In a recent OTC encounter, the girl started puking her guts out 5 minutes after we started a 69. I mean she couldn't take her face out of the toilet for ten or more minutes. The bathroom door was open and I got to watch it first hand. She claimed that she was very drunk, but she didn't seem that drunk to me when we left the club, though who knows as this girl can really drink.
She kept saying that she was very sick and just wanted to go home (I drove her from the club to the hotel). The problem was that she lives 1/2 hour north of where we were while I live 1/2 hour in the other direction. I had already waited too long for her at the club and it was well past midnight - there was no way that I could explain getting home in the wee hours of the morning, nevermind that I had a few myself and didn't want to be driving for 90+ minutes in the dead of night. So since I couldn't take her home and she was in no condition to return to the club, I left her in the hotel room instead and told her that she should sleep it off.
As I was getting ready to leave, she asked for whatever I was willing to give her, which ended up being $60. I have been seeing this girl off and on OTC for years and never had a problem like this before, so I felt bad at the thought of leaving her empty handed, but not so bad that I was going to give her a full payment. I was horny after 5 minutes of getting blown and more than a little pissed off that my night was wasted waiting for her to begin with.
So what would you chaps have done? Would you have given her a ride home or maybe even to a hospital? Would you have given her more or less money? I am curious as to how others would have handled this.
I think I would have done the same thing. Reminds me of the time I took my civilian GF on a week end trip to Ensenada Mexico. After a night of bar hopping to the local strip clubs, I was looking forward to getting laid when we got back to the hotel. I didn't realize that she had drank that much but as soon as we got in the room, she went into the batch room and threw up all over the place. Including herself. I couldn't just leave her there. I got her undressed and cleaned up enough to get her into the bed. Then I went into the bath room and cleaned it up. I slept in a chair all night.
Next day all she wanted to do was go home. That was a 3 hour drive without her talking at all. Then she wouldn't return my phone calls. Her sister told me that she was too embarrassed. Too bad because she was a pretty good lay.
I can only guess what I'd do, this is the kind of thing where context -- how sick is she really, etc -- could make a difference.
That said, I think the way I SC & OTC is different enough from the way you do it, that it explains the difference in what I'd do. For me, by the time I'm OTCing a girl, she's a CF if not an ATF, and for her to get there, she will have been delighting me and over-delivering for a while. Even if she made me wait TONIGHT, she wouldn't even be here if she hadn't been awesome a number of times before, and built up a lot of goodwill points with me. So, assuming I really believe she's sick, this is a no-brainer for me: unless I'm so drunk or tired that I think it will be dangerous to drive her home myself, I'm driving her home and making sure she's safe.
If we don't know each other well enough for me to do that, it's VERY unlikely I'm going to leave her in the hotel room, with my name and liability attached to it. I'd rather pre-pay a cab or Uber to take her home (in your case, I'd use that $60 for the Uber ride)
I probably would have done the same. I don't like to drive dancers in my car - as I've seen too many episodes of Cops where a passenger has drugs in their possession - and the driver gets fucked for it.
I hate to sound like a dick - but would she hang around if you were sick (and not paying for her time)? I doubt it.
Also, if she couldn't hold it down, there's a good chance she would have gotten that shit on your car.
Hmmm... I'm the only one who sees the hotel room as a ginormous, unacceptable risk? Maybe she feels better in a couple of hours and invites her drug dealer boyfriend over and they have a little party? Maybe she's puking because she fell down and hit her head and when the ambulance comes later (hopefully she didn't choke on her own vomit and die), it's your name on the room? The liability here seems like practically unbounded ... from merely a trip by the cops to your house to question you in front of your wife, to thousands to tens of thousands in damages?
For me, even if just wanted to get her off my hands, leaving her in the room is the last thing I'd do. Stick her in a cab, pay the cab driver, it's out of your hands from there on out.
I'd have that same concern too Subra. If she stole the tv or something, they could hit your credit card with charges a lot more than $60. Also, other liability like you mentioned above. Tough situation and probably one he wasn't anticipating at 1am though.
I was in a very similar situation several years ago. It was my ATF and I left her there and she smoked in the non-smoking room which cost me $250 on my credit card.
