Me and Rick Dugan working the Soup Kitchen
Me and Rick decided to be good Christians for the holidays and work at the local soup kitchen this weekend. As the people came through we asked then what they did for a living. The first girl said “Doctor” and we gave her lots soup 🍜 The second girl came through and said “Lawyer” and we gave her tons of soup 🍜The third girl came through and Rick asked “And what do you do for a living sweetheart?” She smiled said “I’m a stripper” Then all of a sudden Diana Ross came out of nowhere and in unison with Rick they held out their hands ✋ and yelled “STOP!”
*Roll credits*
*Continue immediately with “Stop! In the Name of Love” by The Supremes*
*Roll credits*
*Continue immediately with “Stop! In the Name of Love” by The Supremes*
a) dugan may be the smartest and sexiest hairless ape on the planet, but he’s still a damn dirty ape. If you’re going to have homoerotic fantasies maybe focus on non-apes.
b) dugan don’t swing that way. We’ve partied many times and I’ve only seen him go with females. Well, maybe a ladyboy or two, but only after serious alcohol consumption so he probably doesn’t remember it. And if you don’t remember an evening it doesn’t count. Amiright or amiright?
Just some advice from the council. You should follow it because we’re the ricks. ROAR!!!