
Drinking in the strip club

What are your overall thoughts on drinking in the strip club as far as the patron goes?

I always need to have a drink in my hand at the strip club. Most times I'm not craving a drink or anything, but sometimes when I'm bored in the club (ugly dancers), drinking is something to do, if that makes sense. That being said I'll only have 2 or 3 drinks max, I don't want to get tipsy and have these strippers take advantage of me. I also don't like my strippers tipsy or drunk, I don't want them to get sloppy during a lapdance.



  • Mistah_Fetti_Morbuxxx
    8 years ago
    I'm about like you. I typically have at most 2 or 3 beers. I prefer to spend my money on dances than alcohol. Plus, like you said, I don't like for the strippers to try to take advantage of my wallet when I am tipsy or drunk. I very rarely drink liquor or mixed drinks at strip clubs and I just stick with beer, juice, soda, or water.
  • skibum609
    8 years ago
    Last night I had two beers in 3 hours and drank water the rest of the time. Friday night i stopped counting at 14 drinks, but as someone with experience alcohol isn't going to make me into a schmuck and get taken by a dancer.
  • shailynn
    8 years ago
    I always have a drink in my hand, it's expected of you to do so in most clubs. My secret is if I'm driving my drink doesn't have any alcohol in it, or I'll just have 1 beer or 1 real drink and then switch to a Diet Coke or tonic water.

    Now if I cabbed/ubered it, I will drink much more. Some of my best nights ever have been when I got blasted in the club.

    In my experience I like my strippers a little tipsy, they usually are more fun. There's a difference between tipsy and drunk. My best night ever in a strip club was several years ago and a stripper and I kept trading shots at the bar. At the end of the night when my head hit the hotel bed the room was spinning so I was pretty drunk, and the stripper was equally drunk as well.
  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    The strip club is practically the only place I ever have more than one or two drinks ...
    - drinking hard with the girls is part of the experience I"m going for, and one of the things I love about SCing. I don't ever drink alone at the SC, but once I get my girl, we're set.
    - A buzzed girl (NOT a drunk girl!) can be incredibly fun in the club, waaaay more fun than sober chicks..
    - And drinks are one of the best investments you can make... buy her a $5-$10 drink, and all the girls here follow the unwritten rule that she stays until her drink is done, so very little $ gets me a lot of fun flirting time.
    - Often, my stripper's friends will come buy, and hang out if I buy them drinks, too. So an extra $5 drink gets me the "table full of girls" experience, that I also love.

    I've never been taken advantage of, because I was buzzed, and I always carry my entire wallet ... I'm under enough control that I don't do anything dumb or out of character. If your judgement goes south super fast, then maybe drinking in the club isn't for you

  • rickdugan
    8 years ago
    I like to drink when I club. But the extent to which one should drink in the club depends on a number of things, including whether he has to drive after, how much self control he has and how well he holds his liquor. I've seen plenty of guys get wasted and do stupid shit over the years in clubs - some guys just don't handle their booze well in strip clubs.
  • JohnSmith69
    8 years ago
    I almost always get high on Mary Jane at a strip club cause it enhances the experience exponentially, far beyond anything that alcohol could ever do. I usually just get one drink to keep the waitresses off my ass, and half the time I don't finish it.
  • shailynn
    8 years ago
    I've actually had tipsy girls give me better rates versus a stone sober one. So a tipsy stripper actually works to your advantage, at least in my experience
  • larryfisherman
    8 years ago
    ^^^You might be right about that. Tipsy, but not drunk.

    I can handle my liquor, I'm not an abusive or annoying drunk. However, when I get drunk in bars or clubs I start spending money like crazy. There was one night at a Vegas strip club, I got completely plastered, and I ended up spending $3,000 that night. The next morning was really shitty.
  • jackslash
    8 years ago
    I like to drink in strip clubs because it makes me less inhibited and less uptight. Without alcohol, I would probably sit quietly and not talk to the dancers or tip them. The dancers would call me "No Fun Jack" instead of "Fun Time Jack." I also buy drinks for dancers to promote a party atmosphere.

    I take an Uber to avoid DUI's.
  • Dolfan
    8 years ago
    I pretty much always have at least a drink or two. The routine is to sit down, get a drink, and take in the sights briefly before getting down to business. If I'm not driving, I tend to drink more, but still it's pretty rare for me to get even tipsy and quite rare for me to get drunk. I'm not lacking in self control nor awareness, so I've never had an issue with poor decision making due to alcohol. I've had to cab it home & come back for my truck the next day a few times, but that's about it.

    With dancers, I've got no tolerance for sloppy drunks. I've got no interest in being the guy she made a bad decision with because she was drunk. Not judgement intended, but that's just not me. With dancers I'm friendly with beyond the casual customer/dancer dynamic, I'm happy to have some drinks and relax, if we get drunk then so be it. I also tend to avoid girls who don't drink at all, unless its some sort of health thing. So, I guess I can be counted in the camp of liking a girl with a little buzz on.

