
Political discussions on TUSCL

Atlanta suburb
Personally I don't think they belong on here. This site is supposed to be dedicated to the advancement of stripper fun, etc. So I avoid making comments as much as I can. Making remarks about presidential candidates that are inflammatory doesn't make for good rapport among members.

Having said that and knowing that I am not going to stop it, I would like to suggest that each person making such comments, show their party affiliation after their name. ie (D) (R) (I). That way I would have a better understanding of where they are coming from. I'll start by saying that I have never had any party affiliation.


  • Dominic77
    9 years ago
    When I hear someone say, "I'm with the party," to me it conjures up images of socialists, state control, command economies, and grey pajamas.
  • Mate27
    9 years ago
    I would also like to add there should no longer be allowed any chats of faggitry.
  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    SC: It's erection season so naturally a young man's thoughts turn to ecections.
  • Papi_Chulo
    9 years ago
    Politics & religion will b more often than not inflammatory subjects & discussions on them will often turn
  • chessmaster
    9 years ago
    Rockstar, erection season is year round for us mongers... Except lopaw. :)
  • chessmaster
    9 years ago
  • NinaBambina
    9 years ago
    Hey chessmaster, don't forget, we females get erections too... those of the clitoral variety!
  • chessmaster
    9 years ago
    ^yeah that's what I wanted to say. What Nina said.
  • chessmaster
    9 years ago
    Nina 4 prez!
  • Corvus
    9 years ago
    Damn you Shadowcat. Now SJG is going to fill the site with his thesis length responses and links to nothing worth looking at. All because you used the word politics. Damn you old man! Lol
  • shadowcat
    9 years ago
    Holy potatoes! :)
  • Corvus
    9 years ago
    Holy potatoes! Lol
  • seaboardrr
    9 years ago
    I won't discuss politics or religion with ANYONE except mrs sea.
  • DoctorPhil
    9 years ago
    is that potatoes with an (e) or no (e)?

    oh shit never mind. that is so last century. after all obama has given the world a whole new language. raise your hands if you can speak Austrian..
  • Corvus
    9 years ago
    Doctor Phil, I don't speak Austrian, how about Swiss?
  • DoctorPhil
    9 years ago
    Corvus. i'll see your Swiss and raise you the Maldives.

    you know, the Maldives are the islands that obama thinks the UK and Argentina fought a war over
  • motorhead
    9 years ago
    I promise to never again tell you how extremely large my hands are.
  • ATACdawg
    9 years ago
    ATACdawg (R since my first vote in 1974). I despise Donald Trump for his big mouth, unabashedly rascist pronouncements, etc. I will not vote for him under any circumstance.

    I despise Cruz for his nutcases outlook on taxation.

    I despise Hillary for her arrogance, her willful breaking of the law in keeping classified files on her personal computer, and her disdain for the armed forces that she may well be charged to lead. With luck, she may be charged with a felony before the convention.

    I despise what both houses of Congress have become, a bunch of squabbling morons who care more about winning than what's good for the nation.

    I have voted Democrat in the last two elections as the lesser of evils.

    And finally, I despise that these bufoons have made me a cranky old man.
  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    ATC: RE Clinton: Lying and being stupid about emails are small issues compared to your problems with Trump and Cruz. I voted for Sanders myself, but much as I also aren't a big Clinton fan, she's the only candidate that can at least fill the chair. I wish I could vote for Obama again...he was really quite a good president IMHO.
  • vincemichaels
    9 years ago
    Vincemichaels (N)
  • Mate27
    9 years ago
    Pure faggitry!
  • ATACdawg
    9 years ago
    @rock: Hillary's email fiasco was more than stupidity. It was criminal. Every contractor employee who works for the government has to undergo annual training on this and other security issues, as do government employees. Criminal penalties are spelled out in these refreshers. It is inconceivable to me that HRC wasn't aware of these potential penalties. That makes her a felon, if she is convicted and ineligible to vote, let alone hold the highest office in the land.

