
Comments by Timex345 (page 5)

  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Your weakness
    Asian and black women.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    OT: Arrest Warrants
    A former fellow employee went home to Chicago. He was pulled over. They ran his ID. He had a warrant. He was arrested. On top of that, he lost his job after just being hired.
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    8 years ago
    Awkward Club Experiences
    I can relate to so many of these experiences. Especially trying to not be rude to girls as you try to get rid of them.
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    8 years ago
    Awkward Club Experiences
    My truck would not start after a visit. I had to go to a restaurant next store to use a phone. The tow truck showed up and the driver asked where I was parked. I sheepishly pointed over to the SC's parking lot. The look of outright disapproval was very apparent on the driver's face. Awkward. That is probably tops on my list.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Awkward Club Experiences
    I waved to a fav. as she entered the club to visit a friend briefly. She was not working. Her date was right behind her. I didn't realize they were together at the time. They both left after 10 minutes. She went to the dressing room and he waited. Awkward. I still wander why he didn't wait for her in the car. I know no situation is perfect. But, I did wander if this was a pay for play situation or if they were dating. I could have asked but I have learned to mind my own business and just enjoy who is working. Her friend is another fav. of mine.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Wat do u love about women ?
    They are not men. A beautiful, nice woman is always a moral booster for me. They help me forget about work and my problems. Strippers give me an escape from life for a few precious moments.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Women are amazing !
    They have my vote.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Awkward Club Experiences
    There are so many for me. It is hard for me to remember some of them. Probably walking back to the private dance area to see if a favorite was dancing for a customer tops my list. Waiting longer than I should in an empty club during the day shift right after opening is another. In general, being a customer at a showclub is simply awkward in itself. I think there is something wrong with me but oh well at least I am not harming anyone with my favorite hobby.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    You might have gone to a strip club last night, if...
    You already miss your favorite dancer and our planning your next visit as soon as you wake all the while knowing there really is no future with her but it doesn' t matter the lower half of your body has taken over and you must have her if only for a few more songs before you quit her for good.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Drinking in the strip club
    A girl was high on weed about a month ago. She actually forgot to collect the money I owed her for a lap dance after our session together. I have always gotten along with her so I would have felt pretty bad if I left her high and dry. I could have walked right out of there without paying but I did not want to cause any future problems with her or management if she later remembered I had not paid her. She works at my favorite club.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    June slowness
    Several favorites in my area work reduced days maybe longer hours to take advantage of the nice weather. One favorite took 3 months off entirely. I think she relied on OTC to get out of working at the club. She has built up a regular customer base. Strippers are no different than the rest of us. Who wants to be stuck indoors during the summer? I love being in a slow showclub.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Those Text Messages
    A former fav. would text me to set up a visit. She would ignore all texts on the weekends. So, being ignored goes both ways.
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    8 years ago
    The most annoying thing
    That doesn't bother me. I hate the tip parade at my favorite club. If I wanted to tip a girl, I would have done it during her set.
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    8 years ago
    Feelings for a dancer.
    Good point K. You are not alone. I develop feelings for girls who repeatedly dance for me. Be careful and keep in mind these girls see men as walking ATMs. I just
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    8 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Do most people eventually cheat on their spouse or girlfriend?
    The cost of doing business my friend. I admire honest, faithful women. I am single because of being overly sensitive. I tend to wear my heart on my sleeve. Anyways, I think most people cheat. When I am with a girl, I just accept the fact that at any moment I can be easily replaced with the swipe of her finger on her phone. Reality sucks sometimes.
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    8 years ago
    The People's Republic of Pennsylvania
    Reason NOT to call a backpage escort and have her come to your hotel
    I have done the backpage thing as well. I avoid doing so because of similar experiences. Girls do the old bait and switch. My old favorite stopped dancing about 3 to 4 months ago at my favorite club. She has either started dating a sugar daddy. I think she may be getting married. But, she has always been big into doing OTC with select customers. She had asked me to do OTC once but I didn't know her very well at the time. I politely declined but wished I had taken her up on her offer back then. I have always had a big crush on her. I hope she returns to dancing but I think she is now doing the escorting thing full time because I know she hated the club rules and dancing for rude customers. As an escort, she gets to see who she wants to and make her own hours. She probably makes more money and gets to go on trips, etc. I know her close friend and could probably inquire about visiting with her. But, she really has shown no interest in me since I first declined her offer. Besides, a lot of this is a hunch on my part. I know she doesn't have a civilian job. She turned to dancing because of the easy money. Of course, this is all none of my business. But, as a customer, I find I get wrapped ujp in these girls lives as much as I try to stay out of them and just remain a customer.
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    8 years ago
    Liars get defensive when called out on their lies
    Best to move on. It was a hard lesson for me to learn. Honesty has no place in a SC. It sucks. But these girls are only after money. I saw a fav. with her sugar daddy. It was a surreal sight. He looked like her grandfather. Sad really. But, this is the world's oldest profession. Have fun. But keep away from dating these women.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    new CF texts me that she saw me with another stripper (P4P or GF?)
    I have no advice. She seems overly invested emotionally already. I hate to say this. But it is nice to hear that jealousy runs both ways. Usually, it is customers like me who lose their shit over a stripper. It is your call. But, how much drama can you live with in your life?
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Infidelity and Your Wife
    After reading, perhaps it is best I remain single. Women know. They are always 3 steps ahead of men. They won't suddenly leave without an exit strategy.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    She has control of your wallet
    That is difficult. But, her having control of your emotions is worse.
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    8 years ago
    How much $ are you worth to your favorite?
    Wow. $0 here. Happened to me today. A favorite walked into the club and barely gave me a wave hello. She was there to talk to someone not work. But, she ignored me so I realize how little our time meant. The guy she had in tow was way older than her. So, I think she has either hooked up with an older guy or started being an escort with a handful of customers she met at the club. Oh well. Another hard won lesson. Keep your emotions out of the club.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Mystery solved
    Good point. I think she has stopped dancing. So, that is why I think I may have to find a new favorite.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    The Dancer getting screwed on the song count: What would you do?
    Enjoy it.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Which is better, and why?
    I am currently living the option 1 lifestyle. There is no perfect situation in any walk of life unfortunately. I am unsure if I will return to civilian dating given all of the frustration and heartache I have experienced in the past. I wasted a good portion of my youth chasing a total bitch. So, the convenience of clubbing just works for me. I want sex. Going to a club and paying for it is just easier. In the end, we all pay for it.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Older than dirt
    Poor timing
    I would move on. I was in a similar situation about three years ago. A dancer was using me for money. I changed my number and never looked back. No matter how much money I gave her, it was never enough. I hate her and learned a valuable lesson.