So I haven't been to the club for a while or on here much or doing much of anything lately really and all thats cause I found out I'm prego! The bf and I have decided on keeping it and I haven't really been working since cause honestly who wants to see a pregnant stripper? I am sure there are some people who do and I have heard some stories of it but for the most part I feel you would be pitty tipped and get the everyone scurrying away from the stage when you went up. Also for weeks I was nothing but sick and even had to go to the hospital cause I wasn't able to hold anything down for over 3 days not even a sip of water, so I wasn't in any condition to be dancing anyway. (Though I have been feeling better lately no puking but still queezy here and there. Also haven't really gotten very big and probably wont if I take after my mom she said she didn't even start showing till 6 months.) Anyway I have had a few regulars that I told and some others I haven't that have been like "Oh, I miss you when are you going to be dancing again?" And I just kind of brush them off saying I have been busy and probably wont be able to get back to dancing for a while.
So whats everyones opinions on pregnant strippers? I personally don't think it would be very profitable for the girl, I don't see a lot of people tipping her or buying dances with her and she can't drink so unless she wasn't showing she wouldn't be able to push drinks. (no one is going to pay alcohol prices for non alcohol drinks knowingly)
I've seen lots of pregnant strippers over the years, and they generally fall into two categories: pregnant enough to have the "glow" and the pheromones that make men protective, and the "what the fuck are you still doing here" category.
In general, the first category is the first two trimesters, but varies with the girl and how she carries the baby. The second is when she gets too ungainly to move easily.
I wouldn't stay away from dancing *just* because you're pregnant, especially if money is a worry. There are other reasons to stay away, of course, like the smoke, alcohol and crazy strippers. :)
Many men, myself included, find pregnant women beautiful. I have seen a number of dancers in their first trimester do extremely well. Many guys don't see the subtle changes but I can almost always tell in the first 6-8 weeks.
Valid points about the alcohol...think about smoke factor too. I think you could dance until you begin really showing, and during that time you may find a number of guys who are really into it and might ask you to keep going even after you are really showing. Just make sure you have a healthy mindset about dancing and feeling beautiful. Good luck...
Congratulations! It could see it being a fetish/kink with some *ahem* unhealthy men. Also hopefully there is no second hand smoke at your club. With that said, I could see someone dancing (with most normal custies) while pregnant until she starts to show. I would certainly still tip for convo (e.g, with my CF, if she were to be prego again). I might take it easy on the pole (I'd hate to see you fall) if I were in your shoes, but I'm sure you know best. One plus if being pregnant is if your boobs get big, that should help earnings, amirite? But once you are showing? Hmm. No. I would pass. It. Would. Feel. So. Wrong. To. Me. #NotAFantasy. Still … Congratulations!
Haha well I don't plan on dancing during my pregnancy, people can't smoke inside and at least for now I could still sell dancer drinks and just have the bartender make them virgin. Also I don't really ever have issues with other dancers I'm the peacekeeper most of the time.
My reasoning's is well despite your positive feed back I don't think I would get that positive of an effect from the locals, maybe a from a few regulars who think they love me and would want to be protective but other than that not so much. Two it would cut out from me doing a lot of cooler pole tricks cause they would be risky to the baby, I would have to keep it at beginner level stuff which can look very beautiful and graceful, but is just not as fun or impressive. Also there seems to be a big controversy on women being on all fours while pregnant, I have seen some things say its safe others saying it would cause this and that.... Money isn't really a worry I just can't get stuff that is luxury items right now since I am not dancing (which sucks cause I really want a new phone and my bf is cheap if its not something he wants....)
Actually I had a couple not long before I quit dancing come in and one of the reasons they left the club they were at and came to the one I was working at was cause there were no pretty girls there and one of them was very very pregnant apparently. They liked me though and stayed a long time and spent a decent amount on me would have been more but the wife spent most of the play money on booze but they were nice to talk with.
I'm really just curious on everyones opinions and experiences with seeing pregnant girls in the club.
@Dominic77 haha thanks and actually I have already gone up 1 cup size and probably will a few more since I'm pretty early on and plan to breast feed. I'm only a little over 3 months haven't really gained but a couple pounds, lost a lot of weight in the beginning when I was sick real bad, only been feeling better with in the past few weeks.
Well first of all, CONGRATULATIONS!!! I wish you the very best.
I would recommend, if you are comfortable with it, to dance until you REALLY start to show. Usually I'd say 4 months or so, but your family history indicates you might have a couple months longer. Regardless, it's always nice to have extra money saved when you have a baby on the way.
