Some advice

avatar for twentyfive
People say life is short and that you could get hit by a bus at any moment, so you have to live each day like it’s your last
Life is long
You’re probably not going to get hit by a bus and you are going to have to live with the choices you’ve made for the next fifty years


last comment
avatar for skibum609
6 years ago
As a conservative gambler I always hedge my bets, so while I try to live as if there is no tomorrow, I do have a plan B in case I get fucked over and live to 90. We have about 70% of the money we should have because of it, but as we have lived large for so many years, trimming back when we retire will be easy. Tiny house on a lake; travel trailer; Ford F-250 and weed.
avatar for skibum609
6 years ago
As a conservative gambler I always hedge my bets, so while I try to live as if there is no tomorrow, I do have a plan B in case I get fucked over and live to 90. We have about 70% of the money we should have because of it, but as we have lived large for so many years, trimming back when we retire will be easy. Tiny house on a lake; travel trailer; Ford F-250 and weed.
avatar for shadowcat
6 years ago
That depends on how old you are. I'll be 77 next month and I don't know how many days I have left or years. I good hard on is a terrible thing to waste.
avatar for MackTruck
6 years ago
^^^ so that is why you have a pic of a chick with a dick in your profile. That Victoria has a dirty secret but she is no Ron Jeremy
avatar for georgmicrodong
6 years ago
“Life is short.”

This is bullshit. Life is the longest thing anyone will ever do.
avatar for jackslash
6 years ago
Live fast, die young, and leave a beautiful corpse.

I'm 0 for 3.
avatar for JohnSmith69
6 years ago
Skibum is right. The key is balance. Do some things like you’ll die tomorrow but some other stuff like you’ll be around another few decades. Then you’re prepared for both scenarios.
avatar for Huntsman
6 years ago
I agree with the idea of balance. We can teach ourselves to live dull, boring lives if we don’t enjoy life along the way and probably spend a few bucks doing so. We can teach ourselves to live in crises mode all the time if we blow all our money as soon as we make it. Neither extreme leads to a life well lived.
avatar for twentyfive
6 years ago
Most of you think this was advice about money, most of us older folks don’t really have financial problems, I actually meant this to the younger people here, and it was intended as a reminder that nothing anyone writes here, or anyplace else on the Internet, ever really goes away, when you get older the things you say and how you say them, will be available for some jackass to dredge up and use against you.
avatar for flagooner
6 years ago
The hedge is to vote Democrat because they promise to take care of evrything for you from cradle to grave.

Fucking Millenial dumbasses
avatar for twentyfive
6 years ago
^ the hedge is to watch your mouth, and do what suits you.
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
I always thought he took his teeth out before sucking dick
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
you can't predict what will happen in a month, let alone years from now. life is too unpredictable. you can have a general guide but not really plans
avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 years ago
No one knows what the future will bring so one has to sorta play it down the middle - have some fun but also prepare for the future
avatar for PhatBoyHell
6 years ago
I always thought he took his teeth out before sucking MY dick. Then I woke up and it wss just a dream. Dam maybe next time.
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
25 you dream about sucking your own dick?
6 years ago
max out that 401k for another day
avatar for Muddy
6 years ago
Gotta disagree 25. My dad and me always have this argument when I see him. Youth is a currency too. I’m not gonna waste that. Don’t feel like being that guy at 85 with a fuck ton on money. Rather be the 85 year old who had fun with no money in a home. My dick works now therefore the money must be spent now. There is no other use.
avatar for twentyfive
6 years ago
@ Muddy9 how old are you?
avatar for Muddy
6 years ago
I can smell 30.
avatar for twentyfive
6 years ago
Well all I can tell you is good luck, anything else I say isn't going to have much of an impact.
avatar for Mate27
6 years ago
I think what 25 is saying is that youth is wasted on the young. You are the result of all the decisions you’ve ever made in life. Just don’t make any one big mistake along the way, and try to do several good little decisions you’ll see they add up nicely for a good life young and old.
avatar for Jascoi
6 years ago
eat drink and be merry... for tomorrow we may die !
avatar for Mate27
6 years ago
^^^ a premature death!
avatar for twentyfive
6 years ago
There are no perfect lives, however some are well lived, it’s impossible to never make a mistake, smart people are those that avoid making the same mistake twice.
There’s one truth in life, we are all going to die, not telling anyone how they should live, just saying that my life has been great, and the joy that I have taken from it, makes me want to enjoy it as long as possible.
avatar for Clubber
6 years ago
One's perspective changes as they age. I hit the big 70 early in 2019. I doubt I'll even come close to 100 based on family history. Mid 80's seems about right for me.

That said, I don't change anything i do for the most part. One thing I am, right now, working on getting my weight under 200. Just a couple pounds to go. Not bad when I started at 263 in May, according to my doctor.
avatar for Mate27
6 years ago
^^^ Egad, Clubber! Good job on the weight control. Carrying extra weight around carries several side effects. I’ve learned to exercise with weight training to maintain metabolism and strengt.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 years ago
Yeah Clubber - congrats on the great weight-loss - keep at it and try not to go back to the old habits!
avatar for Clubber
6 years ago

When I first married and bought a condo, the 2nd bedroom was my gym. Pretty well equipped. Children came, gym gone. :(
avatar for Clubber
6 years ago

I hope I can make the 24th. Then you can see the difference. :)

Don't know if you can in a club. I doubt sc noticed when we met up in Atlanta.
avatar for RandomMember
6 years ago
Some advice:

Buy low and sell high. You heard it here, first.
avatar for flagooner
6 years ago
avatar for RandomMember
6 years ago
^ ,anus
avatar for Warrenboy75
6 years ago
I've been off the boards for a few days trying to finish up the end of year travel but I'd throw out there it isn't the quantity ( or in this case to some extent the years one lives) as much as it is the quality.

I'd like a long life but not if it comes with 20 years in a wheel chair hooked up to oxygen.

But I agree about one thing*t you put out there on the Internet never goes away. I've tried like hell to convince a few people of that over the years and most of them seem to think it does............and they are wrong.

avatar for Mate27
6 years ago
^^^ You mean like Billy Bush, who lost his job without saying much of anything and his compadre gets elected President?
avatar for orionsmith
6 years ago
I would say if a guy waits until he's 30 or I heard some say 40 to get laid, he's missing out and may forever miss experiences he won't be able to enjoy as much later on. Save but have some fun. No one knows how long any of us have. Fortune or ruin can happen at any time but at least we have our memories most of our lives. I heard if you plan for the worst and hope for the best, you might come out ok. I'm not as old as some guys on here but am glad I enjoyed strip clubs for years before LE cracked down and closed clubs and caused others to have extra rules that suck. I once used to visit every week. At the moment, I don't remember when my last visit was. I think it was 1 to 3 months ago. I'm getting used to waking up real early and falling asleep early. Ok for work but sucks for visiting strip clubs like I used to.
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