asking the guy to do a spin around the pole, and the highly enthusiastic and drunk bachelor broke the pole.
The final two occurred at a now closed club.
A dancer ran out of the lap dance room naked, and chased a customer out of the club, who I guess had left without paying her. Three of the bouncers chased after them and brought her back into the club kicking and screaming.
A few months later, the same dancer who couldn't weigh more than 120 lbs, got in an argument with one of the bouncers and the next thing I know the dancer knocked the almost 300 lb bouncer flat on his ass, and the dancer was on top of him punching him, before the rest of security pulled her off of him.
Both events the club went on like nothing occurred, and for some reason neither time caused her to be fired.
It was a while ago probably four years, one of the 1st clubs I went to in a long long time. Sauget near Saint Louis, a customer apparently whipped it out in the private dance area without clearing it with the dancer and she stabbed him with her stiletto in the groin causing him to bleed profusely. Yhe club shut down when the police got there and the ambulance service for about 45 minutes. That was a hell of a re introduction into the world of strippers
1. Saw dude literally fall off his bar seat at 1pm on a Sunday from ODing on alcohol and who knows what else. Club lights came on for 2 hours while the paramedics came.
2. My favorite, was at a club right at opening. About 4 gals, 1-2 other custies. Power went out. Went completely dark, backup generator didn’t kick in. Took a gal to the vip, she used pandora on her phone which was the only light source, and things got hot AF because the manager was busy trying to figure out what the hell was going on with the power company. Turned out it was just a few block outage for 2 hrs.
I posted about this a long time ago but the cops came into the club with a warrant to arrest a girl. Nothing at all changed in the club, it was business as usually with titties being grabbed right in front of the cops. The girl however ran and hid in the VIP so the cops had to go around and search every corner of the club even interrupting lap dances to find her.
My CF and another dancer were on the main stage and they started exchanging words. The second dancer approached my CF and said something. My CF knocked her off the stage. The dancer did not seem badly hurt and walked away.
When I asked my CF what the dancer had done, my CF said, "She told me I had a fat ass."
I guess the craziest and potentially deadliest thing that occurred at a SC That I ALMOST went to on the weekend that it occurred was a HAZMAT incident. Several months ago, ROXYS in East St Louis (Brooklyn St Louis) had to shut down due to a “substance” in the air. The substance was making people pass out and fucking require CPR... INCLUDING EMERGENCY PERSONNEL who showed up. 6 people went to hospital for emergency treatment , including 2 cops and one EMT. HAZMAT TEAM came afterward to do a professional cleanup. The substance floating around was fentanyl. YEAH, as I say in my reviews... not the best part of town and chalk used in east St. Louis isn’t the chalk we played with in kindergarten!
most of the above comments are about fights and drugs-- crazy! But how about crazy in a sexual sense?
During recent trip to Hong Kong Cub (in Tijuana), I was watching the girl on girl shaving cream show--- two nude girls with dildos sliding around a shaving cream covered stage offering the people at the tip rail the opportunity to "test drive" the dildo. They pulled a drunk gringo from the audience up to the stage, handcuffed him to the stripper pole and proceeded to strip his clothes off. They spanked him with his belt but then gave him a BJ and FS on the shaving cream stage.
More than a few years ago in a club in West Palm Beach they used to have a glass bathtub/shower as part of the stage, I was in the club the evening that it shattered soaking everyone within 20 feet and spilling the soaking wet dancer out onto the floor, fortunately no one was seriously hurt and everyone had a good laugh for a while.
I am in the club during a bust: They came in. 4 of them dressed like bikers. They made a sweep of the main room and then headed for the couch room. It was not until the DJ announced that the couch room was temporarily closed UFN. Drinks were buy one get one free. The couch room was closed for 1 hour and 15 minutes. Many customers left but I stayed. 50 dancers and customers got ticketed. After the cops left, I met Angel. A cute petite thing in a pink dress like Tinkerbell. We went to the couch room. She asked "what are your rules?" I replied "I don't have any. What are yours?" She relied "I don't have any either". Do you know what was under that pink dress? NOTHING! She got my dick out and was stroking the hell out of him. I asked "Isn't your hand getting tired?" She responded "YES" and then her head went into my lap. She swallowed and did not ask for a tip. All I could think of was, I just got a BJ in a club that was just raided by the cops.