    If I had to choose between the three, I guess I'd have to hold my nose and vote for her, but I'd hate myself for the next four years.

    Besides, she already had her eight years.... ;-)
  • larryfisherman
    9 years ago
    I voted left the past two presidential elections. However I will not vote for Hillary. If it comes down to Hillary vs Trump, I just won't vote period.
  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    I'd rather have a criminal Clinton as president than Trump. Hell..we've already HAD a criminal Clinton as president and our country did the best it ever has in my lifetime Anyone but Trump!
  • Hugh_G_Rection
    9 years ago
    As stated, conversation will fall toward politics in a Presidential election year. If it offends Shadowcat and others we probably should use the OT: <subject> tag just like other off topic threads, but I guess that is up to the person who creates the discussion.

    I am adding an obligatory candidate support statement: "I feel the BERN and voted for Sanders in the Michigan primary" to this response.
  • silkypants
    9 years ago
    (P) That is what the site is for.
  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    I voted for Sanders as a Trumesque protest, but I'll feel better with Clinton as president than either of the other two.
  • s88
    9 years ago
    Unless my SC is going to be shut down by LE/liquor board or its about abortion and the pill, politics don't belong here. This site is for strippers, escorts, and fun with women, nothing more. Sausage factory bar chatter doesn't belong here.
  • TheeOSU
    9 years ago

    "she's the only candidate that can at least fill the chair."

    Agreed that fat ass of her's will fill most chairs, unlike your brain and ethics barely filling a thimble.
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    I'm registered Democrat but been voting Republican or a third party for a long time. Party affialiation doesn't mean much to me. I voted for Ron Paul at least twice I believe. I look at where the candidates stand on issues that matter to me. Trump is a really big unknown because I don't know what his plans are. I suspect being a businessman, he will look at the costs of his plans and backtrack real quick and just say he's being flexible if elected. I'm not that worried if Trump wins a national election. If he tries something radically different like a flat tax for everyone, there probably will be enough Republicans opposed to join democrats to block bills seeing how so many republicans agree. I haven"t been completely happy with any presidential candidate it seems like forever. The dems always seem to raise taxes and increase spending and debt, the republicans cut taxes, raise military spending and increase the debt. In only 8 years interest on the national debt will be almost one trillion a year, money that could be going back to taxpayers if both parties had reigned in spending. Instead we get people wondering when our economy will collapse or our savings will get confiscated or any other scenario that creates an economic doomsday. The people that see it coming without change probably feel trapped like me. Already our government is preparing buying up hollow point bullets to use against Americans and working on confiscating guns so that we can be subjects instead of citizens. You are limited on how much cash you can take out of the country. There's talk about doing away with cash. It's a plan to take over and rule like in Nazi Germany. I just hope the system keeps working and strip clubs stay around the rest of my life before life sucks here big time.

    Bernie Sanders socialist utopia is Cuba. Total Socialist control. It didn't work there and it doesn't work well anywhere that I know of.
  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    Sharkhunter: You don't seem to see the big picture, which is the bottom line is obvious taxes have been cut by both parties. It's the not-so-obvious taxes that is a little confusing. The top 1% still have lots of dodges so they pay less than the middle class. The only candidate who will change this is Sanders. But I find taxes a straw man myself. Paying 38% isn't so bad. After all Reagan CUT the top rate to 50%. I'm one of the few that thinks the tax code is fine as it is. This would not get anyone elected though so they wax poetic on revamping the tax system.
  • EastCoaster
    9 years ago
    Like the humorist Will Rogers, who died in 1935, said, "I am not a member of any organized political party. I am a Democrat."

