How do dancers think of you...

avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
... as a customer?

Not sure how this will go as a discussion topic. I'm not asking what they tell you they think about you (with your chiseled good looks and massive cock...).

But rather, when you walk in the door and they see you, do they think 'dependable', 'funny', 'fun drunk', 'not-fun drunk', 'cheapskate', 'whale', etc.

To some degree, I know that a lot of guys here don't care, but I suspect that we all think about it at times.

This will be easier to answer if you are a regular at a particular club.

For the dancers... do you categorize customers? If you do, then how?


last comment
avatar for steeldog65
6 years ago
Most of the dancers tell me they see me as a successful funny guy. I'm pretty sure that's just a cover up for how much they desire me
avatar for twentyfive
6 years ago
Can’t really answer that without qualifying my statement so I’ll try.
I’m pretty sure the dancers that I know like me, some more,some less, now saying that this is my qualifying remarks, I generally spend between $2-300.00 each visit, so I’m sure I’m not cheap, in the clubs I visit regularly I usually have a few girls join me within minutes of my arrival, I don’t always do dances, and even though I have some favorites, there is never a bunch of drama, when I drink with the girls, and usually the bartender joins our group as best as she is able to in between service to other customers.
One thing I never do is talk about any other girls and if the convo becomes gossipy I listen but don’t comment. I get comped drinks regular and don’t remember the last time I was asked to pay the entrance charge in my regular hangout clubs, so yes I believe that I am well enough liked
avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 years ago
Most of all, to them Papi = easy mark = fairly easy $$$ = consistent custy/$$$

The small black clubs I hit most people don't spend much if anything on the dancers - I'm not too picky w.r.t. dancers, like variety, and I'm not a hardsell in that I don't need nor necessarily want a lot of attention/time in order to get me to buy dances and actually don't mind the wanna dance line.

Other than that, I get the "you're pretty smart" line.
avatar for Warrenboy75
6 years ago
Who really knows for sure? Do they like me or the money I spend? It is possible both but I tend to side on they like me for the money I spend until they show me different.

I've had a few instances come up over the past few years which allow me to believe in some cases they do like me for me. Feedback of sorts and two instances where other clients have come up to me and basically asked me what is it I have going for me

And I agree with twentyfive never talk about any of the other girls regardless if they become gossipy or not.
avatar for Nidan111
6 years ago
They all see me walk in, the DJ says “magic man in the house”. The girls all seem to
Like it when I perform magic for the bar. They like my laugh. The bartender always buys me a drink or two. The owner of a couple sell me my top shelf LIT for $6. But, I am a good tipper, I get customers and staff laughing, I cause no trouble, I tip the front door crowd and I have a damn good time. All the bartenders call me their favorite bitch, whatever that means. Lol.
avatar for MackTruck
6 years ago
They think I am full of shit
avatar for rickdugan
6 years ago
Fuck if I know what they really think of me and, truth be told, I don't really care. Also, I don't normally think about it. The only things I care about are getting to the right place with the ones I like and not being bothered by the ones that I do not.

First and foremost, what I hear that I'm easy to talk to. I'm calm and relaxed, make direct eye contact and have a no BS attitude. I've also been told that I'm funny. However, these same girls have also seen me send other girls away and poke fun when I hear some goofy SS. Girls who sits with me for a while almost inevitably come back the next time, which helps a lot when I'm trying to land a tough one for OTC. The girls who do go OTC with me are usually eager to repeat (and I won't credit my hug cock for that, lol). So what I'm doing works for me and seems to work for them too.

My ATF once said to a club bartender that I don't seem to give a shit about anything. This was in response to the bartender telling her that I'd be happy to see her after she had been gone for so long. For the most part she is right, but not completely. However, when they are convinced that this is all shits and grins for me, it makes it easier for them to relax. At the same time, they also quickly learn that I'll treat them with dignity and casual kindness and won't be a source of drama.

On the f;lip side, the girls who I don't like probably think of me as a rude asshole. Good as this means they won't further bother me with their unattractive asses, painful SS or whatever else got them sent away so fast in the first place.