Another crazy East St Louis thing that actually happened to me while SCing was... . Went to casino. Win $500 for my nightly venture. Had a couple beers. Drove toward SC I had not been to. Got lost down seedy fucking street. Ran over train tracks an ind a fucking pot hole ditch. On the tracks and could not get out. Called 911 for non emergency assistance. Told them where I was and that my car was stuck on these old Rickey tracks in East St. Louis. The operator told me that she is dispatching emergent reckor service because those tracks were active and trains run through at midnight all the time ... FUCK!!!! Tried to give my location via GPS , but apparently East St. Louis truly is OFF THE FUCKING GRID! I had to stay on the phone as the truck driver cruised the neighborhood to find me. $160 later to the wrecker dude and I was on my way to club. After a night of debauchery, drunk as a skunk (i don’t do that shit anymore), i headed home. Damn car literally shut down on the highway just before the MO BOARDER. So, I slept in my car only to be woken by an IL STATE TROOPER asking if I needed help. I said that i was tired. He said that he stopped because the roadside assistance truck placed a green tag on my back window. WTF?!! And he did not see me slumped over my steering wheel?! The cop got me a ride and no sobriety check. Towed car.... apparently, the train tracks busted my oil pan and I fried my engine. Damn expensive, but crazy SC NIGHT.
Another 1, Crazy Horse 2 Vegas. For those of you that dont know, this place was straight up Chicago mafia run. Sitting at the bar I just heard some commotion coming from the back and some heavy footsteps. Turn around and some dancer crying and half naked is yelling 'get him!' The bartenders, who were really gigantic bouncers doubling as bouncers, all jumped over the bar like they were in the Olympics then presumably proceeded to beat the shit out of the guy. Rumor was he racked up a few Gs worth of dances and tried to dash. Dont fuck with the mafia. Its was crazy because when I say these guys leapt over the bar, they were NOT messing around. It was almost like they had training for it lol
One time when I was leaving HKTJ, two drunk guys were fighting in the street in front of HK and instead of breaking up the fight six Federales joined and started fucking up the drunk guys.
Many years ago at Christies in Phx when clubs still had actual candles on the tables. This was before the battery powered flameless types now. A girl was giving a table dance to a guy seated next us. As she flipped her hair around, it caught fire. She didn't realize to it at first and kept dancing. Once she did, she screamed and went running for the dressing room while trying to put it out. Big hair and Aqua Net were popular back then.
A girl got jumped by five bitches as soon as she got off stage, they stomped her head with their stripper heels. Cops came, paramedics, I saw a piece of her lip on the floor.
A more upbeat crazy experience was a custie with tourettes losing it during a lap dance. It was like he had a seizure and was swearing. It was kinda funny
Weirdest was a guy who took his autistic son to the strip club. The guy was farting and spinning n a circle yelling puppy puppy. They were asked to leave after a while.
Pistola, I have had lights go out several times. Sometimes the club can handle it, others they can't.
I had a similar instance to what happened to you. A storm had knocked down several wires and a live wire was down right at the exit of the club, and it would be a while before the utility could get there and fix it due to the storm. Since there were so many lines damaged, it was doubtful the power would be back the rest of the day, so the club offered two for ones and half off champagne room dances while we waited for the crews to clear the road.
The dancer used her phone and a small flashlight in the lap dance booth and I ended a three fifteen minute dances while we waited, before the parking lot was cleared. With the dim lighting and most of the clubs staff being occupied, I got one of the best dances ever at the club.
