Recently, I visited Club Atlantis in Philadelphia for the first time (I'll post a review later). I noticed two white females out of the at least 20 black dancers.
This made me wonder why white females will dance for a group of mostly black men.
I have no problem with this whatsoever.
My belief in the strip club is: Don't judge me by the color of my skin or the content of my character. Judge me by the color of the contents of my wallet.
I used to buy dances from a white dancer who said she used to dance at a predominantly black club. According to her she would be accused of racism by the black clientele at times. I don't believe that because she used to have a regular at the mixed club I met her in who was black.
Do they make more money here than at Club White-Old-Guy? Do they feel more comfortable there? Are there other reasons? I'm just curious.
To many black guys white dancers are the forbidden fruit and thus a white dancer at a black club can do well. I know a Latina dancer(basically white) at Follies that worked at Magic City and made good money.
I remember in a Elmore Leonard crime novel, the protagonist has two black wives and one white wife. The two blacks give supreme service whenever he decides to drop in; any time day or night and they are up on their feet.
But the white wife was a bitch. He only kept her around for offering to friends.
I used to love reading this magazine, Black Tail, which claimed to be pictorials of black strippers. It seemed like it was for real. Very well done pictorials too. Most of the girls spreading pussy and showing pink. You could tell they were real strippers just because of how they were posing and how well they were painted up, and always in stripper shoes.
I think it's as mentioned above. Those white girls stand out as they are unique in that club. Not sure if they do better $$$ than the other club dancers - but it provides them with immediate differentiation - and that can be something good (or bad) depending on the customer.
If the manager hired them - I think he must know what the customers like - and they must fit into the mix of the club.
Hard to say exactly why a particular dancer would leave a certain club and go to another. One can't make blanket assumptions nor come to blanket conclusions (note: I'm not accusing you of doing that, not at all). it's not always about money, however, with a dancer, usually it is. Magic 8 ball says: difficult to analyze; forget about it buy more lap dances instead.
Have to agree with LDK. There was a white dancer at HT's (Detroit 8 mile club), a few year ago (well maybe more than a few years). She was built like a sister and you almost had to wait in line for her!
My regular SC is called a black club, or mixed. 20 black, 4 latinas, 3 whites. You would think the customers are the same ratio as the dancers, but not here. Because this SC in the financial district near hotels has cheap prices its customers are only 40% black. The 3 white girls make a killing with asian, white and indian customers. Being the only white girl in a black club, with mixed customers, makes you very high in demand. All the white dancers say the club is ratchett and so are the customers, but $2K on a friday night with a low house fee is worth working there vs the competition SCs. One white dancer told me in 3 years of her working there, no asian customer ever turned her down when she approaches them to sell LDs, but the black customers always reject her when she approaches them except for once, the black customer got one dance, then said he isn't paying her because she has no ass (she doesnt, hence she is one of my favorites). From that point, her policy is black customers have to initiate contact since she isn't going through that again she told me.
“… One can't make blanket assumptions nor come to blanket conclusions …”
I think this is an important statement to keep in-mind.
Who knows for sure; but I think the urban-legend of most black men having a white-fantasy is just an urban-legend and not necessarily reality – keeping w/ Dominic’s quote above; if most white custies seem to prefer white dancers why would it be that most black custies would not prefer black dancers over white dancers – black custies have the choice of going to white-clubs and getting dances from white dancers if the so wish but I don’t see that as the overriding trend.
IMO – and it’s just an opinion – it seems most black custies prefer black dancers just as most white custies prefer white dancers and that may be one of the reasons if not the main reason why not many white dancers at black clubs.
Another issue may be safety – just as many custies feel there may be a safety concern in black clubs; white dancers perhaps also have that concern – w/ all the black club visits I’ve had under my PL belt on numerous occasions I’ve been told by black dancers about violence among dancers in the black clubs and how it is more prevalent among black dancers (been told so by other black dancers) – w/ SCs as competitive as they are being a white girl taking biz away from the majority black dancers can be an issue – not saying it’s the absolute norm; but probably something that is an issue although perhaps not at all clubs.
I’ve never been to Atlantis in Philly but keep up w/ the reviews.
From what I recall the non-black dancers are often Brazilian chicks and there’s a difference b/w a white Brazilian chick and a white Anglo/American chick.
Also – IME there are black clubs and then there are black clubs – I’ve noticed a difference b/w all-black clubs where all the staff is black and perhaps also the ownership; and white-owned black clubs that have some white staff (manager; bartenders; etc) – in the white-owned/white-staffed black clubs one can find more white dancers.
From what I’ve read; the Atlantis clientele Is not all-black as it often is in all-black clubs – it seems to have a significant # of white customers and thus why non-black dancers may do well there. The clubs is also $20/dance whereas many of the all-black clubs in the area are $5 and $10 places – so this also makes it a different type of club that may attract some white dancers.
I knew a white dancer who danced at a club which seem to be the most popular one among black customers. The (white) owner had a real sweet spot. But she said it was hard to make money there. She tried other clubs, but the bullshit going on behind the scenes would always cause her to get into scrapes with management.
last commentSJG
Forbidden fruit for white guys would be Blacks, Latinas, and Asians.
But the white wife was a bitch. He only kept her around for offering to friends.
If the manager hired them - I think he must know what the customers like - and they must fit into the mix of the club.
I think this is an important statement to keep in-mind.
Who knows for sure; but I think the urban-legend of most black men having a white-fantasy is just an urban-legend and not necessarily reality – keeping w/ Dominic’s quote above; if most white custies seem to prefer white dancers why would it be that most black custies would not prefer black dancers over white dancers – black custies have the choice of going to white-clubs and getting dances from white dancers if the so wish but I don’t see that as the overriding trend.
IMO – and it’s just an opinion – it seems most black custies prefer black dancers just as most white custies prefer white dancers and that may be one of the reasons if not the main reason why not many white dancers at black clubs.
Another issue may be safety – just as many custies feel there may be a safety concern in black clubs; white dancers perhaps also have that concern – w/ all the black club visits I’ve had under my PL belt on numerous occasions I’ve been told by black dancers about violence among dancers in the black clubs and how it is more prevalent among black dancers (been told so by other black dancers) – w/ SCs as competitive as they are being a white girl taking biz away from the majority black dancers can be an issue – not saying it’s the absolute norm; but probably something that is an issue although perhaps not at all clubs.
From what I recall the non-black dancers are often Brazilian chicks and there’s a difference b/w a white Brazilian chick and a white Anglo/American chick.
Also – IME there are black clubs and then there are black clubs – I’ve noticed a difference b/w all-black clubs where all the staff is black and perhaps also the ownership; and white-owned black clubs that have some white staff (manager; bartenders; etc) – in the white-owned/white-staffed black clubs one can find more white dancers.
From what I’ve read; the Atlantis clientele Is not all-black as it often is in all-black clubs – it seems to have a significant # of white customers and thus why non-black dancers may do well there. The clubs is also $20/dance whereas many of the all-black clubs in the area are $5 and $10 places – so this also makes it a different type of club that may attract some white dancers.