Strip Clubs going Downhill

Is it just me? I find that overall, strip clubs have just gone downhill! Less girls and not as hot. Im in the new york/connecticut area where I have certainly noticed this, but even when I travel. Compared to say.. 7-8 years ago.. its just changed. Anyone else noticed this? Any theories as to why? One possibility is that with the internet, many of the hotter girls have better ways to make good money (sugar daddy sites etc). What do you all think??
last commentI think most guys here would disagree. Still, dancers and customers agree that there's less money in stripping than there once was.
IMO the clubs are better than ever. Lots of dancers, crazy good extras, big potential for OTC hookups. It don't get much better than that.
I see a number of very hot girls but clubs in my area are a lot worse than just 2 years ago. pasties and clubs getting raided and shut down is part of it. apparently someone had a vendetta against platinum plus or maybe all strip clubs in Greenville SC. I guess one good thing about not having as much fun is that it really cuts down on your spending.
At least in this area the super bad girls became escorts when the new cockblocking laws went into effect. Plus, heroin fucked up alot of really attractive women too. So I agree with the premises that they're not as hot but extras have become much easier and less expensive too. Due to competition with BP ect.
It's hard for me to tell. It seems like clubs have gotten better. But that might just be because I have gotten better at getting what I want from strip clubs. Regardless, it doesn't really matter in my view. There is still a very steady flow of new good looking slutty talent. That's all I need.
Cam sites, sugar daddy sites, "modeling" gigs. Women who would have stripped in the past, now have so many more options to make the same money without having to get groped by 100 guys every night.
According to this video, the market price of sex has decreased over time, while strip clubs have raised prices for just a tease.
It's impossible to make any sort of general statement about strip clubs. You have to go on a case by case basis. Of the three I go to the most, one is definitely downhill from where it was (and I worry it may be permanent), one is the same it's ever been and one is slightly better than it used to be. But I don't know how much it matters because I tend to stick to my favorites.
It seems more like a management issue that varies from club to club. I have seen good clubs get sold and go downhill and I have seen bad clubs get sold and improve, it really matters how the club is run and who runs it.
Here's my take. It's the economy. Many of the customers haven't seen real COL wage increases since 2001 and the cost of many budgetary items (utilities, food, transportation, etc) have gone up so there is less discretionary money for strip clubs. Dancers are turning more and more to dicier activities (ITC extras, OTC pay 4 play) to make money from a limited amount of customers. lopaw mentions this. The customer is getting (or at least looking for) more bang for the buck with dancers.
The good looking dancers are out there (7s, 8s, 9s). Because of the internet (and information from other dancers and customers) they are able to move around more freely from club to club to try to maximize earning potential in this terrible economy. Unless the dancers have moved out (or traveled out) of your area, chances are they are dancing at some club within 2 hours drive from you.
With the rampant extras, I think some dancers have left stripping completely (for vanilla jobs, or other sex work -- camming or escorting). But there is always a steady stream of (new crop of) good looking women looking to make money stripping. Plus might consider that perhaps the dancers might work different shifts than the ones are you visiting. Day shift versus Night shift. Friday and Saturday versus other week days. At times of the month also factor in. First half of then month (based on my observation) and what dancers tell me too, have more spending customers than the second half of the month. Also dancers get hungry for tips the last couple days of the month and 1st-3rd day of the month as rent is due. Since the dancers are independent contractors they often work odd schedules. Some dancers also take a week off each month, or a 2 full months each year, in order to avoid burn out. So it's really a crap shoot as to what talent is working any given shift when you are there.
That's my take.
On the one hand, there is an almost irresistable tendency to over-romanticize the past. I remember back when SF was arguably the best SC city in the US, and Mitchell Bros arguably the best strip club. Back in 1996 when I started going there, I remember some guys talking about how there were hotter girls in the old days -- I wasn't around in 1990 to be able to judge, but at that time, there was no club that could really outclass MB. Then, I remember in 2001, guys talking about how Mitchell Bros had gone so far downhill ... I remember a bunch of us saying "you're just over-romanticizing it, this is as good as it's ever been". And now, we look back at 2001 as practically a golden age of all-stars ... shifts hotter than the best shifts in Vegas, but all the girls did extras.
TL;DR: it's human nature to over-romanticize how great it used to be, and not be able to recognize how great it is right now.
Of course, there's a postscript -- today, Mitchell Bros truly has gone well downhill, so yes, there are regional cycles. On the other hand, while the MB lineup is as weak as I've EVER seen it, the Gold Club lineup is still close to where it was back in 2000, and my last trips to both Centerfolds and Hustlers yielded some of the best lineups I've seen there in years.
I think its difficult to make a blanket assessment of the ct/ny/nj area. I think Dominic77 offers some good insights. I have changed my approach - from just going out and spending - and seeing what happens - to doing research prior to going out. The economic decline (and divorce) has caused me to think more about the money I spend. I prefer to get more for my money, and after my main extras club was closed down - it's been a challenge to find a club with similar offerings.
I stay away from the NYC area clubs - since they seem to charge a premium for being in the city. I've not ventured to CT clubs since I lived in Southport. So I'm focused on northeastern New Jersey - and it can be a challenge to find a good dirty club - in a relatively safe location.
