
Ever plan on visiting a strip club and then change your mind at the last minute?

I have. Thought I might be tired so I just stayed home. If I leave now the club would be packed. I'll just skip it all this weekend.

I've done the opposite as well. I've had no plans to visit a club and then end up visiting.

How about you?


  • chessmaster
    9 years ago
    Once I decide to hit the show club I'm not changing my mind.
  • flagooner
    9 years ago
    I've had my wife change my mind about going.
  • jackslash
    9 years ago
    If you change your mind about going to the strip club, you lack dedication.
  • motorhead
    9 years ago
    A few times because of bad weather. (snow)

    And one time I had an arrangement to meet my ATF but my car quit before I got far. Bad fuel pump. And it died right in front of an auto shop. Saved a lot of trouble.
  • lopaw
    9 years ago
    I've pulled into parking lots and then changed my mind. Never have regretted it.
  • DandyDan
    9 years ago
    There have been times I made it there, only to not get out of the car and just leave, but that only happens with the one club close to home. That one can feel like it gets old if you go too much. Actually, it did happen once with my old favorite club. I made the hour trek there, and when I showed up, which was Friday night at 10pm, they only had 6 cars in the lot. I never liked going there when the number of dancers is low, because it was usually the more worthless dancers.
  • vincemichaels
    9 years ago
    One of the clubs here is way, way out by the airport and in the winter it sometimes gets icy on the freeway. I turn around on those nights.
  • rh48hr
    9 years ago
    Quite frequently actually - I'm 50 minutes from my favorite clubs so there have been times I've had plans to go and then decided I didn't want to make the drive or it got late and I didn't want to drive that far to only stay for a short time.
  • JamesSD
    9 years ago
    I've stayed home and had a few beers at home a few times
  • s88
    9 years ago
    I've aborted a trip to SC half way when there are surprise bustitution of the train to the SC, or I was too late in going home from work, feed dog, shower, change into SC clothes, walk to train. Each visit to my fav SC has the $39 door fee+$7*2 train tickets. That is $53 before any LDs or stage tips (or 3 LDs). So just going to it, means I want atleast 2-3 hours inside, otherwise it isn't worth my $.

    At my regular SC, all better looking night shift girls report by 11 PM and are on the floor by 11:30 PM. At 1 AM they start making phone calls for their pimps/BFs to pick them up if they dont have any customers with sit with and talk, or LD. They start leaving the floor at 1:15AM and a large wave is gone by 1:30 AM. The dancers who stay till closing at 4 AM work for "agencies" and are picked up in groups, they have no choice but to wait for their ride. Welfare unemployed dancers also stay till 4 AM, that way they don't have to deal with their family and their kid. The 4 AM strippers are the 6PM opening time strippers, and look bad, and they aren't worth $53 to see. Each way to the SC is $7 and 2 train connections, so if I think I won't make 11-11:30 PM in the SC while on the train or waiting for a connection, I abort and go home.
  • shadowcat
    9 years ago
    Last August I drove 240 miles in 3 hours, 15 minutes to the Columbia Platinum Plus. I had planned to stay 2 nights. My hotel did not have a room ready for me yet. So I went straight to the club. Walked in and was told by one of my favorites that there were new rules in effect requiring a bouncer in the private dance room anytime anybody was in there.

    I immediately left the club and drove 3 hours back to Follies.
  • larryfisherman
    9 years ago
    Yes pretty frequently, sometimes it has to do with there being not that many cars in the parking lot, sometimes it's just me changing my mind at the last minute.
  • vincemichaels
    9 years ago
    Shit, shadowcat !! That sucked big time !!
  • Clubber
    9 years ago
    All the time.
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    My intuition about staying home I believe was correct. Just after 11 I leaned back and woke up about 5 hours later. If I had driven an hour away and had some beer which has melatonin in it which aids in sleep, probably wouldn't have been good.
  • Dominic77
    9 years ago
    Like lopaw, only if the lot is way too busy or way too dead, have I changed my mind.
  • georgmicrodong
    9 years ago
    Sure. When the cocksucker who was gonna meet me there texts and says come to her house instead.
  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    It's happened. If I'm not in the mood to be friendly, I abort the trip. I can be a real condescending SOB as some of my TUSCL friends might have observed, and this is a terrible mood to have going to a club.
  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    Once I'm in the "going to the SC" mindset, it is terribly difficult to reverse course. I've only done it a few times, because I was feeling run down (like I was starting to feel sick)

    Dominic77-->"Like lopaw, only if the lot is way too busy or way too dead, have I changed my mind. " -->

    For me, by the time I've driven or ridden a train for an hour, there's no turning back, plus no strip clubs in the city have attached parking lots (you have to just find garage or street parking) so the status of the parking lot can't change my mind. However, a dead parking lot is EXACTLY what I love! That would never change my mind, I'm perfectly happy being the only customer there, as long as there's at least one girl I like. Far from feeling uncomfortable from the attention, I revel in my value as the sole paying customer -- and often, this ends up as one of those days where it's me and 4 strippers all sitting at the table getting drunk together, which is one of my fave things ever.

