I'll answer first. There have been dancers I really liked and maybe the thought crossed my mind but then I came to my senses. I have thought about what if I met a former dancer and there was a mutual attraction between us but again I don't think it would be a wise path for me to go down. I've dated and had relationships with dancers but they never lasted long as one of us would get tired of the other so we moved on.
I recall there are at least 2 guys here that married dancers/former dancers. One still posts every once in awhile, the other, I don't recall his name, hasn't posted in years. I wonder if she killed him? Lol
So how about you? Have you ever considered marrying a dancer and would you if the opportunity presented itself?
Me I was crazy about one stripper I was dating at one point but in hindsight I’m happy it didn’t go further than that. I really dodged a bullet I think but she really was sexual nirvana for me, too much other shit going on though. I wouldn’t hold a job against somebody I really connect with, especially considering how rare that is. If I happened to meet a stripper that ended up in an LTR who knows so I’m not writing off all strippers.
Well first off this is the internet so if you don’t believe me then just put it down to more internet fiction.
I can’t count the number of girls that held out serious hope for a meaningful relationship, including possible marriage, with me. In fact there have been three that made unambiguous proposals. I am proud to say that I never led any of them on.
I don’t think that I would ever consider marrying a dancer but who knows. Sometimes shit happens. So does alzheimer’s and dementia.
@OP You may be remembering @harrydave or something like that.
Muddy, GACA posted within the past few days. BabyDoc, you might be right on that name. I think I saw his posts possibly before I signed up here when I was a lurker.
A few years ago, I started seeing this girl ITC. She gave me her phone number and we started to see each other OTC. I knew that she was going to dental hygiene school and was just about finish. Her club got closed down and she didn't want to find a new club. She just wanted to concentrate on finishing her school and get a legitimate job. So I guess I became a sugar daddy before I joined SA. She finished school and got a descent job right away. A bilingual hygienist in south Florida is in high demand. We saw each other for about two years. We got really close and she wanted to move on to the next level. . End the end, I just could not afford to divorce my wife. HALF is a big price. Plus, this girl was 20+ years younger than me. I did not want to go thru little kids again. But she would have said Yes if I would have asked.
I briefly dated one many years ago in my early 30s, but I didn't make it past 2 weeks. Simply put, the more I got to like her, the more her job bothered me.
Maybe part of it was that we spent a lot of time together over that two weeks and she shared a lot about what she dealt with on her shifts, idk. But even if she had been more tight lipped and we spent less time together I'm sure that I'd have arrived at the same place eventually.
She had a young son to support by herself, so asking her to stop dancing was neither fair nor realistic, especially after only 2 weeks in. So I broke it off when I realized that it could go nowhere good. If I kept going I would have doubtlessly started saying stupid things that would have hurt her and made things impossible anyway.
From that moment on, I never remotely considered anything serious with a dancer again.
I knew this girl from college, and I ran into her a few years after school. We started hanging out then going on dates. When things turned serious, she told me she danced part time. I decided to keep going and see where things would go. We were together for about 6 months. It was challenging. Being a sex worker, especially in a competitive and at times toxic environment like the clubs took its toll on her, especially since she was young. And a lot of it flowed through to me. I was also young and frankly didn't know how to reconcile my own conflict about the fact that my girlfriend was a dancer.
After that, I never entertained the idea of dating a dancer.
Of course, a couple years after that, I started dating an escort which turned into a sugar relationship, which turned into a real relationship. That lasted about 5 years total. In retrospect, that was an utter disaster.
I never married - the older I got (late-20s/early-30s), the less it appealed to me.
I am by no means looking to get married at any point, but never say never.
w.r.t. marrying a dancer, my first concern would be what my true feelings are and if it's driven more by lust/loneliness/etc, vs actually wanting to marry that *person* (vs wanting to be w/ a dancer/hot-chick) - I could not be married to an active dancer, but I wouldn't hold it against her for having been one just like I would not like having it held against me for being an SCer.
So "in theory", I would not say a ex-dancer is an absolute no-go but I personally would try to be extra-aware as to my true motivations.
It's not the dancing that bothers me, it's the habits that people develop when they get access to instant money. Add in the identity they develop based on the money they make, and I don't see our values aligning. Maybe a girl could overcome it, but most fall into the environment they're in. Maybe a seasoned dancer has gotten over the pitfalls, but then a seasoned dancer would mean she's a little older. A little older, a little wiser, a little more manipulative, who's to say she wouldn't pull a fast one on me.
