
Comments by s88 (page 25)

  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    It's cold enough to freeze the tits off a stripper
    When the choice is a 2AMer or repayment, guess which the stripper will pick.
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    9 years ago
    Sending out a shout out to non dancer club workers.
    I've had bouncers pretend to be waitresses before, ordered a burger from one once. It is slightly awkward since you think you will be getting asked to leave, but no, that bouncer realized all the waitresses are sitting in the corner on their phones and not working so he has to pick up the slack.
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    9 years ago
    Advice for getting out of a stripper rut???
    Got an LD from a dancer wearing fishnet stockings, but not normal fishnet, but with huge holes and really thick rope. The fishnet's rope diameter and hole size was like a chain link fence. No other dancers in the club had fishnet stockings like that. When she quickly pulls her leg up my crotch, it gets my old soldier up in no time which is no easy feat. The diameter of the rope in the fishnet stockings is very important to make that effect. Costume changing is important, a good costume and look, like schoolgirl outfit or goth girl will boost you by 1 or 2 points in the 0-10 scale. I love extreme eye shadow color like green or pink or excessive black (raccoon eyes). Consider lip liner for the whore look even more but its out of fashion nowadays. Hair wise, 1 color is simple and cheap. I find no attraction to bottle blondes hair, its too easy to dye it and every girl has that, either you are natural blonde or not. I can tell by roots and eyebrows and your bush. If you want dyed blonde, mix it up with highlights, perhaps reddish brown highlights or go redhead instead of blonde. I love highlights and especially non-natural color highlights (punky colors is the brand I think) in all hair colors (highlights on a ginger make no sense, they do on all other hair colors tho). For stage acts, consider simulated (topless club) or real masturbation (nude) solo or with another dancer or lesbian DFK with spit swapping with another dancer. If taking off your panties completely isnt normal for you club (tease rip off faux-nude club), if a customer tips you can stop, and get close to him and flash your pussy for 5 to 10 seconds, or squeeze your pussy while showing it for 5 to 10 seconds, then move further down the stage.
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    9 years ago
    Rhode Island
    Trolling on TUSCL ... I Don't Get It
    "I don't get it either. It's a waste of time to troll any site. I recently joined - as I wanted more open and honest club info. So far - it's been very helpful." dito I think the trolls are 13 year old boys who never saw titties before except their mommy's and they are jealous :)
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    9 years ago
    How about pre-gaming before hitting the club
    @Estafador No, it doesn't work that way. The promoter can't get a customer around security. In the no alcohol no BYOB SC I am thinking of which will remain nameless, the promoter can bring in anything he wants in his pockets, he is treated like staff by the staff. On the otherhand all the promoter's customers stand in line, get the normal metal detector+maybe empty your pockets into the tray+patdown routine. Any women the promoter brings with the group get their handbags searched with a stick and flash light. The promoter showed me his mini vodka bottles but he doesn't let his guests touch them. I presume he gives them to the "bartender" to make drinks at the back of house "VIP bar" which is sort of employees only but not officially employees only. I learned of the VIP bar, because one night nobody's POS had $1s, I kept being rejected by different POS stations, I went to a bouncer and he told me to goto the VIP bar for $1s as a last resort. I was the only customer inside it and it has no seats and no room to hang out. It was basically a space that waitresses get their no-alcohol drinks and hookah from but it isn't visible from the main floor because of the doors. There is an large opportunity in this setup to make magical hookah and magical no-alcohol drinks. I presume the promoter doesn't let anyone drink from the minibottles directly because if the minibottles are found empty on the floor or in the mens bathroom, someone will be fired. Google says the SC got raided a month after my visit and the SC's twitter has a "closed" tweet and next a "we are open" tweet followed by regular promo tweets so they are still open.
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    9 years ago
    Forget affiliation...
    Regan won 2 terms and he was a movie star. Trump is a TV star and protestant. Bernie is Jewish. Hilary is part of New York Cosa Nostra and represents filthy unpatriotic immigrants and muslims say she is a quarter jewish. The last president who wasn't protestant got a bullet to the head by the CIA. Therefore Trump is the next president.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    How about pre-gaming before hitting the club
    @Estafador When a SC gets most of their customers with promoters with limos and party vans, the promoters have an opportunity to be crooked and the SC looks the other way. The promoter is renting their corner of the SC and promoter themselves isn't searched. With a crooked waitress a crooked promoter can deliver spiked drinks ITC in a no BYOB and no alcohol club. When everyone is caught by LEO, the SC terminates that promoter and crooked waitresses and reopens real fast.