    If the SCs in the city had attached lots, and the lots was too packed, the would turn me around every time -- probably to a different club, rather than aborting the trip entirely
  • Cashman1234
    9 years ago
    I've aborted many trips at the last minute. I've definitely got ocd - so if something is off just a little - I will call the trip off and regroup and plan for another night.

    I find my worst decisions are made when I'm "horned up" as I head out. When I'm horny - and have a few beers - and I'm holding a wad of cash - it's a simple recipe for disaster.
  • Estafador
    9 years ago
    All the time. And I'm always sad when I change my mind. But my ever growing bank account thanks me everyday.
  • Estafador
    9 years ago
    My future car thanks me too.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    Happens to me sometimes. Mostly when I'm on the west coast and jet lag sets in on the first night just before I'm planning to leave for da club.
  • shailynn
    9 years ago
    Yes, I either change my mind and go to a casino (if available) or go somewhere to watch a game and get something to eat instead.

    Other times I may just say fuck it and go to bed at my hotel to catch up on some sleep.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    Yes, lots of times. But then I'd just go the next day.



    In Swingers Clubs most people don't have sex in front of others. But of those that do, it really loosens up both the men and the women. So the management always tries to make the environment conducive to it.



    This place was the most famous because of all the different kinds of play spaces it had.

    I say was because now I see that it is closed and the property sold to developers. This is a major loss for the entire world!

    from their rules: "Cell phones allowed only in the lobby and parking area."

    Walt Disney Concert Hall, Los Angeles



    Atlantic City, one of the largest pipe organs ever built. Look how high the ceiling is. More information to come.

    Yes, it is the largest in the world!

    It is one of only two organs in the world to have an open 64-foot rank, and the only organ to have stops voiced on 100 inches of wind pressure (about 3.6 psi). Its console features seven manuals.

    The pedal manual can be divided into left and right divisions

    10x 32 foot stops

    The Diaphone-Dulzian's low-C pipe stands 59 feet (18 m) tall, weighs 3,350 pounds (1,520 kg), and produces a frequency of 8 Hz,[10] a tone that is more felt than heard; the sound of the vibrating pallet is described as "a helicopter hovering over the building". The pipe stands upright for about 40 feet (12 m), the remainder is mitred (turned) towards the Right Stage chamber's grill. All pipes taller than 32 feet (9.8 m) are designed in this manner.

    The organ's wind supply is the most powerful ever used in a pipe organ. The DC motors for the original eight blowers had a total power of 394 horsepower (294 kW). These were replaced with AC motors in the early 1990s, which have a total of 600 horsepower (450 kW) and their seven blowers produce 36,400 cubic feet (1,030 m3) of wind per minute.


    Some of the lower manuals are not only 61 keys, they are 73 or 85 keys!
    ( some piano music is written to take up all 88. But nothing in the standard piano repertoire goes beyond that , as with Boesendorfer's 97 keys.
    I saw one just like this in a local store, priced to sell at only $180k.


    Largest Pipe Organs In The World

    the only other organ with 64' open pipe stop. not sure if this picture shows that though

    extreme high ceiling!



    Yes, the 64' pipes are hidden somewhere behind the proscenium. They are square in cross section and made of wood. Pictures here show them. This one in Sydney and the Atlantic City Boardwalk Hall are the only two open 64' organ pipe stops in the entire world. Zero for the 128' octave.

    I would think it easier to design these huge pipes for horizontal, but no one seem to have done this. I would go for cast out of concrete and an integral and load bearing part of the building, as well as having common sides. No one seems to have done this though.

    With these extreme pipe organs, the building and the organ have to be designed together.


    Code Red Warning! This is like ColdnShallow turned into a 501.c3

    3 Nights in Tunisia - Diz, Jimmy Smith, Barbara Dennerlein
    acoustic piano action could never go as fast as these people do. I think even a semi-weighted keyboard would be too slow.

    Dennerlein play list, REALY GOOD!
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