Then again that may be some of my own insecurities.
My ATF has plenty of great qualities, but when it comes to marriage, extravagant spending is a deal breaker.
Dancing isn't a deal breaker, but the right dancer would be a unicorn.
A dancer that I saw OTC turn into a dating relationship. I started thinking about making it permanent one day and she hinted at the possibility too. And she even had a young daughter that I was willing to be a father to. But she relapsed into drug addiction, her parents got custody of her daughter (thankfully), and I became irrelevant to her.
Although I will never say never, I will be very cautious about opening up like to another dancer. So me getting married to a dancer is rather unlikely.
I've had relationships with dancers that lasted for years. My ATF was the girl I was closest to, and I got to know her and her son. I even met her parents and her sister. We went to concerts and picnics and did many traditional boyfriend-girlfriend activities. I had some of the best times of my life with her. But marriage? I'm crazy but not that crazy.
Some Indian club patron brought up to me out of nowhere the idea of marriage once. He would give me $300 a month for as long as we had to stay married until he could get his green card. And even said we would have separate bedrooms. I replied that was very interesting, and how about a dance. He said no. I walked away.
->@Papi: "w.r.t. marrying a dancer, my first concern would be what my true feelings are and if it's driven more by lust/loneliness/etc, vs actually wanting to marry that *person* (vs wanting to be w/ a dancer/hot-chick) - I could not be married to an active dancer."
I copped feelings for a former CF, feelings were reciprocated, had civvie dates no $ exchanged, great girl, got to know her family a bit. Ultimately decided wasn't worth terminating SO relationship for it - there wasn't baggage (no psychosis or addictions) and no children, but there was drama. And she's so hot.
She no longer dances and I do miss her, ultimately I conclude it was lust/loneliness as Papi says, with RIL mixed in.
No way I could be married to an active dancer, could not handle SO grinding on other dicks nightly.
I’ve never seriously considered marrying a dancer. I’ve dated three, and none developed into a serious long term relationship.
One I met through family, and I heard she might be an exotic dancer. She worked at a well known Reading Pa club Als Diamond Cabaret. The club was very popular for its feature dancers. She was a fun date, and a sweet girl, but that was it.
My ATF was never a consideration. She could fuck and suck - and she was built for sex - but she was on the path to being a life long aging whore. She started to do too many drugs, and that was the start of her downward spiral.
After my divorce, I dated a former coworker, who was a former stripper. She was damaged, and it showed in most all areas of her life. She needed to promote her superiority by driving a new BMW each year, having plastic surgery to correct tiny imperfections, and had to have the best clothing. I’m almost the opposite - and I loved fucking her roughly and making her feel like a whore (and she handled it very well!) - but marriage was a dirty word and I couldn’t deal with another woman with expensive tastes.
I’ve been doing otc with a stripper, who would be a great girl to date. But, I think she has something I call Aging Stripper Syndrome.
thankfully I never got that far with a dancer. I seriously tried to date two dancers. one had a lot going for her outside the club world, but had a lot of other baggage and crazy. I managed to dodge that bullet. the other one was just straight up using me. I hit the eject button once I caught on.
The smartest thing I ever did in my life (and there's only been a couple of smart things) was to get a vasectomy immediately after divorcing my wife when I was 29, and then KEEPING MY MOUTH SHUT about it. I've had at least 5 women who I'm certain were trying to get pregnant by me. Two were civies (regular girlfriends), two were dancers that I had OTC relationships with, and one was a straight-up hooker that I was seeing on a regular basis and grew into a "sort of" traditional relationship.
I don't know if the goal was marriage, just going after me for child support, or producing an anchor baby (at least 1 civie and 1 dancer were illegal). I played dumb while they played their little games, e.g., claiming to be on the pill but spent days to a week at a time with me and I never saw any pills, suddenly wanting sex when condoms weren't handy, telling me they don't like condoms and I should just pull out, but then at the height of ecstasy begging me to cum inside them, etc. Whatever their intention, they sure wanted to fuck - a LOT - and without those annoying rubbers.
One time I even saw a hooker that I barely knew (so we used a condom) take the rubber full of jizz to the bathroom as soon as I blew my load. Haha... good luck with that bag of blanks.