I just remembered one strangest dance ideas ever in a club. Back in the early 90's before the more classy strip clubs started opening, and you either had clubs with decent looking dancers, and no lap dances just stage shows, or no stage shows and just lap dances on a single separated by plastic curtains.
One club used to try to come up with gimmicky dances. A common one was two dancers on stage undressing each other slowly for three songs. A mud wrestling match where the dancers dressed as Ohio State and Michigan Cheerleaders before the start of the annual OSU/Michigan game. You know common gimmicks.
One day they decided to do a reverse strip tease. The dances would started the song naked and slowly dressed, until they were fully closed at the end of the song. Needless to say this didn't go over very well, but that wasn't their worst idea.
The worst one was when a spin the wheel to choose the next dancer. Now the kicker was, a customer had to pay to spin the wheel. There was a over thirty minute period where no dancers were on stage, and the DJ was just asking people to spin the wheel, while random music played. Most of the money at the club was made from "private" one on one dances on a small side stage for cost 1/20, 2/30, 4/50, or 10/100. Who wanted to get a more private viewing with the DJ just asking for dances. Finally dancers came up and started paying to spin the wheel. The club never tried that idea again.
Most of my 'craziest' experiences would probably have to have occurred at Follies.
Public FS in the old communal VIP room, having a dancer layout hardcore drugs on the bar top after meeting me 30 seconds prior (3:00 in the afternoon, also), and a dancer basically forcing unsolicited BB intercourse on the lap dance couches.
Or, as you regulars would say, probably just a regular Tuesday!
In the early '90's ('92 or '93) a place called Pinky's on Brookpark Rd and W 150th in Cleveland was the location. It was a hard core dive that was open 24 hrs a day. Around 9:00 PM or maybe just a bit after that on a winter weeknight, a guy walks in and starts an argument with one of the daddy bag drainers that worked there. Pimp or Baby Daddy, I have no idea. Things get heated and he goes to slap or punch her, she dodges and pulls a Saturday night special out of her crown royal bag and pops off a round at him, missing but hitting the back bar. He bolts for the door and she follows with panties, heals and no top on, huge bbw breasts flopping with each step. They get outside and a few more shots are fired. Police sirens sound and lights flash, over the loud speaker of the police car you hear the cops giving orders and then the "suspect in custody" report. Everyone steps out to see the aftermath and the guy being shot at is shaking but OK and in cuffs, the dancer is thrown over the hood of a pick up with a guy sitting in the drivers seat eyes the size of platters. One cop is walking away with her gun and the other cops not with the guy being shot at are cuffing her and reading her the riot act.
Talking with the guy in the pick up truck after the cops left the parking lot, he was backing in to a spot and a cop tackles the dancer on his hood, gun still in hand and pointing at him. Even that was not enough to discourage his visit to the nudie bar. Man was a true hardcore PL.
Ends up the cops were going to do a vice raid on the place and were staging in the back corner of the parking lot when the gun play happened, so no vice raid but an arrest for attempted murder and discharge of a fire arm in city limits, I'm guessing. Three unmarked police cars and six officers in the parking lot as she was chasing and shooting, it was his luck day and thankfully no one was wounded or worse.
Mostly tame on my end but maybe 4 years ago saw a old guy in a coat at my favorite spot. The girl I was with told me he was wearing women's lingerie underneath. He kept paying for lap dances. Dancers never said anything to management because he was a regular and tipped well.
A guy was sitting at a table near me. Next thing I know apparently his wife came into the club. She grabbed a beer bottle off a table and walked up to him from behind. Broke it on his head and knocked him out cold. Paramedics arrived shortly afterward and took him away.
Once had a female customer shout at me in a noisy club and stop me from walking up to tip a dancer. She wanted to take me to her home where I could supposedly do whatever I wanted to do to her. Crazy. That was the only female customer that I remember tried to get me to leave with her. I've left clubs with dancers before so that's not crazy. I've met a few crazy dancers but I got used to them after a while. I enjoyed them.
