
Comments by PaulDrake (page 28)

  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Off again on again PL
    Found some really good lounge pants/shorts for LDs
    As of today I now own like 8 pairs of pants and shorts that are primarily intended for SCing. They did also have some pajama pants at Kohls that were more of a traditional cotton. The do look like pajama pants but the fly was permanently open, so good for those that like to rock out with their cock out.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Off again on again PL
    Found some really good lounge pants/shorts for LDs
    Search this on google: "Men's CoolKeep Solid Performance Lounge Pants" "Men's CoolKeep Solid Performance Jams Shorts"
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    If she walks away smiling, you spent too much.
    Would you give out a dancer's instagram in a review?
    Got it. You understand that she can control that info though. If she wants she can just delete the stripper stuff.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    If she walks away smiling, you spent too much.
    Would you give out a dancer's instagram in a review?
    @liwet - Is she public on IG about her job as a stripper? If she is not public about her stripper job then it is SERIOUSLY fucked up to "out" her as a stripper. Like you might be fucking up her life. If she is public about her stripper job it is still not cool to post here publicly. If she posts on IG that she is a stripper that is something she can control, she can delete it later if she wants. If you post it here she has no control over that. She would basically have to delete her IG if she wanted to erase the stripper connection. I would also agree and disagree with you on something else. I would agree that over a certain amount of money spending more doesn't get you anything. But don't think for a second that you are getting the same thing for $60 as someone else that spends $200. I used to be like you are tried being as cheap as possible, but after talking to nicespice and pinksugardoll they both convinced me to be a little more generous and I found that spending a little bit more really changed my experience. If girls are ignoring you when they know you will spend money then you're doing something wrong. If you are really tight on cash you could probably get away with only being generous on busy nights. Just saying "hey look I know I'm not the biggest spender so on nights like this when it's really busy I'll try and tip you $10 or $20 extra" would go a long way to making dancers not view you as being cheap.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    The Square Above Charlie Weaver
    Baby Stripper Learning The Ropes
    @pistola- Wait what? Most dancers at follies doing extras isn't enough for you? You want 100% them to be contractually obligated? Wtf!?!
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    If she walks away smiling, you spent too much.
    Would you give out a dancer's instagram in a review?
    Definitely not ok.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Tacoma, WA
    Bucks - Ft. Worth
    There is no tip rail and people don't tip the stage much at all in fact. What day of the week and time are you thinking of going?
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Tacoma, WA
    Bucks - Ft. Worth
    Bucks Fort Worth has cabanas that surround the main room along with the VIP are which is separate. Neither offer serious privacy but are an upgrade from the free lap dance bench. For either area you are just paying to rent the space with everything else negotiable with the dancer. They usually aren't terribly strict on the hour limit as well depending on how busy the club is. For a cabana you pay one of the waitresses, and for VIP there is a manager at it's entrance. And on the busier nights the cabanas are going to be reserved for bottle service. From your description of what you are wanting you might want to get a cabana. You can watch the stage, hang/talk with dancers, and get dances in them. The pro tip I would give you would be to pick out a cabana and then grab a waitress across the room (usually near the entrance) and pay her. The waitresses seem to have zones they stay in and one from the opposite side of the room are way less likely to ask you to pay again if you are there for multiple hours. The club is has a totally different vibe depending on a weekday dayshift vs Friday at midnight. Almost like 2 different clubs. I always go during the day as the dayshift there can have 30-40 girls. Keep in mind at least for dayshift that a lot of the hottest girls can be booked up with regulars and some of them never walk around hustling random guys in the room. So I would recommend being very direct when you talk to someone on stage, say you want a dance and ask if she is available. Also don't expect extras. They are way less common than reviews state, and it isn't the hottest girls that are the ones doing them.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    New York
    Nickle and Dime Story
    No offense intended but it seems you have problems like that a lot. Maybe the amount you are paying/tipping isn't as generous as you think.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    What's the best way to make a dancer mad?
    Walk up to the stage with money in your hand like you are going to tip. Get handsy, cop a feel or two, really push the limits. Then walk away without tipping.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Remember when there were lists here....
    You can still see the old list. Go the wayback machine and search tuscl.net: https://archive.org/web
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Ever seen a club with an e-menu?
    @justaguy - Sorry I have to agree with subraman on this one. I get it that you are annoyed when you want to drop into a strip club and immediately get time with the hottest girl who is sitting with a me. And yeah you would pay her more than me today. But I will pay her WAY more than you or anyone over the long term. So feel free to send a waitress, or maybe try throwing a ipad across the room... no matter what you want to do she is going to hang with me until I want to leave. Sorry if that came off snarky. I legit feel your pain. It sucks sitting there waiting with money in your pocket.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    >:( 🧚🏼‍♀️💃🏼 busy being a "psycho bitch" 🤣
    So I have a shirt that says "i didn't murder anyone today"
    So delightfully bitchy!
