stripper showed real name to me accidentally???

avatar for s88
I was at a new to me SC. Very very dead night. 3 girl to 1 customer ratio. Very quiet in club, low music, no sound privacy. Everyone can hear our convo. Walked upto a stripper sitting at bar, and she kept her wallet open with her DL infront of me for 5 minutes at the bar while we talked. Low mileage in LD area but IDK if its club rules or her rules. I memorized everything on the DL and instantly found her social media when I stepped away from her. Her social media has no traces of her being a stripper. She isn't new to this job, she mentioned another poledancing place she worked at, but she doesn't seem to be a for-life stripper. I still found it odd she kept her wallet open so long infront of me. I'll contact her with my fake profile and see what happens, but has anyone ever been shown contact info like that, and later found that it was intentional for them to contract the stripper OTC, not accidental?

This seems like a really smart way for a stripper to give her contact info/number, when she can't verbally say due to no sound privacy in the SC. BTW, she was 5 years older on her DL than she claimed but still younger than me so its all good.


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avatar for mmdv26
8 years ago
Never had one reveal DL as a way of giving info. Used to be she'd go to dressing room and write down contact info and discreetly hand it to me later. Now days just hand her your phone and she calls herself. Can you rub phones together in VIP?
About 15 years ago one had flowers delivered to my house via Fedex. It was paid for by credit card. So her full real name was on the package.
avatar for Corvus
8 years ago
A beautiful young stripper showed me her Instagram page the first night we met and while looking through it later I noticed all the ways I needed to track her down. Her real name, high school, volleyball team, relatives​, including one who's a Hollywood actress with the same last name. I'm sure I could track her down to her apartment if I was persistent. I'm not, but damn she should be more careful.
I'm pretty sure it was an accident. There are better and easier ways to reveal your real name (or other info) without opening yourself up to identity theft or stalking.

I think you're seeing a plan where ignorance is the far better exclamation.

When a dancer wants to exchange digits in my club, they almost always ask me to write it on a dollar bill. I don't like this method at all as I don't want my # circulating; especially ITC. But it's never come back to bite me.
One showed me her Facebook page recently so it wasn't hard to find it later. I didn't request to friend her as I had no interest in knowing anything else about her but she didn't have any qualms about putting herself out there.
avatar for Dougster
8 years ago
Huh? What's a DL?
avatar for Dougster
8 years ago
Must be driver's license
I'm with Ishmael, there are far better explanations than a plan. Ignorance, apathy, lack of focus, etc. are all better, more likely explanations.

I've had strippers show me ID or otherwise let their real names be known without coming right out and saying "my real name is blah blah" but it's always been a sort of casual consequence of just getting to know each other, never as a way to get me to contact them. Exchanging contact info is always pretty direct, although in some clubs a certain amount of discretion is required. Real names tend to be exchanged after a getting to know each other period, usually around the time we exchange real numbers instead of our "stripper" numbers.

The closest I had to a scenario you describe was one girl who was angling to be invited to tag along on a trip I had planned to London, she found an excuse to come over and "accidentally" had her passport fall out of her bag. She bent over to pick it up, casually mentioning she'd never been to the UK but always wanted to go, while wearing a short skirt and no panties. She couldn't keep a straight face and fessed up pretty quick. The sex was pretty good that night, but she still didn't get invited.

I've known quite a few dancer's real names. If you spend any real amount of time with them in the club just talking before vip over multiple visits and/or enough OTC is done, it's hard for these girls to keep up the charade as to their real names. They are not trained spies afterall. At some point they slip and reveal their real names, etc.
avatar for GoVikings
8 years ago

that second paragraph was awesome!
I don't know. That sounds kinda creepy to me.

I'm sure she had the wallet open waiting for you, and only you, to come over and study her personal info so you could later stalk her.

No need for her to make sure that you noticed it because it should be obvious that she wants you to have the info.

No need for you to let her know that the DL is in plain view or that you are memorizing it because that is the only reason it could possibly be there.

I think she wants you bad. Go for it.
Some girls will come up and say, "Hi I'm Melanie, oh you want to know my stage name, that's Luscious." Its best just to play along with them. They'll have all the names they need. Just go with the names they give you and don't inquire further.

Now this one, since it was on a driver's license, it would be harder to fake. Probably she wants to be seeing you outside. Maybe on the clock, maybe not. My experience is that most of these girls are quite available. The main problem they face is that most of the customers are married and most treat them like prostitutes. So beautiful as they usually are, they are very lonely.

avatar for MrDeuce
8 years ago
I'm surprised by how often dancers introduce themselves with both stripper and real names: "Hi, I'm Serena, but my real name is Samantha". For the three that I've seen OTC, I also knew their last name by the time we went on a date. In fact, I picked two of them up at their homes and stayed (and still stay) in the apartment of the third.

It's *amazing* how much you can find out about a stripper online when you know her full name and the town she lives in!
I'm sorry, but this stalking kinda creeps me out.

