Stripper Numbers in your phone

avatar for mike710
I was going through my contact list on my phone out of curiosity to see how many stripper numbers I had accumulated over the years in my phone. I have a feeling that I'm pretty low compared to others but I came out with 23. I have nobody snooping through my phone on a regular basis so I haven't had to worry about leaving any traces. Even if I did have someone looking, it's just a name and a number.

Curious to see how many others have. Like I said, I think I'm kind of low compared to others.


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avatar for shadowcat
5 years ago
I only have 1. The gal I had been seeing OTC prior to COVID-19.
avatar for mike710
5 years ago
Probably safer that way. Some of mine are so old that they are probably not even valid anymore.

I started going to clubs a lot in CA but only have 2 from there. I found girls in Arizona and Florida a lot more open to OTC activities than CA girls so most of mine are from AZ and FL.
avatar for twentyfive
5 years ago
I usually purge numbers after 2-3 months if I haven't kept in touch with them, although I do have 3 separate gals that I have kept in touch with for years, the one that's in my contacts longest is over 14 years ago.
avatar for Hannathedog79
5 years ago
I've had 3 in my life, all from Phoenix. One had apparently changed her number by the time I came back into town a year later. The 2nd, ghosted me when I reached out a couple of times later in the week. And the 3rd, last spring, responded to let me know that I should come by the club that night, as they were shutting down for COVID. The only time I ever really hit the clubs is when I come to Phoenix for spring training. (I go kinda nuts for a week every March) At home, it's a 90 minute drive to any clubs worth going to, which isn't really worth the effort unless I'm already have another reason to be down there anyway.
avatar for whodey
5 years ago
Right now I only have 3. I tend to delete any that I haven't used in a while because of how often strippers change their numbers.
avatar for Warrior15
5 years ago
Very few strippers. Maybe a dozen. And probably only about two of those would I ever call again. But I have a boatload of sugar baby numbers. I probably should delete some of those. And a whole slew of text messages from them.
avatar for Muddy
5 years ago
I don’t really delete them. I probably should though. Between SBs and Strippers if I’m being honest it might near 200.
avatar for mike710
5 years ago
I didn't keep the numbers so long with any intention of calling them again. Most, I only called less than a handful of times. In the early days, I gave out my work cell number, which I've had for a very long time. I tried to delete some old numbers and found out they had synced with Outlook contacts too and they came back.

I've been to a strip club with my boss so that's not a big deal. I did decide to get a personal phone so that I didn't mix those kinds of things anymore.
avatar for mike710
5 years ago
@Muddy. I knew someone would have way more than me!
avatar for Muddy
5 years ago
It’s probably over that. I’m thinking about it. It might be 300 or 400. That doesn’t mean 300 otcs, most of them go nowhere but the point being I really should clean out my phone one of these days.
avatar for Cristobal
5 years ago
I do not like clutter, so I delete contacts regularly, I try to avoid taking a number if I do not think I will stay in touch, though sum DS and BGs insist on you taking their number (which I delete a few days later).

The most numbers I had was 10.
avatar for BBBC
5 years ago
avatar for RTP
5 years ago
I probably have gotten over 1000. I may have 1 or 2 saved.
avatar for Subraman
5 years ago
I have a shitload, many of whom were CFs or ATFs, but any number of whom were strippers I saw once or twice, but collected their phone number anyway, because there's no reason not to get the phone number of anyone who might be CF potential.

I know who the strippers are because I enter their last name as some kind of reference to the club I met them at the time. Everyone I met at crazy horse gets the last name Cray, Gold Club girls are d'Oro, Hustler Club girls' last names are Larry. Girls I met on SA have their last name as Essay (or Esse' if they're fancy)
avatar for mike710
5 years ago
@Subra. A lot of girls seem like my potential CF after a few drinks at closing time. The follow up in the light of day doesn't always pan out.
avatar for Icey
5 years ago
Unless you have her real phone number just keep in touch on ig
avatar for mike710
5 years ago
When I made an Instagram account, I used my phone number. Little did I know that it would look in your contacts and add them as potential to follow. If they have your number, they get hit that you are potential to follow.