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    9 years ago
    How about pre-gaming before hitting the club
    @Estafador I was talking about no-alcohol SCs, then I was talking about alcohol SCs. With BYOB you bring whatever you want (everclear for me), and spike the unlimited non-alcohol drinks the BYOB bar gives you that are part of the cover. In a no BYOB, no alcohol club, I could sneak it in, another dancer told me the dry SC isn't 100% dry but I didn't ask further because I am not going to buy. @Subraman IME strippers at alcohol SCs refuse to drink alcohol infront of me, they'd rather get up and walk away than drink alcohol or change my order when waitress comes by. Maybe I pick the wrong strippers (9s and 10s). Your suggestion of water bottle with vodka at a BYOB is smart. I think I am going to try your idea bringing hard liquor labeled or unlabeled. Everyone at the BYOB SC brings a 6 pack or 24 pack of beer, never liquor. Beer makes me sick, I only drink harder stuff.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    True Love
    @rh48hr dito After you cum, do you still want her lying on you? Do you still want to DFK her? Do you look more at her tits or her eyes? Do you want to hear her talk to you? Do you think of her at your day job or do you think of your hot coworker at your day job? Would you meet her even though you jerked off right before meeting her and wont get hard? Does the hair rise on your arms when you think of her? Do you want to spend time with her that isn't in the motel room with you? a theme park or movie with your arm around her? Do you open your eyes for a quick peek while kissing even though you know you shouldnt? If she is a civie and you are in a concrete jungle city, without saying a word, and just eye contact, do you just push her to the nearest building wall corner and make out on the concrete jungle street for, fuck I dont remember how many minutes? Only later do you discuss what happened on that street corner. IME hookers and strippers all have a no kissing policy and condom policy. They wont cross the line between customer and love. Love means not giving a fuck about condoms and pill, if you have a kid with her you dont give a fuck because you want her forever with you. With my ex, a couple seconds of DFK every time we meet in public was requirement with hugging (really discretely grabbing her tits). You want something from her, that she can't reserve for anyone else. You want to be in her head, so she will go jump off the bridge without you, you also want her in your head so you will jump off the bridge without her. At your job you can't stop thinking till the next time you see her regardless if your are horny. You and her both text each other in the morning and you both agree to skip work not giving a fuck, because 9 hours apart is too long, then goto a motel, then for lunch, then a movie theater (motel twice in 1 day is expensive). Love is dangerous, it leads to suicide attempts, psych ward trips and jail. How do men deal with it I never figured out. Be careful dont let a stripper take advantage of you when it is one way love or infatuation. You don't want to be staring at the water contemplating suicide from a suspension bridge over a girl. If you choose to jump, make sure the is concrete below you, not water, for maximum death (dont ask how I know). SCs are great way to get a new obsession and stop thinking of your last obsession. At the last SC I visited, in the bathroom there was a guy saying "Im shooting a video for worldstar, remember we aren't together anymore" lmao. Keeping looking at the future, dont look back. You can never repeat the memories of the past, only create new ones that are greater than anything before. Dont let what ifs eat you inside, they will destroy you. Just think of stripper you haven't met yet.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    How about pre-gaming before hitting the club
    The best SCs are the no alcohol ones. Under 21 dancers too. If you "buy shots", the waitress brings you a shot glass of well vodka, and gives your stripper a shot glass of tap water, you pay $18 for both. That is 1 or 2 lapdances or 1/4 of the way for private room. When I drink alone http://www.kmart.com/smart-sense-strawberry-lemonade-33.8-fl-oz-bottle/p-033W006837490001P?prdNo=40&blockNo=40&blockType=G40 or http://www.kmart.com/smart-sense-mango-lemonade-33.8-fl-oz-bottle/p-033W006837542001P?prdNo=1&blockNo=1&blockType=G1 with 1 or 2 inches of Everclear is heaven. Diet Snapple with everclear is also good. With an ex-civvie, we drank together in the motel room until both of us were totally buzzed, then we fucked until we both collapsed, and then I'/she wake up with the motel room phone rings that our 3 hours are up and either I pay for the next hour or need to return the key. I trusted her to not bring a pimp or "driver" and fuck me over since I knew her family, her house, her friends, etc. With strippers, alcohol=danger, her BF/driver/pimp will come and rob you, or you the customer can get roofied.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    How about pre-gaming before hitting the club
