
Comments by DeclineToState (page 13)

  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Top TV shows all time
    Not an all time great, but for ridiculosity and amusement: Lance Link, Secret Chimp. A spoof on Get Smart with talking chimpanzees.
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    4 years ago
    mr.wonderful to single moms and college age girls...
    I am distressed that five people ignore me.
    They’re just pissed you changed your handle. Weren’t you MisterWonderful?
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    4 years ago
    Top TV shows all time
    A few mentioned Breaking Bad - outstanding show. Better Call Saul is a worthy follow up. I expect tuscler Jimmy McNulty would second The Wire. Marvelous Mrs. Maisel is well done and funny, though at 3 seasons maybe doesn’t qualify for this poll. Game of Thrones!!!
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    4 years ago
    Where there's a hole, there's a way. [HIATUS]
    Social Cock/Clit-Blocking Customers
    That's annoyingly weird, all of it. Never had anything like that happen to me, prob cuz I'm not a sexy female like you Eve. Plenty times I've had female PLs interact with me at rail when we're all tipping and having fun, typically alcohol induced on their end, and that's great fun especially if they're hot. When dudes interact at bar, rail, or table it's annoying more often than not (like being a bartender hosting a lonely drunk customer) but sometimes it's alright if the dude is chill.
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    4 years ago
    In the wind
    Tom Seaver, heart and mighty arm of Miracle Mets, dies at 75
    Bummer. I was too young to see him in his prime while with Mets, but he was a stud and a legit first ballot Hall of Famer (his 98.8% yes vote was highest ever percentage at that time). 3X Cy Young winner.
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    4 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Who has the sexiest accents?
    +1 to Longball on brunette with EE accent (despite the frigid personas of some of them). Kryptonite. @Warrior - gagging, and @ Cashman - Yes. LOL
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    He/Him - He’s a filthy pig. That’s him in VIP with another whore.
    LLTPCM - who’s with me!
    Will there be FRMOS? I'll pay Mamisan's initiation fee for her (him) to be issued membership card #2
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    4 years ago
    Arizona Thread - The Sequel
    ->@scrubster: "bring it on.. i am so horny i could fuck a tree at this point!!" Begs the question - if you were to fuck a tree, scrubster, what species would be the object of your affection?
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    4 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Refusal of service due to inebriation.
    Haven't been denied service inside club or been kicked out, but have been denied entry. I was in one club til 2AM closing, was drunk but not shitfaced, and strolled a block to another club open til 4AM (I don't club a ton but when I do I can't get enough). The 4AM club was an ID scan place, and I hate that, so tried to buy my way through with a cash tip for no scan. I remember swaying in my inebriated state while offering a tip for no scan and flashing cash with intent to spend, he said nope we scan because this club has "integrity" - I shit you not, he said club "integrity," which was the funniest thing I'd heard all night, and I said hey I just came from your sister club down the block and they waived the scan, but still nope from door guy. So I strolled unevenly back to my hotel and crashed. Missed out on some fun, but saved some money. He woulda let me in though if I'd consented to scan but I interpreted my level of inebriation as influencing non-waiver of ID scan.
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    4 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OT: Best Vacation ?
    ^+1 for Huntsman on Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness. Definitely in my top 5 vacas. For those who haven't been, consider going in Sept for fewer/no mosquitoes and low/no crowd.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Where there's a hole, there's a way. [HIATUS]
    When You Had A Great Time In A Poorly Reviewed Club
    The American Bush in Salt Lake City, UT. Passed through SLC earlier this year pre-Covid. SLC clubs get justifiably slammed here, primarily for no touching and lesser for no alcohol. But for kicks I like trying out clubs in cities where have never clubbed before. Before trip, read some reviews. Tuscler jstark posted review shortly before my trip saying dancer Dani was good in private room, and Tuscler mcmeister chimed in saying Dani is best girl there. So I dropped in to check it out. Overall the club is a low energy pasties snoozefest, the hotter girls aloof with some perceived GPS, and many staring at phones or spending more time in dressing room than on floor (dressing room door is next to stage so easy to see who's going in and out). While waiting for Dani to break free, got some VIP chair dances from Scarlet, boooring, hands at side, but she was playing by house rules so understandable. Subsequently did half hour room with Dani and she was good as advertised and departed happy despite general lameness of SLC clubs. So, as FishHawk says above, only takes dancer to make a good visit. Without Dani recommendation it would've been a terrible visit and would've been spending $ on learning curve seeking out a Dani type. So thank you tuscl and reviewers. Didn't post a review before Covid hit and with the dismay of post-Covid reviews of pre-Covid trips, this is it. One odd thing about club was half the girls walking around with hoodie sweatshirts despite not being that cold inside club. And there was post-stage set tip stroll by girl which I'd never experienced before.
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    4 years ago
    Non-dancer related negotiations: VIP rooms and buying dancer off stage.
