This is seriously fun. Hi All, gSteph here, been a lurker here for couple years, just a few replies, this is first post. And it’s on the topic of Newbie (that’s me) fun level. The giddy, head-spinning, glorious delight of caressing warm, firm, beautiful, young women when it’s all new to you. I love their delightful, flimsy costumes, and then locking eyes with them as they remove said outfits, and settle into ones lap for some wonderful non-vocal communication – well, vocal too. Me: mid-60s guy, office worker, married nearly 40 years. No extras for me please. First strip club visit in was in 1977 I think; over the years went rarely, always as a stage tipper, never learned what the rooms were for. In early 2017 I stopped in a local club on a whim - and offered a $1 dance, which led to a lap dance – oh my god – the feel of nipples sliding under each finger in turn while she purrs and says what nice hands you have just blew me away. It was hard to not believe it was real/she meant it. So I appreciate the advice I found here that it is not “real”, it’s all a game, the “don’t be an asshole, don’t be a little bitch” advice summed it up nicely. As a guy with an agreement with wife to limit visits to a handful a year, I expect to be a perpetual “Newbie”; every visit has some new experience/delights. I love hearing others stories of their newbie times, did this feeling last for you? What’s the most you can go and still feel that “God this is fun” good times? Again, thanks for all the advice here. gSteph
-->"So I appreciate the advice I found here that it is not “real”"
Next step is to realize that's not quite true. Her lips around your dick -- that part is absolutely real. Her acting like she's enjoying it -- that part is fake. That seems fairly trite, but being able to see this clearly, and internalize it, is what separates the PLs from the RILs ... and believe me, you don't want to be a RIL! I very much enjoy much of the fakery, but I do have requirements about how much of the experience has to be real.
Anyway, I've been doing this for decades, and I still find it a thrill. I love the girls, I love being in the strip club. Turns out, you never get sick of being around beautiful young women; if anything, the older you get, the more you appreciate it. I think that "brand newbie thrill" gets a little harder to capture after scores of trips (which, at your rate, will take another 20 years), but even now, I sometimes get it
@ Supraman, lol, yes, I realize when she says "you have the the nicest hands", she means "you have hands ". But when I say you have the nicest breasts, well that's what I mean.
Funny how you can say the truest things in a strip club. Or not, and it all fits into the fun. g
Everyone is different - some guys get tired of it after a few visits, some after a few years, some never get tired of it - some of it depends on how hardcore one is about it - also some guys decide they've already spent a small fortune and don't wanna do it anymore (many guys at first feel spending 60-bucks is a good-amount, but many vets move on to often spendimg a couple hundred to get their fix).
For many, it takes more mileage over time in order to get the rush - a total newb may be content to just see bare-titties on stage - then he'll want contact dances - after a while that may not be enough and he'll want some kinda sexual act (handjob, blowjob, intercourse) - and others graduate beyond that to OTC as their main-thing - it's different for everyone.
Many vets also opt for a more personalized experience in order to get their fix - i.e. they focus on a particular fave dancer and they go to the club only to see her.
^ oops hit post by accident. Anyway, @gSteph I was a similar type of monger as you (married, no extras) and yes it is fun times to feed your ego and fantasies via strippers. I will say that over time and repetition it will "lose its luster" a bit and I would caution that it *could* lead to you wanting more and expanding your limits. Just be careful of that if it is going to affect your marriage.
I've been SCing (and mongering) for about two years but I still get that butterfly in stomach feeling before I enter the club but now I don't feel overwhelmed and generally know how to enjoy myself, whereas initially it was sensory overload.
I have wondered if I may be getting a bit bored with clubs, actually. I have seen enough women on the poles that I don't feel like approaching the stage. Another dancer is unlikely to do anything up there that is new to me. Lap dances need to be good to get my attention - - average dances are forgettable pretty quickly. It is no longer like being a teenager riding the bus to school, and getting all excited about a girl choosing to sit next to me, and *ZOMG* - her thigh is touching mine!!
80% of men on earth (that's 2.5B men) don't know the pleasures of this wonderland called strip club. Even I didn't know until 7 years ago. My first post inquired about what is OTC, 420.
@ Papi, I guess I'm not a total newb anymore, if them titties on stage catch my eye, my hands want to verify the eyes impression. And I think I'm safe from progressing to some version of sex, I am good with what I get at home, truly in love with wife, and I just would never go there. Haha, 60 - 100 (plus lots of ones) is my usual range.
@sirlap, my wife and I have discussed / negotiated frequency and spending, it's just not that much. And I tell her about visits within a day or three, that's our deal. That's why I'll feel like a newbie for some time.
I love looking at titties of various sizes especially if they look good. Lots of dancers have nice titties. Nice bodies too. It's what draws me to the strip clubs. Then hot girls get all over you and sometimes suggest doing a lot more. The bummer is the let down when a very hot dancer isn't there the next time you visit. A thrill when you become a regular is when a very hot dancer chooses to become one of your favorites who always dances for you. Even better is when she and her hot friends choose to hang out with you or sit and drink with you when not dancing. If you enjoy multiple hot girls at your table. The down side is that costs go up when dancers are drinking with you and even more so if dancers want to do a double dance or triple dance. I've never agreed to get a triple dance or dances from 3 dancers at the same time. I don't remember if offered that before. Some double dances were fun.
last commentNext step is to realize that's not quite true. Her lips around your dick -- that part is absolutely real. Her acting like she's enjoying it -- that part is fake. That seems fairly trite, but being able to see this clearly, and internalize it, is what separates the PLs from the RILs ... and believe me, you don't want to be a RIL! I very much enjoy much of the fakery, but I do have requirements about how much of the experience has to be real.
Anyway, I've been doing this for decades, and I still find it a thrill. I love the girls, I love being in the strip club. Turns out, you never get sick of being around beautiful young women; if anything, the older you get, the more you appreciate it. I think that "brand newbie thrill" gets a little harder to capture after scores of trips (which, at your rate, will take another 20 years), but even now, I sometimes get it
Funny how you can say the truest things in a strip club. Or not, and it all fits into the fun.
Many vets also opt for a more personalized experience in order to get their fix - i.e. they focus on a particular fave dancer and they go to the club only to see her.
Lap dances need to be good to get my attention - - average dances are forgettable pretty quickly. It is no longer like being a teenager riding the bus to school, and getting all excited about a girl choosing to sit next to me, and *ZOMG* - her thigh is touching mine!!
We call them homos.
80% of men on earth (that's 2.5B men) don't know the pleasures of this wonderland called strip club.
Even I didn't know until 7 years ago. My first post inquired about what is OTC, 420.
@ Papi, I guess I'm not a total newb anymore, if them titties on stage catch my eye, my hands want to verify the eyes impression. And I think I'm safe from progressing to some version of sex, I am good with what I get at home, truly in love with wife, and I just would never go there. Haha, 60 - 100 (plus lots of ones) is my usual range.
@sirlap, my wife and I have discussed / negotiated frequency and spending, it's just not that much. And I tell her about visits within a day or three, that's our deal. That's why I'll feel like a newbie for some time.
Again, thanks all for advice and stories.