Again though, as far as what any of these girls really thinks in her heart of hearts, I neither know nor ponder for any length of time. At the end of the day, we all go home to others. The people who need to chew on this are, I suppose, those who seem to have trouble dealing with strippers. As long as I'm not having that problem, i'm good to go.
avatar for DeclineToState
6 years ago
-->@MackTruck: "They think I am full of shit"

Is that because you actually are because they dumped a load in your basement?
avatar for TrapBaby304
6 years ago
It depends on what kind of club it is and has nothing to do with liking or not liking them. I can appreciate a customer but I would never say I "like" them.

In general I guess its just common sense stuff.

Younger guys usually don't spend much unless they're drug dealers lol and most will just try to waste your time.

Middle aged white men make the easiest marks.

Blue collar guys coming in during the afternoon will spend more cos they usually get paid daily. I mean guys like construction workers, gardeners and stuff.

Regular customers tend to be weird and demanding but its good to always greet them and make some small talk just cos its always a guaranteed tip at least. This is especially true of the guys who just sit at the bar drinking all the time. If a club has a few, its an easy $100 by just being nice to them for a few minutes.

I always look for wedding rings or wedding ring marks. Married men tend to be more drama and have guilt issues. They're also the ones most likely to complain to management about "ROBs" get too drunk and throw fits about how much they spent.

What men wear has nothing to do with how much they'll spend. But you can tell a bit about their personality.
avatar for doctorevil
6 years ago
Ricky Boy said: “I've also been told that I'm funny.” I bet. I’m sure they get a big laugh out of your three piece suit and chemical engineer act.…
avatar for doctorevil
6 years ago
Who really knows what they think about you? What does your car saleman think about you? He likes it when you buy a car from him. I’m sure he acts like he likes you. Maybe sometimes they do. Other times, I’m sure they think their customer is an asshole, but pretend to like him to try and sell a car.
avatar for rickdugan
6 years ago
Putting aside one on here who seems to like you doctor, I can guess what many would say. Grown men who troll tend to be drama queens IRL. ;)
avatar for Muddy
6 years ago
I get aggresive with lap dances. Like I will dance to and grind and all that. This is what they remember me most for probably. Eve eyone else must sit there like a dead fish when getting an LD
avatar for Warrior15
6 years ago
I know all dancers tell me that I am very handsome, I'm in very good shape, I"m very funny, I am a very good kisser, I have a very large dick, I am very interesting to speak to . That is what the TELL me.

What do they THINK of me ???? Why wouldn't it be the same thing they tell me ?
avatar for shadowcat
6 years ago
How would I know and why would I care?
avatar for TrapBaby304
6 years ago
The defensiveness means you know they don't think much of you and probably dislike you lol
avatar for Liwet
6 years ago
I've been called rude a few times by girls I turned away within a second of seeing them.
avatar for Huntsman
6 years ago
avatar for Cristobal
6 years ago
My opinion: I they think I take too long to finish but I tip well.

Reality: I finish too quickly and don't tip enough.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 years ago
I assume many think "damn this guy is thirsty"
avatar for steeldog65
6 years ago
Honestly, most of them don't give a shit about me other than as a way to make money. There a few will make the effort to know who I am what my favorite drink is, those sort of things, those ladies get a lot more of my money.
avatar for georgmicrodong
6 years ago
It’s hard to tell for sure, but I think most of them think of me as a creepy old pervert who’s just there to get his dick sucked. Most of them are right.

One of them seems to think of me as a sort of friend. She tells me all kinds of stuff that a couple of the other girls say she doesn’t tell anyone else. She doesn’t hustle me like
She does some others, and she’ll get naked and fuck me fairly regularly O or ITC.

For another, I am apparently one of only three or four regulars she has, and the only one that comes in virtually every week and never fails to buy her a drink or a dance. She claims that I’m fairly atypical, because I don’t get butt hurt when she says she won’t fuck me, I still buy her drinks and dances even after she’s says she won’t fuck me, and that I am the only one who’s ever asked her more than once.

The MILF just keeps me around for my tongue.

