
Back page hos

How do I gurantee a fine one?


  • Dominic77
    9 years ago
    You don't. You google search for an indie girl (escort) with her own website and her own professional photographs.
  • shailynn
    9 years ago
    Finding a quality hooker on backpage is like trying to find quality at Kentucky Fried Chicken. It doesn't exist at either place.
  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    Vet them through TER.
  • vincemichaels
    9 years ago
    rockstar666 is right. TER is a good source to check things out.
  • shailynn
    9 years ago
    There guys are right (on a serious note) you need to join TER and actually pay so you can read the reviews. If you find someone on backpage that looks interesting, plug her into into TER's site. If nothing comes up, then I would personally not pursue it anymore. If something does, read the reviews and then you can determine if the escort is worth a call.
  • jackslash
    9 years ago
    Fine strip club hoes are easier to find.
  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    shailynn: When I was more active in the P4P arena, I would "reverse engineer" using TER. I'd look for girls that fit the mood I was in (size, shape, color, age) who lived close by, and then pick one based on the reviews.
  • sclvr5005
    9 years ago
    TER is your best bet.
    Leave BP for the naive and clueless.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    Best to listen to Rick Dugan and just go to a strip club and set up OTC. Face to face first meetings always best.

  • Estafador
    9 years ago
    how long have you been on this website chessmaster?
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    Here is Rick Dugan's original Magum Opus, The System

    And here is his appendix to The System

    study and apply!

  • TheFword
    9 years ago
    A lot of backpage girls do have nice KFC parts.
    Do you mean a couple of small breasts, pudgy thighs, and a greasy box to put your bone in?
  • Hugh_G_Rection
    9 years ago
    The TER review route is probably the best advice but read between the lines, reviews can be faked there just like they can here (they usually get outed here because Founder wisely instituted the shill review flag). I'd be cautious of glowing first timer reviews that are all praise and no balance.

    Without a way of sorting the grain from the chaff looking for a quality escort experience is trying to find a silk purse in a bin full of sow's ears.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    Face to Face first meetings!!

  • pensionking
    9 years ago
    Multiple reviews on TER decrease the probability that the BP escort is LEO. LEO is why I have stuck with SCs more recently. Long story, I got very close to being pinched in a BP sting once. Freaked me out. Just like DUIs now, in 2016, you get your friggin' picture in the paper -- they're all about ruining your life as punishment.
  • s88
    9 years ago
    @pensionking more info? howd ya know it was a set up?
  • WetWilly
    9 years ago
    Guarantee? You can't, but you can increase your chances by doing research. My rule is theft greater the number of rave reviewsi, the better the chances I'll enjoy her.

    No guarantees.
  • pensionking
    9 years ago
    @s88 -- kind of a long story. I was invited to "her" apartment. She said she would give instructions when I arrived because she said she was kinda hard to find. She was kind of sketchy on details (other than a street address). Then she asked me what kind of vehicle I was driving. In retrospect, that was an odd question.

    I arrived 20 minutes early at the address given, but parked up the street a little ways away to scope it out. I called her and told her I was 20 minutes away and that I would call again. I got out and walked down the street. The address was a run down hair/nail salon in a 2-story converted old house. Looked out of business at first glance.

    That is when I noticed that there were like 5 men in the salon and 1 women, just milling around talking -- nobody getting hair or nails done. They were mostly beefy-looking white guys in a mixed but mostly black neighborhood. Something just didn't feel right. I kept walking past the address and called her a few minutes later up the block. She said I was to walk around to the back of the building and locate stairs to a second story apartment. She said to come on up and let myself in -- that she would be waiting for me. Let myself in?? Who does that??

    Thinking it through, I recalled that we had discussed explicit things on the phone (rookie mistake). I decided to bail and walked back toward my car. As I passed the salon, the guys that were inside couldn't be seen, but none had come out the front. As I passed the far side of the building, there was an older white guy around the corner. He stopped me and asked me if I was looking for someone. Huh?? I said no no no and got the f out of there.

    Two weeks later, I read in the news of an undercover reverse LE sting that nabbed a bunch of johns over that very weekend using backpage. I suppose I could be wrong, but I am pretty sure I dodged a bullet.

    Lessons learned: control the where, arrive earlier than anticipated and scope out the situation, never discuss explicit details (I only mention money for time now -- if she is real, she knows what the time is for, as do I).

    LEO wants explicit details confirmed upfront and would never agree to come to my hotel or the location of my choosing -- too much risk for them; too many variables.
  • chessmaster
    9 years ago
    ^yeah sounds like you missed a bullet on that one.
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