If you are dancing and start showing a bit, and customers ask you if you're pregnant and you say yes, a considerable amount of guys would be aroused (even if subconsciously). It's instinctual. You will still make money.
The fetish stuff starts in the 3rd trimester. I've never been pregnant and personally wouldn't dance during the 3rd trimester, but that's where the real fetishes come in. The percent of guys wanting and willing to pay for these types of fetish won't be high, but those who are will spend a lot. It can be lucrative if hustled right.
Also, for your nausea, have you talked to your doctor about safe anti-emetics? I know Zofran is pretty arguably safe (it's often the med prescribed to help pregnant women with nausea). Morning sickness can happen, but when it is hindering your personal nutrition, it's also hindering your and the baby's health. If you can stomach things like ensure (which can be tough with an upset stomach), you can gain nutrients.
@georgmicrodong Wow that would be something! I'd say she was shaking it too hard lol. Yeah I don't think I would want to work prego just cause you would get some rude people about it and honestly its hard to feel sexy when your either feeling exhausted, hungry, or like your going to puke all the time.
@nina yeah my dr. didnt want to prescribe me the zofran off the bat cause I guess it wasn't good early on for the baby, he finally has and I have been doing better. I tried 3 different types before he finally gave me the zofran. The hospital gave me some in IV when I went and gave me a 5 day supply after the released me in pill form and then my dr finally gave me some after that. Its helped out like I said haven't been puking any more at least but still get queezy but the zofran keeps me from puking and makes the nausea go away.
@whodey well not really planning on keeping up with the dancing. And only have gained about 2 or 3 pounds since those pics. But only bad thing is I have been getting bloated very easily. My stomachs flat as ever in the mornings but after a few meals its like a balloon (or at least it feels that way) But usually goes back down around bed time or if I take some medicine for it.
I feel like I would get too hungry if I worked and would be eating more than working. I always would get hungry before at work and I feel I would more so now, it would feel more like a dinner date with customers then me working cause I'd be eating and it would be humerus cause I would go up stairs and come back with a bunch of food since my club doesn't serve food their and I'd feel weird then cause they were not eating and then offer them food. Or I would just be disappearing a lot to go stuff my face constantly and to go to the bathroom a lot which would get annoying fast for both me and the customer.
The only pregnant dancer I've ever run into looked 8 months along and was ugly on top of that. She certainly did not have that "glow" about her.
If you go back to dancing after giving birth, you will likely find more customers with a fetish for larger breasts, larger nipples and lactation than you would for pregnant girls? There was a recent discussion thread concerning lactating dancers. I do not remember ever seeing one about customers seeking out pregnant girls?
I have only once (knowingly) gotten a lapdance from a prego stripper when she was very early on and not even showing much yet. She told me in the middle of the dance and I literally knocked her off of my lap and got the hell outta there. Even the idea of it creeps me out completely.
@jackslash yes my bf has a job and gets paid well, we have actually been house hunting for a while now but nothing is really worth what its priced and the only fair priced things we have found are too far away from the area we are wanting to keep it in. He can't play any instruments though wants to play guitar I'm the only one in the relationship with any musical talent. Neither of us can sing lol but I can play flute, violin, clarinet, trumpet, a little guitar, a little piano, and some other odds and ends. ( I'm a very artsy/creative kind of person and enjoy playing instruments, drawing, doing art, and reading and writing.)
Phoenix - congrats! My advice is for you to do whatever you know is in the best interest of the child. Nothing else matters. Enjoy the pregnancy and the remaining free time you have before your little one takes over your life. :-)
@rh48hr Thanks :) and well not much will change since I didn't really have a social life before anyway. I will just be more tired all the time from being kept busy with the baby.
If I'm really into a dancer then her being pregnant will be s massive turn on for me. For example if the DS got pregnant and kept the baby, I'd pay to fuck her up until the day before she gave birth and I'd love every minute of it.
But if I dont have a pre existing non pregnant relationship with a dancer, then it's a turn on for 3-4 months while you're in the glow period without being huge. The DS discovered this when she was pregnant. Her tits grew and the guys went nuts for her in a way that wasn't true before. But after 3-4 months it'd be time to quit dancing.
First Trimester it's more about your own discomfort. Very few women noticeably show in their first tri. You might start to feel fat, your tits likely will grow but also get sore, but from the outside, even naked, it's not going to be obvious to anyone but the most regular of regulars.
Second Trimester you'll start to show. Third Trimester is a no-go in my mind for many reasons.
