Joined Jul, 2018
Last Seen Dec, 2024
Front Room
2 months ago
Why is Santa always smiling?
Why is Santa always smiling?
Because he knows where all the...
Front Room
8 months ago
So I have a question. Here is the story. You are stuck in a dead stop traffic jam. There is a bad wreck ahead. Your wife/gf has to pee and...
Front Room
2 years ago
Happy Holidays
Hope everything went well for Thanksgiving. Enjoy all the Holidays!!!...
Front Room
3 years ago
Too Fat
I worked with a guy who didn’t like fat chicks. So much so if he got a fat waitress he was down right rude to them. He went to a...
Front Room
3 years ago
Yorsh anyone?
I once met this beautiful Russian girl and after she finished her beer I offered to buy her another. She said this not beer but yorsh. And that she had...
Front Room
3 years ago
Where do tracking strippers stay?
I was in Florida for Thanksgiving and as usual my wife and I stayed in our RV in a nice Rv park. There were 2 nice looking young ladies down...
Front Room
3 years ago
Dance of the 7 vales
I have always heard of this but thought it was just a story.
I guess there was a 7 vale dance.
Front Room
4 years ago
Perfect 10
While I have not seen too many 10s (I have not met Nice yet) what body type do you give higher numbers. Some like thick some like thin. Some like...
Front Room
4 years ago
Credit card number
So say I managed to get into the strippers discussion.
I post my credit card information.
Who will be the first girl to use it?...
Front Room
4 years ago
Anyone in Atlanta want a massage?
Wild times! Interested in the reason!!...
Front Room
4 years ago
Grand Canyon Pics.
I was listening to a 1945 radio show and it mentioned pictures of a girl’s Grand Canyon pictures. I had to wonder what that was......
1. Nude up close pic of...
Front Room
5 years ago
Found this interesting!
The religious etiquettes of Islam specify that removal of pubic hair should be initiated at menarche, and done at least once every 40 days [13, 20]. ... Interestingly, religion (Islam)...
5 years ago
Shot Stories and Other Short Stories
Went to Pottery Barn with the wife the other day. (She tricked me I thought we were going somewhere else.) I was looking at shot glasses for something to do. One rather large one 2.75 ounce I picked up and was looking at it. This ready to pop pregnant girl...
Front Room
5 years ago
Next time a girl asks you for money for a boob job.
Saw this and thought I could do this.........
Front Room
5 years ago
Michigan has 9 rules for no mask.
#6 is interesting!
6) If you need to take if off for a personal service.
The order allows an exemption for those “receiving a service for which temporary removal of the face...
Front Room
5 years ago
It is Mother’s Day. So happy mother’s day.
Do something special for your loved ones....
Front Room
5 years ago
My wife read on some web site that wives were to wear their sexy panties yesterday. Don’t know when or where she got them but they were nice!...
Front Room
5 years ago
Could not believe this when I read this??
Front Room
5 years ago
Why not to have strange women in your bed.
I once met a girl who after one beer st night would wet the bed. How would you explain that if you had her over when your wife was gone....
Political Discourse
5 years ago
Keep your comments civil. If you wouldn't say it in person, don't type it in.
Saw this as I was posting. I laugh as I think of some of my friends who would say anything to anyone in person....
Political Discourse
5 years ago
Virginia gun laws.......
Let’s limit the amount of alcohol you can buy per month too, one bottle a month should be enough!...
Front Room
5 years ago
Where getting a HJ from a tranny is not altogether a bad thing.
This is what I saw when I signed into this sight this morning. While this may not be for me it did get me to thinking about what someone told...
Front Room
5 years ago
At the gym
Anyone ever hook up with someone from your gym? I just had a very interesting conversation with a young gal. She was not really my type. She was very...