The ATF seems to like me for me.

But most of them are right.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 years ago
99% of a dancer's good-gestures I just put under good salesmanship
avatar for Assmanjoe
6 years ago
i usually get the: youre funny, youre a gentleman, i feel comfortable with you (seems to be recurring), nice eyes, nice smile, your dick is huge, what a big surprise...same as everybody else SS lol. i dont care if its bs, its part of the game and i prefer you converse me with for a minute or two but if youre hot enough "wanna dance" will work just fine. i do respect a good sales pitch/buttering up though, thats part of a dancers job. once the girls know i always keep it professional and tip for good service they lighten up a lot and out come the digits and vastly improved mileage.

i do wonder what they think of me in the initial size up when theyre on stage eyeballing the crowd. i would guess: "nerd, nice guy, hes having fun, chill, does he even have money? (i do otherwise i wouldnt be there but i never throw it around), def an assman, hmm the bartender likes him, ??" but who knows. That information would be an absolute goldmine, for real life too. I know IM sizing THEM up for a target for the night and have similar thoughts in between thinking about how id fuck and/or lick them in half lol "hot but lazy, low mileage, high mileage, hardworker, sultry as fuck, no soul, she def likes me, she def hates me, "thats like one finger of ass cleavage", not my type, exactly my type, everythings fake...pass, flat stomach and everything else jiggles...did she just wink at me?!!? target acquired!"
avatar for wallanon
6 years ago
"Guy who spends money and goes to VIP. Will he pick me today?"
avatar for TrapBaby304
6 years ago
I agree the most with PapiChulo "99% of a dancer's good-gestures I just put under good salesmanship" and Steeldog "Honestly, most of them don't give a shit about me other than as a way to make money."

Your business is appreciated but you aren't "liked" as a person. No dancer goes home to her man and says "honey you wouldn't believe how nice the custies were today!" LMFAO

Wallanon, when dancers think about guys who go to VIP, we dont think of it as being picked, we think of it as us finessing the guy.
avatar for whodey
6 years ago
I don't have any dancers that I see on a regular basis right now so most dancera thay I see probably look at me as an easy mark at first. Once they talk to me for a while they probably realize that I am straight forward about wanting to fuck and that I offer a fairly decent tip based on the average for the area.

A lot of them also tell me afterwards that because of my large size (overweight not dick size) that they thought I wouldn't last long. A few have even complained about being tired from riding me the entire length of time.

When I did have regulars in the past they saw me as easy reliable money. They knew that I would just tip each of the dancers at the stage for a while to get worked up and then call them over, buy them a quick drink, go to VIP to fuck and then leave and then I'd be back in 3-4 weeks to repeat.
avatar for 79terrier
6 years ago
I've been told that I'm a 4 on the intimacy scale with a 5 rarely given.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 years ago
avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 years ago
I'm often complimented on having two arms
avatar for crazyjoe
6 years ago
I can not say what dancers think of me for sure. You would have to ask them. I have had one hand off her money to me to take care of when she was tracking down another "victim". Several have asked me to go with them to a new to them club they wanted to dance at so they knew someone there on their first night. Several have defended me against ass hole dancers that were rude to me. One even made a rude dancer come back and apologize to me for her actions.
avatar for crazyjoe
6 years ago
Some dancers i know have started doing personal development after some influence from me and have started moving in a more positive direction in life in general. One favorite ran across the club when she saw me and hugged me and would not let go as she is thanking me profusely for a recommendation of positive mindset guru I gave her the previous time. She was super excited and said her mindset change had caused her money to go through the roof.
avatar for eyeofodin
6 years ago
shadowcat "How would I know and why would I care?" BINGO
avatar for Bavarian
6 years ago
Club furniture
avatar for twentyfive
6 years ago
^ Couch or chair?
avatar for rogertex
6 years ago
Celebrating a dancer's birthday, I order shots for three dancers and me. As a time pass we play a game where person to the left states the best part of person to the right's body. I start and state "Ass" for the dancer to the right of me. Ass dancer says "Eyes" for dancer next to her. In turn she says "Boobs" for the birthday girl. Now it's birthday girl's turn, a bit drunk, to state best part on my body. She says "I don't know, maybe your wallet?".

