Grudges against clubs

avatar for MackTruck
God Bless Dancers
Who has a bigger grudge against a club?

1. RickDugan vs Babydolls Dallas

2. Mikeyam vs 2001

3. Desertscrub vs Colorado and Utah

Have you had a grudge against a club? If so what happened?


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avatar for DeclineToState
4 years ago
Me versus alcohol-serving, low contact clubs.
What happened? Switched clubs.
avatar for pistola
4 years ago
What all 3 of them have in common is having written legitimate reviews unlike other leeches around these parts.
avatar for Warrior15
4 years ago
Cheetah in Atlanta. Only club I ever got thrown out of. In the early 90's, I live in Tampa so I was used to going to Mons Venus with full contact. I visit Atlanta and go into the Cheetah. They didn't have the same contact rules so the bouncers asked me to leave.

That was a couple of decades ago so I have gotten over it. I"ve been to The Cheetah since.
avatar for SamPerkins_420
4 years ago
This guy Smokeybear vs Atlantis in suburban Chicago
avatar for TFP
4 years ago
Out of those three, I'd say the biggest grudge has gotta MikeyM against 2001. Dude goes absolutely ballistic anytime a review with even marginal positive views of the place are posted. Like SJG length rants. That times me, I should go follow that club. Reading those rants are highly entertaining.

I don't feel like I have any full blown grudges, but the closest thing would be Gold Club in SF. Had an experience with a girl that forever taints my memory of that place.

So she begins the dance standing in front of me shaking her butt in my face. Seeing this immediately gets me hard and I go to reposition myself as little TFP had grown into an uncomfortable spot. Right as I'm doing this she turns around and catches me in mid adjust. She asks "what are you doing?!". I can't believe this girl is acting naive like she doesn't know. After that she proceeds to give me a total air dance. I pay the $20 for the one dance and bounce.

Only thing I've learned from that is that I can tell what kind of dance I'm gonna get based on how the dancer reacts to me adjusting myself. Maybe it's the type of clubs I visit now, but no dancer since has reacted as negatively as that dancer did. Most of them simply give me time to finish before sitting down, others will ask 'you comfortable yet?'. I think the freakiest dance I ever got, the dancer recommended which way to position 'him'. Then proceeded to grind the ever loving shit out of me.
avatar for wallanon
4 years ago
Warrior reminded me of a club that had a grudge against me.

I got asked to leave Club Amnesia in Raleigh because the manager didn't want to let me go into the VIP section and I asked why. There were some good dances happening in the main club, but the best talent (such as it was) was in the back. He had a tough guy complex and I wasn't giving him the response he wanted in front of his people. So I left because the manager was getting a little heated and the club was ghetto anyway, no hard feelings.

Except for there WERE hard feelings because I tried to go back a couple of other times and got met at the door by the same dude. The second time I was literally paying the door fee after getting let in and the guy came out of nowhere to tell me I couldn't come in. Literally just appeared out the woodwork. The other people on staff just looked confused, and it had been months since I'd been there. I was annoyed at the time, but looking back at it now it's pretty hilarious (and impressive but not in a good way) that guy took shit so personal.
avatar for Cashman1234
4 years ago
Didn’t SJG have a major grudge against a certain chain of clubs too? I think that was the basis for him calling all clubs clip joints.

Was it DejaVu? I can’t remember.
avatar for wallanon
4 years ago
The Deja Vu chain is an easy target. I avoided them for years, but ran into ones in smaller towns that only had a few clubs that were actually ok. Then there were a couple of DV owned clubs in the Seattle metro that were very fun, so now I'm less likely to keep them off the list in a new town.
avatar for Mate27
4 years ago
Crazy Joe vs McDonalds shitters!
avatar for JamesSD
4 years ago
I'm kind of bummed your hatred of San Diego didn't make top 4.

I'm honestly surprised Utah even has strip clubs
avatar for rickdugan
4 years ago
Idk I think "grudge" is a strong word for my feelings about BabyDolls. I dislike all clip joint tourist traps pretty equally. The only reason why I've spoken about that club more than others is because the shill activity for the joint is so pervasive around here. I'm convinced that the club is paying someone's bills around here.
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