
Comments by s88 (page 24)

  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Stripper reward programs
    A high end SC around me, has the dancers give out free admission passes if you buy a LD from a dancer. Its worth $25. I guess that program passes for a frequent customer club. Discounts from the official club prices, I've only once gotten from a dancer old enough to be a nursing home resident. I told her your not my type for $10 a LD (official price). She then invented a "$2 special", I said okay, closed my eyes, and imagined a different stripper on my lap. Out of the other 20 dancers there, nope, shes the only that went below retail.
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    9 years ago
    This is why i dont take days off lol
    I was in an Embassy Suites atrium hotel during a pride parade. Watching from my top floor baluster at the atrium at 1 AM. I saw in 20 minutes 3 different times different groups of straight women trying to seduce gay guys back to their room. All 3 times it failed. I am wondering next time I should hang out in the lobby dressed as a leather clad cop with a mustache and ass chaps and see how much pussy I can get at the pride parade, or am I not thinking this through clearly?
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    9 years ago
    Club with youngest girls
    No alcohol clubs, they always have a couple 18 year olds. In 3 months I lost 2 favorites when they turned 21. 1st favorite told me she is done with stripping forever on her birthday and will be a bartender. She told me she has a policy never to approach a customer or hustle the floor with "wanna dance". She told me, if the customer wants her badly enough, they will walk upto her sitting in the corner on her phone and say hi. Like I did, since I watched her for an hour on a super busy friday night and she was by herself and never with customers, which is very unusual. She told me she never "wanna dance?" again, after a sports athlete customer put an arm around her stomach after she finished a public table dance and wouldn't let her leave. He told her "relax, make yourself comfortable" while his arm was wrapped around her stomach. I knew when her birthday was. It was a good 3 months while it lasted. 2nd favorite moved went from a nude no alcohol club to a bottoms+pasties alcohol club on her 21st birthday *sobbs* PS no alcohol clubs tend to look the other way if a dancer shows them a fake ID, the criminal charges in my state for fucking a 16 year old or 30 year old hooker are the same, 15 gets you sent to the penitentiary
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    9 years ago
    Poppers and sex
    There are 2 no nos for me before going to a SC. Weed and redbull and any other energy drinks. Both numb my dick so I never get hard from a LD. Even Vitamin V can't reverse it. Chicks often smoke weed or liquor before fucking with me to loosen up, or forget about the fat slob that is about to fuck them. I did weed with a ex-civie that I had atleast 2-3 hours with her since it will take 40 minutes to get hard after a blunt. Both of us nodding out in bed made 40 minutes pass by quick. P4P girls try to bail out the door after 5 minutes if you can't get hard, and they start assuming shit about me because of my age. So no weed, no alcohol, no energy drinks. Diet cola, coffee, codeine, and Vitamin V are the only drugs I use for fucking or clubbing. Always bring your own drugs and alcohol to P4P. You dont know if the blunt is wet http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=a83_1381737489 and you will get robbed when you pass out. It was the provider's plan to knock you out and have her BF rob you.
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    9 years ago
    I kissed a stripper
    Who has not been exposed to oral herpes except uncontacted indigenous people? Its like the flu.
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    9 years ago
    Another weird trend at the SC
    @DaOnion Women do that, presumably to stay thin. An spinner ex of mine did that, but atleast she asked for the untouched steak to be put in a take out box for her cat. I have met her overweight cat, so that wasn't BS. After 2 times of this happening, I told her we are splitting 1 entree from now on and she agreed.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Another weird trend at the SC
    Ghetto thing from rap videos. Culture says a man never show interest in a hoe. He has to play hard to get because he is a dealer or athlete and every woman wants to sleep with him. Whether is a dealer or athlete OTC... lol. So you "make it rain" while looking at the floor or at the backwall of stage not her pussy. Business guys always are staring at the ass or tits or pussy when they make it rain. I've seen Willie Dynamites, hat and fur coat come to a SC, make it rain $100s on a couple dancers, and walk out 15 mins later. No drinks. Never sat down. The dancers on stage ignored the pimp and wouldn't interact with him from the stage the way they do with normal make it rain business men. Going a SC, getting a hookah and vodka bottle and nodding out is the typical game plan of urban guys. They never watch stage dancers. It pisses me off when they take up a quarter of front row, and TURNED their front row seats 180 away from the stage. WTF did you come to a SC and not a hookah lounge if you are going to nod out, and ignore the dancers and I have no seat at the front row. It gets more pathetic when they make it rain on a waitress and try to get LDs from waitresses. Some waitresses will sit on their laps but not move for dollars. Sometimes security comes by and tells the waitresses to go back to work.