I suddenly remember a story about a lactating dancer shooting breast milk at a guy's face after the lap dance was over. She thought it was like a squirt game trying to give the guy a taste. After about 20 shits, she gave up. Bouncers probably were not happy with milk all over the sofa and floor. She was squirting like a super soaker squirt gun from each boob. I dont know where I heard that story from. I heard the guy wasn't into drinking breast milk. Apparently the dancer wanted him to taste it. So far I haven't had any dancers attempt to try to feed me breast milk. I'm not into that either.
Must have been first night but one girl left cold turkey from stage. A guy have her a tip and either during or very shortly after it was like something clicked in her head, and during her set she left the stage and went straight to the dressing room presumably. The tipper was looking like what did i do?
I was in a filthy club - enjoying the whores on stage. An old drunk was breathing over my shoulder - and he could barely speak or stand. I knew he was just an old drunk, no harm done. He bumped into everyone - as it was a Monday night football party.
There were some college guys back behind the barstools. A couple were muscle heads - looking to fight. One says - the old guy bumps me again and I flatten him. Sure enough - the old guy bumps into him - and the college guy lays out the old guy.
I see this - and I help get the old guy off the floor. At first - I look and all I see is a pair of glasses and a bloody face. Then I realize the old guy is still alive - so I help get him upright and in a chair near the club video game machine.
The old dude wasn’t feeling any pain - but he started puking all over. So they put a bucket under him hoping he’d puke in it. I don’t think he knew where he was - so puking in a bucket wasn’t happening.
The college guys were still there talking it up about flattening the old dude. There was only one bouncer who stayed upstairs in VIP - to protect the whores.
Someone had called the cops - and they finally came. Walked past the college guys - who were now acting like choir boys - right past the bleeding and puking drunk - directly to the managers office/desk. The old manager had a shouting match with one cop - and then he shut up - and the cops were escorted upstairs by a few whores. The college boys ran out - and the drunk kept puking.
Many years ago there was an old guy, probably in his 80's that came into the Columbia Platinum Plus. He was known as "Mr. D". He always wore bib overalls and a base ball cap. He always ate the free buffet. He always had 2 or 3 girls sitting with him and he bought them drinks. After lunch he would always take one or two of them to the couch room for some lap dances.
I was told that one day "Mrs. D" came into the club, grabbed him by the ear and dragged him OTC. She was heard saying " So this is how you have been spending your afternoons".
On my second visit to Bliss Showgirls, I took a dancer to the VIP room only to be lead to a dark, corridor or hallway with four small couches with partitions.
We were the only ones in the room at first but later two other couples entered the room, I could see one of the dances pull down his pants and get to work, it was like being in a bad porn movie.
I could not get any momentum going with my dancer because of the space and the audience, so I just turned her against the wall and gave the other couples a show.
1. It must have been 25 yeras ago at the Trap in Miami. I walked in and all the customers were crowded around one corner of the bar that doubled as the stage. The were all hootin' and hollerin'.
I went straght over to see what all the commotion was about. The stripper had her legs over a female custies shoulders who was going to town eating her out. I have no idea how long they were going at it, but it continued for more than 2 songs after I got there. Both girls were getting heavily groped by the other custies the entire time.
2. This time I got a little action. The other episode happened about 2 years ago. I was chatting up a civvie girl at the bar. Her hubbie brought her. She told me they were looking to find a dancer for them to bring back to their hotel.
I convinced her she should pursue some action too. We started playing with each other at the bar. I even received a few seconds of oral from her right there at the stage side of the bar. Her husband was sitting on the other side of her watching the stage the entire time.
I think I mentioned this in a review. I was in a dive club and there was this old guy around late 70s to 80 years old sitting at a table about 5 feet from the bar with his hand in his sweat pants jacking off in plain sight of everyone and making eye contact with anyone that looked his way. Creepy!
