
Viagra before going to a stripclub?

Monday, March 6, 2017 5:01 PM
Do you ever? I did today because my penis is really negatively impacted by condoms and the last time I was alone with this girl in the room I lost my erection and wasn't able to get it back within the time constraints(still had a good time). When I saw her car in the parking lot(she happened to park right next to me a few weeks ago so I knew her car) I took 1/4 of a pill in the parking lot. I wouldn't have took the pill otherwise except I knew I was probably doing a room.


  • MrDeuce
    7 years ago
    If I'm going to a club where I know I'm likely to get a blowjob, I don't bother with pharmaceutical assistance -- BJs almost always do the trick. If I'm spending the night with my ATF, I'll surreptitiously take a quarter of a Vitamin V early in the morning before Round 2 because Deuce Jr. isn't as cooperative on the second pop of the night as he used to be. Ah, getting older: when the time between orgasms is measured with a calendar rather than a stopwatch :)
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    I've recently started taking blood-pressure med and although it's a low-dosage I'm thinking it's affected a bit my readiness for battle - it could be I'm just not into it lately so IDK if it's the bp meds for sure; but perhaps I'll have to join the V ranks.
  • Gromit28
    7 years ago
    Pretty much always use the chemical assist for clubbing. There is a lot in the experience of going into a private room with a girl you just met that can make things not work as well as you might like. Better to be safe than disappointed.
  • Dominic77
    7 years ago
    No. but I'm a casual customer and I don't go for extras. I'm also young and healthy enough not to need chemical enhancements, yet. I can recover for a 2nd (or 3rd) pop in 5-10 minutes. So I guess I'm lucky.
  • JohnSmith69
    7 years ago
    If I'm expecting extras then I'll often take a little helper to go along with the Mary Jane. Otherwise it's not necessary.
  • gawker
    7 years ago
    It's not if, but how much for me. If I know there's going to be extras I'll take 100 mg. If I'm expecting FS I'll take 200 mg. If I'm going for OTC I'll take 100 mg 3 hours beforehand and 100 mg. 1/2 hour before. Then if there's any chance of round 2 I'll take another 100 mg. I'm usually taking shit from India and I suspect their dosage is [view link] night I was trying for round 3 and took a shitload hoping for one more erection and it caused my to shit myself with liquid feces running down my legs - very romantic if I do say so myself. Here she is lying in bed smoking crack and I'm taking a shower. Who knows what crap we get from the pharmacologists who speak Hindu?
  • jackslash
    7 years ago
    Naked girls are my viagra.
  • skibum609
    7 years ago
    Papi - Blood pressure meds are killers. The best thing about vitamin V is the ability to go a third round in short order (50 mg) and the fact that increased blood flow + hot dancer = larger dick.
  • JohnSmith69
    7 years ago
    Damn gawker. Now I have to distract myself to get that image out of my mind.
  • shadowcat
    7 years ago
    Yes, I do. I'm taking so many meds that I have to keep it written down ad to when and how much to take. The curse of getting old. I too have a generic supply of India Viagra. At less than $1 each, I take one every time I go strip clubbing. I can get by without them for BBBJs but when they are so cheap why not take one. I also have a supply of the real thing that I use for FS OTC. In Dec of this year a legal generic is supposed to be available in the U.S. but the distributor must pay Pfizer a royalty. So I don't expect any huge drop in ED med prices.
  • rockstar666
    7 years ago
    I always do. I buy on line so my effective cost is under $2 a dose. The last thing I worry about in the club is getting my money's worth from an excellent grind (or more).
  • skibum609
    7 years ago
    Generic India Viagra? Ugh. Its $10.00 for 10 via valid prescription and hospital pharmacy so why risk it?
  • JohnSmith69
    7 years ago
    I hate to agree with skibum but why would you get cheap possibly fake meds for your penis. There's no telling what is in those meds.
  • shadowcat
    7 years ago
    Skibum609 that may be true if your insurance covers it. I have Medicare part D drug coverage and ED meds are not covered. Here is what Viagra costs without insurance: When it comes to buying 10 Viagra tablets of 100mg each, costs are as follows at each of these chain pharmacies: CVS: $601.00 ($60.10 per tablet) Walgreens: $621.00 ($62.10 per tablet) Walmart: $587.00 ($58.70 per tablet) The US Patent office really fucked us seniors. I've bought from the same India pharmacy 3 times and never had a problem. I tend to agree with Gawker that the potency of the real thing may not be there but they do work.
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    @Shadowcat it helps to be friendly with your regular doctor, when I go for my regular check-up every 6 months and mt annual physical I ask my doctor, and he always obliges with detail provided samples, of Viagra or Cialis , (name branded, not generic equivalents) and he always gives me more than enough so that I don't run dry before my next office visit.
  • shadowcat
    7 years ago
    twentyfive - My doc used to give me free samples too but only a couple. The last time I asked him he said that they were no longer getting them. He has been mt PCP for over 20 years so I believe him. It's possible that urologists might still be getting them but certainly not enough to last me more than a week or two.
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    Shadow my guy is an Internist down here in Florida, it certainly is true that the detail guys have been getting stingy lately that's what my doc tells me, but as yet he has always had a cabinet full of candy.