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    9 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    DJ is a retard
    At an overpriced upscale SC (not nightclub) with a line every night to enter it unless you have a bottle reservation. There was a phone incident. The DJ stopped the music, the ordered all the bouncers to eject one guy, with "left" "right" "other way" to the correct cocktail table. Then DJ ordered the bouncers "make him show you the video" then the DJ called the customer a "every look at him, thats right there a nasty faggot" "make him delete it" and "puto can't get a woman" over the speakers. The customer's bros all got up and it looked like they would be ejected too, but after a minute or 2 they sat back down and minus their friend who was shown the door. The bouncers dispersed when they sat down. The group had bottle service.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    I kissed a stripper
    The story is difficult to believe or I am jealous. Whether or not it is real or fake, a perfect fake is as good as real. No touching no LDs cities have dancers that will flirt with you. LD cities are emotionless "wanna dance" strippers. The SC is a live porn concert, but I can watch porn for free. I want temporary GFE. Every OTC/escort Ive tried (2 a year) is no kissing or bait and switch. One of them got up and pulled a knife on me after I kissed her in bed and told me "no funny business", she put the knife back in her bag got on the bed spread her legs and told me to fuck her. The session was finished as missionary uneventfully. I paid her in the SC and we left together in a taxi to my hotel, so there were no refunds and she left her moneybag in the club. She wasnt technically a ROB, since I got DATY CBJ and CFS. During the taxi ride she sat on my lap and I was discretely rubbing her pussy over her thong and played with her tits with 1 arm up her baggy sweater (civilian clothes).
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    Ever been too embarassed to show your face there again?
    @lopaw SS is SS, other dancers wont belive her, they will think the dancer trying to claim a customer as her property. If none of the dancers approach you, you go upto them and ask them their name/age/day job and then for a LD. 9s and 10s are all gold diggers, if they wouldnt fuck you as a civie for free, they wont go upto you ITC. I am very picky over strippers, 9s and 10s are usually warm heavy blow up dolls that happen to move. I always have to approach them. If the SC is small in a small town, and the manager requires that all the dancers be family to each other or GTFO, then you might be screwed with reputation, but there will always be a desperate ugly whore who will try to out whore the other dancers and give you attention.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    Ever been too embarassed to show your face there again?
    Nobody cares. Its a strip club. Unless the doorman wont let you in, you are always invited back. There are always more girls wanting your $. I've somehow pissed off dancers before at my regular SC, the attitude ones just never make eye contact with me anymore. There are more girls there that will replace the chip on shoulder strippers there.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Don't let strippers shoot you up with heroin
    @Dominic77 same here, I have a regular wallet and a SC wallet. I use an ankle wallet for the hotel card, CC and DL. I can loose my SC wallet and I dont care.
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    9 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Tot dies in house fire while mom out working at strip club
    McD's night shift, or stripper, makes no difference to this story. Cheap tabloid headlines.
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    9 years ago
    Strip Club clients Blackmailed
    Around me, all SCs scan your ID or they can't have a alcohol license. A smaller collection of those make you pose for a photograph each time you enter. If a hacker gets to the ID scanner computer, he gets the photos, and DL info of every one ever. That story is completely real.
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    9 years ago
    OTC at your house
    @Papi_Chulo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5GbJI14QLto there won't be a second meeting if you fuck in McDs room
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    9 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Don't let strippers shoot you up with heroin
    Same story, but the victim was one of us http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/nationworld/ct-prostitute-guilty-google-executive-heroin-overdose-death-20150519-story.html
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    9 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    2:00 AMers
    In Europe, bars are 24/7. Locals all left at 11 PM or midnight, me and my Americans stayed till 7 AM. There was only 1 bartender/waiter after 2 AM but we were never denied any drinks. When there is no last call, there is no reason to stick around to last call to say you partied hard. Lets eliminate last call. Let each place set their hours on what the locals will support economically, not a bible thumping crook says.
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    9 years ago
    Back page hos
    @pensionking more info? howd ya know it was a set up?
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    9 years ago
    Strip Club Loner
    My employer's human trafficking and sexual harassment policy would get me fired if they found out I visit SC. Also my ex-wife would use it to fuck me over in court again if she knew. In my home town, solo clubbing is as bad as solo dining. Dancers ignore solo custies. If I had a wingman, both of use would get much more out of the visit. One SC near me has a policy solo clubbers stand in the line outside for 20 minutes, groups of 2 or more skip the line. Traveling, I've had much better results solo clubbing.