Another one that I just recalled is when a local club first opened it was full nude with no private lapdance area so dancers would strip and do dances on the main floor, literally as some of them would be on their backs laying on the floor with their legs wide open masterbating with guys all around and walking by gawking.
A now closed extras dive bar with pool tables... A dancer's husband comes into the club thinking all his wife did was lap dances. He goes to the bathroom which was right beside a vip room with a short door, looks in and sees the Mrs. giving a bj to a customer. He comes out, grabs a pool cue and proceeds to beat the shit out of the CUSTOMER, not the wife. She was fired and he was obviously band.
last comment2. My favorite, was at a club right at opening. About 4 gals, 1-2 other custies. Power went out. Went completely dark, backup generator didn’t kick in. Took a gal to the vip, she used pandora on her phone which was the only light source, and things got hot AF because the manager was busy trying to figure out what the hell was going on with the power company. Turned out it was just a few block outage for 2 hrs.
craziest things i guess is mike tyson coming in and making it rain then praying with everyone
When I asked my CF what the dancer had done, my CF said, "She told me I had a fat ass."
During recent trip to Hong Kong Cub (in Tijuana), I was watching the girl on girl shaving cream show--- two nude girls with dildos sliding around a shaving cream covered stage offering the people at the tip rail the opportunity to "test drive" the dildo. They pulled a drunk gringo from the audience up to the stage, handcuffed him to the stripper pole and proceeded to strip his clothes off. They spanked him with his belt but then gave him a BJ and FS on the shaving cream stage.
Went to casino. Win $500 for my nightly venture. Had a couple beers. Drove toward SC I had not been to. Got lost down seedy fucking street. Ran over train tracks an ind a fucking pot hole ditch. On the tracks and could not get out. Called 911 for non emergency assistance. Told them where I was and that my car was stuck on these old Rickey tracks in East St. Louis. The operator told me that she is dispatching emergent reckor service because those tracks were active and trains run through at midnight all the time ... FUCK!!!! Tried to give my location via GPS , but apparently East St. Louis truly is OFF THE FUCKING GRID! I had to stay on the phone as the truck driver cruised the neighborhood to find me. $160 later to the wrecker dude and I was on my way to club. After a night of debauchery, drunk as a skunk (i don’t do that shit anymore), i headed home. Damn car literally shut down on the highway just before the MO BOARDER. So, I slept in my car only to be woken by an IL STATE TROOPER asking if I needed help. I said that i was tired. He said that he stopped because the roadside assistance truck placed a green tag on my back window. WTF?!! And he did not see me slumped over my steering wheel?! The cop got me a ride and no sobriety check. Towed car.... apparently, the train tracks busted my oil pan and I fried my engine. Damn expensive, but crazy SC NIGHT.
A more upbeat crazy experience was a custie with tourettes losing it during a lap dance. It was like he had a seizure and was swearing. It was kinda funny
Weirdest was a guy who took his autistic son to the strip club. The guy was farting and spinning n a circle yelling puppy puppy. They were asked to leave after a while.
I had a similar instance to what happened to you. A storm had knocked down several wires and a live wire was down right at the exit of the club, and it would be a while before the utility could get there and fix it due to the storm. Since there were so many lines damaged, it was doubtful the power would be back the rest of the day, so the club offered two for ones and half off champagne room dances while we waited for the crews to clear the road.
The dancer used her phone and a small flashlight in the lap dance booth and I ended a three fifteen minute dances while we waited, before the parking lot was cleared. With the dim lighting and most of the clubs staff being occupied, I got one of the best dances ever at the club.
One club used to try to come up with gimmicky dances. A common one was two dancers on stage undressing each other slowly for three songs. A mud wrestling match where the dancers dressed as Ohio State and Michigan Cheerleaders before the start of the annual OSU/Michigan game. You know common gimmicks.
One day they decided to do a reverse strip tease. The dances would started the song naked and slowly dressed, until they were fully closed at the end of the song. Needless to say this didn't go over very well, but that wasn't their worst idea.