No, Subraman, you are not the only one who sees the liability issue. I have never left a girl in my room when I left. If she wants the room, we rent it with her ID while I pay for it. Then she can stay all she wants.
That said, I've never been in the position rick outlines here. Not only that, I have options rick doesn't, namely call my wife and telling her I'm spending the night. So, I'm not sure what I would have done there.
Good point Subra - and I didn't think of the liability left open by leaving her there. You are correct - put her in a cab - and pay the driver - and remove the main variable from the equation.
I'm not oblivious to the risk of leaving a girl in my hotel room, but in her case it was a calculated risk. She's been dancing in the same club for years and I've taken her out several times over the past two. I don't think she is going anywhere and she has never pulled anything with me in all that time. If it was someone new then I probably would have loaded her in the car and dropped her back at the club, but that seemed to be a cruel thing to do to someone who was so sick AND who has given me so many good experiences in the past.
I think Rick's solution was a reasonable one since she was a long term regular of his. But if this was a DS I would've probably taken her home regardless. And if I didn't know the dancer well I would've greased a bouncer enough to take care of her.
On the cab front, the cab service sucks ass in this particular city, so much so that it doesn't even present itself as a serious consideration. I've sent girls home in cabs before in a number of cities, but I didn't have 30 to 60+ minutes to wait around in the hopes that a cab would actually show up. Now maybe uber would have been a viable option, but I don't have it since the app doesn't work on my phone.
Your in a motel room with someone you don't know, things can go wrong, and women can get really strange in sexual encounters.
But nevertheless, I would not be in such a situation with any girl I felt was screwy, nutty, on drugs, or seriously drunk. And I would not be there with her unless it had be quite productive to carry on good conversation with her back at the strip club.
But still, I would never leave her in a hotel room in my own name. Probably the hotel room would be where I was planning on sleeping. In my home town, I would just take the girl to my home. And I would get to know her well enough before I did that.
So I don't anticipate too much trouble, or needing an inordinate level of precautions.
I didn't read all the responses, but I would probably take her to the nearest emergency room. You don't need health insurance to be seen in the ER. Gets her out of the hotel room and into the hands of experts just in case it's drugs or severe drug interactions.
I agree with RandomMember- regardless of your problems at home, this girl could have been ill from any number of things, if you think you would have had problems explaining your lateness, imagine if this poor girl had died your problems would be just beginning.
Honestly, I would have drove the woman home, or to the Emergency Room. The other poster is correct about the Reagan-era law (I think) where persons without insurance not being turned away and will be treated.
Why would I go to that trouble? Because she's a woman (chivalrous, I know, whatever) and because she's a human. She's someone's daughter and may be someone's mother or wife.
Even if the cab was an option (and it wasn't for you), I hate cabs, for all the reasons cited: + They take forever to get to you, if they do at all. + Isn't a 1/2 ride like $150-200, in most parts? I'd just assume drive her. I'll need that money to use as part of my "asshole tax" with my wife. + It's kind of a dick move to just dump her on the cab driver (IMO). + I might be able to get her there and back in less time that it takes for the cab to even get to the hotel in the first place.
I understand why you gave her $60. As I hold money in my hand right now, if I 'divvy it up. Three twenties looks and feels like a "decent" amount in my hand, whereas two twenties or a single twenty "feels" like a paltry amount. Five twenties don't "feel" that much richer than three (that's all I have on me right now). Whereas a stack of $200 or $300 in twenties, it feels like a lot of money (to me). So I get the emotional aspect of why you gave her $60 (to her and you).
Personally I would have given her $20 if I didn't really know her and I would give $40 to someone I know well (like my CF). But also factor in that I'm driving her home.
However, if I didn't feel safe driving her home, at my option, I do have people I can call who will help. However, I'd rather bring less people into that cluster-fuck, especially if it's clear that I can handle getting her home myself. Actually, in my case, having my wife know is not really a big deal, and in some ways it's for the better all things considered (keep it in the family, rather than involve any "outside contacts"), but my circumstances are different than yours from what I understand.
I couldn't leave the woman stranded out there. I'm not built like that.
^should have said, "1/2 hour ride like $150-200 ..."
