1. Complete freedom and independence. No wife, gf, etc, nobody to answer to. Do whatever you can afford whenever and however you want. Shop for a new DS every night. Fuck strippers galore if you want. No limits but time and funds. But you have no genuine romantic relationship with a woman.
2. You have a wife or girlfriend who is very satisfying to you sexually and whom you love but you can't possibly give up strippers on the side. So at least once or twice a week you have to lie to her to coverup your activities. You do all the usual crap that guys talk about on here to hide strip clubbing.
The wife/gf is not paranoid or overly suspicious, but she's not stupid either.
There are no other choices
Sorry Lopaw, SJGay, and the guy who gives handjobs, I'm too high to figure out how to word the two options to cover people who are gay.
I feel like if you commit to someone, you shouldn't be doing those other activities on the side. I think you should be loyal to the person and that person only
Number 1. I club because I like looking at naked women. Plain and simple. When I've had girlfriends, I backed away from the club life. A committed relationship is best, IMO.
I am living option #1 and I have never been happier. Having no one to answer and financial independence gives me the freedom to do whatever I want.
However, I think I would choose option # 2 if it were possible, especially if I were a young man. I would need to have plenty of money in this scenario (let's give me inherited wealth) so I could afford both a wife/SO and strippers. I enjoy having a woman around for companionship and family fun. The strippers on the side would provide sexual variety. This is a dream scenario that could not work in reality. The wife or SO would eventually catch you.
A committed relationship by me would mean no more strip clubbing. Therefore I have to go with option #1. I'd get tired of starting over again in clubs once the relationship ended.
Seems like @Smith has started at least 10 threads with this same topic. It's not rocket science. It's nice to have a wife your own age there, who gives a shit whether you wake up in the morning, and who's there for you when a crisis inevitably occurs. Yes, it's possible to be married and have fun on the side. Paying strippers for sex is mind-blowing entertainment. It's not morally right to cheat on your wife, but I do it anyway.
Interesting. Everybody chooses 1 so far. Yet an awful lot of people here are living in 2 I think. Everybody so far says they wouldn't want to lie/cheat on SO, yet many here do just that.
I am currently living the option 1 lifestyle. There is no perfect situation in any walk of life unfortunately. I am unsure if I will return to civilian dating given all of the frustration and heartache I have experienced in the past. I wasted a good portion of my youth chasing a total bitch. So, the convenience of clubbing just works for me. I want sex. Going to a club and paying for it is just easier. In the end, we all pay for it.
When it comes to what you said I always remember what Chris Rock said:
"There are only 2 options in life for men. You're either married and miserable, or single and lonely."
I am a number 2. If something happened and I got divorced, I can guarantee I would wind up having another girlfriend and maybe even get married again. I could see myself being and wanting to try to stay a number 1, but eventually a hot female would suck me in to becoming a number 2 again, I just know it!!!
I'm living option 1 for 10 or so years, and enjoying it. My wife who I'm happily married to gives me all the emotional companionship and love I need, and knows exactly what I like sexually. To top it off she's never been suspicious or inquired.
However, I'm greedy and clubbing gives me the variety I need. I'm keep the frequency and money spent fairly undectable and keep things safe. It could of course very well bite me in the ass in the end, but scenario 1 is the only one I've ever known when it comes to clubbing.
If something happens to my marriage, I'd probably prefer to play the singles field with non-professionals than keep up this hobby.
I'm with rh48hr. I'm currently single but when in a relationship I don't cheat. If she wasn't pleasing me sexually is just break up with her. So 1 would be my answer.
#1 for me, I'm terrible at multitasking & I don't think I'd be at peace fucking other women behind my SO's back - I def think there is no such thing as a free-lunch & a relationship requires resources of various kinds (time, $, feelings, etc).
Based on a dream I had this morning I had with 8 horny girls alone in the wilderness but with food, shelter, etc. I prefer #1 but why can't #2 involve multiple girls? Just because it's illegal for many here in this country doesn't mean guys don't do it. I tried to do #2 with 8 girls, a different girl every day wasn't enough for them though. I had it rough. :)
I go with option one if those are my only choices, but it blows in comparison to my regular life with my 26+ years with the wife. While I am not the only decision maker in the house I never lie about strip clubbing, bring wife to the same clubs I go to solo, went on my golf trip in March, will go on my water skiing trip in September and my golf trip in October. I will continue to play in my bi-weekly poker league, as well as my five monthly games. No worries I went skiing in Oregon in January and Utah in february with the wife and we're doing our anniversay this summer in Mississippi and Nawlins.