    Everything in moderation man. A few drinks for everyone often makes for a better time. Too many usually makes for a bad time for at least someone. I'd say if you can't find that happy medium, you may want to stay out of SC's all together.
  • shadowcat
    8 years ago
    I don't drink alcohol at all any more but I don't think that it takes away from my club experience. After all, I could get a drink damn near anywhere, including at home.
  • Tiredtraveler
    8 years ago
    Drinking in a club can make you get a dance from this or worse pay for play!

  • georgmicrodong
    8 years ago
    I'm pretty much inhibited already, so I don't need it for that, and driving drunk falls into a category as severe as lying to my wife, so I don't do it when I'm driving.

    I get a bottle of water when I walk into the club, and if I'm spending more than an hour, I'll get another one. Sometimes I'll do the hard stuff and get Diet Coke, but I'm not usually brave enough to drink out of a strip club's glassware.
  • Tiredtraveler
    8 years ago
    I was sitting at the bar in a pretty nice club. I had cabbed to the club so driving was not an issue.
    I had been going to this club while is was working in this town for a few weeks and had made the acquaintance of several of the girls. I was going to break my usual pattern of water or one bottled beer and get a top shelf bourbon (Makers Mark for them) on the rocks for me and tequila for her when I started watching the bar tender. She was dipping the ice out with the glass... a big time no no for a decent bar tender; not only does it contaminate the ice it also is likely that there is pieces of broken glass mixed in with the ice! so I change and let her get her tequila and I stuck with a bottle that I watched be opened.
  • dallas702
    8 years ago
    Drinking in a strip club is only a problem if:

    Drinking makes you sad - crying doesn't help you get extras.

    Drinking makes you mad - bouncers don't like it if you hit strippers

    Drinking makes you limp - DUH!

    Drinking makes you talk - strippers will find someone with fewer words and more money.

    Drinks use up all your cash - no money no lap dances.

    Drinking makes you inebriated before leaving to drive home - Cops will not give you a "pass" if you explain that you only drank because the dancers were ugly.

    My fav clubs also serve coffee (or are very near someplace that does). I cut myself off about an hour before I plan to leave and drink coffee or water.
  • rh48hr
    8 years ago
    I don't drink ... at the club or anywhere else. Just a personal choice. I've bought drinks for dancers many times. I've found I get more mileage once they've had a couple drinks. Alcohol makes them horny. But I don't like drunk dancers. Too out of control and generally not as much mileage because of it.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Decades ago I used to drink small amounts of alcohol in strip clubs and other bars. No I no longer do that. Just because it is expected, does not mean that I am going to do it.

    Also, what alcohol does to people is not something I want. And then there is the driving issue. The rule for General Aviation is something like 12 or 24 hours dry. I don't see why the rule for motor vehicles should be any looser.

    So for decades now I don't drink alcohol at all. And as everyone knows in some states like California you can't have full nudity unless there is no alcohol.

  • mrrock
    8 years ago
    I don't hardly drink as I just don't like the taste of most alcoholic beverages. I also never drink when I'm driving even one drink. So it's always bottled water for me!
  • chessmaster
    8 years ago
    The beer goggles definitely help with butterfaces with phat asses which happens a lot. I'm pretty reserved and boring when I'm sober so I like to have at least a few drinks. Maybe I'll start going high.
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    Never been much of a drinker primarily b/c I never really liked the taste of beer and that is how most people start the drinking habit, I think.

    In the mid-2000s while living in Dallas I was at a SC and a dancer asked me why I didn't drink and I said I did not like the taste of beer - she then asked me to try a sip of her mixed-drink and I liked it since I did not taste the alcohol much but could feel the effect (the drink was a Hurricane) - after that for about 2 or 3 years I would usually have a Hurricane sometiems two when I clubbed and it would give me a buzz - I didn't drink back then to have a better time in the club but more to deal w/ stress and numb myself.

    These days I rarely drink and usually just nurse a lite beer in the club - since I never been a regular drinker I don't assocaite drinking w/ having a good time in the SC but at times in the past I would be like jackslash where drinking would make me less inhibited and less uptight in the club - lately I've been thinking about having a good strong drink or two when I SC so I won't be as uptight but last time I was @ Tootsies Miami and ordered a Long Island it did not give me any buzz whatsoever making me think I got ripped off and that they were serving watered down drinks (thus less of an incentive for me to drink at the club).
  • motorhead
    8 years ago

    "After all, I could get a drink damn near anywhere, including at home"

    +1000 Shadowcat

    That's the way I feel. I can drink a beer at home. I can't see 20 yo pussy at home.
  • motorhead
    8 years ago
    When I go to the club, I typically spend several hours there. If I drank the entire time I was there I'd be over the limit. No way in hell I'm risking a DUI. I'm not really a big drinker anyway.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago

    Lots of these places talk about showing porno movies, like in that Cascadas Hotel over the TJ Hong Kong bar. And then a place I was at in San Francisco. The girl asked me if I wanted one of their special pricey fantasy rooms, where they have a video monitor showing pornos. I told her I wouldn't be watching any videos. ( not especially since I was going to DATY her, and she took to that really well. )

    I agree fully about alcohol being unnecessary and not something which could ever help. And not in either party!