Also, I know my answer is more academic since I don't engage in OTC p4p, or at least, not at the moment. Maybe you don't even want my feedback. That's OK to admit, too. IDGAF. :)
I'd say Rick was reasonable, insofar as giving her $60, and writing off a cab ride as a viable option. ("cab will be there any minute" same veracity as "check's in the mail", and "I won't come in your mouth."). Taking her to ER not that viable either- potential long wait, pressed for time, and still no way home. Plus wtf would ER do- tell her to drink plenty of liquids/ consume' soup, and get some rest. I personally would have felt better just driving her home, though I'm not fully cognizant of what Rick's upcoming agenda was, when he told his wife he'd be home, etc. The press of one's time value can lead to taking calculated risks that may or may not be that good.
@gawker happened to me once, thankfully hotel didn't realize someone smoked in the room
@rickdugan I'd give $20-$30 per hour since all you got was shitty talking as if you bought her a drink, so I'd pay her 1 or 2 "dancer drinks" per hour. $60 was too much. $0 is wrong. I'd give $40.
Once had an experience with a binge drinker civilian. Not my house party, but she secretly took an unopened rum bottle to the bathroom, drank of 3/4 of the bottle, put the bottle back on the kitchen counter. My friend noticed the bottle got empty and nobody knows how. 20 minutes later drinker girl is vomiting and not talking, questions are asked what to do with her, since everyone was high and she can't be removed by ambulance from the party house or people will goto jail. Her antics destroyed the mood since everyone is now worrying how not to manslaughter or murder charge. The correct thing to do is drag the person to the nearest corner so its unknown what house she came from, call 911, say fainted/unconscious, do not say anything that would get a LE response, when the EMTs come, point her our, optionally say what drug she is on, then run, never give your name to the EMTs. The moment the EMTs see her, leave the scene fast. Your legal responsibility ends when they lay their eyes on her. Alcohol has choking and breathing problems. Drugs have blood pressure and heart rate problems. You dont want a manslaughter charge when a chick dies on you. Let her die on the EMT's watch, you aren't responsible then.
Drunk girl was also the designated driver that night...
Story ends with me and her female cousin pulling her up 1 flight to stairs to her 2nd floor house. IDK what the cousin did after that. Remember to go through drunk girl's handbag for her DL to know where she lives, and go through her phone to find family or a close friend to her to take over care of drunk girl.
I don't know. The problems with any other option besides leaving her there were time and exposure. I simply could not arrive home at 3:00 am, which is what would have happened if I drove her home and even an emergency room trip could have eaten up a lot of time. As important though, remember that I already said that I had a few under my belt. Driving for an extra hour down empty city streets and on the highway in the wee hours, as well as showing up to a brightly lit emergency room at that time with a messed up girl in tow, would have dramatically increased my exposure to LE.
Now don't get me wrong. If I thought that she was in serious trouble then i would have done whatever was necessary to get her help. But she was conscious, coherent, and had just thrown up a lot, thereby expelling some of the bad stuff that was in her stomach. I left her in a secure room with a bed to crash in, access to unlimited drinking water and a bathroom. Hopefully I didn't misjudge her state, but there it is.
"I didn't read all the responses, but I would probably take her to the nearest emergency room. You don't need health insurance to be seen in the ER. Gets her out of the hotel room and into the hands of experts just in case it's drugs or severe drug interactions."
Now that's what I call brilliant RandomMember! The only downside to your proposal is that rickdugan was, of course, driving drunk!
But let's assume the same story with one minor change. Perhaps the rickdugan character isn't some wildman that refuses to drive sober. Under these conditions, he could have delivered the woman to the ER and told his long-suffering wife (is the rickdugan character married?) "sorry, I was leaving the bar to come home and saw this poor girl vomiting in the parking lot, so I took her to the ER."
@just_the_nuts: LOL. Would it make me a horrible human being to know that this thought flashed through my mind for a bit while she was puking? I was fucking irritated when all this went down after she had already been blowing me. I also watched this girl's hot naked ass sticking out as she was puking in the toilet, which didn't help matters. Better instincts took over before long, but for a few moments...
