
Comments by Warrenboy75 (page 47)

  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    OT: Computer Programming
    Going back to college I learned on Fortran--"freakin" punch cards and sequence errors Old programming languages never die....they hang around just to keep old programmers constantly P.O.'d. Today I attempt to stay current on the following: JavaScript. Java. Python. Elixir. Rust.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Living well and enjoying my retirement
    This is for the younger people
    It won't.......just as people who move from city to city somehow think it will fix all of their problems.....unless you change internally fame and fortune in many cases only compounds the problems one possesses. Just a further thought and a conversation I was having with a friend the other night....the concept of fame........fame comes on people for a variety of reasons but to stay famous in today's world one has to work on remaining famous....otherwise you need to want/desire to be famous....otherwise you fade off the radar......and there is a difference between being famous and infamous.
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    7 years ago
    Off again on again PL
    Do you come here often?
    Answer --"probably not as much as you do but I have been here before"
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    7 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Cleveland Cavs - Was That The Biggest Single Day Trade You Can Ever Remember?
    I'm in Northeast Ohio this week.........I went to lunch meeting with a client and when the first trade was announced most everyone cheered......by the time the meeting ended the Cavs basically were a new team. Mostly I am wondering how the coaching staff or the owners feel they are going to have this new group learn to play together in time for the playoffs since they weren't able to get the group they had on the same page. Or are they kissing this year goodbye....
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    What percent of strippers are in the profession because they have a debilitating
    1% is still 3.2 million people in the USA......look at the date on the source you read, if you notice anything after the year 2015 shows a rise, especially with women. And it is true we all have some traits which is also what makes it hard to see --but it is about how many of the traits one has as well as the degree of severity. There are as I recall without looking about 20 traits.
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    7 years ago
    What percent of strippers are in the profession because they have a debilitating
    Narcissist are slightly different than sociopaths-the sad part is there really is no known cure and a narcissist by the very definition will refuse to seek the help they need to function. I can only speak for my own interactions but you pick up on a odd vibe fairly quickly when you meet one but sometimes it takes a while before they reveal their true self-- and when the mask comes off it's a combination of a shock to most people and frighting. For the most part they lead very sad and unfulfilling lives
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Going to Washington DC this weekend
    Go the route of SA or an escort....DC is not repeat not the place to go to a strip club. The women are attractive but read any of the reviews--- I've been to a handful of clubs in DC--some years ago--Archibalds was probably the best one of the lot but again you are going to end up dating rosie palm and her five fingers if you are looking for anything more than a handshake from a dancer.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    What percent of strippers are in the profession because they have a debilitating
    Bj9943 Minutes Ago I don’t think it’s an easy job to hold down for someone with ‘debilitating’ mental illness, but I know a lot of the girls I work with have some anxiety, depression, add, etc. I have high functioning anxiety. I'd add the clinical definition of narcissism to the list as well......it's become common for people due to social media to accuse people of being a narcissist but the real disease is harsh and there really isn't a cure---if you look at the tell tale signs strippers at least a percentage of them fit the bill. Years ago it was considered mostly a "male" mental condition but there are studies it is rising rapidly with women.....and as a person ages from their 20's into their 30's from what I have observed the condition brings on other disorders, depression, anxiety, feelings of self-loathing.
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    7 years ago
    Evil Lair
    Cell Phones in the Club
    To a large extent this is why I am not an afternoon guy and tend to wait around 8 PM before I head to a club. Different professions have different methods to conduct business. In mine it could be quite and going to schedule for almost the entire day and something happens, elevates to a level I need to respond. As a rule I will glance at my phone from time to time when in a club but the volume is off on all settings ring tones and text messages. When I am in a club I sit at the bar and I chose a seat that the dancer would need to go around into the bartender area to sneak up on me.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    17 Truths About What It's Like to be a Stripper
    "SC customers are the worst"--I've always understood this to be based more on a screening problem. Escorts can screen as tight as they want whereas just about anyone with a few dollars can gain access to the club--and then this gets back to the clubs culture, they can turn down the guy or call for help if he really gets out of line but do it too often and depending on the is considered acceptable they can find themselves on the outside of the main group of other dancers and staff. For most people, addiction and problematic behavior happens far before those things. First hand one of the recurring comments I heard from my ex when we were together and-- she was not a dancer was that it is a good thing for that "bitch" or "jerk" I'm not dancing or I would have tore into her/him. I always thought her temper was bad enough when she wasn't dancing but to think it came to the surface more and seemed to be acceptable behavior when she was dancing backs up your comment.
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    7 years ago
    17 Truths About What It's Like to be a Stripper
    You can do a search on line and about once or twice a year an article similar to this one is released. Typically they come from a very specific point of view and in some instances they are written with a certain purpose in mind. I've never seen a customer hit a dancer---I have seen a dancer hit another dancer and I have seen a handful of heated discussions between staff. I think the culture of each club has a lot to do with how many of the girls do extras, how well they get along, the level of support they are given, etc. Same with how customers are treated.