    Actually, I think the same could be said about the Republican party today. Not much cohesion there these days...
  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    EastC: Well, the GOP used to stand for limited government (in theory if not practice), tax cuts for the rich since that will help the poor (?), anti-gay, anti abortion, anti woman's health, anti-poor (i.e social programs) anti immigrant... I'm not sure about Trump on some of these issues but everyone else running for president for the Republicans seems to hold these positions. if Trump is the nominee, he'll be crushed by Clinton and the GOP will return to normal Probably even stronger as they will resume reinforcing the above positions.
  • londonguy
    9 years ago
    I think if we were restricted to pure strip club and stripper related posting it would be less interesting. I confess to posting OT political comments and starting threads.

    By the way I am a proper Conservative, not the same as the current shower of shit.
  • DaOnion
    9 years ago
    I agree Londonguy. Kind of like the old version of Playboy. Sure, the hot naked women were the main attraction, but the articles and celebrity interviews were also interesting. I can see Shadow's point though, since there have been a LOT of political threads lately. Probably too many. However, it is election season and both Trump and Clinton are polarizing candidates, so I can see why.

    Fyi, I'm independent and have voted both sides of the aisle over the years.
  • DandyDan
    9 years ago
    First of all, Shadowcat has a point about political topics on the message board. What we need are two boards, one for strip club topics and an off topic board.

    Secondly, I voted for Sanders in the Nebraska caucus a couple weekends ago. I wouldn't be thrilled with Hillary as President, but it's better her than Trump or Cruz. I can't believe John Kasich is the Republicans last real hope.

    By the way, Rubio dropped out. What was the point of him running?
  • jackslash
    9 years ago
    I made a New Year's resolution not to engage in political arguments in this election year. I have never changed anyone's opinion by arguing, and nobody has ever changed mine. Arguments simply serve to tell people what your opinion is and how strongly you hold it.

    However, Trump has forced me to break my resolution several times.

    I think it is polite to preface any political discussions with "OT" so people can skip it if they want. It would be nice if no one engaged in overblown exaggerations and personal attacks, but that will never happen.
  • Timex345
    9 years ago
    I get attacked on this website no matter what subject I post about.
    So writing on this website whatever is on my mind is cheaper than therapy.
    But, I agree that the primary purpose of this site should be to help club going.
    I often post rants about customer experiences that are negative. I feel it is my only weapon against
    poor service. Managers just think your lying if you complain about a girl.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    9 years ago

    I don't come here for political debate or intrigue, so I pass by those threads (ironically, with the exception of this one).

    But I also know that it's a losing proposition to moan about political or any other type of off-topic post.
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    It's not hard to see the big picture with Sanders. His policies would result in a 15% to possibly more than 20% tax increase for everyone making less than 250,000, a whole lot more if you make more than that. I researched his tax policies online. Stuff he is promoting would not be free for anyone who pays taxes even if you are in the middle class. That's the reason I believe a lot of college students and young people support him. They aren't paying much now. A survey of financial advisors said 0% think Sanders would improve the economy. The highest percentage picked Kasich for improving the economy if elected. If I save 2 percent on my health care but pay 6% more in payroll taxes, 15% more in income taxes, 10 to 20% more on taxes in my 401K and retirement accounts, I'm losing money and probably won't be able to visit strip clubs anymore. I won't have any money left over after taxes and I have a lot more disposable income than some others. I think Sanders policies would be a disaster. He's not going to be elected. Enough people agree.
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    I'm not in favor of a flat tax either. I'm wondering what policies Trump might try if elected. The rich and upper middle class have a much greater ability to pay taxes then the lower middle class and poor people and a lot of retired people. I'm in favor of keeping our current tax system but tweaking it a little. Drop the income limit to bolster social security. It's just another tax the rich and upper middle class can dodge in my opinion. Then gradually reduce benefits so everyone can know where they fall and how much they will need to save based on different age groups. Reduce expected benefits for the younger generation more than those within 20 years of retirement. I would rather have my benefits reduced rather than pay a larger percentage of my income in taxes.

