
Comments by DeclineToState (page 14)

  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    iPhone news
    ^Generally agree. Indisputable that China seeks to be the dominant global military and commercial power.
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    4 years ago
    Software mogul John McAfee selling COVID masks (must see)
    I know an attorney that used to do his personal legal work before he moved to Central America to establish his fiefdom. He’s legit wacked
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    4 years ago
    FUCK IT!
    Have you ever considered marrying a dancer? Would you?
    ->@Papi: "w.r.t. marrying a dancer, my first concern would be what my true feelings are and if it's driven more by lust/loneliness/etc, vs actually wanting to marry that *person* (vs wanting to be w/ a dancer/hot-chick) - I could not be married to an active dancer." I copped feelings for a former CF, feelings were reciprocated, had civvie dates no $ exchanged, great girl, got to know her family a bit. Ultimately decided wasn't worth terminating SO relationship for it - there wasn't baggage (no psychosis or addictions) and no children, but there was drama. And she's so hot. She no longer dances and I do miss her, ultimately I conclude it was lust/loneliness as Papi says, with RIL mixed in. No way I could be married to an active dancer, could not handle SO grinding on other dicks nightly.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    How To Pay Off Debt? Find A Sugardaddy!!!!
    ^No touching at all (hands on the side, Utah club style)? Ya right, that's a real money maker.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    How To Pay Off Debt? Find A Sugardaddy!!!!
    ->@blah: “I just really dont see why girls would fuck so much for so little lol but that's just my pov.“ Care to state what weekly $ amount would be persuasive?
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    4 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    How To Pay Off Debt? Find A Sugardaddy!!!!
    ->@shailynn: “ $1,000 a week equals $52,000 a year. Please tel me where someone with no qualifications can get a $52,000 a year job.“ Covid unemployment benefits. In Cali, the minimum rate was $1050/week ($450 state, $600 federal) mid-March thru July = $54,600 annualized. Short term, ya, and had to be employed before covid hit, but that’s the minimum of what employees in shut down businesses (strippers, restaurant workers etc) were making. Friend of mine runs a moving business and he couldn’t get his guys to return to work when that sector reopened in June cuz his guys were making more sitting on couch playing video games
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    North Carolina
    Best Place to Live in US if You Love Strip Clubs
    -@Subra: "It's the overall experience, typical Vegas "all sizzle, no steak, fleece the customer at every turn" atmosphere, that blows." In Texas, would it be "all hat, no cattle"?
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Chicago burbs chick
    Assuming I've got it right who OP is referring to, she was originally blndebombshell, or something like that, then resurfaced as Lil Jayne Doe: https://tuscl.net/member/689264/photos/
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Stripper Numbers in your phone
    Only 1. My CF. Used to have 15ish but deleted them from contacts though I have a few of those saved elsewhere. In 3+ years of frequent clubbing, have yet to receive a "come see me at the club" text from any of them, thank god
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    God Bless Dancers
    Grudges against clubs
    Me versus alcohol-serving, low contact clubs. What happened? Switched clubs.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Why do you call yourselves "pathetic losers"
    Gotta admit there is some level of pathetic-ness related to paying to get your hands on a 20+ year younger hottie. But it's fun as hell and I ain't quitting anytime soon - if that makes me a PL, fine. A dude that pays to grope being uptight about PL label is similar to a lawyer being uptight about lawyer jokes. @ChiliPalmer, I'd never thought about the white night link, sounds about right. Funny, I've never heard an RIL on this board getting uptight about RIL label.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OT: Amazon Just Put Tesla on Notice
    @TFP: -> We've been dreaming of self driving cars since the 80s. Yet here we are almost a half century later and still nowhere near to 'The Jetsons’. -> Folks in the past said all kinds of shit was gonna happen by now. Some did, some didn't. Haha, The Jetsons. Good one. His boy Elroy, Astro the dog, and “Jane, stop this crazy thing.” And so right about predictions not coming true...in the late 70s my dad would take me and my brothers to his barber, line us all up to get our hair cut. While waiting in the barber line I was reading the coffee table magazines, Motor Trend or Car and Driver, something like that. Cover article was that by late 80s all cars will get 80mpg. I thought oh that’s awesome just in time for me to be driving! It’s 40+ years since I read that and my SUV gets 21.5mpg
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Worst Popular Bands Ever?
    I’ll take my list from Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inductees: ABBA Bon Jovi Chicago Def Leppard (first 2 albums great, 3rd had some good songs, from 4th album onward is barf) Janet Jackson Kiss (a performance show, music is below meh) Radiohead (musically good, but I just don’t get it) Van Halen (everything after 1st album) @skibum, I kinda hear ha on Queen post-2nd album. Queen II is my favorite of theirs, shame it’s unknown/ignored. But from Sheer Heart Attack through The Game, there’s good songs on all albums.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Would you get a dance from a dancer ......