... that's sums it up. Generally.
avatar for MackTruck
6 years ago…

^^ this sums it up. I don't need to rewrite it
avatar for whodey
6 years ago
LOL rogertex, that may be the most honest statement a dancer has ever said to a customer.
avatar for orionsmith
6 years ago
What do they think? I got money and I don't stink. However they always have to wait for one dancer to leave or try to get dances when it's not the two for one time. However I like getting the two for one. In clubs I haven't been to much, no idea. A few years ago at one club I must have looked like fresh meat or something. Lately in slow clubs, just another guy visiting. After dancers get to know me, some seem to cling to me.

I've had a lot of different reactions. Been called several names. Some good, some not so good. Of course not all dancers know me and some have attitude problems. I don't want to be their friend if they have a bad attitude. I'd rather be known as a trouble maker than a clueless guy by some dancer used to taking advantage of customers in a club. One time dancers thought I was undercover ALE. I thought it was funny for a while. One or two dancers asked me if I was a professional masseuse. One asked me if I was an artist. I do have an interest in some art. One dancer whom I got along with was a painter. She actually had paintings at the club and showed me one night. I didn't realize until later she wanted to date me. One of the oldest dancers in the club at the time, same age as me. This was a long time ago. About 7 years ago. Both the dancer and myself looked like we were in our 30's at the time. She told me one guy asked if it was ok with her BF referring to me if she danced for him. I guess she spent so much time with me, somone assumed I must be a BF. I don't have any dancers spending that much time with me but it always seems to be raining and I hate traveling at night in the rain.
avatar for TrapBaby304
6 years ago
this thread shows you guys are bitter coz you wish dancers wanted you
avatar for nicespice
6 years ago
For most of my decent shifts, I am using logic when thinking about customers. To me, working a shift is like playing a game and I want to earn a good score.

On my best *and* worst shifts money-wise, my thinking was mostly emotion based and I think of a customer in terms of how relatable he is for me.
avatar for twentyfive
6 years ago
There’s nothing really new under the sun, in our society we become friends with like minded people, in my business I have become very close to many people I do a tremendous amount of business with, we socialize and get together after work, but there are a lot that we don’t get close to.
I’m sure it’s the same in every industry, you meet enough folks over a long period of time, you find some you like some you dislike and the rest are somewhere in between.
avatar for Jascoi
6 years ago
hopefully they love me...
avatar for edgewise
6 years ago
Since I haven't seen this one yet: Future baby daddy
avatar for TrapBaby304
6 years ago
LMFAO this is the best a stripper will think of you!

Cardi B - Washpoppin…
avatar for TrapBaby304
6 years ago
"Lil trick go bust a band on a bitch
Now give me all that money you be spending on your chick
Now give me all that money you be spending on your kid
Now give me all that money you been stacking for your rent nigga
I'm just into making money I ain't into making love"

avatar for Cashman1234
6 years ago
I don’t know what the dancers think of me. It’s difficult to determine the truth - and speculation is highly error prone.

I tip well, I’m respectful of the dancers, I tell the dancers what I want before I agree to any dances. Most dancers are from a different culture - and I’m not sure how I am perceived.

Hopefully I’m not the creepy old guy!
avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 years ago
I'd say 99% of the time when a dancer sees a PL in the club she sees a huge dollar-sign covering his face - the other 1% she sees a huge 'L' covering his face, LOL
avatar for steeldog65
6 years ago
In some respects come of this thread circles back to stripper shit. I tend to get the same 3 or 4 SS comments. So I'm assuming for whatever reason I create an impression in the majority of dancers that lead down that same path. What consistency of SS makes me assume but they have a variety of off the cuff answers that they use based on certain parameters customers meet. I seemed to meet the same parameters from most dancers to respond in a similar manner. Therefore I have no idea what they think of me other than I have a wallet and they want to empty it.
avatar for twentyfive
6 years ago
You guys seem to be afraid to say that some dancers like you mainly because of the venom from a few poisonous posters, trust this if you’re a regular customer anyplace the salespersons don’t dislike you, they might be able to cover up dislike for a drop in, but many of you guys just like me see the same girls pretty regularly, if she didn’t like you after a few visits at least you’d know about it.
Anyone saying anything different is full of shit and you can tell them I said so.
avatar for twentyfive
6 years ago
^ If they didn’t like me I think I’d know it after one quick encounter
Employees always vent about their employers and customers that means nothing, it’s just venting.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
6 years ago
TwentyFive said "You guys seem to be afraid to say that some dancers like you mainly because of the venom from a few poisonous posters"

