
Kind of dancers you prefer...

Thursday, July 16, 2020 8:59 AM
Do you like dancers who have had kids, or have never had kids? Or does it matter to you? I have spoken with club goers who prefer dancers who have never had kids because they dislike stretch marks, etc. Some dont seem to care. Seems like dancers who have kids have different needs or may have different levels of patience or being able to handle gross factor, etc... What are your thoughts? Do you have a preference? If so, why?


  • shailynn
    4 years ago
    Okay I’ll bite. Dancers with kids (even better if they have multiple kids by multiple guys) 1. Usually perform dances with less “restrictions” 2. Usually hold a better conversation 3. Usually have less GPS syndrome 4. But, not any less crazy than a stripper with no kids lol! Example - you meet a young hot dancer with no kids - they want you to visit them and drop $3k in the club before they touch your wiener. Baby mama stripper is like “come back here and let me blow you, I need that $200 because my son needs new gear for football.”
  • aussiehinz
    4 years ago
    I love all women, but especially moms. In most (not all) cases, something very special happens to a woman when she becomes a mom. For the first time, there is someone more important than anything else on earth, including herself. That circumstance has a profound effect upon a person and the way they approach life. I never consider it a negative to find out a a dancer is a mom.
  • Muddy
    4 years ago
    I prefer no kids, too much bs dragging around with that
  • RandomMember
    4 years ago
    Ditto on no kids. Only once, and never again. I met her five-yr-old kid at her apartment and saw the squalor that she lived in. Just too sad. I always check "zero kids" on SA.
  • wallanon
    4 years ago
    It doesn't matter to me. If they have kids, it's just more to plan around if we decide to hang out.
  • skibum609
    4 years ago
    Spinners, no stretch marks
  • RamPaige
    4 years ago
    As long as the dancer is attractive and will go the extra mile at the PR, I don't care if she have kids or not.
  • Jascoi
    4 years ago
    prefer c cup shapely spinners.
  • Warrior15
    4 years ago
    Do I have a preference for getting dances from them ? None at all. Do I have a preference for getting extras ITC ? Not really. The ones with kids probably know what they are doing better. Do I have a preference with having a relationship with OTC ? Yes. The kids can be an obsticle when arranging meet ups.
  • gammanu95
    4 years ago
    It doesn't matter to me, largely because I don't seek OTC. If she has the body, the face, and the desire to give me what I want, then what the fuck do I care about her home life? For me, it all start in the club and is left in the club. Everything in between is a business transaction between consenting adults.
  • gSteph
    4 years ago
    I've never discussed (my or hers) kids with a dancer. I'm more of a boob guy.
  • chessmaster
    4 years ago
    Actually prefer hoes with kids. As long as there's no "baby damage".
  • DenimChicken
    4 years ago
    Doesn't really matter. In fact sometimes it is a plus if she has a baby at home because then she could be lactating still....if you are into that sorta thing. cough.
  • BoredJack
    4 years ago
    1. Medium build women with natural tits and ass 2. The younger looking the better, perky tits and ass without a mangled stomach 3. Doesn't look or act like a desperate junky 4. Doesn't tell me about her kids (don't care if they have them, just don't talk about children when I'm thinking of doing dirty things to you)
  • rattdog
    4 years ago
    i like 'em hot and sleazy. kids or no kids not relevant.
  • GoVikings
    4 years ago
    Whether they have kids or not doesn’t matter to me
  • Papi_Chulo
    4 years ago
    Not a variable by which I rate/choose dancers. There's something to be said for a woman being in more "pristine shape" if she hasn't had kids; but me liking voluptuous curvy women, sometimes baby-mamas will have a more well-endowed figure I prefer. Again - I don't use kids/no-kids as any kind of barometer - if anything there's something about her being a mom that for some reason is attractive at some kinda level.
  • Player11
    4 years ago
    Blonde in bik big tits. Cheerleading background positive personality expected. Lap dances want feel her. Want itc ir otc sd relationship c her a lot. Like talk dirty while banging them.
