Club with youngest girls

avatar for FTS
Hey all, fairly new to the world of string clubs. Just wondering what clubs have the youngest girls. I'm thinking Hong Kong in Tijuana, but as far as US clubs go what do you think?


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avatar for s88
New York
9 years ago
No alcohol clubs, they always have a couple 18 year olds. In 3 months I lost 2 favorites when they turned 21. 1st favorite told me she is done with stripping forever on her birthday and will be a bartender. She told me she has a policy never to approach a customer or hustle the floor with "wanna dance". She told me, if the customer wants her badly enough, they will walk upto her sitting in the corner on her phone and say hi. Like I did, since I watched her for an hour on a super busy friday night and she was by herself and never with customers, which is very unusual. She told me she never "wanna dance?" again, after a sports athlete customer put an arm around her stomach after she finished a public table dance and wouldn't let her leave. He told her "relax, make yourself comfortable" while his arm was wrapped around her stomach. I knew when her birthday was. It was a good 3 months while it lasted.

2nd favorite moved went from a nude no alcohol club to a bottoms+pasties alcohol club on her 21st birthday *sobbs*

PS no alcohol clubs tend to look the other way if a dancer shows them a fake ID, the criminal charges in my state for fucking a 16 year old or 30 year old hooker are the same, 15 gets you sent to the penitentiary
Yes, in some states the drinking age is an issue. In some states like California, you can only have alcohol or nudity, not both. So go to the nude no alcohol clubs for 18yo+

If you find a club with mostly very young dancers please let me know. I've been looking for 20 years and haven't found it yet.
I'd guess 18 years old is the minimum age in to strip in every state. No reason to stick with no-alcohol clubs, some states -- like CA -- allow strippers to be 18 even in clubs that serve alcohol, they just can't drink or serve alcohol themselves.
Too bad Michael Jackson is no longer around to chime in.
avatar for dtek
9 years ago
I doubt this is the kind of thing you meant, but here's a club that was pimping out two 13 year old girls:…. It's a full nude alcohol club.

In general, the clubs with the youngest girls will be juice bars (no alcohol) in states where nudity and alcohol are allowed on the same premises. This will be especially true if 18-21 year olds are not permitted to strip in the alcohol bars. It's been my experience that juice bars tend to attract two age groups of strippers: girls under 21 and "girls" who are too old to compete with the younger dancers at the alcohol bar.

There used to be a juice bar just down the road from my work that was full of 18-21 and 40-55 year old dancers. Mostly nothing in between.
This thread is creepy.
We are only considering girls down to 18yo. Any talk of those less than 18yo should be considered verboten.

Where I am, there are additional restrictions on strip clubs beyond the state alcohol laws. So those under 21 cannot dance in the alcohol clubs. So you do get a concentration of 18 to 20yo in our two nude clubs. No touching.

avatar for dtek
9 years ago
Apologies if I've broken the rules when posting about an illegal and, frankly, sickening event. But it did happen. I believe both perpetrators (one of whom was a manager of one of the clubs in the chain) went to jail.

@Founder: please delete my message (or at least the first paragraph) above it it is, in fact, forbidden talk.
Mons Venus in Tampa has an age cap upon hiring.
avatar for crazyjoe
9 years ago
This thread is creepy
18 yo +

The discussion goes no further than that.

avatar for mikeya02
9 years ago
Lol, when I was 24, I hooked up with a 16y/o, who told me she was 18, and at restaurants, they thought she was 21 and served her wine,,,,....
Well, to answer the OP's question: Go to Cambodia and you can have any age you wany.
Depends on what the legal age of consent is in your state. Here in MI, and in many states, it's 16. An adult of any age can legally fuck a 16 year old. When I was 16 I dated a man in his 20s... Now I look back and think he was a perverted loser and haven't seen him nor wanted to in yearrrs. But anyway, the age of consent in Cali for example is 18. In Hawaii it's 16, yet only 14 if the other person is no more than 5 years older.
That was to SJG...
Yes, I know that some states have lower ages of consent, but I would still say that that is TROUBLE!

Since the girl is a minor they can charge you with other crimes, like contributing to the delinquency of a minor.

18yo+ only please!

I only go 21+ since I buy dancers/g/f's drinks.
I do think it's a bit odd that some men specifically seek out females who are the youngest they can possibly be while still being legal to fuck. I get that a lot of guys don't want to fuck an old hag, but jeez, hunting for high school-esque girls is just weird to me. There is an endless supply of hot young chicks with at least a damn year or two of experience with being an adult, why seek out childlike girls? It's like some guys want to fuck girls who seem like children and not women.

(This was my general opinion on that subject that got brought up, it's not directed at the OP.)
I don't do the kind of hunting you describe. I like those I can get along with, and his favors those with some more years on them.

