
Hooter waitress salary?

Off again on again PL
Saturday, January 4, 2020 6:09 PM
So what do you think the typical hourly wage a Hooters or other breastraunt waitress makes after tips?

I am guessing some people here have had CFs who also worked as breastraunts...


  • Muddy
    5 years ago
    I'm curious aswell, you know guys do some stupid ass shit when hot girls are around. I used to see this one guy I knew from work who would just go to Hooters alone and spend hours there. I looked at that and it made me feel so much better about SC life.
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    I wouldn't think they'd make that much - maybe a little better than the avg restaurant I would think - they really can't do much to get guys to spend - plus it's not a place where people run up a big bill to elicit a corresponding tip
  • Drunken Saguaro
    5 years ago
    We used to have a breastaurant nearby and it changed to another local chain. A lot of the same gals stayed (though slightly more clothed) and they claim tips are better now. When asked one waitress said it used to be a poor man’s strip club but the customers became more diverse (women, families) after the change in ownership. Food got better too.
  • JAprufrock
    5 years ago
    Are you claiming they supplement their income by sucking cock and taking it up the ass as escorts?
  • sinclair
    5 years ago
    I would think they would make money similar to waitresses at any other restaurant chain, but maybe more than average if she is hot and provide good service.

    The last two Hooters I went to had absolute dogs working. We are talking fat girls that would be 1-4's on a 10 point scale. I tipped 18% and that was probably being way too generous. I remember back in the 1990's when just about every Hooters girl was banging hot. Times have changed, and standards have dropped. There are too many avenues for a beautiful woman to make money nowadays, and Hooters is not one of them. Even Twin Peaks and Tilted Kilt have better looking servers.
  • Cristobal
    5 years ago
    I have been to a breasturant twice in my life, once for my own curiosity and once to take a cousin on his birthday.

    I think it is a complete waste of money, except for an ocasional nice view, the food is average and overpriced with decent service, the waitresses (the main reason for visiting) are not flirty or fun.

    To each their own but breasturants are not my thing.
  • PaulDrake
    5 years ago
    Ok so I did some research and skimmed a dozen or so youtube vlogs where breastraunt waitresses talked about how their job works. Apparently they actually have to tipout 5% of whatever their total sales is back the house. So if you tip 15% they only keep 10%. A few of them talked about making 2-300 per shift but those numbers seemed fishy and may have been before tipout. I think $100-200 is very realistic and those numbers seemed to come up a lot. Then unlike stripping they would obviously have to pay income tax as well.

    As far as why I care about this, a CF of mine is quitting stripping to work at a bresteraunt and might be interested in still seeing me as a SB. If her stripper earnings are bad enough to quit I'm curious what is typical in the bresteraunt world.

    Also there is a guy who comes into my home club. He rents a cabana, gets bottle service and brings 3-4 girls from a breasteraunt with him for hours. I think he just pays them $50 each and free drinks. For the type of guy who wants to just hang at the club with some hot girls that is actually a pretty frugal strategy.

    @JAprufrock - I did come across in one video a girl talking about how some of the girls at her restaurant did extras with some customers after their shift.
  • JAprufrock
    5 years ago
    ^^Excellent! Capitalism at work.
    I strive to get extras from a Hooters waitress, hopefully while she’s in uniform.
  • SerenitySinn
    5 years ago
    They make more than they say!!!
    And suckin n fuckin or whatever after shifts........YES,YES,YES.
    I know quite a few who work/worked hoots, Whouse, Peaks??? And did customers. Or got them to come to stripclub to see them there.🙋🏻‍♀️😏
  • Hank Moody
    5 years ago
    How much they make just depends on how busy the restaurant is. Same as any other restaurant, strip club, massage parlor, etc. Even if the girls are hot, if the food sucks there’s not enough reason to go back.
  • mark94
    5 years ago
    I have a friend whose daughter worked at a Hooters during college. She also waitressed at an upscale restaurant. She made much better money at hooters.
  • MackTruck
    5 years ago
    I am gonna find me a Hooter waitress sugar mama
  • MackTruck
    5 years ago
    Dem babes make hella money
  • nicespice
    5 years ago
    —> “As far as why I care about this, a CF of mine is quitting stripping to work at a bresteraunt and might be interested in still seeing me as a SB. If her stripper earnings are bad enough to quit I'm curious what is typical in the bresteraunt world.”

    In your opinion, is it really low earnings or psychological burnout?
  • nicespice
    5 years ago
    I just ask because I’ve taken a break from dancing in the past, when it was a bad time of year $$ wise and the customers were going out of their way to be assholes (the two go hand-in-hand), and that was when I temporarily quit dancing to sell cable services. Where commissions would be $150-$200 per sale and with less of the possibility of the process being as “quick” as dancing.