Once the economy improves, normal jobs return and there are less dancers doing less. I notice it and New England and will report back soon from Florida.
To be fair, my clubbing habits changed significantly post-ATF. Certain clubs near where I live have IMO seen a drop in talent and drop in customers. Others near are about the same talent but still fewer customers. Yet, some clubs I get to on travel seem to be damn good in the talent department.
Pretty much what Sinclair mentioned (d internet has allowed more options to both custies & providers).
Also the higher mileage & extras has turned off many of the ones that used to b able to just get by on their looks & just give air dances - one can still find very nice clubs w/ very good-looking women in areas where air-dances r still d norm,
I'd say it was the internet. Porn, readily available and you can nut yourself. Backpage, craigslist, other escort sites. OTC action within the club spectrum, less money for the club more earnings for the "stripper". Cam sites seem to be HUGE. Go to any of your favorite adult entertainer's social media page and their ALL about promoting their web cam shows. You can also go on stripperweb website and see it advertised....A LOT. Even the strippers there claim they make more money web camming than in the strip club. And they like to stroke their own ego when it comes to the club so them giving favor to web cam over strip clubs is saying something. Then there's sites like this one where we can know IMMEDIATELY without doing much work whether or not the club your interested in going to is worth your time.
Technology sure does change society doesn't it?
Also lastly, I'd like to think it's also due to financial woes of the middle class and lower caste in american society. WHile there are certainly plenty of whales to talk about, their still vastly outnumbered by the lower paid men (and women) of today's job market. THe whales primarily fill an individual's pocket and not the entire club. And it's the rest of the johns that buy the beers, pay the premium fees that the whales smartly will not, etc. Unlike the whale customers, the lower class citizens can't persuade the ladies to go out of t he club and line their pockets with felt and they can only get so many lap dances at a time, with an occasional VIP sess. Since cost of living increases while the pay rate does it too slow to catch up for the single man (and woman), less spending in the clubs. Hell, why bother when that hoe on backpage charges $60 to fuck. No blue balls for this blue collared fellow.
"vastly outnumbered by the lower paid men (and women) of today's job market."
Very true, and TUSCL's membership is not a representative sample. Strip clubs are not really a solution to anything, only an alternative vantage point.
@estafador I agree.
The NYC market is stupid expensive. Worst one I've ever seen in the USA. If you want college girls, no post partum, no BBW, you will pay dearly. All the good dancers work at mutli $100 dollar house fees clubs. Customers who will drop $1000s in 1 night at the SC without blinking. Standing once in a NYC SC, I over looked someone signing a $7.5K credit card receipt. Fuck that. From the times I visited NYC, I was greatly disappointed with NYC SCs. I found out going far far into the suburbs for quality SCs in NYC, especially NJ, is the only way to get an american SC experience. NYC SCs are stupid expensive, or super bad talent.
@Dominic77 One of my favs moves her weekday SC every month to a different place. Fortunately she stays at the same one for weekends. "takes a week off" from dancing, shes a woman. Some SCs require every weekday or every weekend and filing your schedule a couple days in advance with the manager. Miss a date and you are fined. No way to take a couple days off for aunt flo. Other SCs are much more loose with their rules and dancers disappear for aunt flo, the schedule evens out though because dancers dont have the same time periods.
@s88 - I've found the same with NYC clubs too. They charge a huge premium - and don't provide the experience I am looking for in a strip club. They like to advertise they have top talent - top beauties - and it's mostly just a marketing gimmick to justify the inflated prices. I prefer the suburbs in New Jersey too. It's cheaper - the girls are more relaxed - the parking is also much easier too.
I'd say strip clubs and my tastes are drifting apart a bit, but it may be more of an ebb in the flow rather than long term downward trend. The area where I live, the clubs are seemingly following the same societal divide others have mentioned. The mid range clubs can't make it and have to make a choice, invest and go upscale to try and get more dollars out of fewer customers or let the place get run down and try to get a few bucks from more customers. Often, value is seriously compromised regardless of the approach taken. Almost universally, the transition is not seamless.
At the same time, in another nearby area the economics are a bit different and you can see it in the clubs. The clubs trying to be high end can't get off the ground and the low end joints seem perpetually slow, but the mid range clubs appear to be thriving. There's even what feels like a trend of least one of the lower end clubs & higher end clubs adjusting their attitudes to cater more towards the middle. Some area's have more diverse populations (economically) and seem to support clubs at along the full spectrum.
Like I said, overall, if I look at the fun I've had in SC's in the last 12 months its probably not much different than the previous 12. It might have been a down month or two though.
"Strip Clubs going Downhill"
I've felt this way.
Then I realized.
It's just me.
Boobs poppin out of a bra. The sight and taste of a shapely Y and those bubble butts. Yum Yum. I'd never get tired of it. But sometimes I do.
At the very core - we all on TUSCL are adventurous people. Would like to meet a thousand great tasting ladies in a single lifetime!
Estafador is right about Internet porn (IMO). Used to go to SCs to look at naked women. Now j can see all the women I want for free on the Internet.
Heroin! Hard drugs! Too many hot dancers are making bad choices, going down the rabbit hole. It gets to the point where they don't care about their looks, hygiene, or health, they just need that fix.