I met my first love at thirteen
She was brown and I was pretty green
And I learned quite a lot
When I was young, when I was young
Sixteen I fell in love
With a girl as sweet as can be...
AFAIK it’s 18 to strip in most areas.

Anything less than that you’d probably have to go overseas but even in TJ I’ve never read of there being very young strippers.
SJG^^^ do you mean you hunt for the heavy sleeping beauties that aren't awake to confirm your sexual advances before entering coitus?

Do you happen to be currently monogamous with said aforementioned partner that is willing to sleep in the same neighborhood let alone same bed, whether it be a waterbed in a basement of an old Victorian style 1890's houeshold or the local Motel 6?
You know what...?

This thread...?

A little creepy.
avatar for mikeya02
9 years ago
Young girl, get out of my mind
My love for you is way out of line
Better run, girl
You're much too young, girl
If she thinks getting wet is running through sprinklers, she's too young for you bro
avatar for mikeya02
9 years ago
Well, she was just 17
You know what I mean
And the way she looked was way beyond compare
So how could I dance with another (Ooh)
When I saw her standing there
avatar for mikeya02
9 years ago

You come on like a dream, peaches and cream,
Lips like strawberry wine.
You're sixteen, you're beautiful and you're mine.

sorry guys, this seems to be a topic musicians sang about
^^^^^ Yup. Musicians and pedophiles. I should really be hanging out with a better class of people!!!
"I do think it's a bit odd that some men specifically seek out females who are the youngest they can possibly be while still being legal to fuck."

Why is this odd? Guys have been going after very young women since the beginning of time. The younger women are more attractive, their bodies are in better shape, they tend to be more permissive and open sexually, I can teach them about sex instead of them teaching me, and they tend to be very trusting. In other words, they turn me on massively and I'll pay a fortune to have a beautiful 18/19 year old. I think its weird to prefer an older woman from a sexual perspective. I'm not saying that a woman in her 20s and 30s can't be sexy and fun, they can be great. But all other things being equal, I will always take the younger one as long as she's legal.
avatar for FTS
9 years ago
I did not expect this thread to get so many comments.

1. Thanks for the information, I did not know about this trend between stripper age and nude&no-alcohol clubs.
2. I have to agree with JohnSmith69 on this. If you look at history you'll find that it was quite common for men to seek out veeerrry young girls as brides. e.g. 20+ year old guys marrying and impregnating 12 year old girls. Let's not forget that we are creatures on this planet; biologically speaking there is nothing unnatural about a post-pubescent male being sexually attracted to a post-pubescent female. The only reason somebody might judge it as creepy and forbidden is because they don't want to be judged and ostracized by society... which is also a biological imperative. So, to anybody who thinks it's creepy, you're right and you're biology is functioning as intended. And to all the "creepy guys" who find some 16 year old girls to be sexually attractive, your biology is also functioning as intended.
3. Don't get arrested.

Thanks again.
@dtek- There is one juice bar in my area I have been going to on and off for about 20 years and the one thing I noticed about that club is that they do not, nor never have, at least consistently, have the bipolar age ranges for the girls who dance there. Then again, I think of that club as the best run club of those in my area and perhaps the owner and managers make the girls feel welcome. I can say the one BYOB club I visit the most does get a few young ones, but for the most part, their girls are 20 somethings who drink all night, with a few 30 somethings.
Js69 says, "Why is this odd? Guys have been going after very young women since the beginning of time. The younger women are more attractive, their bodies are in better shape, they tend to be more permissive and open sexually, I can teach them about sex instead of them teaching me, and they tend to be very trusting. In other words, they turn me on massively and I'll pay a fortune to have a beautiful 18/19 year old. I think its weird to prefer an older woman from a sexual perspective. I'm not saying that a woman in her 20s and 30s can't be sexy and fun, they can be great. But all other things being equal, I will always take the younger one as long as she's legal."

You ask why it's odd? I explained how it is odd in my last post, which you cut half of it off. It's odd, in my opinion, to specifically seek out extremely young girls. I don't buy your whole "18 year olds bodies are in better shape!" excuse, because a 23 year old's body is going to be in just as good of shape as the 18 year old high schooler. The only difference is that the 18 year old's body might not be done developing. Lol.

Guys actively seeking out high schoolers because they have "little sexual experience" (keep buying that one, there are such things as high school sluts), is also baffling. I know many guys like submissive girls and all, but seeking them out age-wise to be as young as legally possible implies to me that the man's psyche yearns for child like girls, and perhaps maturity level is that of one who couldn't handle being with a woman who's been an adult for more than a few months. If the legal age of consent dropped down to 13, would these same teenager-obsessed guys start fucking 13 year olds? A lot of them probably would.