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    7 years ago
    South Carolina
    How to get a girl you like from stage to your lap?
    Start with the basic premise you were on stage first--no, not dancing but You came to the club dressed decently You have a smile on your face You treated the other staff appropriately You ordered a drink/food and you tipped. You were probably spotted before she spotted you..... You walk up to the stage and you tip her, smile, make eye contact---( only said half joking her eyes are above her shoulders not below.) And you ask her to come see you when she is done with her rotation. If you can talk to women outside the club, communicate in the work place outside the club, you can talk to any girl who is dancing.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Older than dirt
    Gawker--I would go back to the PM I sent you and look at the link. ( keep it handy at least) I understand because I've been where you are.......sex is always the hook to bring you back into the fold but once she gets inside your head, and she knows it, she'll always look at you as a combination of father figure, ATM, lover, and sadly doormat.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Do strippers care about what you think of them?
    They care.....sometimes the ones that act as if they don't do more than you think, but they handle it differently. In today's world posturing is more important to some people than reality....( a difficult lesson for an old fart like me to learn but it has sunk in finally) But if you are not going to help them "meet their goals" regardless what those goals are or if they even really have them they will go on to the next one.....
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Off again on again PL
    Using SA to find a HJ/LDK hookup?
    Should have read Subraman's comments first........I feel he has a good handle on SA. twentyfive--some of what happens with SA has to do with the site software as well. When you first put up a profile on the site if you notice you get more hits.....same with the last 3 days of your paid membership........a few of the guys I network with on another board have all noticed the same thing.......the general consensus is the site is promoting your profile to entice you to become a paid member.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Off again on again PL
    Using SA to find a HJ/LDK hookup?
    The girls on SA don't like the idea of admitting they have sex for cash but I haven't found a ton that don't as long as you don't come off to aggressive.......I feel the biggest difference between dating on SA and going complete civi is letting them set the pace.....and not expecting anything on the first meet. Maybe my experiences have been different than some/many but I've found if they come to the idea on their own they want to be your SB they will.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    For you married or have a SO guys
    Do your mongering away from home base if you can....... But in situations where people know you for other reasons you can smile at each other, even say hello based on her appearance at the time and you shouldn't have an issue.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Philly suburbs
    My CF tried giving me money
    Bj998 Hours Ago You don’t know what kind of power that bartender might have, or what drama has recently taken place. Your cf, for whatever reason, wanted the barmaid to know that her regulars take care of her. You should have done what your cf asked. There’s a lot of politics that customers don’t know ab. Yep---I've commented on this before.....just from what I have seen in the limited amount of time I have been going back to clubs.........and it flows over to the comments I've made as well about how much the dancers really make ( and keep in mind it's never what you make--it's how much you keep that matters) Everybody and I mean everybody has their hand out in a club.....and if it doesn't come from the client they look to the dancer--sometimes depending on the level of greed regardless the look to both.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OT: State Of The Uniom
    laplurker1 Hour Ago I've been lied to by better than Trump. We've all been to strip clubs.........of course we have been lied to ( by some of the best I might add)......it's like claiming we all breathe oxygen.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Morality and Strippers
    I'm not sure what type of club she works in but how did he get past the bouncers to peek in the VIP curtains? The problem in these types of situations you have no idea what the real situation is between her and the stalker--what has she told him---what promises might have been made, etc. I admit if a guy popped the VIP curtains on me even at my age I'd be tempted to confront him when my time was up. Chances are every other guy he peeked in on before he found her and you would have chimed in as well and the club management would have probably tossed him at that point......but again it leads back to my original statement of what is the real deal between him and your ATF
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OT: State Of The Uniom
    Pelosi looked tired. She may want to retire........comes from eating too many Tide Pods.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    If she walks away smiling, you spent too much.
    Is it a good idea to compliment the looks of a dancer?
    Do you practice your dance routine or are you a natural at being seductive? Your outfit is a great choice for you...... You have a great voice ( unless she sounds like Minnie Mouse)
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    from that Adam Westsiiiide of Gotham
    Still one of my favorite threads: 40 questions
    oh sh*t......29 and counting.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    The annoyance of staying with one guy
    Whenever I go to a new club I look at the girls as they work the room and as they dance. I have an A,B,and C choice unless we are at a place where teeth are optional for a dancer there normally are three girls that interest me. If I am a repeat client--or hitting a place on a regular basis on a trip I find out her schedule and let her know mine. Do something that sets you apart --buy her a drink ( and I've read on here where the girls don't drink but I have yet to find that to be the case) Buy her something to eat (most of the girls are hungry) And when she dances go up and tip her........and look at her in the eye....( her eyes are on her head not below her shoulders) :--)