
Comments by Warrenboy75 (page 48)

  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Some SA Questions for those Experienced
    Let me add I've said this before as well and it is one rule you should follow: Subraman gets the credit for stating it here. "Also, you'll notice that many of the girls on SA seem to be irritated at you; that's because there's so many flakes, posers, and time wasters on there. Don't take it personally. But, I do avoid any profiles where the SB vents and complains; if she doesn't have the emotional IQ to control herself on her profile, the place where she's supposed to make herself attractive, in real life she'll be a nightmare"
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Some SA Questions for those Experienced
    For a couple of reasons I mentioned in past comments I let my membership go dormant and reactivated it the second week of January. I had multiple hits in 48 hours ( 7 messages and if I recall about 11 views/likes) I don't use a picture and I pay month to month. At no time do I put anything out there that ties back to me and I tend to stay away from anyone within 30-45 minute drive of where I live. I travel for work so I look for people in my area---in a perfect world I have one steady and I shop in a couple of other regions for by meetings. I started using the site five plus years ago. Overall I've had very good experiences. The girl I met last week on a first date knows my first name and my cell number --not the main one but a second one I use for mongering. We hooked up on the first date which I admit is rare and it was great, good enough for me to have her meet up with me two nights later. As a rule I seem to have the best luck with women who do not pigeon hole themselves and can be described as looking for "negotiate"....... Grad Student--money going for tuition. ( which I also tend to like--that and nurses) I never tell them my net worth, what I do for a living, or what I make a year--all the figures on the site are low. Typically my goal is to meet up the first time and not go back and forth on the site for days on end. I never expect anything on the first meeting but as it did in this case I've found the college girls tend to take the lead when they like you enough or need the money enough and you end up in bed. Actually it doesn't take much time--at least for me --- but maybe I have been lucky.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    OT: Frog legs
    I've had them--I lived in Louisiana....fry them like you would a chicken leg........
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    He/Him - He’s a filthy pig. That’s him in VIP with another whore.
    Strip club business around the Super Bowl
    If you pay attention to the Vegas clubs they hype their establishment as the place to be for the big game--as if you are not there you are missing the event of the year but I also know a girl or two who went out to Vegas to work the event and while the place might be busy a % of the guys want to watch the game and don't pay as much attention to the dancers.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    The most inappropriate place you've ever run into a dancer?
    I've had this happen a couple of times, with an escort and with a stripper. With the escort it was humorous--at least once we both got over the initial shock of being a table apart in a restaurant ( both with our civie dates) With the stripper at a sporting event---- I was with a couple of friends and she was two rows down and to the right of me with a date-----it was uncomfortable and the feeling between the two of us was never the same.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    Sugar baby just dont understand
    Doesn't understand and doesn't "want" to understand are two different things..........this is a case of the second option. I went through the same thing with the long term SB I had but then she was also a stripper and may very well be one again as I type this. Most girls will test you just the same that a child will test a parent......
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    The People's Republic of Pennsylvania
    Update on "Making It Rain"
    Most of the women I have met in clubs have a unique talent of being able to at a single glance know exactly how much money is laying on the stage or flying in the air......they might not be savvy about spending, or saving, but knowing what is there for the take.......you're dealing with skill most guys will never know. If you recall the movie "Rain man" ( and the irony is good on this one) Dustin Hoffman was able to count match sticks dropped on the floor at a single glance.......so when your version of Rainman starts throwing $ 1 bills around as if he is paying their rent I suggest pulling out a single 20 each time and handing it to the lady with a smile.........if you go to the club with a few guys take turns doing it....until Rain man runs out of bills and has to run to his piggybank and taking out the quarters....... I've said in previous comments guys who make it rain do it for their own ego and for the other guys in the room as much as anything.........this is his version of what a dog does when he first walks around a yard to mark his territory............and I doubt his pockets are all that deep.....people with wealth as a rule don't play it the way he is.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Probably in the VIP
    A Pornstar, a Stripper, and Your Ex
    If your ex is a stripper you get cheated out of a choice..........
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    The People's Republic of Pennsylvania
    The definition of insanity.....
    One of the reasons I quit going to clubs in DC is exactly that, no matter the variables the end result isn't or at least for me hasn't been different.....same with some of the places in Maryland although the reasons for dissatisfaction there have more to do with the appearance of the dancers ( especially in Baltimore) There are a fair amount of pieces to the puzzle of why a club is good---management, clients, noise level, comfort level, quality of the girls, sometimes the quantity of the girls, decent bar, safe parking, etc.....not to mention in my case at least my mood and when I realized had the free time to go mongering.........( I normally end up in clubs as a last minute idea)
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    How much strippershit can a stripper shit if a stripper would shit strippershit?
    You should have asked her if she was snow bird down from NYC for the winter.........I've had a few but none recent really push the envelope with me.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Strip club for ‘sugar daddies’ and ‘loners’ given green light
    Somewhere between five and six.............seek conversation & companionship, use their personality to hit on girls.....older, more affluent, spends time ITC with select dancers only.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Vacation Getaway with A Stripper
    I've done it a few times ( Once to Vegas) .......bring cash and or a gold card. I've always flown in and out --in the case of Vegas she was already there so no transportation cost but she did move in with me for the entire five days.....when I worked she sunned herself at the pool and met a couple of her friends that danced at CH3 for lunch a day or two.....truthfully she was easy on me when we were not together with spending but we did a lot of things when together that were high end.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    The 9’s and 10’s
    I've been going to NYC for the better part of 35 years for work --not as much in recent years as before but I'll stand by my comments on escorts---now the one difference and this might be where the disconnect is coming from I look at an hour or two as what I spend with an escort--the rates are typically in the 400 per hour range. --All night is not my thing since I'm up at 6 AM and out the door the next day typically for work. As I said before I never tried a stripper in the city for OTC. On SA the 9's and 10's as I see them are normally in the high and substantial categories and since it would not be ongoing for me at this stage in my life I pass.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    The 9’s and 10’s
    Supply and Demand.......need vs greed. NYC is odd....with SA the prices are high for the value received, With escorts you can find some really good looking women with great skills and attitude in the 400 range Never tried strippers. In DC after dealing with more rules in the clubs than just about any place else the prices for a 9/10 are 1 K and up.........