    I dont drink at SCs, I pick dancers I regret, run out of $ from watered down alcohol, and dont count correctly or remember how much I have left. I do keep a bottle of something hard, port wine, or Hypnotiq in my hotel room. Atleast once an OTC stripper nearly walked because she said she needs to be wasted before I can fuck her and after much protest from her I pulled out my bottle (wanted to drink it AFTER she left), so always be prepared with lube, rubbers, and alcohol in your hotel room, and hide all your valuables into your suitcases or the expensive stuff in more interesting places (think under wooden furniture or ceiling HVAC/utilities/panel) in your room.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Father leaves 3-year-old son home alone to visit strip club
    @shadowcat very logical, both the dancers and customers need daycare services If you leave the kid at home, you going to jail for child endangerment, if you take the kid to the SC, you going to jail for child endangerment. 18 year prison sentence.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    An Unexpected Result from 20 Years of Strip Clubbing
    As part of my day job, I just upto random people standing alone and go "Hi, what brings you to the Annual Meeting of the American Society of Pathetic Loosers?" "how are you involved with clubs?" "what is your name?" "are you famous?" "how long have you been a ______ in clubs?" "how old are you?" "what is your favorite club?" "Did you goto any clubs before your current one?" "Do you regret being a ______?" "Any plans for a job/hobby after _______?". I learned that script from many SCs, and borrowed it for my day job. It works well for my day job, gives me 45 to 1 hr of drinking with clients/associates, and then I have to say "sorry but I gotta go say hi to my other friends over there" but in SCes, the conversation dies after I run out of questions in 5 minutes, but its the same SS the strippers ask me and no matter who asks them in the SC, the conversation is awkward and dies.
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    9 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    An Unexpected Result from 20 Years of Strip Clubbing
    > In other words, have you guys also noticed that playing with strippers makes you a lot better in dealing with women in general? After 3 years of clubbing, dealing with women, no, dealing with men yes. The fear in me of speaking with strangers is gone. Clubbing let me upgrade my job to speaking at a podium to 300 people that I don't know, and then they mob me after the training course. My upgraded job is an upgrade from a cubicle where I spoke with 3 coworkers a day. In my 3 year adventure, getting private time in a private room in a SC from a pornstar I had my eye on for a decade and I never saw her IRL before, and she has her own wikipedia page, perhaps is the ultimate fantasy, the last checkmark on my bucket list. Flip the switch Warden, I'm ready to fry and go to the other side for allegedly killing all these hookers the DA accuses me of. I've done everything I ever wanted to in my life. There is nothing you can take from me. Speaking with strippers is as forced, awkward and repetitive, when I first approach them, is as awkward, forced and repetitive as when they approach me first. If they dont ask me first the standard hustle questions, I use them on her, the convo either dies in 2 minutes and she leaves, or with the awkward silence for 30 seconds, I ask for LDs to keep her since I initiated contact. LDs are mechanical and speechless except for "do you want song X?" or "is it okay if I grab your dick?". At the end, I pay my bill and they walk away with no words. One of out 10 strippers, will be anything more than the above, and that "one" has never been in any SC at home city but on business travel where I will never return. I had amazing chemistry (giggling like I was in high school all over again) with the pornstar above but it was slightly expensive and the opportunity was one time. Walking into the sketchiest clubs, the 2AMers, the ones with pieces of neon colored court orders still on their front door, the metal detectors and empty your pockets, dope dealer in the bathroom, the "bad neighborhood" clubs. The industrial park where the Interstate 0 serial killer finds his victims. It challenges your rules, your limits, and I just tell to myself, if I die tonight, I wouldn't regret 1 second of it. Any one of these days I can drop dead from a stroke and be a paralyzed vegetable, but I will have amazing memories in my paralyzed, nurse changing my diapers, head. Maybe one day, with more time in SCs and on SW/TUSCL before I croak, I can say SCs helped me with women, but not yet.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Un-retired: Met my ATF. Married her. Divorcing her.
    I probably should start using Uber. Many SCs are in the middle of nowhere industrial parks. Missed my [last] bus back to the hotel and the nearest 24/7 metro line was 3 1/2 miles away by foot. 5 out of 6 taxis in that city never picked up the phone at 1 AM or were voicemails. The one that did pickup the phone wanted $75 for 3 1/2 miles from the SC down the interstate to the 24/7 metro and I have to wait 45 minutes, told them to go fuck themselves. I started walking 1.5 miles to the nearest train station that opens at 4:50 AM to wait until it opens. By some miracle a city bus showed up next to the closed station and that bus did the 3.5 miles down the interstate and dropped me off at the 24/7 metro and I got back to my hotel. I later googled the schedule and found out that other bus line 1.5 miles away has hourly 24/7 service, when I thought previously that particular city bus agency does not operate 24/7.