    And same for marijuana too. Better to deal with girls who are completely clean and sober.

    In California, the no alcohol rule in nude clubs does help with this. Some really interesting girls have been long popular at the San Jose Pink Poodle.

  • Cowboy12
    8 years ago
    Either 2 to 3 beers or 1 mixed drink....then a water for my last drink before I leave.
    I feel like I'm okay to drive after that.
    Never been one to get drunk....that's not necessary to have a good time, especially at a strip club!
  • lopaw
    8 years ago
    I prefer nude clubs and there is no booze served. But there is plenty of alcohol in the DR, and sometimes the dancers will offer some from their personal stash. But I always respectfully decline.
  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    -->"alcohol being unnecessary and not something which could ever help"

    If you're trying to avoid the stripper being more fun, more uninhibited, allowing more contact, and generally making poorer choices, then I agree, no way can alcohol help :)

    Once she gets from pleasantly buzzed to drunk, that's a different story though. Some of my worst stories are with overly-drunk strippers
  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    -->" I prefer nude clubs and there is no booze served"

    When I was a regular in a nude club, I'd smuggle in a bottle of Dasani water (or whatever it was they sold there), and refill it with vodka in the bathroom. My ATF would plant herself next to me and we'd share it ... and often her friends would sit on the other side of me and we'd pass it among the three of us. It got so girls would be texting me while I was on the way to the club, "You're coming, right? Bring vodka!". I'm pretty sure the bouncers knew exactly what was going on, I'm under no illusion that they're so clueless as to not notice the same bottle of water being passed around, but just didn't care as long as it was low-key.

    Super fun time getting buzzed with the girls!
  • Ch3ll
    8 years ago
    I'm all for it. It loosens everybody up. I know people can get stupid drunk and do stupid shit, but haven't seen it in the strip club too often. Its good for conversation starter if the dancer is drinking too. The only thing I dislike about the drinking is the prices!
  • Cashman1234
    8 years ago
    I'm not much of a drinker. However, it seems I'm with the majority of folks here as I will have 2 or at most 3 beers over a two hour stretch of clubbing. I am very careful to be safe - since I'm usually driving - and since I don't eat strip club food.

    I think if a dancer has a playful buzz going - it can make for a fun itc experience. However - if a dancer is drunk - it can get really uncomfortable - and it can lead to a bad VIP experience.
  • larryfisherman
    8 years ago
    I get the same thing every time. A rum n coke and a Coors Light. I don't particularly prefer them over other drinks, I just got into a routine, and I stuck with it.
  • Timex345
    8 years ago
    A girl was high on weed about a month ago. She actually forgot to collect the money I owed her for a lap dance after our session together. I have always gotten along with her so I would have felt pretty bad if I left her high and dry.
    I could have walked right out of there without paying but I did not want to cause any future problems with her or management if she later remembered I had not paid her. She works at my favorite club.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    8 years ago
    I drink but I never let myself get beyond a light buzz. Getting tanked in a strip club is asking for trouble... the not-fun kind.

    Drinking something also provides you with the opportunity to take care of and mingle with the bartenders, who can be important allies.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Subraman wrote:

    "If you're trying to avoid the stripper being more fun, more uninhibited, allowing more contact, and generally making poorer choices, then I agree, no way can alcohol help :)

    Well, if a girl wants to open up to me, she will. If she needs to be under the influence of alcohol to do that, then that is a problem in her character.

    One nice thing about AMPs is that there is no alcohol, smuggled or otherwise. If the girl and I are getting along, she usually lets me do anything I would want to do with any girl, and she loves it and usually ends up wanting me to take her home with me.

    It is easier to communicate and start a personal relationship with someone when there is no alcohol or dependence on alcohol.

    And yes I know that people smuggle alcohol into the no alcohol nude clubs. And I am sure that some girls drink of this too, just like in the BYOB strip clubs.

    I knew a guy, from England with severe PTSD from having been a sniper in their military, who use to sit in a public park all day long and drink from a two liter soda pop bottle which he had heavily spiked.

    It takes all types.

    Further discussion about alcohol:

    DFKing and DATYing dancers, not treating them like prostitutes or otherwise dividing women into two categories, alcohol, marijuana, the speculative and parasitic economy, and politics are just areas where there is always going to be strong disagreement.

    I do respect Subraman for being clear about what he wants and for being straight up about it.


    Robin Trower
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