
OT: Arrest Warrants

Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
When I was searching the Internet for something else, quite by accident I ran across the name of an old favorite on a list of outstanding arrest warrants. The list was current. Dated 6-7-2016, but the arrest warrant was almost 2 years old.

How does that work? For relatively minor offenses do they cops not even try to go to her address to arrest her? Do they just wait until they find her in a traffic stop.

It's been about 6 years since I've seen her but I bet I could find her without much effort.


  • shadowcat
    8 years ago
    I know a Follies dancer that went home for Christmas in NY state. She got pulled over for something. They ran a check and found an outstanding warrant. She spent 90 days in jail.
  • Timex345
    8 years ago
    A former fellow employee went home to Chicago. He was pulled over. They ran his ID. He had a warrant. He was arrested. On top of that, he lost his job after just being hired.
  • shailynn
    8 years ago
    Was it in the same state she currently resides in?

    I innocently was trying to find a wedding registry and found an arrest warrant for the groom, who happened to be one of my close friends. It was in another state and this guy is the furthest thing from a trouble maker.

    I remember him telling me years ago he was traveling in that state driving his dad's car and got pulled over for having a cracked windshield. A few weeks later he was driving and a semi had a blowout and veered into his lane totaling the car (but he was uninjured).

    Anyway he never paid the ticket or reported to the court for the violation so a warrant for his arrest was issued. Think they'd go over state lines to get him for that? No, but personally I'd clear that shit up if I were him. He said he wasn't concerned, he just knew he couldn't drive in that state again. Yeah he's kinda stupid when it comes to stuff like that.

    One better? Another friend got a ticket for "following a car too closely" on the interstate in Maryland. A state notorious for writing insane tickets on their interstates. Never paid the fine, or appeared in court so a warrant for his arrest gets issued.

    Years later he gets pulled over in another state for speeding on a Saturday before Labor Day weekend. Since there's a warrant for him, gets thrown in jail until he can get in front of a judge which was a Tuesday because of Sunday and the Monday holiday. He spent 3 days in jail over a simple traffic violation. The judge was pissed and said he never should have been put in jail over a traffic violation as minor as that to begin with but the police that arrested him didn't know any better. Btw he was never offered a chance to post bail either until he went before the judge.

    Pay those simple tickets everybody!!!! Clear your name!
  • motorhead
    8 years ago
    It's Ingham County, Michigan. (Lansing). She's been there her whole life. I know cops are overworked and the jails are overcrowded but what's the point of having laws if not even a minor effort is attempted to apprehend and detain.

    Our business arrangement didn't end well. Too many drugs. I guess I'm still bitter. Lol
  • crazyjoe
    8 years ago
    I have a friend that sent his brother with cash into the courthouse to pay a ticket for him. Later he was at the airport checking in for a flight. They found a warrent and he went to ja for failingnto pay the traffic ticket. Either his brother didnt pay and pocketed the cash, or there was a dirty court clerk...
  • sharkhunter
    8 years ago
    How do you find out if there is an arrest warrant or unpaid fines or traffic tickets for someone?
  • magicrat
    8 years ago
    They also have a record of those at immigration if you fly out of the country.
  • JohnSmith69
    8 years ago
    It varies by jurisdiction and how busy the cops are. Usually they will make some effort to find somebody charged with a crime. But the less serious the offense is, the more quickly they give up trying and just wait for the person to get caught doing something else.
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    There are way too many laws already on the books (& the libs seem to want to continuously add more) to where anyone can be in violation of a law at any one point often w/o even knowing it.
  • twentyfive
    8 years ago
    To Shark usually any decent attorney or bail bondsman can do a warrant search some of them charge some don't.
  • NinaBambina
    8 years ago
    If it's something minor, they usually will not try to "find" you unless they simply don't like you. Usually, the problems are when people are asked to ID themselves (like during a traffic stop), and the cop sees the warrants. Even then, it is up to the cops in the city the warrant is issued to decide if they want to come pick the person up.
  • dallas702
    8 years ago
    Depends a lot on the jurisdiction, the complaint and the individual's rap sheet. In some places the list of active warrants is so long that the only individuals pursued are violent, repeat offenders. The only ways anyone gets picked up on other warrants are getting caught committing another crime or getting stopped by a cop who is having a bad day.

    But other areas are almost the opposite. In the 90s, I lived is few years in a small town in a county with a population under 75,000. One Saturday a cop stopped by my house to ask about a neighbor who missed a court date for a PARKING ticket. The officer claimed wasn't planning on taking my neighbor to jail, he said he was just working his ONE outstanding warrant. The neighbor later told me he forgot about the ticket and when he belatedly went down to pay it - the fine doubled - to $10!
  • zef8mich
    8 years ago
    Some jurisdictions expect you to call up to find when your court date is scheduled. After trying to find out for months some people may get lax or give up and end up with a warrant.
    When there's a raid at a strip club I've heard of them checking for outstanding warrants. I don't know how many people they check.
  • sharkhunter
    8 years ago
    Thanks twenty five. Unless I end up knowing a friendly stripper with a law degree, I think I'll pass on doing any checks.
  • sharkhunter
    8 years ago
    My biggest fear is that so many people have the same name as me, identity mix ups could happen. I searched for my name online and found lots of people with my name. Even found out someone with my name got murdered too. Someone with the same first and last name even lives nearby me less than 20 miles away. Fortunately he has a good rep and is related to a retired state senator people like so if I get people confused, I get extra good treatment.
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    I wonder if LDK has warrants for public LDKing
  • JuiceBox69
    8 years ago
    Joe has a warrant for his arrest for van El I zing McDonald bathhouses
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    I don't know first hand, fortunately, but people tell me that the cops go by the bail amount. Over some amount, $30k?, they are supposed to bring the person in when they find them.

    So some outdoor drunks actually have a pile of warrants for missed court dates, but still not $30k.

    Then other warrants are flagged as more serious, where they do go find the person.

  • rickdugan
    8 years ago
    I've known several strippers with outstanding warrants, usually for missing court to face things like drug charges, probation violations, etc. As others have said, I suspect LE in some areas just won't dedicate resources to hunting down non-violent offenders. Many of them will pop up sooner or later anyway. Even assuming one is never stopped for traffic violations or involved in any other criminal issue (and we know that many will be), you can't even renew your driver's license (which is needed for all sorts of things nowadays) or get through an employment background check in most states with an outstanding warrant hanging over your head. So sooner or later one is forced to deal with a warrant unless he/she wants to live basically like an illegal immigrant.
  • warhawks
    8 years ago

    I just got pulled over today for tinted windows being too dark (they'd be ok in Florida but not in Michigan lol).

    Anyways, the cop let me go after running my plate and license. So I'm glad to know I don't have any warrants out for me. ;)
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