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Off again on again PL
    Valet parking an expensive car at the club...
    Yeah the new Camaro has been really impressive. Whoever has been doing Camaro suspension development has done an amazing job.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    San Fran Bay Area, Bro!
    Would you buy a dance, bros?
    @pinksugardoll - What makes her controversial? I looked up her name but couldn't find much past that about controversy.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    San Fran Bay Area, Bro!
    Would you buy a dance, bros?
    Yeah I would not be interested at all. But it is awesome there are guys that are super into that. Louis Theroux made an amazing documentary with a segment on female bodybuilders and their male fans. Here is a clip it is super interesting IMHO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1OWqz5FMEY0
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    Car Keys and Wallet Dating
    SJG - So it seems like you have trouble communicating normally with most people in life except for strippers when you are slipping them $20 every 10 minutes. Instead of literally everyone in your life being the one who is hard to talk to could it be that maybe you are the one with the problem...?
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Off again on again PL
    Valet parking an expensive car at the club...
    So the responses are about what I expected. I also hate valet parking. The statistics are pretty bad as far as you are more likely to have a car damaged going valet instead of self parking. But at a certain point you start to look weird and cheap if you have an exotic car and don't valet park it in a place where valet is available. Also it seems the board is sort of on consensus that if you aren't planning on spending like a whale there is no advantage to parking an exotic outside. Most strippers figure out pretty quickly that really rich guys are super cheap anyway. @randommember - I am not going to say my net worth but my house is paid for and I have enough to never have to work a 9-5 job again. To be honest the $200k car was way on the high end of what I am looking at I'll probably end up buying a slightly used car, one I am looking at is around $100k new and $65k when they are 1-2 years old. I have my own shop so maintenance is no big deal. And surprisingly in my experience (depending on the car) insurance can be pretty cheap on expensive cars as generally old white guys own them and leave them parked most of the time.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    I swear, it's just shrinkage due the cold
    Your last dance in your pitiful mongering career, no more for eternity. One Danc
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Where to stay in Houston
    What is the dress code like at st james? Can I get in wearing athletic shorts?
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    favorite versus non-favorites
    I have had the race card pulled on me a few times. Always at this one same Ricks club. I had one that went on for a while like this: -Thanks for stopping by, and you look amazing BTW but I am not going to be buying any dances from you today -Why, why don't you like me -Well you are absolutely stunning but not the specific kind of stunning I was hoping to run into -Is it because I am black? -Not at all, you are absolutely gorgeous -Then tell me why -Sorry I am not going to do that, I don't want to be negative, I think it is shitty to go to a strip club and criticism a beautiful woman -Tell me why, it's because I am black right -I told you I am not doing that, I have tried being polite but now I am asking you to leave -I am not leaving until you tell me why Then I pussed out and went to the bathroom... So how do you normally handle it Subraman?
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    New York
    Extras Discounts for Regulars
    As the great Papi says strip clubs are bizzaro world. Applying normal business logic to the strip club doesn't always work. Most customers don't last long so it can be in a stripper's best interest to go after short term gains. I would never personally expect a dancer to give me her services for free. I might expect her to give a fair bit of her time hanging out with me for free but that would be it. However how generous you are in tipping and how valuable you are generally in her total daily income might have a lot to do with what a dancer gives away. I have definitely had favorites give me free dances, but they know I am very generous and would almost certainly tip them more in thanks.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    New York
    You know you have been mongering too long when...
    Why would that be awkward?
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    What is the coolest club theme you’ve seen
    Isn't there a UFO themed club near Mons Venus in Florida? Obviously a top contender for what you are asking would have to be The Lodge in Dallas. Three separate themed areas, hunting lodge, library, and the bar from casablanca.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Quite possibly the worst club visit I have ever had
    @Vantablack - I can definitely relate. I have had a number of bad experiences where I was sitting there with a large amount of cash in my pocket thinking to myself "What a waste of a night", or even left planning on never coming back. I don't care what you do and am not advising you on where to keep SCing, I am not the boss of you. The only advise I would have for you is if you do return to take more of the attitude that the girls don't need me or my money and I don't need them. There are other customers and there are other dancers. I think getting the attitude of "how dare that girl ignore me" is toxic and should be avoided. Strippers are unreliable. And before pinksugardoll comes in here to defend the honor of the all the responsible, reliable, and extremely intelligent strippers out there. I mean strippers are unreliable as a side effect of the way the SC business works. Customers come and go all the time so it isn't always in a strippers best interest to be loyal, punctual, or even honest about their intentions. Most customers only last a month or two. I would agree with Subraman that you need to decide what you want and actively manage getting that experience. When I make an appointment I make it for a specific time. I don't like waiting, so I actively tip a dancer more when she is punctual and I always try to say thanks and explain why I am tipping more or less.