    In NorCal, SoCal, Reno, and Portland OR, have never had girl called to stage from VIP dances or room, don't know why but assume floor guy keeps track and communicates to DJ. I don't get floor dances but guessing girl could get called to stage from that. If sitting with non-CF and intend to hit VIP but not ready yet and don't want interruption, a few times I've strolled to DJ and handed $10 or $20 to skip but only after asking her if wants to skip and knowing she'll return after stage and not get sidetracked. If sitting with CF, I don't buy off stage so she can get stage tipped and I know she's coming straight back anyway for impending VIP. But if it's uncrowded and likely low stage tippage I'll occasionally ask if she wants to be bought off and if so then I do.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Benefits of tipping well as a regular
    Door Guy at ID scan place: $5 for waiving scan. On subsequent visits there's face recognition and they wave me through and I slip $5 again. Surprisingly door guys are most grateful tip recipients, makes me think they don't get tipped much. VIP Room Control Guy at my regular clubs: -Tip to get room time extended (with CF, not typically with girl new to me) and almost always works. -With guy I already know, tip around 20% of room cost, extension is economically beneficial (typically 10-15 min added to a 30 min room) and CFs either don't watch clock or if do watch clock have never said anything (perhaps because I tip CFs well enough, not sure). -If guy I don't know, I take him aside. Most times I just hand solid tip and state expectation is extended time, and if turns out not extended he never gets tipped again. Other times there's advance conversation about tip for extended time. -Another upside to knowing these guys is on nights CF not there, get legit intel on girls that give best dances and not BS intel pointing me to girls that in turn tip the guy. Floor Manager/Lead Bouncer: At club I intend to be regular, I watch for who that is and be friendly and tip. After a few visits has always resulted in guy saying hey don't pay cover anymore just tell the front desk girl I said to wave you through. I haven't paid cover at my regular clubs in years, though tip each visit approximates cover anyway. And sometimes the guy sends over round of drinks. Bartender/Cocktail Waitress: Always, can't think of reason not to. With bartender I've gotten to know, tipping well occasionally results in free drinks. Bathroom Troll: This is the only one mildly annoying. But hell the guy is residing in the shitter all night handing out towels, that's gotta suck.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OT: Best Vacation ?
    ->@Muddy: "San Francisco I thought was a cool city." San Francisco is a great city. Most important thing is to get away from the Market Street corridor (between 2nd and 6th Streets) and avoid the tourist traps of Chinatown and Pier 39. Good way to see it is on a bicycle if you don't mind some hill climbs
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    4 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    OT: Worst Vacation
    Worst vacations? --2 weeks in a rented motor home. Wouldn't have mattered if I'd gone someplace different than I did. That trip resulted in lifetime aversion to RV ownership. Might consider a sprinter van or something small like that later in life but that rented RV was too long and a pain in the ass to park. --Not a vacation per se, but had to stop in Dallas, TX in August for a wedding on return trip from a vacation. That was miserable. 95*+ after 9PM. Jumped in the pool thinking to cool off and the pool was high 80s (median ambient temperature). Even if Texas had negative state income tax (instead of zero) and gave me a rebate for simply residing in Dallas I never would even if had lifetime free admission to Baby Dolls. Plus I hate the Cowboys.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Every woman's local ATM while in da club? How else they paying for their Boob jobs?
    PROS of dating an erotic dancer (stripper)
    ^Nice to have you back in the game jokeslash
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    4 years ago
    Vaccine in October
    ->@mark94: "The only way to fix this is to replace them with business men, ideally wealthy ones who won’t take bribes from the industry they regulate." In what utopia does this exist? Nowhere on planet earth. Even the wealthy want to be wealthier. So many examples - savings and loan crisis, junk bond crisis, subprime mortgage crisis.
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    4 years ago
    mr.wonderful to single moms and college age girls...
    how the hell do I find the Tijuana discussions (except by chance ?)
    ^But alcohol is so fun. Especially when clubbing. California bites, no alchohol in FN clubs thus a TL club guy. Thumbs up for Oregon - alcohol in FN clubs.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    Having your cake and eating it to
    ->@chessmaster: "I think the best strategy without any "open relationship" bs is probably get a girl below you(i.e. if you're a 7 get you a 3 or 4) for the house. She'll be so grateful to have a guy "out of her league" she will let you do whatever you want probably." This begs the question of whether one can tolerate residing with a 3 or 4. Me, no. And also not OK with SO taking side dicks (yes hypocritical, I know). And so I sneak, with effort and discipline, as per Sgrayeff post above - pretty much ITC only, extremely rarely OTC, which is one thing that makes the club so addictive.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Places in the world that have tons sexy people walking around
    Pistola is correct on Newport Beach Fashion Island. And if you wanna see those Newport Beach girls in bikinis in summer, stroll between the pier and 36th street.
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    4 years ago
    Places in the world that have tons sexy people walking around
    Italy - Florence, Venice, and Rome, been there a few times and the Italian chicks are so fucking hot and they dress nice. Of course, the hotness factor probably corresponds with my preference for brunettes. If you are partial to Asian chicks, SF Bay Area is loaded, particularly SF nightclubs and dance clubs on weekend nights (surprisingly not many Asian girls dancing in SF strip clubs - hey nicespicey, how about increasing that population!) San Diego - nighttime in Gaslamp Quarter and downtown nightlubs. Not my thing, but if you like rich (or entitled), well dressed, non-athletic (sought and obtained medical exemption for high school PE class), and perfectly coiffed JAPs (Jewish American Princesses), stroll around Beverly Hills shopping district. If you wanna see a below average hotness female population, enroll yourself in graduate school - ugh.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Have club shutdowns during the pandemic altered your future behavior?
    If the hotness and mileage remains at pre-pandemic levels, I’ll resume pre-pandemic frequency, which averages 2x/month (sometimes a few months go by with no visits and some months 3-4+ visits, all depends on how much time I have available and whether clubbing pals are in town). I miss my CF, boohoo. Agree w Subraman they clubs in our area are in decline, though I never got to experience SF’s heyday for comparison.