    Sometime a month or two later, I was back at it in a club.
  • Clubber
    5 years ago
    Didn't know they were still around. All that I knew of closest to me are gone. That said, I don't travel around much since I retired so other northward may still exist. Not even worth the effort to find out. At best, it was a good spot for a few of us that worked together to stop in after work. Always good eye candy.
  • goldmongerATL
    5 years ago
    A long time ago I posted a link to an article about the Hooters in Auburn, Alabama. It was about the company trainer getting in trouble. i think the quote from the trainer was "Whatever it takes to get that tip. If you have to suck a cock, you suck a cock." I have a friend who was going to Auburn at the time and spend like two days working there and quit because of what was going on. She confirmed on big football Saturdays the waitresses spend more time out back in Winnebagos than in the restaurant.
  • boomer79
    5 years ago
    I really don’t know. I do know one dancer who used to work at Twin Peaks I’m somewhat friendly with. If I see her soon I might ask her if she has any insight. The only time I’ve gone to a Breastsurant in recent years is a Tilted Kilt near the Atlanta Braves stadium. If you eat there they’ll let you park and walk to the game. It’s really not too far and saves a few bucks. The food is decent but not great and some of the girls are hot.
  • Jascoi
    5 years ago
    where I live in Arizona the closest breastaurant is 100 miles away in vegas. it’s one of the reasons I’m trying to liquidate out of there. I want to be close by good strip clubs, breastaurants, Vietnamese coffee shops, massage parlors and Tijuana. (emphasis on TJ.).
  • jackslash
    5 years ago
    I kinda like breastaurants, but I seldom go. Detroit strip clubs serve food and have topless dancers and other fun.
  • PaulDrake
    5 years ago
    @blahblah - It's low earnings. This girl only came in once or twice a month on Friday/Saturday nights. And yes I think your right that she might restart later. I don't care one way or the other as I'm mostly interested in her as a SB. And I need to get an idea of what she is earning now so I can figure out what ballpark allowance to offer her.
  • Muddy
    5 years ago
    I may have to start looking at these places different if people are making offers. That one Hooters in El Paso was ridiculous.
  • boomer79
    5 years ago
    I really never thought of these places as as more than a place to watch the game, see some eye candy and grab a bite. Honestly I’d have to know something before I brought up the subject of food and maybe mild responses to flirty comments. What Gold said about the Hooters in Auburn surprised me. I wonder if that story wasn’t sensationalized for the press even if there was some truth to it.
  • goldmongerATL
    5 years ago
    Went back and found that article. The quote was even worse than I remembered:

    trainer named Cat told waitresses that they were 'the ones with the pussys and you are in control because of that.' Then she reportedly added, 'If you need the extra money, go ahead and suck a dick or fuck a customer if the money is right.'

    A male manager got fired for complaining about that type of training!!!

    He sued:

    The original news report is still online:

  • PinkSugarDoll
    5 years ago
    I worked at Hooters, and I also worked at Olive Garden. I made much more at Olive Garden, like, double, around $1000 per week in my take home for tips, and the job atmosphere was far better too. I never heard of anyone doing “whatever it takes to get the tip” in the Hooters I worked in but it was brutal for me to work there because everyone was SO. DUMB.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    5 years ago
    My impression is that a lot of the guys who go to Hooters can't quite afford, or don't want to afford, strip clubs.

    That doesn't strike me as a crowd of big tippers.
  • SirLapdancealot
    5 years ago
    As a strip club monger I've never been interested in going to a Hooters. To this day I've never set foot in one. It's like wanting to watch softcore porn after you've seen tons of hardcore. No need to bother.
  • bkkruined
    5 years ago
    I've been to at least 12 hooters in several states in the last year. The food is reliably poor and the service can be average to really bad.
    But they stay open till midnight and I often put off getting dinner until too late. And the food's generally no worse than applebees or fridays.
    There menu isn't much more expensive than anywhere else, so if they are pulling in money, it's coming from tips. And I do see in some places a pretty diverse crowd, women young and old, kids aren't unusual.
    And I did overhear a conversation at one, once, between a bartender and another lady that I assumed worked there, but was off shift, not in uniform.... The one not in uniform had been sitting with this older dude, PL look to him. Chatting with the bartender I heard her blurt out loudly that she's go ahead and get fired for that much!!!
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    I can't see a Hooters waitress pulling in what a stripper does particularly on a per customer-basis - I don't see them getting big tips frim most customers just bc she looks cute - I would assume most customers maybe tip a bit more than the customary 20% since all she's doing is filling their orders.
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    ^ that's just an assumption on my part though
  • Tiburon
    5 years ago
    the same as applebees I suppose. Except they're more guaranteed tips no matter their attitude BECAUSE they have breastasis.
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    I don't care how much the women get. But the managers of those places are all buying homes in Costa Rica, that is what the girls say.

  • goldmongerATL
    5 years ago
    All it takes is a few idiots who think Hooters is the bomb. I worked with a guy who traveled with me to the same town many times. He would tip $50-$75 on a $30 tab at Hooters. His justification was that his waitress usually got him a free beer or two "because he was a good tipper".
    Somebody not doing the math there. I think it is the same mentality as "look at me I'm making it rain!" These guys just want to impress themselves.
  • bkkruined
    5 years ago
    @goldmongerATL, "All it takes is a few idiots who think Hooters is the bomb."

    One or two girls taking home an extra $70 that night is insignificant. That's 2-3 lap dances for a stripper...
  • Nidan111
    5 years ago
    I like titties. So, I always tip well at any establishment that has them.
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