  • xxxrated
    7 years ago
    Not Viagra , but i used Cialis before the strip club.................... I find it gives you more penile control for all the lap dancing etc etc........ keeps u hard for all the lap dancing. etc etc........... This is a good thing. Increases your chances for extras............
  • BumHip
    7 years ago
    I just had my first experiment with E.D. drugs at the strip club recently. All I can say, is for us older guys, it's the only way to fly. I got the generic from India, about $160 for 20,10mg pills, and they threw in 10, 20mg pills that I will break in half when I use them. I take 10mg about an hour before I leave the house, and another 5mg if it feels like I need more. All I can say is I get hard in seconds, stay hard as long as I want/need, feel more sensitive, and can go for a round 2 like i could 20 years ago. The stuff is amazing. I drank, and smoked a little weed that night too. I felt unstoppable. So yeah, I recommend it!
  • rockstar666
    7 years ago
    Eric...WTF???? I get ten 100 mg pills and break them in half....20 doses for under $50. Perhaps you're not talking about sedenifil?
  • sflguy123
    7 years ago
    Yea if u order the generic Viagra online from an India pharmacy you s/b paying a few bucks per pill(including shipping).
  • sharkhunter
    7 years ago
    I can't even seem to get a men's multi vitamin. I called yesterday to see if back in stock, girl said yes. Email today said I was getting a refund. Had to call back to reorder. Now on back order again. I didn't know vitamins were so hard to keep in stock. I don't have to worry about getting any extras in local clubs. Nowadays, an biggie would just be the dancer letting you feel her tits. When I saw a really big fat or obese girl in the club last weekend, made me think, do I really want to keep coming back here? One of my too busy old favorites showed up and she's hot. I think I will still stay home though. I haven't bothered to get a lap dance since Jan 1st. Not hardly worth it right now.
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    I have a thyroid condition which I inherited from my mother's side of the family where many in her family have it. There is a generic for the med I need to take but for I don't do well on the generic - my doc told me the law allows for generics to be off as much as 20% on the dosage and still be allowed to be sold vs brand-names which are required to have much tighter deviations. My insurance refuses to pay for the brand-name b/c there is a generic available and b/c there is a generic available which is what most people take thus the name-brand is very expensive - so while I can get 90 generic pills for $4 at Walmart (even w/o insurance), the 90 brand name pills can vary b/w $100 and $140. Thus I use "[view link]" where I can get brand-name drugs mostly (but not exclusively) from Canadian pharmacies - the same 90 brand-name pills I need and would have to pay b/w $10 0 and $140 in a US pharmacy I can get for about $20 (plus $10 shipping) using [view link] ([view link]); and it seems pretty-legit. IDK what the price for Viagra would be but it may be worth a look (and I'm doing well w/ the meds from the Canadian pharmacy so they seem like the real-deal).
  • s88
    7 years ago
    I suggest Revatio 20 mg (Sildenafil), $3 per pill at Walmart. It is "low dose" generic Viagra. I take 2 of them 30 mins before I enter the club. I might take another 2 pills after 2-3 hours in the club depending on alcohol and 420 levels in me (both hurt Johnny).
  • azdd
    7 years ago
    I've been feeling the effects of age and BP meds lately. I still get hard from LDs, but the attention span ain't what it used to be. There was a thread a while back about the benefits of L-Citrullene, so I've been taking it before club visits, but I can't really tell much difference. I'm thinking it's probably time to join the Vitamin-V club. Curious about the generic mentioned Revatio, is a prescription still needed?
  • s88
    7 years ago
    @azdd Yes, prescription is needed. It comes from a pharmacy with a counter with a DEA license, not by mail. It is off label usage since the ED blue pill is 25/50/100mg, the "lung disease" revatio pill is 20 mg. Same chemical, different mg and different indicated usage. The ED pill is still patented for its ED usage, but the old "lung disease" usage went generic a few years ago. CVS/Walgreens/Rite Aid/local supermarket all wanted $30-$50 per pill for 20 mg Revatio because they know it is used off-label for ED, and the blue pill is $60-$70 each. But you get more mg for the the blue pill at 100 mg than the 20 mg Revatios when its $40 or $70 a pill. At $3 a pill for Revatio at walmart, 5pills x $3=$15 is the same 100mg as in 1 blue pill which is $60 each so you come out on top at $15 vs $60 for same mg of drug. If you plan to buy the blue pills legit, I suggest only getting a script for 100 mg, then breaking the pill in half. There is no cost difference between 25/50/100mg AFAIK. Convincing your doc to give you an off-label script for revatio instead of viagra is the biggest challenge because he will say revatio isnt indicated for ED on its label to be a dick to you. Your doc probably laughs at making you pay for the blue pill instead of the white revatio pill thinking what a looser you are and how desperate you are. Just find another doc who will write a script for revatio. My Ins doesnt cover ED drugs, so I have to pay cash at a chain pharmacy, and revatio is the best choice if you refuse to use an online pharmacy from overseas.
  • rockstar666
    7 years ago
    Jabberwock, I've taken 100 mg in a day and for me that was just too much. I'm fine with 25-50 mg depending on my party schedule. Doing 25 mg 8 hours apart works well if I'm going to be up all night (pun intended).
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