The worst one was when a spin the wheel to choose the next dancer. Now the kicker was, a customer had to pay to spin the wheel. There was a over thirty minute period where no dancers were on stage, and the DJ was just asking people to spin the wheel, while random music played. Most of the money at the club was made from "private" one on one dances on a small side stage for cost 1/20, 2/30, 4/50, or 10/100. Who wanted to get a more private viewing with the DJ just asking for dances. Finally dancers came up and started paying to spin the wheel. The club never tried that idea again.
Public FS in the old communal VIP room, having a dancer layout hardcore drugs on the bar top after meeting me 30 seconds prior (3:00 in the afternoon, also), and a dancer basically forcing unsolicited BB intercourse on the lap dance couches.
Or, as you regulars would say, probably just a regular Tuesday!
Talking with the guy in the pick up truck after the cops left the parking lot, he was backing in to a spot and a cop tackles the dancer on his hood, gun still in hand and pointing at him. Even that was not enough to discourage his visit to the nudie bar. Man was a true hardcore PL.
Ends up the cops were going to do a vice raid on the place and were staging in the back corner of the parking lot when the gun play happened, so no vice raid but an arrest for attempted murder and discharge of a fire arm in city limits, I'm guessing. Three unmarked police cars and six officers in the parking lot as she was chasing and shooting, it was his luck day and thankfully no one was wounded or worse.
Once had a female customer shout at me in a noisy club and stop me from walking up to tip a dancer. She wanted to take me to her home where I could supposedly do whatever I wanted to do to her. Crazy. That was the only female customer that I remember tried to get me to leave with her. I've left clubs with dancers before so that's not crazy. I've met a few crazy dancers but I got used to them after a while. I enjoyed them.
There were some college guys back behind the barstools. A couple were muscle heads - looking to fight. One says - the old guy bumps me again and I flatten him. Sure enough - the old guy bumps into him - and the college guy lays out the old guy.
I see this - and I help get the old guy off the floor. At first - I look and all I see is a pair of glasses and a bloody face. Then I realize the old guy is still alive - so I help get him upright and in a chair near the club video game machine.
The old dude wasn’t feeling any pain - but he started puking all over. So they put a bucket under him hoping he’d puke in it. I don’t think he knew where he was - so puking in a bucket wasn’t happening.
The college guys were still there talking it up about flattening the old dude. There was only one bouncer who stayed upstairs in VIP - to protect the whores.
Someone had called the cops - and they finally came. Walked past the college guys - who were now acting like choir boys - right past the bleeding and puking drunk - directly to the managers office/desk. The old manager had a shouting match with one cop - and then he shut up - and the cops were escorted upstairs by a few whores. The college boys ran out - and the drunk kept puking.
I miss that place!
I was told that one day "Mrs. D" came into the club, grabbed him by the ear and dragged him OTC. She was heard saying " So this is how you have been spending your afternoons".
We were the only ones in the room at first but later two other couples entered the room, I could see one of the dances pull down his pants and get to work, it was like being in a bad porn movie.
I could not get any momentum going with my dancer because of the space and the audience, so I just turned her against the wall and gave the other couples a show.
1. It must have been 25 yeras ago at the Trap in Miami. I walked in and all the customers were crowded around one corner of the bar that doubled as the stage. The were all hootin' and hollerin'.
I went straght over to see what all the commotion was about. The stripper had her legs over a female custies shoulders who was going to town eating her out. I have no idea how long they were going at it, but it continued for more than 2 songs after I got there. Both girls were getting heavily groped by the other custies the entire time.
2. This time I got a little action. The other episode happened about 2 years ago. I was chatting up a civvie girl at the bar. Her hubbie brought her. She told me they were looking to find a dancer for them to bring back to their hotel.
I convinced her she should pursue some action too. We started playing with each other at the bar. I even received a few seconds of oral from her right there at the stage side of the bar. Her husband was sitting on the other side of her watching the stage the entire time.