There were a few that were so gorgeous and had such great personalities that I had considered it thank god as soon as I had considered such a thing they did something to warn me off so it never got that far
I have no objection to marrying a dancer, but the right dancer to marry is not the one I spend time with in the club. Like to party with me and do shots on a random Tuesday night? Sorry can’t marry you. Like to push the limits and do stuff in VIP with a guy twice your age? Sorry can’t marry you. Have excruciating GPS and drain men’s wallets dry while giving air dances? We could definitely be married! I just don’t talk to those girls very long. Ive probably walked away from my future wife 10x a year for the last decade.
I'm no white knight, and I'm jealous enough that grinding on random guys is a deal breaker. If any woman doesn't have her shit together as much as I do, no baby daddy drama, no unpaid bills, no drinking or drug habit, hard pass.
A friend did he has turbulent cuck fantasies. He is working on a porn movie which is a compilation of her and her lovers. So if your a cuck why not lol.
My fav became my mistress when she engaged we would do it itc and otc. After she got married she said it would not change our meetings. We met thru her 5 yr marriage..... Once they play they always play - it’s a constant like gravity.
I have not considered marrying a dancer mostly because for me the strip club scene is not a dating environment.
I do not go there to date and so I am not looking for wife at a club, for me the club is to just have fun.
That being said, I have no issue dating and marrying an ex-stripper.
I would not consider marrying a current stripper because for it to work I would need to give the relationship 100% effort and visiting strip clubs and brothels is not the way for me to give 100%.
Also, if she is dancing it most likely means she is unable to be 100% faithful yo the relationship too.
But if an ex dancer wants to date and she has the qualties I am looking for in a wife, I would definitely consider it.
A 70 year old guy walks into a bar full of his buddies with a hot 20 year old stripper on his arm. When he introduces her as his brand new bride jaws hit the floor.
One of his close friends pulls him aside and asks “How did you ever convince a hot young chick like that to marry you? After all you’re 70 years old. What’s in it for her?”
If it's a girl who's passing through the life, maybe it's a possibility if a lot of other things are lined up right. And she'd be on the dating train a long time. If it's a girl who is deep in the life and that's all she knows, that's not a place I'm interested in going.
I met my wife of six years in a local club. I had just got into the club with my now ex wife and a couple we were friends with. My ex and I were on our way out of marriage at the time obviously. My Wife has walked past me as I sat sipping on a Coors light. We met. Talked. Went to VIP with nothing but more talking and hit it off. We dated for about 8 months. We married. She retired her heels. Yeah we have had our ups and downs but none of it really attributed to her past life. Sure once or twice a year she reminisces about her younger days as a free lance traveling dancer. But it’s understandable. She never had the normal bad habits of girls in the business. Rarely drinks. Drugs no. Cheating no. She did what she did to survive and provide for her mother and her daughter. I’m sure she had some good and bad times for herself as well. And it could be where she is from and her culture but she is fiercely protective and loyal to me. She is aware of finances and doesn’t just burn money like most wives. I never dreamed I’d ever date let alone marry a stripper. But I can say that she has been and is a great person with an amazing sense of love and family. Not to mention. She is also extremely hot and sexy. Yeah she is crazy as all women are. But she is worth it and I’m lucky to have met her. As she is lucky as well.
last commentMe I was crazy about one stripper I was dating at one point but in hindsight I’m happy it didn’t go further than that. I really dodged a bullet I think but she really was sexual nirvana for me, too much other shit going on though. I wouldn’t hold a job against somebody I really connect with, especially considering how rare that is. If I happened to meet a stripper that ended up in an LTR who knows so I’m not writing off all strippers.
I can’t count the number of girls that held out serious hope for a meaningful relationship, including possible marriage, with me. In fact there have been three that made unambiguous proposals. I am proud to say that I never led any of them on.
I don’t think that I would ever consider marrying a dancer but who knows. Sometimes shit happens. So does alzheimer’s and dementia.
@OP You may be remembering @harrydave or something like that.
BabyDoc, you might be right on that name. I think I saw his posts possibly before I signed up here when I was a lurker.
Maybe part of it was that we spent a lot of time together over that two weeks and she shared a lot about what she dealt with on her shifts, idk. But even if she had been more tight lipped and we spent less time together I'm sure that I'd have arrived at the same place eventually.
She had a young son to support by herself, so asking her to stop dancing was neither fair nor realistic, especially after only 2 weeks in. So I broke it off when I realized that it could go nowhere good. If I kept going I would have doubtlessly started saying stupid things that would have hurt her and made things impossible anyway.