I had my account for a few hours when a wacko woman I met a couple of years ago started following me. I closed that account and used an email to create a new account.

I also had a number of a dancer that used her real first and last name on IG. I hope she doesn't give out her number much.
avatar for Subraman
5 years ago
"@Subra. A lot of girls seem like my potential CF after a few drinks at closing time. The follow up in the light of day doesn't always pan out."

I feel you. On the other hand, what harm is it that you ahve her number? My philosophy is, if I like her, just ask for her fucking number. If the next day I decide I'm not interested, I just don't use it. If the next day I want to see her again, now I can. Getting a stripper's phone number isn't some sort of event that implies any level of commitment. I like her, I get her phone number. If she changes clubs the next week, I can still reach her.
avatar for bubba267
5 years ago
Before a recent cleanup, I had 15. Now I have 3.
avatar for Jammaster
5 years ago
I only have one number now. I used to get more when I was more into variety.

The strangest thing is when a dancer asks you to take her number but doesn’t respond when you text her asking when she’s working again.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
I switched phones about 18 months ago so I currently only have one - I'd say over-the-years I had accumulated about 50 or so, but not being an OTCer, nor into faves, I didn't go out of my way to get #s; mostly it was dancers given them to me, but after a while I stopped accepting them since I usually didn't have much interest in following up; sometimes "in a moment of inspiration" I'll ask a dancer for her # but I usually don't bother since I never follow up.
avatar for DeclineToState
5 years ago
Only 1. My CF.
Used to have 15ish but deleted them from contacts though I have a few of those saved elsewhere.
In 3+ years of frequent clubbing, have yet to receive a "come see me at the club" text from any of them, thank god
avatar for TheElmerFudd
5 years ago
3. Current CFs only. I delete them when we part ways.
avatar for Dolfan
5 years ago
I have about 10. There's probably a dozen or so more that I recognize when they call/text me, but I don't save their numbers. I delete old ones periodically. Like Subra, I often get numbers from strippers who seem fun. The vast majority are deleted a few days later. I hang on to the ones I talk to. The number I'd have if I saved all of them over the years is crazy.

Like Subra, my bar for grabbing a strippers number is low. I figure it doesn't hurt to get it. Also, I do the same thing with last names, although my club nicknames are little less clever. Gold Club girls in my are "GCG."

There's a couple more that I met as strippers and befriended or otherwise had our relationship morph. One girl started working with her boyfriend to do mobile car/boat detailing for example; she's still in my phone but when I call her it's for detailing. No shit, the girls stripper name was bubbles.
avatar for wallanon
5 years ago
I don't count them. Something in the hundreds, but they have their own phone along with whatever social media accounts they've given. Some dancers change phones and numbers a lot, but I'm finding the past few years it hasn't been as frequent that numbers have turned over. A few girls from last year I ran into before all the shutdowns had the same numbers and some used them to contact me. It helps me to keep the numbers so I can refer to whatever notes I put in if Bambi writes me out of the blue.
avatar for prevert
5 years ago
Exactly 4. Two of them have met OTC several times since the shutdown. Of the other two, one has shown interest and the other has not.
avatar for Subraman
5 years ago
It's never actually occurred to me to do a cleanup of old numbers!
avatar for MadMaXXXNYC
5 years ago
Ha. My issue is I disguise the name to something that would trigger me to know it was a stripper, but wouldn't be obvious. The last name of Jigalente if they were from a club called Jiggles, etc. But some of these that are years old, I had no memory of, so purged just recently. down from about 20 to just a handful that I can recall. So often you let them grab your phone and put their number in, then you edit it, all while there and 2 sheets in, and there's nooo memory of that years later!
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