    Have never raised political topic with any stripper ever or had it raised by them. For me club is an all-fun environment and talking politics with hot and nearly naked (and mostly young) women is un-fun to me, even if we were to agree on political topics. OT as to OP's politics topic: a stripper that was approaching CF status after several visits made derogatory comments about Jews and blacks (she was Eastern European). Major turnoff, and the end of the CF trajectory.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Pop Stars That You Wanna Bang
    Current: Ariana Grande SZA Camila Cabello Former: +1 to Warrior 15 on old school Jessica Simpson, she was an absolute 10. John Mayer was a fortunate bastard to hit that hard. Katie Perry (with makeup on, damn that photo of her without makeup is awful) A crazy ass coked up young Whitney Houston Christina Aguilera in her tight leatherbound prime Paula Abdul
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Kind of dancers you prefer...
    Preferences -Brunette -Naturals (A to C) -Slender (spinner skinny not required, but major or plasticized curves no thanks) On the kids or no kids thing: I never ask (in club fantasyland, I’m not inclined to chat about their SOs or their kids) so I can’t verify shailyn‘s observations, and I trend toward younger dancers (except for my mid 30s CF, no kids), so I’m guessing they don’t have kids. Only time kid talk has occurred over dozens of visits was: -Older dancer talking about needing to get her kids Christmas presents = tip hustle, what a turnoff -Older but hot high volume dancer at SR COI (in COI, who isn’t high volume? haha) expressing annoyance about clingy OTC regulars blowing up her phone on days off when she’s w her kids
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    HGTV is the most watched Entertainment Network on Cable TV.
    ->@Papi: "Man - I have not watched ESPN nor listened to sports-radio, for more than 2-weeks " Local sports radio is full yawn at the moment in my area too. But if you like NFL and any particular NFL team, check out the Locked On NFL daily podcasts and also the Locked On NFL podcasts for your preferred team. Lots of quality football content every day. I get em on Spotify but I'm guessing you can get em elsewhere too.
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    4 years ago
    What would you name Your Strip Club?
    Mack Truck's Basement. That, or Mack Truck's Basement Load Dump FRMOS
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Da or nyet
    Super Da. 9 Big boobs and big curves not required. Funny how the uncurvy girls try to accentuate curves with movement, as in OP's video.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OT: Hot or Not - What say you
    Way hot. I prefer brunettes, but for a blonde a 10 or as close to a 10 as can get
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Happily married me, how do you deal
    OP: ->"I would consider myself very happily married." ->"I occasionally give in and hit the clubs for companionship and bbbjs when I have an opportunity to be away for the night . . . the fear of giving my wife an STD." Others: ->"Best advice is be honest with her about your desires." ->"You are willing to lie to your wife, and put her and your marriage at some risk, in order to have sex with others . . . This is who you are now." ->"I think most married men at some point are unhappy with their sex life even if they are otherwise content. Either you negotiate some form of nonmonogamy or find a safety valve." Degrees of marital happiness is a subjective sliding scale and I won't pretend to know yours or presume to judge it. Me personally, my SC'ing was occasional and with pals when we were in away in an area that had clubs, and my targeted pursuit and high frequency commenced 3+ years ago and corresponded with less than happy period in my SO relationship of 20+ years. The SO sex is fine and available, but the side effect of being with youthful dancers at clubs has been I'm less interested in SO sex at home even though the relationship is now in a happier place. My SO relationship would be 100% over if she were to discover my extracurricular activities or be honest about clubbing desires (regardless of whether just looking, getting dances, or extras). I don't want that, but yet I run those calculated risks - and to rob a term from JamesSD and his "safety valve", these are mine: covered only nothing BB not even BBBJ, primarily when she's out of town or I am, and in the unusual occasion when she's in town and I go then it's cautious as possible with change of clothes before I get home, plausible explanation for where I've been, and no dancer texts on my phone. You say your marriage would be "ruined," and not sure if the ruination refers to getting caught versus being honest with your desires or both. If the ruin means divorce and you don't want that then make your decision to either cease or to run the risk as cautiously as you can in effort to avoid the ruin.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    The mustache makes the man
    Bartender importance to your Strip Club Experience
    ->@bkruined: "Usually I could care less, especially if they are guys." Strip clubs with male bartenders = epic fail on club's part. I go to club to see chicks (preferably hot), not dudes. Good club management is having hotness for paying cover, bartending, and of course dancing and grinding (duh). On the other hand, I've never seen a female floor manager/bouncer, though have seen a female general manager.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    The mustache makes the man
    Bartender importance to your Strip Club Experience
    I trend toward 2 TL (alcohol serving) clubs in my area, one's a busy club the other not so much. In the busy club, the bartenders don't impact me other than being hot eye candy because there's frequent turnover and they deal with so many dudes they don't remember me anyway. In the slower club though there's 2 that improve my experience because they're hot and we flirt and laugh and sometimes I hit their weed vape pen and they slip me drinks they intend to be free but which turn out not free by my choice because I just give it back in cash tips. One of those 2 hotties slipped me her number for OTC which I was planning to do but then she got a different job and then I lost my phone (no, not in the club) and hadn't backed it up and have missed out on the opportunity - Damnit! I may ask a floor manager I'm friendly with for her number though, he probably has it.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    New York
    Dan Bilzerian: I can’t pay girls for sex anymore
    -@NJBalla: "Lol our boy was trending today...." The audience responses to Bilzerian's book-naming twitter link you provided were hilarious, reminded me of the awesomeness of the RoastMe subreddit