The club is FantasyLand. Things start getting fucked up when you can't let go of the fantasy.
avatar for Mainster
8 years ago
I exchanged numbers with a girl recently and she showed up in my "people you may know" list on FB. I even asked her (very discreetly) to confirm it, and she did. I didn't "friend" her because her baby daddy looks like a little gangbanger shithead, and they tend to be the jealous type. No need to get her in trouble.
The only times that I have known a strippers true identity she has known mine as well. We both mutually agreed to share our true identities with each other. It strikes me as stalkerish and kinda creepy to pursue a dancers true identity behind her back. What's the point?
^ exactly.

I wish it didn't take so long for articles to get published. I submitted one on this topic yesterday, but by the time it gets posted (if it doesn't get declined) nobody will know what I'm talking about.
s88, was she really showing it to you by accident?

I some times Google phone numbers and some times find an escort ad.
Back when T's was running on Old Oakland Rd. in San Jose, they were getting their girls from some other channels than the regular Sunnyvale Clubs. Many of the girls had business cards and 1-800 numbers.

I don't give a flying fuck what her name is, or what she tells me it is lol. The only thing I want to know is what that pussy tastes and feels like.
^^^^^ YES!

Really what it is, if she wants you to know her real name, she will tell you. But if you ask, you'll just get another fake name. So you just have to play along with them and not ask questions.

avatar for rl27
8 years ago
I have had several give me their real names over the years. In many cases I have looked her up online, and found some very good nudes.

I did have one who told me she danced under her real name. Her name sounded too much like a stripper name, so I told her bullshit, and she showed me her driver's license. Sure enough that was her real name. First thought in my head, was to thank her parents for giving this hot gal a perfect name for strippers or porn stars.
avatar for s88
New York
8 years ago
@san_jose_guy she said it was an accident by DM, not intentional. End of story. Lots of hot pics to jerk off to tho now.
rl27: My daughter has a stripper name, but I didn't think about it at the time.
Being seen taking too much interest in personal information of the girls, at a strip club will not go over well.

avatar for anonlvone
8 years ago
The amount of delusional thinking in this post, not to mention the creepiness factor, is just unreal. I can easily imagine you walking up to an inebriated or distracted dancer to look at her ID. I cannot imagine a dancer deliberately showing you her ID.

No sound privacy? You’ve never heard of whispering? You’ve never heard of pen and paper? These days if a dancer wants you to contact her she’ll usually ask for your phone and call herself, often times after a successful VIP session.

Do not contact her with your fake profile. In fact just delete your fake profile. Don’t ever try to learn personal info about a dancer. If she wants you to know it, she’ll tell you.
Brilliant point anonlvone!

Though I suspect s88 doesn't intend to be creepy. I think he is sincere but really overthinking a girl who just made a mistake and left her ID out and visible.
avatar for rl27
8 years ago
You'd be surprised what a slightly drunk or high dancer will do. Who ever said dancers are smart. I can't even count how many Stephanie heart Eric and similar tattoos I have seen over the years, which was an actual tattoo of one of my favorites years ago, a redheaded dancer named Amber.
First off, sorry to revive an old, dead thread. I wrote this drivel a while ago ago and tried to publish as an article because it approached SJG length. But founder, in his infinite wisdom, suggested my material was not article worthy and belonged in the discussion forum.

Here goes, another take on the original post.:

I was at a new to me SC. A stripper I had never seen before laid her phone down on the bar and turned to talk to a guy sitting down to her left. I took that as my cue that she wanted to share her personal info with me.

Knowing that she wanted to be discreet about giving me her info, I nonchalantly picked up her phone and brought it to a dark corner. In less than 5 minutes I was able to remove her CIM card, load it into my burner phone #2, hack her password, download all of her pictures/videos/texts/phone contacts, replace the CIM and lay the phone back on the bar next to her.

I sat down and a few minutes later she turned and smiled at me before resuming her conversation with the guy on the other side of her. I took that to mean that she knew what I did and was happy that management didn’t find out.

She played hard to get the rest of the evening, never saying a word to me. At home later that evening I called a few people on her phone list and struck up some conversations. Her Mom didn’t know she was a stripper. I even got to pass on a message to her boyfriend through the county jail operator. I asked her to ensure him that she would be okay while he was locked up because I’d take good care of her.

I then invited her to be my friend on Facebook from my phony account that lists my occupation as a French model. I figured she would believe that because it has to be true if it is on the internet. She accepted. That’s all the confirmation I needed that she wants to get personal with me. I’m sure she knew it was me because of the similarity between me and the picture on my account that I stole from a page on I know she only saw me for a couple of seconds in the dimly lit club, but we definitely had a connection.

I then went back to the club and I’m now waiting in the parking lot for her to get off work. On second thought she may be nervous that management might see us meet in the parking lot and she might get in trouble for it. I’m going to go over to her apartment, jimmy her bedroom window, and wait for her in her closet. I bet she’ll be appreciative that I kept things so secretive so she doesn’t get in any trouble with work.

This seems like a really smart way for a stripper to give her contact info/number, when she can’t verbally say due to no sound privacy in the SC. What do you think? I’ll let you know how it goes.
Yeah, I get that you're taking the OP's situation to the extreme to prove a point. Point made.

I still believe that the OP's stripper was being careless and not cunning.
Good spin, flag :)
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