  • rl27
    4 years ago
    As long as she has a good body, and gives great lap dances, I don't care if she has kids or not.
  • skibum609
    4 years ago
    Wednesay: 5' 7" 110 lbs 20 years old. Thank you Jesus.
    4 years ago
    Attractive. Fun. Non-needy. In that order NAAAASTY
  • Tetradon
    4 years ago
    Kids don't matter as long as they haven't taken a toll on the body. I like natural D's, plump booty, partial to an exotic look.
  • ATACdawg
    4 years ago
    The truth is that probably 80 percent of the dancers at you club have had chidren - in some cases, grandchildren. Pregnancy doesn't always, or even most of the time, result in stretch marks. By the way, the two verified grandmother dancers on my list were also two of the sexiest women I have ever met. As far as I know, with a single two exceptions, my top ten favs ever were all mother's.
  • Mr_O
    4 years ago
    Kids, irrelevant. Hot and civil a must!
  • TFP
    4 years ago
    From my experience in clubs, it was in Tijuana that baby damage really became an issue. All the MILFs I ever met in US clubs somehow had exquisite stomachs to where you couldn't even tell they gave birth. Maybe they all had tummy tucks or something, I don't know. But I rarely encounter baby damage in US clubs. Meanwhile in TJ I had a helluva surprise with the very first dancer I took arriba. She looked nice and curvy in her one piece miniskirt but once it came off in the room.....MAN was that the worst baby damage I've ever seen. It was at that moment that I recalled someone's advice on picking out girls in HKTJ. If she's covering her stomach she most likely has baby damage.
  • rl27
    4 years ago
    ATACdawg. I recall several mother and daughters who both danced at the same time at the same club. Usually I only gat dances from one of the two , and in most cases it tended to be the mother. Usually it was because the mother gave a lot better dances, and often looked a lot hotter. The one case where I got dances from both, the daughter was practically a clone of the mother, and was twice as naughty. In fact this was long enough ago, that I sometimes wonder if I will ever get dances from a third generation of that family.
  • BigMac34
    4 years ago
    Doesn't matter to me, the best dancer I prefer is that one that creeps around you, slides her hand down your knee without looking, slides it over your body and sits on your lap without asking you. Those type girls are the most fun. My skin is sensitive and I get tickles when a womans body or hand touches my body, it feels good. Them girls are rare, last 4 years I have gone to the strip club with about 12 visits total for the 4 years. Only 2 girls have done that to me.
  • DeclineToState
    4 years ago
    Preferences -Brunette -Naturals (A to C) -Slender (spinner skinny not required, but major or plasticized curves no thanks) On the kids or no kids thing: I never ask (in club fantasyland, I’m not inclined to chat about their SOs or their kids) so I can’t verify shailyn‘s observations, and I trend toward younger dancers (except for my mid 30s CF, no kids), so I’m guessing they don’t have kids. Only time kid talk has occurred over dozens of visits was: -Older dancer talking about needing to get her kids Christmas presents = tip hustle, what a turnoff -Older but hot high volume dancer at SR COI (in COI, who isn’t high volume? haha) expressing annoyance about clingy OTC regulars blowing up her phone on days off when she’s w her kids
  • aleccorbett
    4 years ago
    No preference? Most of my favorites don't have kids.
  • Huntsman
    4 years ago
    It doesn’t matter to me. Or at least it’s not disqualifying, one way or another.
  • Rod8432
    4 years ago
    I agree with TFP - If a dancer is wearing a one-piece, or even a sash around the middle, she has baby damage. I also noticed serious belly girdle in TJ, but also sometimes in the US. Not having kids myself, I tend toward women without them, both in dating and in the SC world. We often have more "in common."
  • Cashman1234
    4 years ago
    I like them to have some miles on the odometer - and that generally equates to kids. I prefer naughty and filthy girls who have very few limits. Those qualities generally fit women with kids. That being said - my current Covid otc girl is in her 40’s and has no kids. Her body is great, she’s a bit crazy, and she’s happy to please.
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