I have a friend who has a preggo fetish. His wife is a spinner with tiny tits, but apparently he could not keep his hands off her when she was pregnant and actually had boobs, and rumor has it he likes preggo porn. But he's probably in the minority.
I agree with JS that 3-4 months is almost certainly fine, after which it's time to go on leave. I get the impression you don't have OTC regulars. If you did, some of them might want head or even sex into the pregnancy, but again, I don't think it applies to you?
There's a pregnant dancer at my club she's doing amazing right now as her tits have gotten bigger and fuller, her stomach is starting to show a bit now so it will be interesting to see how much longer she last.
I didn't realize that you were a female Phoenix. Are you also a hairless ape? If so your spawn will be born at a momentous time. Right after the glorious cat revolution. That's the ticket! Lucky juvenile hairless ape. Squawk!
bubba267, I was referring more to the low lifes who get off on wanting to punch-a-pregnant-woman-in-the-stomach types. The real unhealthy ones. Most here seem to understand the glow aspect, which I do agree.
I knew a dancer who became pregnant. She told me right away. She also told me her bf left her. I guess I was the closest runner up bf which explained why she was talking to me so much. She told me the club didn't allow dancers to work while pregnant so she was going to be a waitress but she still wanted to do lap dances for me while I was in the club. Her larger tits were a turn on and other than that, it would have been hard to tell she was pregant for the first few months. When she started showing, it became a bit unusual especially since I was the only one she was dancing for. Unfortunately for her, I finally got a good job offer and moved. I wished her well. It seemed like fate was working hard attempting to stop us from meeting away from the club and then separating us later on. I wasn't in love with her though. Another dancer told me you have to have unprotected sex to get vagina Juices to flow into the male and create a bond. My memory is jumbled a little. I can't always remember if someone told me while awake or it was some AI while I was asleep. I have had weird dreams where I have communicated with a super advanced AI running our universe and aliens and other inter dimensional creatures.
@Tiburon I find a bulge on a skinny girl sexy. Its the dancers who never loose the baby weight but go back dancing that I dislike.
I am pretty sure I got a LD from a pregnant stripper once, there was something strange about her stomach and I felt it during the LD. I didn't ask because it was a stripper I'd never see again. I suspected she was preggo when I picked her for LD and it was a bit of a turn on.
There is a common thinking about strippers, if you have a baby, to have any chance of getting your pre-baby earnings, you need implants because your tits will be a disaster and the implants distract or complement the love handles/no so thin stomach. I think I agree with that theory.
I personally think postpartum dancers waste space in a SC but pregnant is fine. There are fetishes and fantasy around being pregnant, look at the pregnant porn that is filmed. There is a customer base for porn of it, so why not in a SC in real life?
Well Congratulations ! Keep us posted on how the little "mountaineer fan" is doing. Best of luck and hope everything works out. Sorry I never made it in to see you. I promised Alibi I would come back and visit but haven't made it yet. Again good luck and pictures are always welcome ! LOL!
@jestrite50 its cool and well who knows you may see me around if your ever in the area visiting clubs since m bf and I sometimes just go to them to chill for a bit and he can see some variety that way. Actually we are planning on checking out southern xsposure here in the next few weekends, I use to work there and we stop in when we here management change just to see how different the place is (management changes at least 1x a month there!). Found out the owner is giving up on it and the current manager is buying it and isn't sure they are going to keep it a strip club but plan to start having live bands there in the back room that never got used,(everyone always said they were going to do something with it, it never happened so it will be cool if something like that changes. I personally think if he pulled away from it being a strip club maybe making it a topless bar or something would be the way to go. He was thinking about making it something different since the strip club business around here has gone down hill so much.)
@everyone Thanks for the congratz! :) And well I personally don't think I have that "glow" I am about 3 months and 2 weeks now and just getting over being sick so much (I was still throwing up a lot when I got to 3 months), though still having nausea and throwing up on rare occasions here and there. I'd say if anything I just have a few days I feel pretty decent and can do regular activity. Most days doesn't take much and then I am tired or I can do a lot but sleep almost all day the next day. I'm having a pretty rough time, and am just happy to not be constantly sick any more though. (That was awful!!!!!!! Funny moment during that though on the third day of being constantly sick before I went to the hospital I was hugging the toilet and litterly just throwing up stomach acid, which burned soooo much and I looked and my bf and said "This is all your fault!" He tried to defend himself but failed, we both got a laugh out of it though, even though I felt miserable.) Over all at least thus far my pregnancy hasn't been very pretty and I have had only a bit of energy come back so far and its kind of hit or miss (especially since I think I am catching a cold so I want to sleep more cause of that) I don't think I would do very good if I chose to try and work at the club. (Also I don't think I will further work at After 12 because they are making my taxes a pain in the ass!!!!)