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Sugar Daddies and Jealousy
    And I'll add I agree with Subraman 100%. With every girl I met on SA I strived for the type of open discussion he references. Most times I had it and the reason for moving on had more to do with changes to life styles or mutual understanding we just didn't click--no bad leftover baggage. This last one is the oddity. But after sitting out the holidays and giving it some thought I am back on the site meeting women again.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Sugar Daddies and Jealousy
    twentyfive I agree. And although I met this girl before she started stripping I never lost sight of the fact she had the right attitude to be one, except she never could make a go of it for some reason. ( and looks and body are not the reasons) The majority of the time we were together she was not an active stripper and although there are a lot of things and times I realized she wasn't straight with me I would say this is one of the few things I believed for the same reason I knew when another guy was in the mixture. I haven't spoke to her for the better part of two months now although she has reached out to me a few times--I've gone no contact and it would take something monumental for me to ever consider going back again. I ended it because of the drama and because of her dishonesty. From what I know she moved cross country and I suspect will be dancing again if she isn't already.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    Reasons i love SA
    It's not common but I have had it happen --more than once actually. Let her take the lead.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Sugar Daddies and Jealousy
    anonlvone4 Hours Ago @WarrenBoy75 - Could you explain level of attachment and expectation? I recently ended a long running off and on saga with a girl I met on SA who after we met became a stripper. I need to watch what I say on here because I have a feeling a few people "could" have a good idea of who I mean since where she danced and her M.O are somewhat unique. Whenever she had a real boyfriend although she considered me her boyfriend as well I could tell. Things were never quite right--call it spidey sense or whatever you want to call it I knew and it threw everything off. Finally after about the third time of this happening and me leaving, her chasing after me to come back, I did make it part of the arrangement --it might seem unfair but the difference another guy caused and the issues it raised were far beyond what I ever thought they should. So I'm not sure I would call it jealousy but I would say for a lot of reasons I preferred she didn't see anyone else--which of course caused a different set of issues. The jealousy although she would deny it came more from her--the expectations from me. ( I'll own it) And yes, I am glossing over a lot of the details but it's the type of story guys only discuss in a bar--drinking a good glass of something with a smooth kick.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Sugar Daddies and Jealousy
    I've been using the site for over five years now. With one notable exception I never asked nor did I care. But.......there are reasons to know and to care, not the least if the dude is jealous and he knows about you. Or the level of attachment and expectation the girl has of you.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Probably in the VIP
    Stripper Instagrams
    Some of the girls have multiple IG accounts. The ones I know ( and it is pretty easy once you have one because they follow other strippers to find others) tend to have their accounts set up so they look like they are something besides strippers--Models, actresses, small business owners. I know one or two only that actually admits they are a stripper on their social media. Expect to see a fair amount of posturing and talking about "making their own brand".
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    NFL Play-offs
    Yep---he would have made big difference. Any time you saw a run outside the hash marks and no linebacker there to meet the back Shazier probably would have been in place. You can argue he might not have made the tackle but his history going back to OSU states otherwise. Additionally those flares to TJ Yeldon where he was wide open because Vince Williams runs a 4.65 would have been null.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    I'm not complaining but...
    I spend about 10% of the days of a year in a strip club and even if you add the LT relationship I had with one girl who was/is/was/probably is again a stripper that kicks it up to about 15-18%. I concentrate on the comments about the clubs but keep in mind money, politics, belief systems, SA to name a few all have some bearing on going to clubs. As Juicebox stated after you are here bit you need variety.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Dancers ordering expensive drinks ?
    With the exception of the NYC debacle I've mentioned on here before most dancers have been pretty good about not taking advantage. Normally I sit at the bar and I get to know the bartender(s) and I've given this advice before but overall making nice to the bartender seems to work for me on multiple fronts, introductions, pointing out the girls who are fun, introducing me to the upper management, giving me free passes......and making sure no dancer is too much of an ass. ( pertinent to this topic) About a 1/3 of them order coffee oddly enough when they are sitting with me and they are young before anyone makes the comment I am hitting on the grannies :--)
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Lost my job due to outsourcing can anyone help?
    See comments above-- in the DC Area the most sought after IT skills are Security Analyst. The least sought after jobs are desktop based support since the emergence of Managed Services companies --the skills are available on line and at various local colleges. Many of the mid sized IT/Technology firms have moved out to Herndon (sp?) Dulles, Ashburn, etc.......and it is the mid sized companies that see to be doing the most expansion in the last 18 months.........Actually the State of Virginia is looking for people right now but the jobs are Richmond based.........
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Lost my job due to outsourcing can anyone help?
    If you are inside the beltway and this is not your field--enroll in school for Information Security Analyst. If you want to stay in the area and can relocate look in the Dulles Area. However unless you are keeping current and updating your skill set you'll find your situation to be repetitive --the last thing you want to be is a commodity. Outsourcing to India is only one way organizations are offloading cost. Managed services companies and Cloud based applications are also cutting down on company IT staffs. Stay away from the desktop..........