
Why So Much Hate at Rick?

Everything written by this member is a fact.
Yeah, he can be a bit abrasive, but he does provide logical reasoning for most of his comments/positions.


  • Warrior15
    6 years ago
    I have to thank Dugan for turning me onto Bare Assets in Holiday. He does come across as having a little ego. But there are a lot of us with an ego on here.
  • doctorevil
    6 years ago
    Yeah, a lot of people have egos, but I don’t see anyone else hurling insults and threats because they disgree with a review. There’s something wrong with that guy.
  • Mate27
    6 years ago
    True. I liked bagging on him, too, but for the most part he is one of the few valuable contributors on this site.
  • Muddy
    6 years ago
    He’s a big character that’s for sure. Yeah the guy in the white suit in the club, nobody likes that guy, he’s supposed to be sort of a douche, but that guy is also suave as fuck you have to admit it. Rick is also one of the few people on TUSCL that has NYC as his stomping grounds and I’m always interested to here stuff on that. I don’t have the money to play in Manhattan as a regular, so it’s a scene that’s always sort of fascinated me. Love hearing those stories.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    It’s fun to rag on RickiBoi he’s the dude a legend in his own mind.
    But he is a contributor. I’ll give him that.
  • PaulDrake
    6 years ago
    I have no problem with Dugan.
  • Icey
    6 years ago
    he's an angry old man who resorts to hookers to get attention from women... of course he's gonna lash out
  • Lovelyeast
    6 years ago
    Y’all so cute, lol
  • TFP
    6 years ago
    I agree with Flagooner that Dugan can be abrasive. Yet he provides clear and valid points behind all his reasoning. Even if I don't agree with everything, at least I see where he's coming from.

    Regarding his ongoing fued with Dr. Evil I actually side with Dr. Evil. He went into the club, wasn't impressed with the talent, got a $4 coke, didn't get much attention from the ladies, then bounced. I've seen reviews written telling much less than that which were approved. If that's what he experienced then why should he score it higher? Maybe his experience wasn't a normal experience, but it happened to him so it could possibly happen to another patron. I'd hope that anyone using the reviews to gather intel wouldn't just read that one review and make a decision based on that. As far as Dugan's reasoning that Evil's club count means he moves the needle further with his scores, I find that one person's single review doesn't impact the scores greatly at all. Unless that club has under 10 reviews.

    So yeah I think Dugan overreacted a bit to Dr Evil's scoring, probably because he himself recommended a group of clubs to him, including that one. That said, I still think Dugan is one of the better contributors on here. Even though he occasionally throws a quip at us LDKers calling us premature ejaculators. At least he doesn't bombard the board with all types of opinionated bullshit like so many of these other trolls.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    6 years ago
    I'm Dugan neutral.
  • JamesSD
    6 years ago
    I just realized The System is almost 10 years old!

    Despite the East Coast obsession with dressing up, it's actually solid advice overall.
  • MackTruck
    6 years ago
    Ricky like the attention
  • orionsmith
    6 years ago
    I see nothing wrong with Rick. Then again maybe I forgot. Did Rick invent the system with the white
    suit? Just an upgraded version of leisure suit Larry computer game wasn't it?

    Does Rick have a lion alias on here? Maybe that's why there is some negativity. Cats are crazy.
    6 years ago
    @evil njballa also hurls threats when he doesn't like a review.

    overall i think rick comes across as having more to contribute than most people on this website. he is abrasive. but really so what. this tuscl not romper room
  • BoringLoser
    6 years ago
    Willy did nib actually threaten you? I think he just made fun of you. I could be wrong.

    Mr dugan is fine. I’d like him more if he’d stop taking the bait when dr takes jabs. If dr refuses to grow up big d should
  • TheeOSU
    6 years ago
    I recently mentioned in another thread that Rick catches lots of flak here but he actually contributes more than most of us. I don't have a problem with him.
  • Cristobal
    6 years ago
    To me @rickduggan provides good discussion points
  • rickdugan
    6 years ago
    Mack posted: "Ricky likes the attention."

    Not particularly. I post here as an extension of my strip club fun. As a bonus, from time to time I pick something up here that I can use to make my club experiences better.

    But I suppose flag needed something to troll about in between Eskimo girls and his other riveting topics. ;)
  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    Rick is an interesting one.

    On one hand, he has posted numerous times about “getting that advantage” over dancers and “not tolerating the bullshit” in a way that gave him douche vibes.

    But he also talked about *maybe* informing some CFs about this site at some point, assuming it attracts enough dancers/avoids being a troll show. So I take it that his interactions with his CFs is less adversarial than he likes to portray. Especially if he is bold enough to potentially allow them to see his online persona.

    He has used some abrasive language at me, and I’ve certainly dished it back many times over. But the guy *still* stuck up for me a few weeks ago and I have to admit that surprised me quite a bit. That was a high road that impressed me a lot.

    But when he is going around giving others insulting nicknames such as “Puta_Tonta” and going hard after the likes of DrE and 25, some push back is inevitable.

    And hence, how he came to be the guy who inspired a whole Council of Rick trolls.

    I am inclined to believe the whole “likes the attention” reason, mostly because the guy strikes me as somebody with a damn good command of the English language. He knows how his posts come across and he likes it that way. Though, I could be wrong.
  • rickdugan
    6 years ago
    Interesting nice. If you actually go through my posts with more care, you'll find that my issues with both your named boys had to do with them getting butt hurt with strippers ad/or clubs and acting out, including one who loudly proclaimed that he doesn't tolerate BS (you got us confused). My defending you the other day is consistent, not contradictory, with my other behavior on here. I have little tolerance for over ridiculous over-emotional grown men who feel it is ok to shit on strippers or their clubs just because they can and because it gives them some petty satisfaction.

    You'd never meet a calmer or more relaxed guy ITC than me. When a girl says something silly or out of line, I just send her away calmly and quickly, simple. Unlike some of the aforementioned drama queens, I have nothing to prove to a girl who is young enough to be my daughter and says something that she shouldn't. She's not in remotely the same economic or life situation that I'm in and she's under enough strain as it is, she doesn't need some whiny d-bag piling on and making her day just a little worse.

    This includes girls who I take OTC. Sure I watch and listen for opportunities, but that doesn't mean I treat any girl badly. Any young girl I deal with is treated with dignity and kindness, whether she has earned it or not.

    There it is fwiw.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    Geezaloo RickiBoi was I one of those so called, butthurt over-emotional grown men you speak of, or a drama queen, funny you should say that when in all of those examples you cited you were the antagonist, not that I don’t enjoy laughing about some of the absurd shit that you post, but hey you do you so well.
  • rickdugan
    6 years ago
    So old man, what did you expect when you came on bragging about how you gave some young girl snarky shit, a statue built in your honor? ;)
  • rickdugan
    6 years ago
    Lastly nice, as far as being abrasive,I just call it like I see it. This is quick entertainment for me in between other more important life obligations. I have neither the bandwith nor the desire to coddle hypersensitive old men, or for that matter a girl who is posing as one. ;)
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    No my friend, you’re just a hyperactive drama queen always itching for an argument or is it the crabs, results are the same so I’m guessing you’re just an ankle biter.
    It’s just so much fun watching you always taking, whatever bait is provided. Lol
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