Good luck, Phoenix! If you can afford not to work, that's great. Just be sure that you walk a couple miles each day after you're feeling better, and work on your Kegeling. Both will make your delivery easier and will speed your recovery. It will be easier and faster to get back to work if you want to.
Your biggest issue if you do will be child care. You can hire a provider (expensive!) or your SO can do it while you work night shift. The second option will be tough on the two of you since you won't see much of each other on the days you work. Try to limit yourself to no more than three shift a week.
@lopaw: "She told me in the middle of the dance and I literally knocked her off of my lap and got the hell outta there. Even the idea of it creeps me out completely."
You know that pregnancy isn't catchable from another woman, right? ;-D
last commentIn general, the first category is the first two trimesters, but varies with the girl and how she carries the baby. The second is when she gets too ungainly to move easily.
I wouldn't stay away from dancing *just* because you're pregnant, especially if money is a worry. There are other reasons to stay away, of course, like the smoke, alcohol and crazy strippers. :)
Valid points about the alcohol...think about smoke factor too. I think you could dance until you begin really showing, and during that time you may find a number of guys who are really into it and might ask you to keep going even after you are really showing. Just make sure you have a healthy mindset about dancing and feeling beautiful. Good luck...
My reasoning's is well despite your positive feed back I don't think I would get that positive of an effect from the locals, maybe a from a few regulars who think they love me and would want to be protective but other than that not so much. Two it would cut out from me doing a lot of cooler pole tricks cause they would be risky to the baby, I would have to keep it at beginner level stuff which can look very beautiful and graceful, but is just not as fun or impressive. Also there seems to be a big controversy on women being on all fours while pregnant, I have seen some things say its safe others saying it would cause this and that.... Money isn't really a worry I just can't get stuff that is luxury items right now since I am not dancing (which sucks cause I really want a new phone and my bf is cheap if its not something he wants....)
Actually I had a couple not long before I quit dancing come in and one of the reasons they left the club they were at and came to the one I was working at was cause there were no pretty girls there and one of them was very very pregnant apparently. They liked me though and stayed a long time and spent a decent amount on me would have been more but the wife spent most of the play money on booze but they were nice to talk with.
I'm really just curious on everyones opinions and experiences with seeing pregnant girls in the club.
Yes, that did happen while I was in a club. :o
I would recommend, if you are comfortable with it, to dance until you REALLY start to show. Usually I'd say 4 months or so, but your family history indicates you might have a couple months longer. Regardless, it's always nice to have extra money saved when you have a baby on the way.
If you are dancing and start showing a bit, and customers ask you if you're pregnant and you say yes, a considerable amount of guys would be aroused (even if subconsciously). It's instinctual. You will still make money.
The fetish stuff starts in the 3rd trimester. I've never been pregnant and personally wouldn't dance during the 3rd trimester, but that's where the real fetishes come in. The percent of guys wanting and willing to pay for these types of fetish won't be high, but those who are will spend a lot. It can be lucrative if hustled right.
Also, for your nausea, have you talked to your doctor about safe anti-emetics? I know Zofran is pretty arguably safe (it's often the med prescribed to help pregnant women with nausea). Morning sickness can happen, but when it is hindering your personal nutrition, it's also hindering your and the baby's health. If you can stomach things like ensure (which can be tough with an upset stomach), you can gain nutrients.
Based on your earlier pics I'd say you could probably keep dancing for a few more months and do pretty well for yourself.
Of course a few new up to date pics would really help us know for sure.
I feel like I would get too hungry if I worked and would be eating more than working. I always would get hungry before at work and I feel I would more so now, it would feel more like a dinner date with customers then me working cause I'd be eating and it would be humerus cause I would go up stairs and come back with a bunch of food since my club doesn't serve food their and I'd feel weird then cause they were not eating and then offer them food. Or I would just be disappearing a lot to go stuff my face constantly and to go to the bathroom a lot which would get annoying fast for both me and the customer.
Your boyfriend has a job? He's not an unemployed musician?
The only pregnant dancer I've ever run into looked 8 months along and was ugly on top of that. She certainly did not have that "glow" about her.
