Going to Washington DC this weekend

avatar for DRDave
I'm headed to DC this weekend and will have a hotel room to myself. If you've read any of my reviews, I like high mileage clubs,like Bridgeport or Newark.

Any suggestions to a fellow hobbyist. Clubs,. AMPS, favorite escorts. Something unusual to fill my evenings with fun.


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Maybe Melania is free she's done with Donald.
avatar for DRDave
7 years ago
Only if she brings the daughter too. If she's hot enough for trump to want to bang her, throw her in the deal too
Get a hooker. there's a ton in DC and the DC strip clubs are no lapdance and no touch.

You could always run over to Baltimore
AFAIK no dances in DC clubs, just stage dancing - don't have any personal DC experience but I think someone on here has posted they've done well with either the escort scene or sugar-daddy scene (can't remember which one or if it was both)
There are hookers everywhere in DC. Search EROS and other places. With all those government workers fucking us all the time (tax payers), they need to get fucked themselves sometimes, that's why there's so many hookers in DC. Well, and maybe because the strip clubs suck too.

* SJG - this response does not apply to you since everyone knows you do not have a job, therefore you do not pay taxes, asshole.
DC has great strip clubs. Just choose one and go. You can’t miss
Go the route of SA or an escort....DC is not repeat not the place to go to a strip club. The women are attractive but read any of the reviews---

I've been to a handful of clubs in DC--some years ago--Archibalds was probably the best one of the lot but again you are going to end up dating rosie palm and her five fingers if you are looking for anything more than a handshake from a dancer.
In my experience - DC strip clubs are a waste of time. I was there several years ago on business as well. I was staying in a Hilton - and my room had a view of a strip club - so I thought I was going to have a good time. It wasn’t good at all.

The clubs are such that you watch a stage show. You tip the dancer after the show when she comes over to collect/visit.

But there was no contact. No lap dances - no booths for private dances - nothing.

I thought that I just hit a no action/low mileage club. So I walked several blocks and found another club. It was the same. Finally, I asked a dancer. She told me that they don’t do contact dances in DC. However, she told me that I could pay her to sit with me and have dinner! I was thinking WTF? I can buy dinner for a civilian - and not get laid too -
avatar for beekers
7 years ago
Check the reviews for Showcase Theater in Beltsville MD. Haven't been there myself, but it might be worth the trip. Beltsville is about 10 miles from downtown DC. Forget the DC clubs for mileage.
avatar for newmark
New York
7 years ago
Everyone else is right. The clubs have some high quality eye candy, but that is all you can expect. The best I ever got was some "incidental contact" under the table when I was sitting with a dancer while she nursed the seriously overpriced drink I had purchased for her. There was a vague offer of OTC. However, the details were way too sketchy for my liking.
OTC is available in DC clubs. The dancers are lot of times escorts in disguise, so have some game when offering otc and have fun.

Archibalds isn’t the best, but definitely easy pickings for single mothers.
avatar for rl27
7 years ago
DC clubs were are mostly stage dance only, although I did have an OK time at a club called Royal Palace several years ago. No private dances, but the dancers would occasionally dance by your table, and a few got a bit touchy feely under the table. I got several offers of OTC my second day there.
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