From that moment on, I never remotely considered anything serious with a dancer again.
After that, I never entertained the idea of dating a dancer.
Of course, a couple years after that, I started dating an escort which turned into a sugar relationship, which turned into a real relationship. That lasted about 5 years total. In retrospect, that was an utter disaster.
I am by no means looking to get married at any point, but never say never.
w.r.t. marrying a dancer, my first concern would be what my true feelings are and if it's driven more by lust/loneliness/etc, vs actually wanting to marry that *person* (vs wanting to be w/ a dancer/hot-chick) - I could not be married to an active dancer, but I wouldn't hold it against her for having been one just like I would not like having it held against me for being an SCer.
So "in theory", I would not say a ex-dancer is an absolute no-go but I personally would try to be extra-aware as to my true motivations.
Then again that may be some of my own insecurities.
My ATF has plenty of great qualities, but when it comes to marriage, extravagant spending is a deal breaker.
Dancing isn't a deal breaker, but the right dancer would be a unicorn.
Too late now.
Although I will never say never, I will be very cautious about opening up like to another dancer. So me getting married to a dancer is rather unlikely.
I copped feelings for a former CF, feelings were reciprocated, had civvie dates no $ exchanged, great girl, got to know her family a bit. Ultimately decided wasn't worth terminating SO relationship for it - there wasn't baggage (no psychosis or addictions) and no children, but there was drama. And she's so hot.
She no longer dances and I do miss her, ultimately I conclude it was lust/loneliness as Papi says, with RIL mixed in.
No way I could be married to an active dancer, could not handle SO grinding on other dicks nightly.
One I met through family, and I heard she might be an exotic dancer. She worked at a well known Reading Pa club Als Diamond Cabaret. The club was very popular for its feature dancers. She was a fun date, and a sweet girl, but that was it.
My ATF was never a consideration. She could fuck and suck - and she was built for sex - but she was on the path to being a life long aging whore. She started to do too many drugs, and that was the start of her downward spiral.
After my divorce, I dated a former coworker, who was a former stripper. She was damaged, and it showed in most all areas of her life. She needed to promote her superiority by driving a new BMW each year, having plastic surgery to correct tiny imperfections, and had to have the best clothing. I’m almost the opposite - and I loved fucking her roughly and making her feel like a whore (and she handled it very well!) - but marriage was a dirty word and I couldn’t deal with another woman with expensive tastes.
I’ve been doing otc with a stripper, who would be a great girl to date. But, I think she has something I call Aging Stripper Syndrome.
I don't know if the goal was marriage, just going after me for child support, or producing an anchor baby (at least 1 civie and 1 dancer were illegal). I played dumb while they played their little games, e.g., claiming to be on the pill but spent days to a week at a time with me and I never saw any pills, suddenly wanting sex when condoms weren't handy, telling me they don't like condoms and I should just pull out, but then at the height of ecstasy begging me to cum inside them, etc. Whatever their intention, they sure wanted to fuck - a LOT - and without those annoying rubbers.
One time I even saw a hooker that I barely knew (so we used a condom) take the rubber full of jizz to the bathroom as soon as I blew my load. Haha... good luck with that bag of blanks.
PS she still dances once in a while
I'm no white knight, and I'm jealous enough that grinding on random guys is a deal breaker. If any woman doesn't have her shit together as much as I do, no baby daddy drama, no unpaid bills, no drinking or drug habit, hard pass.
I SC for variety, anyways.
My fav became my mistress when she engaged we would do it itc and otc. After she got married she said it would not change our meetings. We met thru her 5 yr marriage..... Once they play they always play - it’s a constant like gravity.
I do not go there to date and so I am not looking for wife at a club, for me the club is to just have fun.
That being said, I have no issue dating and marrying an ex-stripper.
I would not consider marrying a current stripper because for it to work I would need to give the relationship 100% effort and visiting strip clubs and brothels is not the way for me to give 100%.
Also, if she is dancing it most likely means she is unable to be 100% faithful yo the relationship too.
But if an ex dancer wants to date and she has the qualties I am looking for in a wife, I would definitely consider it.
One of his close friends pulls him aside and asks “How did you ever convince a hot young chick like that to marry you? After all you’re 70 years old. What’s in it for her?”
He winks and replies “I told her I was 90”.
Ok. Start calling me out.
If you're happy then what's to call out?