    Social security should have never been started in my opinion and it worked for the government great to start with because the retirement age was set about the time most people died so that the government only collected funds for the most part on it. Then people started living longer. If our government really wanted to help the people without grabbing all the funds to use for their own purposes, they could have mandated employers set up retirement funds with the same percentage of income as social security going into the funds and tie the government hands by not allowing the government to use the funds. Social security funds do not exist. It is a pay as you go system. Any funds are just a number in a computer. It's the biggest ponzi scheme in the world in that regard.
  • MrDeuce
    9 years ago
    rockstar writes, counter-factually: "Paying 38% isn't so bad. After all Reagan CUT the top rate to 50%."
    In fact, after Reagan's tax reform of 1986, the *top* federal income tax rate dropped to 28%, which is rather different from (like about half of) 50%.

    The most interesting things in the world are politics, religion, and strip clubs. Why should this board be limited to just the third? Certainly politics is more interesting than what kind of shoes you wear!
  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    That's right; Clinton returned it to the higher rate and America had it's best 8 years in my lifetime. Not that raising taxes from here would do the same....let's keep taxes where they are.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    Why America’s Next President Will Not Be a Socialist

    It is true that Sanders is advocating going after the wealthy elites who dominate the economy by raising taxes, closing tax loopholes and placing tax havens off limits while at the same time doubling the minimum wage to help low-income earners. And it is true that he is proposing to also redistribute that wealth in the form of funding universal healthcare, tuition-free university and much-needed infrastructure projects. But none of this constitutes socialism.

    Bernie Is Not a Socialist and America Is Not Capitalist

  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    Ontario Canada, Universal Basic Income!!!!!!


    I think a basic income guarantee is mandatory. Capitalism is what creates unemployment. And Cecil Williams and the people who run Guild Memorial United Methodist Church in San Francisco have got it right. Poverty is caused by social marginalization.

    So a corollary is simply this, everyone wants to do well. They want to win the admiration of family and friends. So if they are not doing well, then there must be some social marginalization or disability at work here. But as the main problem is marginalization, then we should not talk about disability, as usually this just means more marginalization.

    And of course it is absurd that people should be accepting psychiatric labels. These are just an extreme form of oppression.

    So for there to be justice there has to be this basic income guarantee, or what amounts to cradle to grave welfare.

    The typical person on welfare takes far less out of our economy than those employed do. And if the welfare recipient is not driving around much in a car, then they are treading far more lightly on the earth than those who senselessly burn up gas and dump CO2 into the atmosphere to do jobs which produce absolutely nothing which people need to live.

    Now welfare takes money out of gov't coffers, but in the US welfare has never been more than 3% of federal expenditure. This is much less than corporate welfare and other expenses directed to the betterment of the middle class in order to maintain political allegiance, or to keeping the poor down. So welfare is a cheaper way to keep our society going than the present state of affairs.

    And then as far as federal accounts, it is the federal gov't which controls the printing press, the furnace, and interest rates which multiply the availability of money by the inverse of the interest rate. Suffice to say, federal accounts and the money supply are all under gov't control, hence it is artificial. It is just a matter of who and what are being served by it.

    So as those who are not doing well are simply the victims of social injustice, we must redress this social injustice.

    1. Stop using psychiatric labels, learning disability labels, or morality labels.

    2. Offer people value producing work, not nonsense just to get a paycheck.

    3. Provide this cradle to grave welfare system as efficiently as possible, and understand that everyone wants to be a useful and meaningful part of our society.

    4. Follow my recommendation and hold parents accountable for exploiting their children, using them to give themselves a adult identity. This amounts to psychological child abuse. So besides criminal prosecution where practical, also prevent disinheritance and offer something like a divorce from one's parents when their is parent v child animosity. Make the parents pay, and pay dearly. Make it so that child exploitation no longer pays.

    5. And for those who insist on calling the poor lazy or immoral, know that this is how Capitalism works. It is the family where this starts, with the designation of a child as the blacksheep. Those who denigrate the poor are just doing what their parents did to them. So the poor and marginalized need to start standing up for themselves rather than submitting. They and all of us must start engaging in public advocacy and non-violent civil disobedience.