If you go back to dancing after giving birth, you will likely find more customers with a fetish for larger breasts, larger nipples and lactation than you would for pregnant girls? There was a recent discussion thread concerning lactating dancers. I do not remember ever seeing one about customers seeking out pregnant girls?
But if I dont have a pre existing non pregnant relationship with a dancer, then it's a turn on for 3-4 months while you're in the glow period without being huge. The DS discovered this when she was pregnant. Her tits grew and the guys went nuts for her in a way that wasn't true before. But after 3-4 months it'd be time to quit dancing.
First Trimester it's more about your own discomfort. Very few women noticeably show in their first tri. You might start to feel fat, your tits likely will grow but also get sore, but from the outside, even naked, it's not going to be obvious to anyone but the most regular of regulars.
Second Trimester you'll start to show. Third Trimester is a no-go in my mind for many reasons.
I have a friend who has a preggo fetish. His wife is a spinner with tiny tits, but apparently he could not keep his hands off her when she was pregnant and actually had boobs, and rumor has it he likes preggo porn. But he's probably in the minority.
I agree with JS that 3-4 months is almost certainly fine, after which it's time to go on leave. I get the impression you don't have OTC regulars. If you did, some of them might want head or even sex into the pregnancy, but again, I don't think it applies to you?
I knew a dancer who became pregnant. She told me right away. She also told me her bf left her. I guess I was the closest runner up bf which explained why she was talking to me so much. She told me the club didn't allow dancers to work while pregnant so she was going to be a waitress but she still wanted to do lap dances for me while I was in the club. Her larger tits were a turn on and other than that, it would have been hard to tell she was pregant for the first few months. When she started showing, it became a bit unusual especially since I was the only one she was dancing for. Unfortunately for her, I finally got a good job offer and moved. I wished her well. It seemed like fate was working hard attempting to stop us from meeting away from the club and then separating us later on. I wasn't in love with her though. Another dancer told me you have to have unprotected sex to get vagina Juices to flow into the male and create a bond. My memory is jumbled a little. I can't always remember if someone told me while awake or it was some AI while I was asleep. I have had weird dreams where I have communicated with a super advanced AI running our universe and aliens and other inter dimensional creatures.
Anyway congrats and well wishes.
I am pretty sure I got a LD from a pregnant stripper once, there was something strange about her stomach and I felt it during the LD. I didn't ask because it was a stripper I'd never see again. I suspected she was preggo when I picked her for LD and it was a bit of a turn on.
There is a common thinking about strippers, if you have a baby, to have any chance of getting your pre-baby earnings, you need implants because your tits will be a disaster and the implants distract or complement the love handles/no so thin stomach. I think I agree with that theory.
I personally think postpartum dancers waste space in a SC but pregnant is fine. There are fetishes and fantasy around being pregnant, look at the pregnant porn that is filmed. There is a customer base for porn of it, so why not in a SC in real life?
Again good luck and pictures are always welcome ! LOL!
@everyone Thanks for the congratz! :) And well I personally don't think I have that "glow" I am about 3 months and 2 weeks now and just getting over being sick so much (I was still throwing up a lot when I got to 3 months), though still having nausea and throwing up on rare occasions here and there. I'd say if anything I just have a few days I feel pretty decent and can do regular activity. Most days doesn't take much and then I am tired or I can do a lot but sleep almost all day the next day. I'm having a pretty rough time, and am just happy to not be constantly sick any more though. (That was awful!!!!!!! Funny moment during that though on the third day of being constantly sick before I went to the hospital I was hugging the toilet and litterly just throwing up stomach acid, which burned soooo much and I looked and my bf and said "This is all your fault!" He tried to defend himself but failed, we both got a laugh out of it though, even though I felt miserable.) Over all at least thus far my pregnancy hasn't been very pretty and I have had only a bit of energy come back so far and its kind of hit or miss (especially since I think I am catching a cold so I want to sleep more cause of that) I don't think I would do very good if I chose to try and work at the club. (Also I don't think I will further work at After 12 because they are making my taxes a pain in the ass!!!!)
WRT the sickness, somewhat ironically, that's a *good* thing. It apparently means your hormone levels are where they are supposed to be. :)
Your biggest issue if you do will be child care. You can hire a provider (expensive!) or your SO can do it while you work night shift. The second option will be tough on the two of you since you won't see much of each other on the days you work. Try to limit yourself to no more than three shift a week.
@lopaw: "She told me in the middle of the dance and I literally knocked her off of my lap and got the hell outta there. Even the idea of it creeps me out completely."
You know that pregnancy isn't catchable from another woman, right? ;-D