I get that guys want girls who still have youthful bodies, but that should extend way past teenage years. When one is actively seeking out the youngest thing he can possibly find, he may as well just say he likes to fuck girls who remind him of children. That, to me, is weird.
And using history to support your love for teenagers does not substantiate the issue. Futuretrackstar even mentioned that, historically, men over 20 would marry 12 year olds. So what? There are still countries where that is being practiced and most civilized people would agree that marrying and fucking a 12 year old is a little gross. If one did it here, one would get charged with statutory rape. But since people are using that as a basis to support their arguments, those same people must think it's OK to fuck a 12 year old?
I agree with those who said this thread is creepy. I might go a little bit farther and say this is pervert territory.
I'm 56 and the biggest age gap I ever fucked was a while back, and it was 31 years. She was nowhere near the best bed partner ever, but there's something to be said for fucking a very young, beautiful woman. My 3 best partners ever were all near my age (my current g/f is actually older by a month) and since my g/f and I started fucking over a year ago, I haven't had sex with anyone else. I've actually turned down a few offers (not dancers though) because I just didn't want to deal with cheating on her. Strange, as I'm still married and have been cheating on my wife for years.
I agree that younger bodies are TYPICALLY more fit than their older counterparts, but to seek the youngest possible with all else equal suggests that the real motivation is the maturity level. If the PL were seeking clubs with strippers who have the best bodies they would ask for that instead of clubs with the youngest girls.

Inferiority complex?
"This thread is creepy"

Brilliant point crazyjoe! You're a gentleman and scholar!

Can we please always be crystal clear that young means 18+ years old! I know most of you are just normal pervs focused on legal pussy, but these kinds of threads always have a bit of an icky factor! Non brilliant! :(
Though this does not apply to all customers, I suspect that there's a percentage out there who pursue younger / 18+ girls because they were blown off by the "popular girls" and cheerleaders in high school. How self-aware they might be about that motivation is unknowable. Older guys do a lot of things to recapture their youth. This is one item on a long list.

In Providence, RI, a club called Cheaters (aka, the "Pink Palace") was closed down when it was discovered that a 14 year-old runaway was being pimped out of the club (Cheaters was notorious for being an extras club...). Talk around the water cooler was that this girl was very popular. This put a lot of customers in an awkward position... legally and morally. Also, it was one of the few instances where an allegation of sex trafficking in a strip club was 100% true.

The repercussions of this was sudden and massive attention on the entire RI strip club industry by both law enforcement and the media. There were stings, undercover operations, and investigations. RI came within a hair of passing a law prohibiting any type of private dance. This all happened a few years ago, and Rhode Island remains a much more challenging environment today as a result.

The moral of the story is that finding yourself in the club with the youngest dancers isn't always a good thing.
^^^ I think I went a bit far by questioning an inferioritycomplex complex. I probably should have written:

Insecurity issues?

If I self-examine, I have to admit that I have some of those.
Nina, I know better than to pick a fight with you. And Flag I think most psychology is a load of crap. Regardless, please remember that I am dating MILFs. And I am trying to find a MILF who is fuckable. I even went on a date with a woman who is a couple of years older than me. So I am trying to have some balance in my life even if I'm not succeeding yet.
I'm not pointing at anyone specifically.

I'm merely saying that IF ALL ELSE IS EQUAL and an individual still pursues the youngest possible there is something that is driving it. I contend that it MAY stem from insecurity issues. Otherwise I would have used a period instead of a question mark.
Yeah John's a pedo. What else is new?
Nina "SLAMDUNKED THAT FAGGOT JOHNSMITH69".(in the words of my late idol dougster).
My initial statements about it weren't even directed at JS69.
avatar for bvino
9 years ago
One nice thing about getting older is that "younger girls" are always old enough. Having said that the comments on biological imperatives are spot on. it is only our social conditioning that makes the process "perverted" or "illegal". As a species we are not too far along from our primitive days and we used to die in our thirties up until four or five hundred years ago. You can't act like this yearning is weird. Acting on it is stupid but not unexplainable. Finding and fucking young girls got us here where we can now turn our collective noses up to the practice. Maybe I read too much history but in my ,long, view there is to much condemnation for thought alone.
Like someone said, their bodies aren't even fully developed at 18, give me a girl anywhere from 21-25.
@4Got2Wipe: I initially said the thread was creepy (and lots of others followed suit) because it seemed to me the OP was looking for jailbait without saying he was.
Meat72, no, I like women that I can have partnership with, where there are some shared values. Big difference between 32 yo or 25 yo and 18 yo. No I do not practice monogamy anymore. And yes, I have found that most women, if the mood is right, don't mind being woken up by an additional penetration. As far as I have ever seen, they love it. Only thing though is sometimes they will say, "Wait, let me go to the bathroom first. "

I now agree that this thread is creepy. And LDK82 has pushed it completely beyond anything I am going to cooperate with.

My initial comment about the Barney Kids Club was intended to be a bit overboard to show how icky I thought this question was.
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