Does anyone have any info on the Mostly Free Mondays at Deja Vu in Rancho Cordova? You pay $50 up front - dances are then free all night. My questions are about what dances are free? Just on the floor? Free in the VIP area or regular prices? what level of tipping is expected by the dancers to make them happy?
I haven't been clubbing in a while but it's interesting to hear this new feature. DejaVu in Rancho Cordova always lead the trio of clubs in that area in terms of bang for your buck. Sadly the level of talent dropped off severely after all the Deja Vu's in CA changed the dancers from independent contractors to employees.
Maybe this latest promotion is an attempt to get some business back?
I'm interested to see the answer to OPs question. I'd imagine tahoecruz or berniebernie would have the info.
OP you should post this under the discussions for this particular club. Maybe you'd get an answer faster that way.
sorry minnow - not a shill - just a PL asking a question. not sure why u would not think i was just a guy asking a legit question
TFP - thanks for the advice - never thought to look for the club’s area and post it there. I havent been clubbing since the employee/contractor thing hit - hope that doesnt end up making our hobby less fufilling
-->"I havent been clubbing since the employee/contractor thing hit - hope that doesnt end up making our hobby less fufilling"
In the SF clubs, the employee change has had a significant impact on the experience for customers, and hugely negative for the girls. The net-net has been: 1. the girls take home far less, 2. many, many strippers have either left stripping, or are stripping in a different state (Vegas has been swamped by CA girls), 3. the girls can work less hours, 4. shifts are much smaller at the deja vu clubs, since it's now salary-based and the clubs have incentive to not have girls sitting around, 5. all of the above has resulted in more hustle and less favoring of regulars, even during slower dayshifts.
Obviously, this all varies by city, and even by club within a city. But that's been my experience, and the experience of the other local PLs I've talked to
It's about to get worse as all clubs will have to change to the employee model after the first of the year based on the new CA law or face fines and possibly be shut down. Prior to that it was only a court ruling so only the big chains had switched over, where smaller clubs kept dancers as independant contractors. There are some exempt professions in the law, but strip clubs arent one of them.
More dancers will leave the state, or quit dancing. The girls that stay will be more agressive with their hustle for tips. Clubs will also raise prices to cover their payroll costs. None of it is good for customers or the dancers.
@501 this is what I was wondering about, thanks for clarifying. I know that Gold Club Centerfolds, right down the street from the club the OP is discussing, hasn't made the switch yet. So you're saying that come January 1st they will be forced to switch to the employee model for certain? If so, I can definitely see this club having the same drop of in fun as my former favorite Deja Vu Centerfolds in SF did. Sucks, but helps me even more to just save my money for trips to TJ.
You pay $50 to get in. Each girl is required to do 2 dances per hour. Most of the girls try to allow extras such as touching. Girls hate it because that night they are only getting paid minimum wage and what ever tips they can get after being reported for taxes. Girls hardly ever see the money because they are paid every two weeks.
-->@501: "It's about to get worse as all clubs will have to change to the employee model after the first of the year based on the new CA law or face fines and possibly be shut down."
-->@TFP: "this is what I was wondering about...So you're saying that come January 1st they will be forced to switch to the employee model for certain?"
Yes. The law change is effective 1/1/2020. It's Calif. Assembly Bill 5, which adds a new statute (Section 2750.3) to the Calif. Labor Code. The Calif Supreme Court case that caused the big clubs to make dancers employees instead of independent contractors was issued in April 2018 and by end of 2018 the big clubs (Deja Vu clubs, mostly) had all made the switch. The new statute is more strict re classification of ICs versus employees than the court case was. All Calif clubs will have to switch dancers to employees or risk labor law violations and class action lawsuits. As Subraman points out, this has been bad for the dancers and the customers. It sucks ass. The clubs don't like it either but they're complying to avoid risk of class action lawsuits. Some gig economy companies (Uber, DoorDash, etc.) are pledging 10s of millions to get an initiative on the ballot for Nov 2020 to get this new statute overturned. Hopefully clubs and dancers will be covered in that ballot initiative.
Sheesh, that's making me want to go to Gold Club Centerfolds for new years tonight to enjoy one last night of dancers on IC status. Before it goes to shit just like all the SF clubs have.
last commentMaybe this latest promotion is an attempt to get some business back?
I'm interested to see the answer to OPs question. I'd imagine tahoecruz or berniebernie would have the info.
OP you should post this under the discussions for this particular club. Maybe you'd get an answer faster that way.
TFP - thanks for the advice - never thought to look for the club’s area and post it there. I havent been clubbing since the employee/contractor thing hit - hope that doesnt end up making our hobby less fufilling
In the SF clubs, the employee change has had a significant impact on the experience for customers, and hugely negative for the girls. The net-net has been: 1. the girls take home far less, 2. many, many strippers have either left stripping, or are stripping in a different state (Vegas has been swamped by CA girls), 3. the girls can work less hours, 4. shifts are much smaller at the deja vu clubs, since it's now salary-based and the clubs have incentive to not have girls sitting around, 5. all of the above has resulted in more hustle and less favoring of regulars, even during slower dayshifts.
Obviously, this all varies by city, and even by club within a city. But that's been my experience, and the experience of the other local PLs I've talked to
More dancers will leave the state, or quit dancing. The girls that stay will be more agressive with their hustle for tips. Clubs will also raise prices to cover their payroll costs. None of it is good for customers or the dancers.
-->@TFP: "this is what I was wondering about...So you're saying that come January 1st they will be forced to switch to the employee model for certain?"
Yes. The law change is effective 1/1/2020. It's Calif. Assembly Bill 5, which adds a new statute (Section 2750.3) to the Calif. Labor Code. The Calif Supreme Court case that caused the big clubs to make dancers employees instead of independent contractors was issued in April 2018 and by end of 2018 the big clubs (Deja Vu clubs, mostly) had all made the switch. The new statute is more strict re classification of ICs versus employees than the court case was. All Calif clubs will have to switch dancers to employees or risk labor law violations and class action lawsuits.
As Subraman points out, this has been bad for the dancers and the customers. It sucks ass. The clubs don't like it either but they're complying to avoid risk of class action lawsuits.
Some gig economy companies (Uber, DoorDash, etc.) are pledging 10s of millions to get an initiative on the ballot for Nov 2020 to get this new statute overturned. Hopefully clubs and dancers will be covered in that ballot initiative.
Like say the women are customers, and charge them an admission fee same as the men.
That will really make those places wild!
Sheesh, that's making me want to go to Gold Club Centerfolds for new years tonight to enjoy one last night of dancers on IC status. Before it goes to shit just like all the SF clubs have.
I suggest just making it a membership club. So the men are members, and the women are members.
People can be banished if they cause too much trouble. But otherwise the point is that the management is not responsible for what the women do.
Otherwise they increase their money by recruiting more women.