It really would depend on my history with her. If she was hot and always came thru, I probably would have paid her 150 and let her keep the room. Sounds like you were probably buying her drinks at the club thus are a little complicit in the fiasco.
The closest I've came to this situation is a honey I had a good history with showed up at the hotel and said she wasn't feeling well. I offered to give her a 100 just for the visit and we would try again some other time. She decided she was well enough to make magic.
Things like this just happen with this hobby. Its like a tax we have to pay.
Remember that time you, rickthelion, ricktheshark, and I were all gangbanging that Coke-addled whore in Miami? ricktheshark wanted her to suck his claspers and she got a little green in the gills. Then she licked my cloaca till she got a mouthful of vulture yoghurt while you fucked her pussy and the lion fucked her as. Those were good times till she puked.
At least she had an excuse then. After all, she had vulture jizz in her mouth!
Of course, he's a hypocrite. If someone did this to one of his daughters -- left her in a hotel like that, on who-knows-what -- possibly to die --, he'd be livid.
last commentNext day all she wanted to do was go home. That was a 3 hour drive without her talking at all. Then she wouldn't return my phone calls. Her sister told me that she was too embarrassed. Too bad because she was a pretty good lay.…
That said, I think the way I SC & OTC is different enough from the way you do it, that it explains the difference in what I'd do. For me, by the time I'm OTCing a girl, she's a CF if not an ATF, and for her to get there, she will have been delighting me and over-delivering for a while. Even if she made me wait TONIGHT, she wouldn't even be here if she hadn't been awesome a number of times before, and built up a lot of goodwill points with me. So, assuming I really believe she's sick, this is a no-brainer for me: unless I'm so drunk or tired that I think it will be dangerous to drive her home myself, I'm driving her home and making sure she's safe.
If we don't know each other well enough for me to do that, it's VERY unlikely I'm going to leave her in the hotel room, with my name and liability attached to it. I'd rather pre-pay a cab or Uber to take her home (in your case, I'd use that $60 for the Uber ride)
I hate to sound like a dick - but would she hang around if you were sick (and not paying for her time)? I doubt it.
Also, if she couldn't hold it down, there's a good chance she would have gotten that shit on your car.
For me, even if just wanted to get her off my hands, leaving her in the room is the last thing I'd do. Stick her in a cab, pay the cab driver, it's out of your hands from there on out.
That said, I've never been in the position rick outlines here. Not only that, I have options rick doesn't, namely call my wife and telling her I'm spending the night. So, I'm not sure what I would have done there.
Your in a motel room with someone you don't know, things can go wrong, and women can get really strange in sexual encounters.
But nevertheless, I would not be in such a situation with any girl I felt was screwy, nutty, on drugs, or seriously drunk. And I would not be there with her unless it had be quite productive to carry on good conversation with her back at the strip club.
But still, I would never leave her in a hotel room in my own name. Probably the hotel room would be where I was planning on sleeping. In my home town, I would just take the girl to my home. And I would get to know her well enough before I did that.
So I don't anticipate too much trouble, or needing an inordinate level of precautions.
Why would I go to that trouble? Because she's a woman (chivalrous, I know, whatever) and because she's a human. She's someone's daughter and may be someone's mother or wife.
Even if the cab was an option (and it wasn't for you), I hate cabs, for all the reasons cited:
+ They take forever to get to you, if they do at all.
+ Isn't a 1/2 ride like $150-200, in most parts? I'd just assume drive her. I'll need that money to use as part of my "asshole tax" with my wife.
+ It's kind of a dick move to just dump her on the cab driver (IMO).
+ I might be able to get her there and back in less time that it takes for the cab to even get to the hotel in the first place.
I understand why you gave her $60. As I hold money in my hand right now, if I 'divvy it up. Three twenties looks and feels like a "decent" amount in my hand, whereas two twenties or a single twenty "feels" like a paltry amount. Five twenties don't "feel" that much richer than three (that's all I have on me right now). Whereas a stack of $200 or $300 in twenties, it feels like a lot of money (to me). So I get the emotional aspect of why you gave her $60 (to her and you).
Personally I would have given her $20 if I didn't really know her and I would give $40 to someone I know well (like my CF). But also factor in that I'm driving her home.
