
2:00 AMers

Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)

I don’t understand the 2:00 a.m. closing time that many cities enforce – I think it’s counter-productive to have a whole bunch of drunk people many w/ questionable character; all leaving establishments at the same-time and being on the road at the same time.

Down here in Miami clubs close late (5:00 a.m. and some even later) so people leave throughout the night – when I lived in Dallas the roads/freeways would often have heavy-traffic b/w 2:00 and 3:00 a.m. as bars and clubs closed and the most horrific car-accidents I’ve seen were while I lived in Dallas (and b/w 2:00 and 3:00 a.m.).

I see the 2:00 a.m. closing time as causing more problems than it solves.


  • Dominic77
    9 years ago
    I think church-y people and especially church-y wives in the Bible Belt disagree with you. But me, I am in agreement with you Papi_Chulo. It seems to be a Prohibition Era remnant to me. *shrugs*
  • jackslash
    9 years ago
    Papi, this isn't Florida. We're trying to have a civilization here.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    ^ yeah - I guess things are different in Detroit, Canada
  • warhawks
    9 years ago
    I think it's up to the cities/states.

    I know Las Vegas is later than 2am and so is Chicago. Not sure about any other cities. But I agree that most states/cities it's 2am for some reason.
  • larryfisherman
    9 years ago
    It's 2 am here in LA. I agree 2 am is way too early.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    My point is that it may actually be more unsafe for everyone to leave at the same time (which will tend to be the case if the closing time is not too late).
  • vincemichaels
    9 years ago
    Closing time here in Michigan is regulated by the state's liquor control commission. Long ago, probably, it set 2 am as the closing time for whatever reason. As far as I recall back to the late 60's when the state went to allowing us 18 year olds to drink legally, it has always been a 2 am closing. A year or so later, the state decreed that 21 would be the legal age. I guess we were not responsible enough. :)
  • vincemichaels
    9 years ago
    Yes, it causes problems, Papi, but we live with it. Until the MLCC changes things. That's not very likely.
  • IHearVoices
    9 years ago
    Tallahassee recently - and finally, if you ask younger people or those of us who've been here long enough to be 'younger people' - passed an ordinance to let places stay open until 4. The old time was 2:30, but the clubs used to always end things at 2. Smaller club owners are happy, but the clubs who used special licenses to stay open later and the big boys are not. Should make for interesting times once the weather warms back up.
  • deogol
    9 years ago
    Do we really want a bunch of drunk rowdy strip club goers on the street in morning rush hour?
  • shadowcat
    9 years ago
    Even in places where they can stay open past 2AM, they have to stop serving alcohol at 2AM. For many clubs that could stay open later, it then becomes a matter of economics and they choose to close earlier.

    I think deogol hit on the main reason. To give people time to sober up before going to work.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    I got really high itc a few months back. This was the time when I saw the male midget shot guy with the beard. This dancer kept sending me back to the bathroom to refill my vape, and she got me the highest I've ever been in a club. Ordinarily I'd stay until it wears off but 2 am comes, the club closes, and I'm kicked out. It was a bad neighborhood, I'm too far from home for a cab or uber, so I drive home. Ordinarily I would've waited an extra hour or two before driving home, but the early mandated closing time gave me no other option that I could figure out.

    Long way of saying I think Papi is right.
  • gammanu95
    9 years ago
    The guy from Detroit writes "we're trying to have a civilization here". Does no one else see the irony?
  • Cashman1234
    9 years ago
    Degol makes a good point. The morning rush hour could be much worse with strip club patrons adding to the traffic.

    In my opinion - strip clubs shouldn't have a defined closing time. The world inside of a strip club is like a casino - no clocks - no indication of the outside world -
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    “... The guy from Detroit writes "we're trying to have a civilization here". Does no one else see the irony ...”

    jack is a facetious character – he was trying to be ironic on purpose.
  • s88
    9 years ago
    In Europe, bars are 24/7. Locals all left at 11 PM or midnight, me and my Americans stayed till 7 AM. There was only 1 bartender/waiter after 2 AM but we were never denied any drinks. When there is no last call, there is no reason to stick around to last call to say you partied hard. Lets eliminate last call. Let each place set their hours on what the locals will support economically, not a bible thumping crook says.
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