When I posted this thread last August, I didn't intend it to be a PL Rorschach test, but it sort of turned into that:…

With this topic, sort of the same thing. I didn't ask if anyone cared what they thought of you, and I didn't ask about what they tell you they think (I actually suggested avoiding that entirely...). I asked what opinion do you think dancers have of you, regardless of whether or not you care or that opinion can be confirmed.

I mean, it's logical to assume that dancers have different opinions of different customers, without even getting into whether or not they "like" us. We certainly have a range of opinions about dancers, and express them here broadly and in reviews specifically.

It's interesting how people read the question they'd rather answer, as opposed to the one that was asked.
avatar for twentyfive
6 years ago
@CMI I answered you right off the bat and said exactly what I thought and the response that you quoted from was basically a repeat of my original post
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
6 years ago
Noted. A few people answered the question. Several answered around the question.
avatar for steeldog65
6 years ago
I think initially they do think walking wallet but as they get to know you it changes. I have two dancers at two clubs that literally jump into my arms and kiss me when I show up. I don't spend a lot of money on them but they are always happy to see me and fun to spend time with. But they have been around the club for a year or so and so have I so we do see each other at least once a month or so. I am not enough of a regular to get more than this sort of greeting on average but some other girls almost always stop by and say hello and sit for a few minutes even if they know I won't buy a dance from them.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 years ago
^ do civilians act the same way around you?
avatar for steeldog65
6 years ago
I have a few that jump into my arms so yes.
avatar for twentyfive
6 years ago
^ Papi our resident patronizer;)
avatar for Cashman1234
6 years ago
I attempted to answer - but my answer is a lack of answer based on the lack of logic that can be pervasive in stripper logic...
avatar for steeldog65
6 years ago
avatar for flagooner
6 years ago
I would imagine most probably think of me as being pretty pathetic, but there are a few that have confided in me and become FWOP (Friends WithOut Payment)
avatar for twentyfive
6 years ago
^ I thought the few that confided in you were IFs (imaginary friends)
; )
avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 years ago
"... How do dancers think of you ..."

I'm not sure they do
avatar for Subraman
6 years ago
The one consistent story I've heard from dancers is, "when we hear you guys are coming the next day, we all prepare ourselves for doing a lot of drinking".
avatar for TrapBaby304
6 years ago
Its not liking the guy. Its appreciating him. Dancers try to not think of custies in terms like "like" cos its all business. You can easily appreciate a custie who spends a lot and that's it.

If you want to test the "like" factor out. Ask them to hangout on their days off, for free.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 years ago
"... Its not liking the guy. Its appreciating him. Dancers try to not think of custies in terms like "like" cos its all business. You can easily appreciate a custie who spends a lot and that's it ..."

I think that's the crux of it 99% of the time - IMO many SCers confuse dancer appreciation w/ something more - not uncommon for salespeople to act all lovey-dovey towards their clients, or anyone that works with customers, you will treat them a certain way and put your best face forward and try to make them feel special
avatar for TrapBaby304
6 years ago
Thats good customer service in the US. At a strip club, you want them to feel special and good and pay attention to them, that's the fantasy they're paying for. Just like remembering small things like what they drink or what cologne they wear is good for business.
avatar for Nidan111
6 years ago
@ papi regarding civilians.... I seriously do have many who do. Three of which I did fuck hard. The others just because they like my laugh. So, who knows?
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