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    9 years ago
    Un-retired: Met my ATF. Married her. Divorcing her.
    @Subraman train to SC? Your reviews say SF. Doesn't SF have the standard 5 AM to midnight operating hours? I probably should start using Uber. Many SCs are in the middle of nowhere industrial parks. Missed my [last] bus back to the hotel and the nearest 24/7 metro line was 3 1/2 miles away by foot.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Dancer ethical dilemma
    Loyalty means nothing. Strippers and escorts are always flaky. Had my regular dancers say to me "I'll be right back, dont let any other girl sit with you", after 10 mins I go looking for them, on their phone in the corner with other free strippers or with a bottle service regular for the next 45 mins. If she gets up, she has 1 song to get back, or I start plotting how to get CF #2 and CF #3 in the seat next to me. 30 minutes or an hour later when CF #1 appears in my corner of the SC, when CF #2 is sitting and talking with me, I am sure to lock and follow eyes with CF #1 when CF #1 walks by. Comparing CF #1 with #2 and #3, #1 hugs and says bye, #2 and #3 dont. Making #1 jealous that i am spending $ on #2 if #1 leave me is my strategy. Right or wrong strategy with CF #1 to get more regular with CF #1?
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    you must get your dick wet in this
    I'm 5'5", that is my perfect dancer. Small ass, less than 110 lbs and shorter than me. I know the LD wont be painful and she wont leave bruises in the morning on my legs from the LD. Came to the hotel after a night at the SC, take a shower, notice my thighs look I was shot with a paintball gun. Never again with big asses or fat dancers.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Dancer ethical dilemma
    The prearranged appointment is over after > $0.00 spent between customer and dancer B.
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    9 years ago
    Older than dirt
    Some PLs get off on fucking an addict because it makes them look less like a looser or they dont feel she is unobtainium/above them.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Dancer ethical dilemma
    >While the appointment is sacred, that really doesn't answer this situation. Because here >while they had an appointment, the customer was going to be there for several hours and >it was understood that he would only be with B for part of that time. The practice was that >she often left him for part of the time while he played with others. A stopped at his table >while B was off with me instead of this guy. So A being with him wasn't really contrary to >the spirit of the appointment. Ethics are for loosers/get played. Dancer B can not sit with regular the whole night. This is a woman share program. It would be very rare for B to say "fuck the other guys, I made my house fee tonight, I'd rather sit here with your than walk around and "wanna dance" to PLs". B can't spend the whole night with the customer, she has to go to other customers. Once the "date" is over or first customer to dancer $ handover happened, the appointment was kept, both sides are free to split for the rest of the night. I once got a "fuck that, Im not hustling tonight, I'll BS with you for almost free". That was from a dancer who quit stripping on her 21st birthday a few weeks later (became a bartender), that dancer was sitting by herself most of the night in her phone, I had to walk upto her and introduce myself, because the stereotypes say that she has zero chance asking me for a dance, so some dancers dont approach me on stereotypes even if they are customerless and I have to cold call them out of the corner of strippers in their phones if I love what I see.
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    9 years ago
    Stirred shit and had to leave lets continue the political talk now that im back
    Banning abortion is needed to depress the value of proles to slaves. You want your heffers to spit out as many calfs as possible. The heffer has no choice, they are your property. The bourgeois needs endless cannon fodder to play their ego war games. When the chicken stops producing eggs, it gets killed.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Doncha love reviews on clubs that are closed?
    Since I will loose my job and my family if anyone finds out that I am depraved freak. When I visited the club is completely fictionalized. I have a dozen reviews waiting to publish in a random order. I wouldn't be surprised if I post a review on a closed club one day. One of the clubs was raided by the Five-O after my visit and closed a while before it reopened.
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    9 years ago
    The queen of Snapchat is dead
    http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-2557607/Snorting-cocaine-increases-stroke-risk-700-24-hours-use.html Let us start the slut shaming.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Livin my inner redneck
    Longest visit
    8 hours. Free entry before 10PM, I stayed till closing at 7 AM. There is something amazing about standing infront of the club having a smoke, a gaggle of strippers come out in street clothes, I recognize my fav dancer of the night, without her wig, she recognizes me and we hug and say bye, and the gaggle and me, all walk onto the packed metro during rush hour and go a couple stations before I get off. It messes with your mind to see strippers as civies on the metro after a whole night of watching them dance. Makes you wonder who else is a stripper or escort on the metro in the future.