#1 for me. I don't believe in cheating or having sex with other women while married because I personally know a couple of men that did that and were killed by their wives once they found out. It's selfish and very disrespectful to still be seeing strippers unless the wife already knows and is OK with it.
Sorry, I'm not going to select between those two options because I feel that it is an arbitrarily forced choice.
What I want is group of people, including women who will be my sex partners. And all of these people are committed to a broader set of political goals.
Without this, we are always negotiating normative standards and built in gender conflicts.
I think it's easy for those of us not-married to say we would never do 'x' - when I was younger (20s/30s) I was less life-experienced and more idealistic - now that I'm older I'm more aware that life is not as idealistic/perfect.
I think if one is married a long-time it's a different bag of chips - I think most people that get married get married w/ the ideal it will be forever and that will be the only person for the rest of their lives - but as they say in France "shit happens" :)
For those of us not currently married or in a relationship; choosing b/w 1 or 2 is a clear choice; for those in particular that have been married for a good while the question and answer is a bit more complicated, IMO.
Of the two options: #1. #2 doesn't make any sense IMO. If you have a gf/wife that makes you happy, why bother with the effort of dealing with and hiding the strange on the side. The motivation for strange on the side would only come in to play when you are UNsatisfied with what you got in house.
-->" If you have a gf/wife that makes you happy, why bother with the effort of dealing with and hiding the strange on the side"
I'm actually shocked there are men who don't understand why men seek out strange.
Totally expect that some guys would choose NOT to do that, if they're happy with their partner ... just shocked they don't easily understand why others would
last commentI would not be fucking strippers on the side. So it's not really an option for me.
I feel like if you commit to someone, you shouldn't be doing those other activities on the side. I think you should be loyal to the person and that person only
However, I think I would choose option # 2 if it were possible, especially if I were a young man. I would need to have plenty of money in this scenario (let's give me inherited wealth) so I could afford both a wife/SO and strippers. I enjoy having a woman around for companionship and family fun. The strippers on the side would provide sexual variety. This is a dream scenario that could not work in reality. The wife or SO would eventually catch you.
There is no perfect situation in any walk of life unfortunately.
I am unsure if I will return to civilian dating given all of the frustration and heartache
I have experienced in the past. I wasted a good portion of my youth chasing a total bitch.
So, the convenience of clubbing just works for me. I want sex. Going to a club and paying for it is just
easier. In the end, we all pay for it.
"There are only 2 options in life for men. You're either married and miserable, or single and lonely."
I am a number 2. If something happened and I got divorced, I can guarantee I would wind up having another girlfriend and maybe even get married again. I could see myself being and wanting to try to stay a number 1, but eventually a hot female would suck me in to becoming a number 2 again, I just know it!!!
However, I'm greedy and clubbing gives me the variety I need. I'm keep the frequency and money spent fairly undectable and keep things safe. It could of course very well bite me in the ass in the end, but scenario 1 is the only one I've ever known when it comes to clubbing.
If something happens to my marriage, I'd probably prefer to play the singles field with non-professionals than keep up this hobby.
As for my handies, don't knock them till you've tried them.
What I want is group of people, including women who will be my sex partners. And all of these people are committed to a broader set of political goals.
Without this, we are always negotiating normative standards and built in gender conflicts.
If that's the standard, then we've got a shit load of selfish disrespectful people on tuscl.
I think if one is married a long-time it's a different bag of chips - I think most people that get married get married w/ the ideal it will be forever and that will be the only person for the rest of their lives - but as they say in France "shit happens" :)
For those of us not currently married or in a relationship; choosing b/w 1 or 2 is a clear choice; for those in particular that have been married for a good while the question and answer is a bit more complicated, IMO.
I'm actually shocked there are men who don't understand why men seek out strange.
Totally expect that some guys would choose NOT to do that, if they're happy with their partner ... just shocked they don't easily understand why others would