favorite versus non-favorites
Some customers like variety but many have a certain type. I've always liked the little skinny strippers who are friendly but don't aggressively push me or try to manipulate me to spend more money. I've seen almost everything in a strip club but last night was something new. I was at a club looking around for a regular. A girl sat down at my table uninvited and then told me it was her first day. Then she almost immediately asked me for a lap dance. She was cute but I politely said no because I was looking for a regular, she sat down at my table uninvited, and she went directly to asking me for a dance with no conversation. I expected her to get up and leave but instead she then said "you aren't getting a dance from me because I'm black". So she was accusing me of being a racist. I know I should have politely explained I was waiting for my regular but I was kind of annoyed so I said "yes, I don't do lap dances with black girls". Then she said I was an evil person and walked off. Have you ever had something like this happen? Are you the kind of person who would consider it rude and respond rudely or would you respond politely? I can't imagine someone doing a lap dance just to prove they aren't a racist so I don't think this is going to work to sell dances for this girl. When my regular showed up and I told her about it she said that makes her angry so I don't think this is something the other strippers in the club will want her to be saying to their regulars.
-->"So she was accusing me of being a racist"
She was not accusing you of being racist. She was manipulating you, hoping you didn't recognize the manipulation (which you don't) and that you'd do a prove-I'm-not-racist dance with her (which, to your credit, you also didn't)
Think of her as the subject in Pavlov's experiment.
I had one that went on for a while like this:
-Thanks for stopping by, and you look amazing BTW but I am not going to be buying any dances from you today
-Why, why don't you like me
-Well you are absolutely stunning but not the specific kind of stunning I was hoping to run into
-Is it because I am black?
-Not at all, you are absolutely gorgeous
-Then tell me why
-Sorry I am not going to do that, I don't want to be negative, I think it is shitty to go to a strip club and criticism a beautiful woman
-Tell me why, it's because I am black right
-I told you I am not doing that, I have tried being polite but now I am asking you to leave
-I am not leaving until you tell me why
Then I pussed out and went to the bathroom...
So how do you normally handle it Subraman?
“Are you a tranny?”
“I didn’t think so. I was looking for the ladyboy.”
Paul, what I do not *ever* do is meekly go along with what I think of as the stripper interrogation -- in this case, you got the interrogation on "is it because I'm black", but even just turning a stripper down can lead to an interrogation. She's got one of two goals here: 1. make you sooo uncomfortable, and catch you in the inevitable lie (since you're bending over backwards not to hurt her feelings) so that you just give in and get the dance, or 2. humiliate you and enjoy your discomfort to make herself feel better.
So, once the stripper asks me "why?", I do not answer that question, and I do not let her ask me ANY more questions. Do not meekly follow along on the interrogation. If I'm not in the mood, I simply repeat, "no thanks, thank you anyway". If I'm in a playful mood -- and I often am -- I get a big smile on my face and reverse the interrogation (the game is, answer all her questions with other questions and with humor, very often she'll lighten up and get out of interrogation mode, or she'll be annoyed and walk away):
Stripper: "Don't you like black girls?"
Me: "Why would you say that? What girl do you think I might like?"
Stripper: "You probably like that girl there"
Me: "What??? So you think I like girls who wear garters? What in the world makes you think I'd like her?"
Anyway, you get the idea: I do not answer her questions, period. I ask my own questions and take the conversation in some goofy direction. Like I said, I have to be in the mood, but it can be an ice-breaker and I've made good stripper drinking-buddies out of it (I love drinking with the black strippers. Don't know why.) Otherwise, I just repeat no thanks, make it stronger by telling her I'm not doing a dance with her, etc. No WAY am I meekly answering her baiting questions -- she's done this with lots of customers and knows just how to wind you up
I can fend for myself just fine. Do better than most people. I count my blessings.