However, if I didn't feel safe driving her home, at my option, I do have people I can call who will help. However, I'd rather bring less people into that cluster-fuck, especially if it's clear that I can handle getting her home myself. Actually, in my case, having my wife know is not really a big deal, and in some ways it's for the better all things considered (keep it in the family, rather than involve any "outside contacts"), but my circumstances are different than yours from what I understand.
I couldn't leave the woman stranded out there. I'm not built like that.
Also, I know my answer is more academic since I don't engage in OTC p4p, or at least, not at the moment. Maybe you don't even want my feedback. That's OK to admit, too. IDGAF. :)
I personally would have felt better just driving her home, though I'm not fully cognizant of what Rick's upcoming agenda was, when he told his wife he'd be home, etc. The press of one's time value can lead to taking calculated risks that may or may not be that good.
Shadowcat- Or club customer can behave like this:…
@rickdugan I'd give $20-$30 per hour since all you got was shitty talking as if you bought her a drink, so I'd pay her 1 or 2 "dancer drinks" per hour. $60 was too much. $0 is wrong. I'd give $40.
Once had an experience with a binge drinker civilian. Not my house party, but she secretly took an unopened rum bottle to the bathroom, drank of 3/4 of the bottle, put the bottle back on the kitchen counter. My friend noticed the bottle got empty and nobody knows how. 20 minutes later drinker girl is vomiting and not talking, questions are asked what to do with her, since everyone was high and she can't be removed by ambulance from the party house or people will goto jail. Her antics destroyed the mood since everyone is now worrying how not to manslaughter or murder charge. The correct thing to do is drag the person to the nearest corner so its unknown what house she came from, call 911, say fainted/unconscious, do not say anything that would get a LE response, when the EMTs come, point her our, optionally say what drug she is on, then run, never give your name to the EMTs. The moment the EMTs see her, leave the scene fast. Your legal responsibility ends when they lay their eyes on her. Alcohol has choking and breathing problems. Drugs have blood pressure and heart rate problems. You dont want a manslaughter charge when a chick dies on you. Let her die on the EMT's watch, you aren't responsible then.
Drunk girl was also the designated driver that night...
Story ends with me and her female cousin pulling her up 1 flight to stairs to her 2nd floor house. IDK what the cousin did after that. Remember to go through drunk girl's handbag for her DL to know where she lives, and go through her phone to find family or a close friend to her to take over care of drunk girl.
Now don't get me wrong. If I thought that she was in serious trouble then i would have done whatever was necessary to get her help. But she was conscious, coherent, and had just thrown up a lot, thereby expelling some of the bad stuff that was in her stomach. I left her in a secure room with a bed to crash in, access to unlimited drinking water and a bathroom. Hopefully I didn't misjudge her state, but there it is.
ilbbaicnl, are you implying that rickdugan has accumulated toxic substances on his dick?
If so, brilliant! ;)
Now that's what I call brilliant RandomMember! The only downside to your proposal is that rickdugan was, of course, driving drunk!
But let's assume the same story with one minor change. Perhaps the rickdugan character isn't some wildman that refuses to drive sober. Under these conditions, he could have delivered the woman to the ER and told his long-suffering wife (is the rickdugan character married?) "sorry, I was leaving the bar to come home and saw this poor girl vomiting in the parking lot, so I took her to the ER."
Brilliant! ;)
What would Dougster say?
What would Dougster do?
The closest I've came to this situation is a honey I had a good history with showed up at the hotel and said she wasn't feeling well. I offered to give her a 100 just for the visit and we would try again some other time. She decided she was well enough to make magic.
Things like this just happen with this hobby. Its like a tax we have to pay.
Remember that time you, rickthelion, ricktheshark, and I were all gangbanging that Coke-addled whore in Miami? ricktheshark wanted her to suck his claspers and she got a little green in the gills. Then she licked my cloaca till she got a mouthful of vulture yoghurt while you fucked her pussy and the lion fucked her as. Those were good times till she puked.
At least she had an excuse then. After all, she had vulture jizz in her mouth!
Looks like I missed alot of great thread from him during my break from TUSCL!
Dougster! Dougster! Dougster!