Trans wants to work as a dancer.

Seems some guy is asking to work as a trans in a strip club according to the pink site. Don't know about you but if I ever found a club hired a trans, that's it for me. I'm left of center politically, but that would be a a done deal for me.
a) crankiness & blaming the decline of the industry on customer review sites (mostly from the “established crowd” of contributors),
b) or girls who enjoy being able to use the site for free to access reviews (mostly randos who don’t have much of a post count and tend to disappear quickly enough)
I remember the time I was still early on as a baby stripper and still at the first club I ever worked at.
I had a friend. This friend was a dancer at the same club I worked at. She found a date from online, and this date was trans. He/she (I forgot what that individual identified as) was asking about becoming a dancer. The manager politely said something like “we shall see” (but later when me and the friend were in the manager office, they told the friend that the hiring was absolutely not going to happen—def not eager to hire a biological male)
Then this individual asked a waitress at the club if they ever did lap-dances for customers, and she replied they don’t really but when they do, it’s for $200. So while I was high off of some party drug my friend gave me (I forget what it was), and affected by alcohol because of another girl in the dressing room who brought liquor from home and wanted us all to do shots with her, this individual excitedly tells me how (s)he’s gonna work at that club as a waitress and sell $200 dances to customers. And I’m smiling and nodding trying to keep my ability to comprehend—anything going on—altogether.
Later on, the trans friend wants to go home with my friend. And the friend was getting a ride off of me. So when the club club closed, and we dancers aren’t allowed to leave until the parking lot is empty, the trans friend went to the McDonald’s next door and waited. Then I dropped off the friend and her date at her home and went off.
A couple of days later, that friend messaged me telling me that the individual was a sexual predator and she felt bad for putting me in danger being around him. I told her it was okay.
Pity that friend decided to block me on Facebook one day because she decided she didn’t like me anymore. (Not anybody else from that club) She was a hoot.
That particular club in question didn’t really have much hiring standards. So if they weren’t trans friendly, I’d imagine most other places wouldn’t be either. 😂😂
There seem to be a bunch of trans girls that pop up on the reddit stripper forum wanting advice on why they aren't getting hired as strippers. And a ton on the reddit sugar baby forum who are bewildered as to why no sugar daddies are interested in them.
The trans you met at the club - was she post-op or pre? If you know.
It closed eventually, but I think that had more to do with Providence not wanting strip clubs in downtown.
So, there's a market for it. I'm not sure that the average patrons are ready to have trans dancers mixed in with gen pop, though.
I'd prefer to not have trans girls in SCs but it's already a game of politely telling some girls no not terribly different.
There is an all trans SC I did go to for ten minutes in an Asian country, just to see what it was like. My intention wasn't to point and laugh or anything - just see what it was like. Were there helicopter dick tricks on stage? Was it more of a party? Was it low key? Can't know unless you go.
Low key with not very passable women coming up and chatting you. Finished my beer and went on my way.
Sportsman's Inn, on the other hand, was a horror show. I went twice. Both times for bachelor parties. Both times I was only willing to tip dancers to put on more clothes.
When I finally get under that gstring, I want pussy, not dick.
She is at least as feminine as 80 or so percent of the strippers I’ve met, sounds like a girl, and acts like a girl. Her boobs are implants, but only because she didn’t want to wait for the five+ years she said it would have taken to grow real ones on hormones alone.
Although a lot of guys claim "sure I can tell" but that's probably mostly a defense-mechanism.
How do you know these girls are trannys.
There’s another possibility, but she looks like she’s barely started the process at the moment.
Maybe I just come across as someone who’s not a judgmental fuck who thinks trans people are doing it to put one over on people.
In a strip club setting, I imagine that there would be a separate room / level for trans performers. Or, if they're integrated into gen pop, then they'd be required to identify themselves somehow.
Why would you think there would be a separate room for trans performers?
But, a trans dancer must be upfront about being trans. It would be very bad to find out in a back room.
GMD... I suspect that some clubs would use a separate room from the main floor to give each clientele their own space. It's a niche market.
How many customers know, I can’t say (and don’t bother asking), but I know the one doesn’t make much effort to avoid the subject.
I pray trans can dance at any club
Im very open to chicks with dicks
lol ... more seriously, while I am 100% for trans people being able to live with equal rights, be treated with dignity, etc., I think trying to "pass" and fool guys into thinking they're (biological) women really is fucking outrageous; plus, it's dangerous for them, depending on the men they're trying to fool, and I can't say I feel bad about that. Particularly in a young man, the realization that he just had sexual relations with a biological guy can do serious psychological harm; it is not acceptable and I struggle with the idea that the young man who was conned and who lashes out is the one in the wrong. If a trans stripper is not trying to pass and fool guys, well, I think it's not a smart strategy by the club (although in some areas they may feel like legally they have no choice) but I don't care.
One of the great ways to use reviews is to out trans strippers if they are trying to fool male customers, and out their clubs.
"Don't we already have drag queen shows?"
They do have drag queen shows in Vegas, but drag queens and trans are completely different. Drag queens only want to dress and act the part. Trans seem to be convinced they are built as the wrong sex and actually change or at least want to.
As a side note:
I used to work at a large Corp., and about 30 years ago there were 3 trannies working there. Two were Male to Female, one was Female to Male.
I don't know the relevance, but all 3 committed suicide.
Figure that out.
Ah, I'm picking up what you're laying down -- you're saying you want a snowball. Got it!