    6. And then since the New Economy and Libertarianism are really just the old Social Darwinism and Eugenics Movement, saying that the poor are not fit to compete, we all need to be prepared to do more than just be non-violent. We don't want to be like Anne Frank's father, hiding in an attic waiting for the Gestapo. We need to be ready to engage in guerrilla warfare, the use of lethal force, and without taking prisoners. Unless we are willing to do this, then we are helping the eugenicists who say that we are not fit to live. Gandhi and Jesus lived in violent revolutionary times. They were only able to accomplish their works because others were maintaining the constant threat of lethal violence on a large scale.


  • rick33
    9 years ago
    I'll take two Maldives in my Martini.
  • ime
    9 years ago
    Ontario Canada, Universal Basic Income!!!!


    I think a basic income guarantee is mandatory. Capitalism is what creates unemployment. And Cecil Williams and the people who run Guild Memorial United Methodist Church in San Francisco have got it right. Poverty is caused by social marginalization.

    So a corollary is simply this, everyone wants to do well. They want to win the admiration of family and friends. So if they are not doing well, then there must be some social marginalization or disability at work here. But as the main problem is marginalization, then we should not talk about disability, as usually this just means more marginalization.

    And of course it is absurd that people should be accepting psychiatric labels. These are just an extreme form of oppression.

    So for there to be justice there has to be this basic income guarantee, or what amounts to cradle to grave welfare.

    The typical person on welfare takes far less out of our economy than those employed do. And if the welfare recipient is not driving around much in a car, then they are treading far more lightly on the earth than those who senselessly burn up gas and dump CO2 into the atmosphere to do jobs which produce absolutely nothing which people need to live.

    Now welfare takes money out of gov't coffers, but in the US welfare has never been more than 3% of federal expenditure. This is much less than corporate welfare and other expenses directed to the betterment of the middle class in order to maintain political allegiance, or to keeping the poor down. So welfare is a cheaper way to keep our society going than the present state of affairs.

    And then as far as federal accounts, it is the federal gov't which controls the printing press, the furnace, and interest rates which multiply the availability of money by the inverse of the interest rate. Suffice to say, federal accounts and the money supply are all under gov't control, hence it is artificial. It is just a matter of who and what are being served by it.

    So as those who are not doing well are simply the victims of social injustice, we must redress this social injustice.

    1. Stop using psychiatric labels, learning disability labels, or morality labels.

    2. Offer people value producing work, not nonsense just to get a paycheck.

    3. Provide this cradle to grave welfare system as efficiently as possible, and understand that everyone wants to be a useful and meaningful part of our society.

    4. Follow my recommendation and hold parents accountable for exploiting their children, using them to give themselves a adult identity. This amounts to psychological child abuse. So besides criminal prosecution where practical, also prevent disinheritance and offer something like a divorce from one's parents when their is parent v child animosity. Make the parents pay, and pay dearly. Make it so that child exploitation no longer pays.

    5. And for those who insist on calling the poor lazy or immoral, know that this is how Capitalism works. It is the family where this starts, with the designation of a child as the blacksheep. Those who denigrate the poor are just doing what their parents did to them. So the poor and marginalized need to start standing up for themselves rather than submitting. They and all of us must start engaging in public advocacy and non-violent civil disobedience.

    6. And then since the New Economy and Libertarianism are really just the old Social Darwinism and Eugenics Movement, saying that the poor are not fit to compete, we all need to be prepared to do more than just be non-violent. We don't want to be like Anne Frank's father, hiding in an attic waiting for the Gestapo. We need to be ready to engage in guerrilla warfare, the use of lethal force, and without taking prisoners. Unless we are willing to do this, then we are helping the eugenicists who say that we are not fit to live. Gandhi and Jesus lived in violent revolutionary times. They were only able to accomplish their works because others were maintaining the constant threat of lethal violence on a large scale.