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    9 years ago
    That Taffer Touch
    I always thought "Second Base" from Bar Rescue was a strip club without the show admitting it. "Strip Club rescue" would be a fun show to watch.
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    9 years ago
    OTC at your house
    Instead of your house. I was thinking back to my younger days. Before I found out that motels rent with cash, without ID, and don't ask your age, I used movie theaters. So why not use a shitty old non-chain no name little movie theater at 1 PM on a weekday? My whore wore a skirt with no panties, baggy sweater, and a front closure bra to the theater. Alot of access, easy deniability, but I was never caught by staff. Theater was good foreplay or good 1st pop before going to the motel for the 2nd pop.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Removing negative reviews
    I flagged a review by a brand new member, with 1 review, and that 1 review was 1 sentence, "Club is ghetto, don't come here". It was deleted. To give VIP for a review that doesn't even say if the reviewer visited the club, makes writing real reviews and the paid VIP worthless.
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    9 years ago
    OTC at your house
    What is your house? If you live in an apartment with fedex furniture http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/2766/488/1600/fedex_desk.jpg http://www.apartmenttherapy.com/ghetto-style-fedex-furniture-makes-fedex-furious-3592 You can bring EVERY stripper home. Think of it as YOU living in the Notell. There is nothing to steal except your wallet and food from the fridge (or empty chinese takeout cartons). I've thought about renting an apartment or room away from my family just for OTC. Instead of $60-$100 per stay at the hourly motel, for $500 a mo, I'll just rent a room on a monthly term. I could also buy an RV for OTC. If you live in a multi bedroom house with a family, and not like a college student dorm, then there is a very high risk of problems. The trust is simple, if you visit her house or know her family on first name basis, or her KID knows your name and hustles you for Dora crackers, you can feel safe with her visiting your house. You could rob her remember. As others described, I've had problems with OTC and them refusing to fuck without first using drugs/alcohol/smoking legal or illegal. If you are in a high end hotel with no windows and they have your CC, and she wants to light up in the room, what now? What about your neighbors? That HOA will be a bitch. HOA I know, their security guards drive up to and confront anyone smoking weed in a car. The monthly newsletter reminds you to snitch on thugs smoking weed in the dead end streets and the neighbors snitch alright. For me, when at home, at night, I open my window and wiffs of dank blows into my window from the block. So drug usage isn't a problem at my home.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Ever plan on visiting a strip club and then change your mind at the last minute?
    I've aborted a trip to SC half way when there are surprise bustitution of the train to the SC, or I was too late in going home from work, feed dog, shower, change into SC clothes, walk to train. Each visit to my fav SC has the $39 door fee+$7*2 train tickets. That is $53 before any LDs or stage tips (or 3 LDs). So just going to it, means I want atleast 2-3 hours inside, otherwise it isn't worth my $. At my regular SC, all better looking night shift girls report by 11 PM and are on the floor by 11:30 PM. At 1 AM they start making phone calls for their pimps/BFs to pick them up if they dont have any customers with sit with and talk, or LD. They start leaving the floor at 1:15AM and a large wave is gone by 1:30 AM. The dancers who stay till closing at 4 AM work for "agencies" and are picked up in groups, they have no choice but to wait for their ride. Welfare unemployed dancers also stay till 4 AM, that way they don't have to deal with their family and their kid. The 4 AM strippers are the 6PM opening time strippers, and look bad, and they aren't worth $53 to see. Each way to the SC is $7 and 2 train connections, so if I think I won't make 11-11:30 PM in the SC while on the train or waiting for a connection, I abort and go home.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    the "Buy me a drink" dancers
    @Subraman I do that, ask very clearly how much a dancer drink is at the SC. Once upon a time in a drink hustle SC, I asked the dancer how much is it when she made request, she then realized I can't be hustled, said just to give her the cash I'd give the waitress for the dancer drink and she would sit with me and BS. Got 20 minutes with her and her implants 1 foot away for $16. Much cheaper than $10 of $1s for 2 songs on the stage from 6 feet away. At other SCs, they get their dancer drink and run off the backroom with an excuse like bathroom or fake a text message that their BF is here to pick me up from work (nope, she was there for 5 more hours till closing along with me). I'll buy a drink at the 10 minute mark to keep the dancer around on my own initiative. Aslong as the "drink" is much less $ per minute than pole dancing or LDs, I think it pays off. In some SCs, dancers by default are in the dressing room unless on the stage or propositioning customers for LDs, so 50% or 75% of the dancers are in the dressing room at any time. This means you can't eyeball them in their corner of strippers on their phones. In that case, I think $20 for 30 minutes of staring at their tits and stomach and face 1 foot away is a great value.