
Comments by PaulDrake (page 6)

  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Gifts for dancers
    I have done a cash Christmas bonus for a long term fav. But for every single CF I always buy them a sundress (usually $5-15 from the clearance rack). It's more for me than them as that is a fetish of mine. And baby strippers LOVE getting presents, it's like some stripper merit badge to them. Even if they don't like the present.
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    5 years ago
    What’s your fav club in Tampa?
    I am pretty certain they do not have webcams any more. They don't even seem to have a website. However neighboring 2001 Odyssey definitely has webcams.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    What’s your fav club in Tampa?
    I thought 2001 Odyssey had a webcam not mons?
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    5 years ago
    Off again on again PL
    Hooter waitress salary?
    @blahblah - It's low earnings. This girl only came in once or twice a month on Friday/Saturday nights. And yes I think your right that she might restart later. I don't care one way or the other as I'm mostly interested in her as a SB. And I need to get an idea of what she is earning now so I can figure out what ballpark allowance to offer her.
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    5 years ago
    Off again on again PL
    Hooter waitress salary?
    Ok so I did some research and skimmed a dozen or so youtube vlogs where breastraunt waitresses talked about how their job works. Apparently they actually have to tipout 5% of whatever their total sales is back the house. So if you tip 15% they only keep 10%. A few of them talked about making 2-300 per shift but those numbers seemed fishy and may have been before tipout. I think $100-200 is very realistic and those numbers seemed to come up a lot. Then unlike stripping they would obviously have to pay income tax as well. As far as why I care about this, a CF of mine is quitting stripping to work at a bresteraunt and might be interested in still seeing me as a SB. If her stripper earnings are bad enough to quit I'm curious what is typical in the bresteraunt world. Also there is a guy who comes into my home club. He rents a cabana, gets bottle service and brings 3-4 girls from a breasteraunt with him for hours. I think he just pays them $50 each and free drinks. For the type of guy who wants to just hang at the club with some hot girls that is actually a pretty frugal strategy. @JAprufrock - I did come across in one video a girl talking about how some of the girls at her restaurant did extras with some customers after their shift.
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    5 years ago
    strip club behavior
    I would disagree with some of the guys who have spoken up so far. I do think there are rare situations where you should step in. If a girl is drugged to the point of being unconscious and a guy has her in a spot security can't see that is a situation where I would go tell security. My CF/SB was actually roofied at the club about a month ago. As far as the situation with the OP where a guy was being handsy stage side. That definitely is a situation where going to security would not be appropriate. But if it involved a baby stripper that I knew somewhat I might talk to her afterwards and give her some tips on how to get out of that situation. I think that on TUSCL strippers are generally over characterized here as all being heartless predators. And I have seen a lot of new girls who are literally too scared to defend themselves or don't know when to speak up or to what level they can fight back. Back to the situation with the OP I think it would have been totally appropriate for a girl to just snatch the dollar out of the guys hand the second he gets too handsy and that is what I would tell a baby stripper to do.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Anybody here know where Kitten is currently dancing?
    Kitten? I think she works at The Wild Wild Chest now or maybe it was Boob Burg. And she goes by Dusty Gazongas now.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Trans wants to work as a dancer.
    Since I am really active on the reddit forum I have had quite a few new girls message me about info on clubs in my local area. One girl was messaging me and was getting rejected from every club she went to. She described herself as white with blue eyes, 5'5", and 36DDD/24/36. So I was really surprised she was getting rejected. Once she got hired somewhere I went and met her and realized she was trans. We had a nice chat and I tipped her for her time. She passed really well but I am conflicted about someone working as a stripper and not being upfront about the historical status of the genitalia. lol There seem to be a bunch of trans girls that pop up on the reddit stripper forum wanting advice on why they aren't getting hired as strippers. And a ton on the reddit sugar baby forum who are bewildered as to why no sugar daddies are interested in them.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    If she walks away smiling, you spent too much.
    How long does it take for a baby stripper to no longer be considered that?
    6 months
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    The view from the other side of the room
    How was 2019? In your SC’ing world?
    102 orgasms (mostly LDKs) including 20 OTCs from 12 different girls. About half of those were with 2 different SBs.
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    5 years ago
    The City
    Care to give us a little synopsis?
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    5 years ago
    Mostly Free Mondays - Deja Vu Sacramento / Rancho Cordova
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    5 years ago
    New York
    Underground Stripclub
    So where do these places rent? Airbnb? Warehouse? I am guessing they only use the same location once and then move?
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    5 years ago
    What are you talking about? This site hasnt been updated in forever.
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    5 years ago
    After Getting a Strippers Number
    I think it just depends on the relationship. But in the beginning I tend to stick to business.
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    5 years ago
    Question on Vids and screencaps
    Let me rephrase that. Taking naked picture of someone without their consent is incredibly shitty.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Question on Vids and screencaps
    Taking pics of someone without their consent is incredibly shitty.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    The view from the other side of the room
    7 levels of clubbing
    For me there have been a few girls where after they quit we still keep in touch occasionally and had lunch as friends. Not at all a romantic relationship. To me that would be what I would want from #7.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Cool Cat in the Valley
    One PL's 3 is another PL's 8. But is a 10 always a 10?
    @Nidan - So are you just someone who is more attracted to a girls personality, sexuality, and the physical/emotional experience rather than purely visual? When you go to a club do you think you ignore the "hottest" girls that some of the rest of us would be fighting over? Also (roughly) how old are you?
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    All Year Long! 🌞
    Stripper Poll #1
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Me and Rick Dugan working the Soup Kitchen
    Smashing that like button!
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Seeking Arrangement
    @Waffle - One of the common scams is a guy will offer a crazy high amount. Then when you show up to the meet and greet he will whip out a 10 page contract and let you know he will be depositing the cash in your bank. Then you fuck him a few times until you realize that he is never going to pay you. In your case the scammer realizes that since you are a stripper you are not going to fall for his scam. As far as telling SDs you are a stripper I wouldn't recommend totally lying about it. Maybe list a few jobs you have done and then throw stripper in the list? Some guys will be turned off by it but some others will be drawn to it.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    After their stripping days are over
    Yes I have kept in touch as friends with a few.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Switching professions
    The Great Subway Jalapeño Scandal: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4vtbkW4-9EY
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Yes your pathetic, but you can die knowing your not this pathetic
    @ime - LMAO!