  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    Thank you there Mr. IME for replicating my post and bumping my thread. I guess I was wrong, you aren't a troll after all.


    "I fear that an writing a requiem for myself"
  • ime
    9 years ago
    Ontario Canada, Universal Basic Income!!!!


    I think a basic income guarantee is mandatory. Capitalism is what creates unemployment. And Cecil Williams and the people who run Guild Memorial United Methodist Church in San Francisco have got it right. Poverty is caused by social marginalization.

    So a corollary is simply this, everyone wants to do well. They want to win the admiration of family and friends. So if they are not doing well, then there must be some social marginalization or disability at work here. But as the main problem is marginalization, then we should not talk about disability, as usually this just means more marginalization.

    And of course it is absurd that people should be accepting psychiatric labels. These are just an extreme form of oppression.

    So for there to be justice there has to be this basic income guarantee, or what amounts to cradle to grave welfare.

    The typical person on welfare takes far less out of our economy than those employed do. And if the welfare recipient is not driving around much in a car, then they are treading far more lightly on the earth than those who senselessly burn up gas and dump CO2 into the atmosphere to do jobs which produce absolutely nothing which people need to live.

    Now welfare takes money out of gov't coffers, but in the US welfare has never been more than 3% of federal expenditure. This is much less than corporate welfare and other expenses directed to the betterment of the middle class in order to maintain political allegiance, or to keeping the poor down. So welfare is a cheaper way to keep our society going than the present state of affairs.

    And then as far as federal accounts, it is the federal gov't which controls the printing press, the furnace, and interest rates which multiply the availability of money by the inverse of the interest rate. Suffice to say, federal accounts and the money supply are all under gov't control, hence it is artificial. It is just a matter of who and what are being served by it.

    So as those who are not doing well are simply the victims of social injustice, we must redress this social injustice.

    1. Stop using psychiatric labels, learning disability labels, or morality labels.

    2. Offer people value producing work, not nonsense just to get a paycheck.

    3. Provide this cradle to grave welfare system as efficiently as possible, and understand that everyone wants to be a useful and meaningful part of our society.

    4. Follow my recommendation and hold parents accountable for exploiting their children, using them to give themselves a adult identity. This amounts to psychological child abuse. So besides criminal prosecution where practical, also prevent disinheritance and offer something like a divorce from one's parents when their is parent v child animosity. Make the parents pay, and pay dearly. Make it so that child exploitation no longer pays.

    5. And for those who insist on calling the poor lazy or immoral, know that this is how Capitalism works. It is the family where this starts, with the designation of a child as the blacksheep. Those who denigrate the poor are just doing what their parents did to them. So the poor and marginalized need to start standing up for themselves rather than submitting. They and all of us must start engaging in public advocacy and non-violent civil disobedience.

    6. And then since the New Economy and Libertarianism are really just the old Social Darwinism and Eugenics Movement, saying that the poor are not fit to compete, we all need to be prepared to do more than just be non-violent. We don't want to be like Anne Frank's father, hiding in an attic waiting for the Gestapo. We need to be ready to engage in guerrilla warfare, the use of lethal force, and without taking prisoners. Unless we are willing to do this, then we are helping the eugenicists who say that we are not fit to live. Gandhi and Jesus lived in violent revolutionary times. They were only able to accomplish their works because others were maintaining the constant threat of lethal violence on a large scale.

  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    Mr. IME, replicating my post on the same thread twice?


    Beethoven's 9th
  • Estafador
    9 years ago
    Politics are a dangerous talking point in any happy go lucky discussion. That's why my boss bars any conversation of Political discussion while inside the work facility. You have to be 30 feet away from the location to discuss politics...and not with him
  • DoctorPhil
    9 years ago
    san_jose_guy you’re still trying to figure out which corner of your perfectly round padded cell the penny is in
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago

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